Source code for runviewer.__main__

#                                                                   #
#                                                       #
#                                                                   #
# Copyright 2014, Monash University                                 #
#                                                                   #
# This file is part of the program runviewer, in the labscript      #
# suite (see, and is licensed under the  #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of   #
# the project for the full license.                                 #
#                                                                   #
import os
import labscript_utils.excepthook

# Associate app windows with OS menu shortcuts:
import desktop_app

# Splash screen
from runviewer import runviewer_dir
from labscript_utils.splash import Splash
splash = Splash(os.path.join(runviewer_dir, 'runviewer.svg'))

splash.update_text('importing standard library modules')
import sys
import time
import threading
import logging
from queue import Queue
import ast
import pprint
import signal
import concurrent.futures
import traceback

splash.update_text('importing labscript suite modules')
from labscript_utils.setup_logging import setup_logging
logger = setup_logging('runviewer')

splash.update_text('importing h5_lock and h5py')
import labscript_utils.h5_lock
import h5py

# No splash update for Qt - the splash screen already imported it
from qtutils.qt.QtCore import *
from qtutils.qt.QtGui import *
from qtutils.qt.QtWidgets import *

splash.update_text('importing pyqtgraph')
import pyqtgraph as pg

splash.update_text('importing numpy')
import numpy
splash.update_text('importing scipy')
from scipy import interpolate

pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w')
pg.setConfigOption('foreground', 'k')

from qtutils import *
import qtutils.icons
splash.update_text('importing labscript suite modules')
from labscript_utils.connections import ConnectionTable
from labscript_utils import device_registry

from labscript_utils.labconfig import LabConfig, save_appconfig, load_appconfig
from labscript_utils.ls_zprocess import ZMQServer, ProcessTree
process_tree = ProcessTree.instance()

from labscript_c_extensions.runviewer.resample import resample as _resample


[docs] def format_time(input_sec): # inout is the time in sec if input_sec >= 1: return "{:.3g}s".format(input_sec) elif input_sec >= 1e-3: return "{:.3g}ms".format(input_sec * 1e3) elif input_sec >= 1e-6: return "{:.3g}us".format(input_sec * 1e6) elif input_sec >= 1e-9: return "{:.3g}ns".format(input_sec * 1e9) elif input_sec >= 1e-12: return "{:.3g}ps".format(input_sec * 1e12) elif input_sec >= 1e-15: return "{:.3g}fs".format(input_sec * 1e15) elif input_sec >= 1e-18: return "{:.3g}as".format(input_sec * 1e18) else: return str(input_sec) + "s"
[docs] def int_to_enum(enum_list, value): """stupid hack to work around the fact that PySide screws with the type of a variable when it goes into a model. Enums are converted to ints, which then can't be interpreted by QColor correctly (for example) unfortunately Qt doesn't provide a python list structure of enums, so you have to build the list yourself. """ for item in enum_list: if item == value: return item return value
[docs] class ScaleHandler(): def __init__(self, input_times, target_positions, stop_time): # input_times is a list (may be unsorted) of times which should be scaled evenly with target_length # an input list of [1,2,4,6] and target_length of 1.0 will result in: # get_scaled_time(1) -> 1 # get_scaled_time(1.5) -> 1.5 # get_scaled_time(3) -> 2.5 # get_scaled_time(4) -> 3 # get_scaled_time(5) -> 3.5 ... self.org_stop_time = float(stop_time) if not all((x >= 0) and (x <= self.org_stop_time) for x in input_times): raise Exception('shot contains at least one marker before t=0 and/or after the stop time. Non-linear time currently does not support this.') unscaled_times = sorted(input_times) scaled_times = sorted(target_positions) # append values for linear scaling before t=0 and after stop time unscaled_times = [min(unscaled_times)-1e-9] + unscaled_times + [max(unscaled_times) + 1e-9] scaled_times = [min(scaled_times)-1e-9] + scaled_times + [max(scaled_times) + 1e-9] self.get_scaled_time = interpolate.interp1d(unscaled_times, scaled_times, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') self.get_unscaled_time = interpolate.interp1d(scaled_times, unscaled_times, assume_sorted=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value='extrapolate') self.scaled_stop_time = self.get_scaled_time(self.org_stop_time)
[docs] class ColourDelegate(QItemDelegate): def __init__(self, view, *args, **kwargs): QItemDelegate.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._view = view self._colours = [,,,, Qt.cyan, Qt.magenta, Qt.yellow, Qt.gray, Qt.darkRed, Qt.darkGreen, Qt.darkBlue, Qt.darkCyan, Qt.darkMagenta, Qt.darkYellow, Qt.darkGray, Qt.lightGray] self._current_colour_index = 0
[docs] def get_next_colour(self): colour = self._colours[self._current_colour_index] self._current_colour_index += 1 if self._current_colour_index >= len(self._colours): self._current_colour_index = 0 return colour
[docs] def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): editor = QComboBox(parent) #colours = QColor.colorNames() for colour in self._colours: pixmap = QPixmap(20, 20) pixmap.fill(colour) editor.addItem(QIcon(pixmap), '', colour) editor.activated.connect(lambda index, editor=editor: self._view.commitData(editor)) editor.activated.connect(lambda index, editor=editor: self._view.closeEditor(editor, QAbstractItemDelegate.NoHint)) QTimer.singleShot(10, editor.showPopup) return editor
[docs] def setEditorData(self, editor, index): value = index.model().data(index, Qt.UserRole) for i in range(editor.count()): if editor.itemData(i) == value(): editor.setCurrentIndex(i) break
[docs] def setModelData(self, editor, model, index): icon = editor.itemIcon(editor.currentIndex()) colour = editor.itemData(editor.currentIndex()) # Note, all data being written to the model must be read out of the editor PRIOR to calling model.setData() # This is because a call to model.setData() triggers setEditorData(), which messes up subsequent # calls to the editor to determine the currently selected item/data model.setData(index, icon, Qt.DecorationRole) model.setData(index, lambda clist=self._colours, colour=colour: int_to_enum(clist, colour), Qt.UserRole)
[docs] def updateEditorGeometry(self, editor, option, index): editor.setGeometry(option.rect)
[docs] class RunViewer(object): def __init__(self, exp_config): splash.update_text('loading graphical interface') self.ui = UiLoader().load(os.path.join(runviewer_dir, 'main.ui')) # setup shot treeview model self.shot_model = QStandardItemModel() self.shot_model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['colour', 'shutters', 'path']) self.ui.shot_treeview.setModel(self.shot_model) self.ui.shot_treeview.resizeColumnToContents(1) self.shot_model.itemChanged.connect(self.on_shot_selection_changed) self.shot_colour_delegate = ColourDelegate(self.ui.shot_treeview) self.ui.shot_treeview.setItemDelegateForColumn(0, self.shot_colour_delegate) # setup channel treeview model self.channel_model = QStandardItemModel() self.channel_model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['channel']) self.ui.channel_treeview.setModel(self.channel_model) self.channel_model.itemChanged.connect(self.update_plots) # create a hidden plot widget that all plots can link their x-axis too hidden_plot = pg.PlotWidget(name='runviewer - time axis link') hidden_plot.setMinimumHeight(1) hidden_plot.setMaximumHeight(1) hidden_plot.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', units='s') hidden_plot.setLabel('left', " ") hidden_plot.showAxis('right', True) hidden_plot_item = hidden_plot.plot([0, 1], [0, 0]) self._hidden_plot = (hidden_plot, hidden_plot_item) self.ui.hidden_plot_layout.addWidget(hidden_plot) time_axis_plot = pg.PlotWidget() time_axis_plot.setMinimumHeight(120) time_axis_plot.setMaximumHeight(120) time_axis_plot.setLabel('bottom', 'Time', units='s') time_axis_plot.showAxis('right', True) time_axis_plot.setXLink('runviewer - time axis link') time_axis_plot.setMouseEnabled(y=False) time_axis_plot.getAxis('left').setTicks([]) # hide y ticks in the left & right side. only show time axis time_axis_plot.getAxis('right').setTicks([]) time_axis_plot.setLabel('left', 'Slots') time_axis_plot.scene().sigMouseMoved.connect(lambda pos: self.mouseMovedEvent(pos, time_axis_plot, "Slots")) time_axis_plot_item = time_axis_plot.plot([0, 1], [0, 0], pen=(255, 255, 255)) self._time_axis_plot = (time_axis_plot, time_axis_plot_item) self.all_markers = {} self.all_marker_items = {} self.movable_marker_items = {} markers_plot = pg.PlotWidget(name='runviewer - markers') markers_plot.setMinimumHeight(120) markers_plot.setMaximumHeight(120) markers_plot.showAxis('top', False) markers_plot.showAxis('bottom', False) markers_plot.showAxis('left', True) markers_plot.showAxis('right', True) markers_plot.getAxis('left').setTicks([]) markers_plot.getAxis('right').setTicks([]) markers_plot.setLabel('left', 'Markers') markers_plot.setXLink('runviewer - time axis link') markers_plot.setMouseEnabled(y=False) markers_plot.scene().sigMouseMoved.connect(lambda pos: self.mouseMovedEvent(pos, markers_plot, "Markers")) markers_plot_item = markers_plot.plot([]) self._markers_plot = (markers_plot, markers_plot_item) self.ui.verticalLayout_9.insertWidget(1,markers_plot) self.ui.plot_layout.addWidget(time_axis_plot) # add some icons self.ui.add_shot.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/plus')) self.ui.remove_shots.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/minus')) self.ui.enable_selected_shots.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/ui-check-box')) self.ui.disable_selected_shots.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/ui-check-box-uncheck')) self.ui.group_channel.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/layers-group')) self.ui.delete_group.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/layers-ungroup')) self.ui.channel_move_to_top.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/arrow-stop-090')) self.ui.channel_move_up.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/arrow-090')) self.ui.channel_move_down.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/arrow-270')) self.ui.channel_move_to_bottom.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/arrow-stop-270')) self.ui.reset_x_axis.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/layer-resize-replicate')) self.ui.reset_y_axis.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/layer-resize-replicate-vertical')) self.ui.toggle_tooltip.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/ui-tooltip-balloon')) self.ui.linear_time.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/clock-history')) self.ui.equal_space_time.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/border-vertical-all')) self.ui.linear_time.setEnabled(False) self.ui.equal_space_time.setEnabled(False) self.ui.actionOpen_Shot.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/plus')) self.ui.actionQuit.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/cross-button')) self.ui.actionLoad_channel_config.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/folder-open')) self.ui.actionSave_channel_config.setIcon(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/disk')) # disable buttons that are not yet implemented to help avoid confusion! self.ui.group_channel.setEnabled(False) self.ui.delete_group.setEnabled(False) # connect signals self.ui.reset_x_axis.clicked.connect(self.on_x_axis_reset) self.ui.reset_y_axis.clicked.connect(self.on_y_axes_reset) self.ui.channel_move_up.clicked.connect(self._move_up) self.ui.channel_move_down.clicked.connect(self._move_down) self.ui.channel_move_to_top.clicked.connect(self._move_top) self.ui.channel_move_to_bottom.clicked.connect(self._move_bottom) self.ui.enable_selected_shots.clicked.connect(self._enable_selected_shots) self.ui.disable_selected_shots.clicked.connect(self._disable_selected_shots) self.ui.add_shot.clicked.connect(self.on_add_shot) self.ui.markers_comboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._update_markers) # self.ui.non_linear_time.toggled.connect(self._toggle_non_linear_time) self.ui.linear_time.clicked.connect(self._reset_linear_time) self.ui.equal_space_time.clicked.connect(self._space_markers_evenly) self.ui.remove_shots.clicked.connect(self.on_remove_shots) self.ui.actionOpen_Shot.triggered.connect(self.on_add_shot) self.ui.actionQuit.triggered.connect(self.ui.close) self.ui.actionLoad_channel_config.triggered.connect(self.on_load_channel_config) self.ui.actionSave_channel_config.triggered.connect(self.on_save_channel_config) # Keyboard shortcuts: QShortcut('Del', self.ui.shot_treeview, lambda: self.on_remove_shots(confirm=True)) QShortcut('Shift+Del', self.ui.shot_treeview, lambda: self.on_remove_shots(confirm=False)) splash.update_text('done') # internal variables #self._channels_list = {} self.plot_widgets = {} self.plot_items = {} self.shutter_lines = {} try: self.default_config_path = os.path.join(exp_config.get('DEFAULT', 'app_saved_configs'), 'runviewer') except LabConfig.NoOptionError: exp_config.set('DEFAULT', 'app_saved_configs', os.path.join('%(labscript_suite)s', 'userlib', 'app_saved_configs', '%(apparatus_name)s')) self.default_config_path = os.path.join(exp_config.get('DEFAULT', 'app_saved_configs'), 'runviewer') if not os.path.exists(self.default_config_path): os.makedirs(self.default_config_path) self.last_opened_shots_folder = exp_config.get('paths', 'experiment_shot_storage') # start resample thread self._resample = False self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._resample_thread) self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start() # start shots_to_process_queue monitoring thread self._shots_to_process_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._process_shots) self._shots_to_process_thread.daemon = True self._shots_to_process_thread.start() self.scale_time = False self.scalehandler = None def _update_markers(self, index): for line, plot in self.all_marker_items.items(): # line.blockSignals(True) plot.removeItem(line) self.all_marker_items = {} for line, plot in self.movable_marker_items.items(): # line.blockSignals(True) plot.removeItem(line) self.movable_marker_items = {} self.marker_times_unscaled = {} marker_index = self.ui.markers_comboBox.currentIndex() shot = self.ui.markers_comboBox.itemData(marker_index) if index == 0: self.ui.linear_time.setEnabled(False) self.ui.equal_space_time.setEnabled(False) self.all_markers = {} else: self.ui.linear_time.setEnabled(True) self.ui.equal_space_time.setEnabled(True) self.all_markers = shot.markers # self._update_non_linear_time(changed_shot=True) times = sorted(list(self.all_markers.keys())) last_time = 0 for i, (t, m) in enumerate(sorted(self.all_markers.items())): if i < len(times)-1: delta_t = times[i+1] - t # Now always have a marker at stop time # else: # delta_t = shot.stop_time - t unscaled_t = t if self.scale_time: t = self.scalehandler.get_scaled_time(t) color = m['color'] r, g, b = color if (r, g, b) == (-1, -1, -1): # Default colour, black: r, g, b = (0, 0, 0) color = QColor(r, g, b) label = m['label'].decode() if isinstance( m['label'], bytes) else str(m['label']) if i == 0: line = self._markers_plot[0].addLine(x=t, pen=pg.mkPen(color=color, width=1.5, style=Qt.DashLine), label=label, labelOpts= {"color": color, "fill": QColor(255, 255, 255, 255), "rotateAxis":(1, 0), "anchors": [(0.5, 0),(0.5, 0)]}, movable=False ) else: line = self._markers_plot[0].addLine(x=t, pen=pg.mkPen(color=color, width=1.5, style=Qt.DashLine), label=label, labelOpts= {"color": color, "fill": QColor(255, 255, 255, 255), "rotateAxis":(1, 0), "anchors": [(0.5, 0),(0.5, 0)]}, movable=True ) line.setBounds([last_time+1e-9 if last_time !=0 else last_time ,None]) line.sigPositionChanged.connect(self._marker_moving) line.sigPositionChangeFinished.connect(self._marker_moved) # self.all_marker_items[line] = self._markers_plot[0] self.movable_marker_items[line] = self._markers_plot[0] self.marker_times_unscaled[line] = unscaled_t line = self._time_axis_plot[0].addLine(x=t, pen=pg.mkPen(color=color, width=1.5, style=Qt.DashLine), label=format_time(delta_t), labelOpts= {"color": color, "fill": QColor(255, 255, 255, 255), "rotateAxis":(1, 0), "anchors": [(0.5, 0),(0.5, 0)]}, movable=False ) self.all_marker_items[line] = self._time_axis_plot[0] last_time = t self.update_plots()
[docs] def mouseMovedEvent(self, position, ui, name): if self.ui.toggle_tooltip.isChecked(): v = ui.scene().views()[0] viewP = v.mapFromScene(position) glob_pos = ui.mapToGlobal(viewP) # convert to Screen x glob_zero = ui.mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)) self._global_start_x = glob_zero.x() self._global_start_y = glob_zero.y() self._global_width = ui.width() self._global_height = ui.height() coord_pos = ui.plotItem.vb.mapSceneToView(position) if len(self.get_selected_shots_and_colours()) > 0: scaled_t = float(coord_pos.x()) if self.scale_time and self.scalehandler is not None: unscaled_t = float(self.scalehandler.get_unscaled_time(scaled_t)) else: unscaled_t = scaled_t if unscaled_t is not None: pos = QPoint(glob_pos.x(), glob_pos.y()) plot_data = ui.plotItem.listDataItems()[0].getData() if plot_data[0] is not None and scaled_t is not None: nearest_index = numpy.abs(plot_data[0] - scaled_t).argmin() - 1 y_val = "{:.2f}".format(plot_data[1][nearest_index]) else: y_val = '-' text = "Plot: {} \nTime: {:.9f}s\nValue: {}".format(name, unscaled_t, y_val) QToolTip.showText(pos, text)
def _reset_linear_time(self): self.scale_time = False markers_unscaled = sorted(list(self.all_markers.keys())) marker_index = self.ui.markers_comboBox.currentIndex() shot = self.ui.markers_comboBox.itemData(marker_index) scalehandler = ScaleHandler(markers_unscaled, markers_unscaled, shot.stop_time) self._update_non_linear_time(new_scalehandler=scalehandler) self.on_x_axis_reset() self._resample = True def _space_markers_evenly(self): self.scale_time = True marker_index = self.ui.markers_comboBox.currentIndex() shot = self.ui.markers_comboBox.itemData(marker_index) markers_unscaled = sorted(list(self.all_markers.keys())) target_length = shot.stop_time / float(len(markers_unscaled) - 1) scaled_times = [target_length * i for i in range(len(markers_unscaled))] scalehandler = ScaleHandler(markers_unscaled, scaled_times, shot.stop_time) self._update_non_linear_time(new_scalehandler=scalehandler) self.on_x_axis_reset() self._resample = True def _marker_moving(self, line): self.scale_time = True marker_index = self.ui.markers_comboBox.currentIndex() shot = self.ui.markers_comboBox.itemData(marker_index) markers_unscaled = sorted(list(self.all_markers.keys())) # What was the unscaled time of the marker that moved, and where is it now? moved_marker_unscaled_t = self.marker_times_unscaled[line] moved_marker_new_pos = line.pos().x() # Where was the marker just before it was moved? This is given by the current scalehandler if self.scalehandler is not None: moved_marker_last_pos = self.scalehandler.get_scaled_time(moved_marker_unscaled_t) else: moved_marker_last_pos = moved_marker_unscaled_t # How far has the marker moved? delta_marker = moved_marker_new_pos - moved_marker_last_pos # Now we want to shift the other markers if the are at a higher position than this one markers = list(self.marker_times_unscaled.keys()) new_scaled_times = [] for marker in markers: if marker == line: new_scaled_times.append(moved_marker_new_pos) else: x = marker.pos().x() if x > moved_marker_last_pos: x += delta_marker new_scaled_times.append(x) new_scaled_times = sorted(new_scaled_times) scalehandler = ScaleHandler(markers_unscaled,new_scaled_times, shot.stop_time) self._update_non_linear_time(new_scalehandler=scalehandler) def _marker_moved(self, line): self._resample = True def _update_non_linear_time(self, changed_shot=False, new_scalehandler=None): marker_index = self.ui.markers_comboBox.currentIndex() shot = self.ui.markers_comboBox.itemData(marker_index) if new_scalehandler is None: # make a 1:1 scalehandler using the hidden_plot self.scale_time = False end_t = self._hidden_plot[1].getData()[0][-1] new_scalehandler = ScaleHandler([0,end_t],[0,end_t],end_t) old_scalehandler = self.scalehandler self.scalehandler = new_scalehandler # combine markers and shutter lines markers = list(self.all_marker_items.keys()) for channel in self.shutter_lines: for shot in self.shutter_lines[channel]: for line in self.shutter_lines[channel][shot][0]: markers.append(line) for line in self.shutter_lines[channel][shot][1]: markers.append(line) # Move all Markes/Shutter Lines to new position for marker in markers: pos = marker.pos() if old_scalehandler is None: unscaled_x = pos.x() else: unscaled_x = old_scalehandler.get_unscaled_time(pos.x()) if self.scale_time and self.scalehandler is not None: new_x = self.scalehandler.get_scaled_time(unscaled_x) else: new_x = unscaled_x pos.setX(new_x) marker.setPos(pos) # Move the movable lines in the upper graph mv_markers = list(self.movable_marker_items.keys()) new_marker_times = {} for marker in mv_markers: if self.scale_time and self.scalehandler is not None: new_x = self.scalehandler.get_scaled_time(self.marker_times_unscaled[marker]) else: new_x = self.marker_times_unscaled[marker] new_marker_times[float(new_x)] = marker last_time = None for t in sorted(list(new_marker_times.keys())): marker = new_marker_times[t] marker.blockSignals(True) marker.setBounds([None, None]) marker.setPos(t) marker.setBounds([last_time+1e-9 if last_time is not None else 0.0, None]) marker.blockSignals(False) last_time = t if shot is not None and self.scale_time: self._time_axis_plot[0].getAxis("bottom").setTicks([[[0, str(0)], [shot.stop_time, str(shot.stop_time)]]]) for plot in self.plot_widgets.values(): plot.getAxis("bottom").setTicks([[[0, str(0)], [shot.stop_time, str(shot.stop_time)]]]) else: self._time_axis_plot[0].getAxis("bottom").setTicks(None) for plot in self.plot_widgets.values(): plot.getAxis("bottom").setTicks(None) for plot in self.plot_widgets.values(): for item in plot.getPlotItem().items: if isinstance(item, pg.PlotDataItem): if old_scalehandler is not None: unscaled_t = old_scalehandler.get_unscaled_time(item.xData) else: unscaled_t = item.xData if self.scalehandler is not None: item.setData(self.scalehandler.get_scaled_time(unscaled_t), item.yData) else: item.setData(unscaled_t, item.yData) def _process_shots(self): while True: filepath = shots_to_process_queue.get() inmain_later(self.load_shot, filepath)
[docs] def on_load_channel_config(self): config_file = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.ui, "Select file to load", self.default_config_path, "Config files (*.ini)") if isinstance(config_file, tuple): config_file, _ = config_file if config_file: runviewer_config = load_appconfig(config_file).get('runviewer_state', {}) channels = runviewer_config.get('channels', {}) for row, (channel, checked) in enumerate(channels): check_items = self.channel_model.findItems(channel) if len(check_items) == 0: items = [] check_item = QStandardItem(channel) check_item.setEditable(False) check_item.setCheckable(True) items.append(check_item) check_item.setCheckState(Qt.Checked if checked else Qt.Unchecked) check_item.setEnabled(False) self.channel_model.insertRow(row, items) else: check_item = check_items[0] check_item.setCheckState(Qt.Checked if checked else Qt.Unchecked) self.channel_model.takeRow(check_item.row()) self.channel_model.insertRow(row, check_item)
[docs] def on_save_channel_config(self): save_file = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self.ui, 'Select file to save current channel configuration', self.default_config_path, "config files (*.ini)") if type(save_file) is tuple: save_file, _ = save_file if save_file: channels = [] for row in range(self.channel_model.rowCount()): item = self.channel_model.item(row) channels.append((item.text(), item.checkState() == Qt.Checked)) save_appconfig(save_file, {'runviewer_state': {'channels': channels}})
[docs] def on_toggle_shutter(self, checked, current_shot): for channel in self.shutter_lines: for shot in self.shutter_lines[channel]: if shot == current_shot: for line in self.shutter_lines[channel][shot][0]: if checked: else: line.hide() for line in self.shutter_lines[channel][shot][1]: if checked: else: line.hide()
[docs] def on_add_shot(self): selected_files = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self.ui, "Select file to load", self.last_opened_shots_folder, "HDF5 files (*.h5 *.hdf5)") popup_warning = False if isinstance(selected_files, tuple): selected_files, _ = selected_files # Convert to standard platform specific path, otherwise Qt likes forward slashes: selected_files = [os.path.abspath(str(shot_file)) for shot_file in selected_files] if len(selected_files) > 0: self.last_opened_shots_folder = os.path.dirname(selected_files[0]) for file in selected_files: try: filepath = str(file) # Qt has this weird behaviour where if you type in the name of a file that exists # but does not have the extension you have limited the dialog to, the OK button is greyed out # but you can hit enter and the file will be selected. # So we must check the extension of each file here! if filepath.endswith('.h5') or filepath.endswith('.hdf5'): self.load_shot(filepath) else: popup_warning = True except: popup_warning = True raise if popup_warning: message = QMessageBox() message.setText("Warning: Some shots were not loaded because they were not valid hdf5 files") message.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) message.setWindowTitle("Runviewer") message.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) message.exec_()
[docs] def on_remove_shots(self, confirm=True): # Get the selection model from the treeview selection_model = self.ui.shot_treeview.selectionModel() # Create a list of select row indices selected_row_list = [index.row() for index in selection_model.selectedRows()] # sort in descending order to prevent index changes of rows to be deleted selected_row_list.sort(reverse=True) if confirm: reply = QMessageBox.question(self.ui, 'Runviewer', 'Remove {} shots?'.format(len(selected_row_list)), QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No) if reply == QMessageBox.No: return for row in selected_row_list: item = self.shot_model.item(row, SHOT_MODEL__CHECKBOX_INDEX) colour_item = self.shot_model.item(row, SHOT_MODEL__COLOUR_INDEX) shutter_item = self.shot_model.item(row, SHOT_MODEL__SHUTTER_INDEX) shot = # unselect shot item.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) shutter_item.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) # remove shot from markers list shot_combobox_index = self.ui.markers_comboBox.findText(os.path.basename(shot.path)) self.ui.markers_comboBox.removeItem(shot_combobox_index) # remove row self.shot_model.removeRow(row) del shot
[docs] def on_shot_selection_changed(self, item): if self.shot_model.indexFromItem(item).column() == SHOT_MODEL__CHECKBOX_INDEX: # add or remove a colour for this shot checked = item.checkState() row = self.shot_model.indexFromItem(item).row() colour_item = self.shot_model.item(row, SHOT_MODEL__COLOUR_INDEX) check_shutter = self.shot_model.item(row, SHOT_MODEL__SHUTTER_INDEX) if checked: colour = if colour is not None: colour = colour() else: colour = self.shot_colour_delegate.get_next_colour() colour_item.setEditable(True) pixmap = QPixmap(20, 20) pixmap.fill(colour) icon = QIcon(pixmap) colour_item.setData(lambda clist=self.shot_colour_delegate._colours, colour=colour: int_to_enum(clist, colour), Qt.UserRole) colour_item.setData(icon, Qt.DecorationRole) shot_combobox_index = self.ui.markers_comboBox.findText(os.path.basename( self.ui.markers_comboBox.model().item(shot_combobox_index).setEnabled(True) if self.ui.markers_comboBox.currentIndex() == 0: self.ui.markers_comboBox.setCurrentIndex(shot_combobox_index) if != {}: check_shutter.setEnabled(True) else: check_shutter.setEnabled(False) check_shutter.setToolTip("This shot doesn't contain shutter markers") else: # colour = None # icon = None shot_combobox_index = self.ui.markers_comboBox.findText(os.path.basename( self.ui.markers_comboBox.model().item(shot_combobox_index).setEnabled(False) if shot_combobox_index == self.ui.markers_comboBox.currentIndex(): self.ui.markers_comboBox.setCurrentIndex(0) colour_item.setEditable(False) check_shutter.setEnabled(False) # model.setData(index, editor.itemIcon(editor.currentIndex()), # model.setData(index, editor.itemData(editor.currentIndex()), Qt.UserRole) self.update_channels_treeview() elif self.shot_model.indexFromItem(item).column() == SHOT_MODEL__COLOUR_INDEX: # update the plot colours # get reference to the changed shot current_shot = self.shot_model.item(self.shot_model.indexFromItem(item).row(), SHOT_MODEL__CHECKBOX_INDEX).data() # find and update the pen of the plot items for channel in self.plot_items.keys(): for shot in self.plot_items[channel]: if shot == current_shot: colour = self.plot_items[channel][shot].setPen(pg.mkPen(QColor(colour()), width=2)) elif self.shot_model.indexFromItem(item).column() == SHOT_MODEL__SHUTTER_INDEX: current_shot = self.shot_model.item(self.shot_model.indexFromItem(item).row(), SHOT_MODEL__CHECKBOX_INDEX).data() self.on_toggle_shutter(item.checkState(), current_shot)
[docs] def load_shot(self, filepath):'loading run from {filepath:s}') shot = Shot(filepath) # add shot to shot list # Create Items items = [] colour_item = QStandardItem('') colour_item.setEditable(False) colour_item.setToolTip('Double-click to change colour') items.append(colour_item) check_shutter = QStandardItem() check_shutter.setCheckable(True) check_shutter.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) # options are Qt.Checked OR Qt.Unchecked check_shutter.setEnabled(False) check_shutter.setToolTip("Toggle shutter markers") items.append(check_shutter) check_item = QStandardItem(shot.path) check_item.setEditable(False) check_item.setCheckable(True) check_item.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) # options are Qt.Checked OR Qt.Unchecked check_item.setData(shot) check_item.setToolTip(filepath) items.append(check_item) # script name # path_item = QStandardItem(shot.path) # path_item.setEditable(False) # items.append(path_item) self.shot_model.appendRow(items) self.ui.markers_comboBox.addItem(os.path.basename(shot.path), shot) shot_combobox_index = self.ui.markers_comboBox.findText(os.path.basename(shot.path)) self.ui.markers_comboBox.model().item(shot_combobox_index).setEnabled(False)
# only do this if we are checking the shot we are adding # self.update_channels_treeview()
[docs] def get_selected_shots_and_colours(self): # get the ticked shots ticked_shots = {} for i in range(self.shot_model.rowCount()): item = self.shot_model.item(i, SHOT_MODEL__CHECKBOX_INDEX) colour_item = self.shot_model.item(i, SHOT_MODEL__COLOUR_INDEX) shutter_item = self.shot_model.item(i, SHOT_MODEL__SHUTTER_INDEX) if item.checkState() == Qt.Checked: shot = colour_item_data = ticked_shots[shot] = (colour_item_data(), shutter_item.checkState()) return ticked_shots
[docs] def update_channels_treeview(self): ticked_shots = self.get_selected_shots_and_colours() # get set of channels channels = {} for shot in ticked_shots.keys(): channels[shot] = set(shot.channels) channels_set = frozenset().union(*channels.values()) # now find channels in channels_set which are not in the treeview, and add them # now find channels in channels set which are already in the treeview, but deactivated, and activate them treeview_channels_dict = {} deactivated_treeview_channels_dict = {} for i in range(self.channel_model.rowCount()): item = self.channel_model.item(i, CHANNEL_MODEL__CHECKBOX_INDEX) # Sanity check if str(item.text()) in treeview_channels_dict: raise RuntimeError("A duplicate channel name was detected in the treeview due to an internal error. Please lodge a bugreport detailing how the channels with the same name appeared in the channel treeview. Please restart the application") treeview_channels_dict[str(item.text())] = i if not item.isEnabled(): deactivated_treeview_channels_dict[str(item.text())] = i treeview_channels = set(treeview_channels_dict.keys()) deactivated_treeview_channels = set(deactivated_treeview_channels_dict.keys()) # speed up working with self.channel_model by blocking signals and later reenabeling them self.channel_model.blockSignals(True) # find list of channels to work with channels_to_add = channels_set.difference(treeview_channels) for channel in sorted(channels_to_add): items = [] check_item = QStandardItem(channel) check_item.setEditable(False) check_item.setCheckable(True) check_item.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) items.append(check_item) # channel_name_item = QStandardItem(channel) # channel_name_item.setEditable(False) # items.append(channel_name_item) self.channel_model.appendRow(items) channels_to_reactivate = deactivated_treeview_channels.intersection(channels_set) for channel in channels_to_reactivate: for i in range(self.channel_model.columnCount()): item = self.channel_model.item(deactivated_treeview_channels_dict[channel], i) item.setEnabled(True) item.setSelectable(True) # now find channels in the treeview which are not in the channels_set and deactivate them channels_to_deactivate = treeview_channels.difference(channels_set) for channel in channels_to_deactivate: for i in range(self.channel_model.columnCount()): item = self.channel_model.item(treeview_channels_dict[channel], i) item.setEnabled(False) item.setSelectable(False) self.channel_model.blockSignals(False) self.channel_model.layoutChanged.emit() # TODO: Also update entries in groups self.update_plots()
[docs] def update_plots(self): # get list of selected shots ticked_shots = self.get_selected_shots_and_colours() # SHould we rescale the x-axis? # if self._hidden_plot[0].getViewBox.getState()['autoRange'][0]: # self._hidden_plot[0].enableAutoRange(axis=pg.ViewBox.XAxis) # else: # self._hidden_plot[0].enableAutoRange(axis=pg.ViewBox.XAxis, enable=False) # find stop time of longest ticked shot largest_stop_time = 0 stop_time_set = False for shot in ticked_shots.keys(): if self.scale_time: st = self.scalehandler.get_scaled_time(shot.stop_time) else: st = shot.stop_time if st > largest_stop_time: largest_stop_time = st stop_time_set = True if not stop_time_set: largest_stop_time = 1.0 # Update the range of the link plot self._hidden_plot[1].setData([0, largest_stop_time], [0, 1e-9]) # Update plots for i in range(self.channel_model.rowCount()): check_item = self.channel_model.item(i, CHANNEL_MODEL__CHECKBOX_INDEX) channel = str(check_item.text()) if check_item.checkState() == Qt.Checked and check_item.isEnabled(): # we want to show this plot # does a plot already exist? If yes, show it if channel in self.plot_widgets: self.plot_widgets[channel].show() # update the plot # are there are plot items for this channel which are shown that should not be? to_delete = [] for shot in self.plot_items[channel]: if shot not in ticked_shots.keys(): self.plot_widgets[channel].removeItem(self.plot_items[channel][shot]) # Remove Shutter Markers of unticked Shots if shot in self.shutter_lines[channel]: for line in self.shutter_lines[channel][shot][0]: self.plot_widgets[channel].removeItem(line) for line in self.shutter_lines[channel][shot][1]: self.plot_widgets[channel].removeItem(line) self.shutter_lines[channel].pop(shot) to_delete.append(shot) for shot in to_delete: del self.plot_items[channel][shot] # do we need to add any plot items for shots that were not previously selected? for shot, (colour, shutters_checked) in ticked_shots.items(): if shot not in self.plot_items[channel]: # plot_item = self.plot_widgets[channel].plot(shot.traces[channel][0], shot.traces[channel][1], pen=pg.mkPen(QColor(colour), width=2)) # Add empty plot as it the custom resampling we do will happen quicker if we don't attempt to first plot all of the data plot_item = self.plot_widgets[channel].plot([0, 0], [0], pen=pg.mkPen(QColor(colour), width=2), stepMode='center') self.plot_items[channel][shot] = plot_item # Add Shutter Markers of newly ticked Shots self.add_shutter_markers(shot, channel, shutters_checked) for t, m in self.all_markers.items(): color = m['color'] color = QColor(color[0], color[1], color[2]) if self.scale_time and self.scalehandler is not None: t = self.scalehandler.get_scaled_time(t) line = self.plot_widgets[channel].addLine(x=t, pen=pg.mkPen(color=color, width=1.5, style=Qt.DashLine)) self.all_marker_items[line] = self.plot_widgets[channel] # If no, create one else: self.create_plot(channel, ticked_shots) else: if channel not in self.plot_widgets: self.create_plot(channel, ticked_shots) self.plot_widgets[channel].hide() self._resample = True
[docs] def create_plot(self, channel, ticked_shots): self.plot_widgets[channel] = pg.PlotWidget() # name=channel) self.plot_widgets[channel].setMinimumHeight(200) self.plot_widgets[channel].setMaximumHeight(200) self.plot_widgets[channel].setLabel('bottom', 'Time', units='s') self.plot_widgets[channel].showAxis('right', True) self.plot_widgets[channel].showAxis('bottom', True) self.plot_widgets[channel].setXLink('runviewer - time axis link') self.plot_widgets[channel].sigXRangeChanged.connect(self.on_x_range_changed) self.plot_widgets[channel].scene().sigMouseMoved.connect(lambda pos: self.mouseMovedEvent(pos, self.plot_widgets[channel], channel)) self.ui.plot_layout.insertWidget(self.ui.plot_layout.count() - 1, self.plot_widgets[channel]) self.shutter_lines[channel] = {} # initialize Storage for shutter lines self.plot_items.setdefault(channel, {}) has_units = False units = '' for shot, (colour, shutters_checked) in ticked_shots.items(): if channel in shot.traces: # plot_item = self.plot_widgets[channel].plot(shot.traces[channel][0], shot.traces[channel][1], pen=pg.mkPen(QColor(colour), width=2)) # Add empty plot as it the custom resampling we do will happen quicker if we don't attempt to first plot all of the data plot_item = self.plot_widgets[channel].plot([0, 0], [0], pen=pg.mkPen(QColor(colour), width=2), stepMode='center') self.plot_items[channel][shot] = plot_item if len(shot.traces[channel]) == 3: has_units = True units = shot.traces[channel][2] # Add Shutter Markers of ticked Shots self.add_shutter_markers(shot, channel, shutters_checked) if has_units: self.plot_widgets[channel].setLabel('left', channel, units=units) else: self.plot_widgets[channel].setLabel('left', channel)
[docs] def add_shutter_markers(self, shot, channel, shutters_checked): if shot not in self.shutter_lines[channel] and channel in shot.shutter_times: self.shutter_lines[channel][shot] = [[], []] open_color = QColor(0, 255, 0) close_color = QColor(255, 0, 0) for t, val in shot.shutter_times[channel].items(): scaled_t = t if val: # val != 0, shutter open line = self.plot_widgets[channel].addLine(x=scaled_t, pen=pg.mkPen(color=open_color, width=4., style=Qt.DotLine)) self.shutter_lines[channel][shot][1].append(line) if not shutters_checked: line.hide() else: # else shutter close line = self.plot_widgets[channel].addLine(x=scaled_t, pen=pg.mkPen(color=close_color, width=4., style=Qt.DotLine)) self.shutter_lines[channel][shot][0].append(line) if not shutters_checked: line.hide()
[docs] def on_x_range_changed(self, *args): # print 'x range changed' self._resample = True
@inmain_decorator(wait_for_return=True) def _get_resample_params(self, channel, shot): rect = self.plot_items[channel][shot].getViewBox().viewRect() xmin, xmax = rect.left(), rect.width() + rect.left() dx = xmax - xmin view_range = self.plot_widgets[channel].viewRange() return view_range[0][0], view_range[0][1], dx
[docs] def resample(self, data_x, data_y, xmin, xmax, stop_time, num_pixels): """This is a function for downsampling the data before plotting it. Unlike using nearest neighbour interpolation, this method preserves the features of the plot. It chooses what value to use based on what values within a region are most different from the values it's already chosen. This way, spikes of a short duration won't just be skipped over as they would with any sort of interpolation.""" # TODO: Only finely sample the currently visible region. Coarsely sample the rest # x_out = numpy.float32(numpy.linspace(data_x[0], data_x[-1], 4000*(data_x[-1]-data_x[0])/(xmax-xmin))) x_out = numpy.float64(numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, 3 * 2000 + 2)) y_out = numpy.empty(len(x_out) - 1, dtype=numpy.float64) data_x = numpy.float64(data_x) data_y = numpy.float64(data_y) # TODO: investigate only resampling when necessary. # Currently pyqtgraph sometimes has trouble rendering things # if you don't resample. If a point is far off the graph, # and this point is the first that should be drawn for stepMode, # because there is a long gap before the next point (which is # visible) then there is a problem. # Also need to explicitly handle cases where none of the data # is visible (which resampling does by setting NaNs) # # x_data_slice = data_x[(data_x>=xmin)&(data_x<=xmax)] # print len(data_x) # if len(x_data_slice) < 3*2000+2: # x_out = x_data_slice # y_out = data_y[(data_x>=xmin)&(data_x<=xmax)][:-1] #'skipping resampling') # else: resampling = True if resampling: _resample(data_x, data_y, x_out, y_out, numpy.float64(stop_time)) # self.__resample4(data_x, data_y, x_out, y_out, numpy.float32(stop_time)) else: x_out, y_out = data_x, data_y return x_out, y_out
def __resample4(self, x_in, y_in, x_out, y_out, stop_time): # we want x-out to have three times the number of points as there are pixels # Plus one at the end # y_out = numpy.empty(len(x_out)-1, dtype=numpy.float64) # print 'len x_out: %d'%len(x_out) # A couple of special cases that I don't want to have to put extra checks in for: if x_out[-1] < x_in[0] or x_out[0] > stop_time: # We're all the way to the left of the data or all the way to the right. Fill with NaNs: y_out.fill('NaN') elif x_out[0] > x_in[-1]: # We're after the final clock tick, but before stop_time i = 0 while i < len(x_out) - 1: if x_out[i] < stop_time: y_out[i] = y_in[-1] else: y_out[i] = numpy.float('NaN') i += 1 else: i = 0 j = 1 # Until we get to the data, fill the output array with NaNs (which # get ignored when plotted) while x_out[i] < x_in[0]: y_out[i] = numpy.float('NaN') y_out[i + 1] = numpy.float('NaN') y_out[i + 2] = numpy.float('NaN') i += 3 # If we're some way into the data, we need to skip ahead to where # we want to get the first datapoint from: while x_in[j] < x_out[i]: j += 1 # Get the first datapoint: # y_out[i] = y_in[j-1] # i += 1 # Get values until we get to the end of the data: while j < len(x_in) and i < len(x_out) - 2: # Leave one spare for the final data point and one because stepMode='center' requires len(y)=len(x)-1 # This is 'nearest neighbour on the left' interpolation. It's # what we want if none of the source values checked in the # upcoming loop are used: y_out[i] = y_in[j - 1] i += 2 positive_jump_value = 0 positive_jump_index = j - 1 negative_jump_value = 0 negative_jump_index = j - 1 # now find the max and min values between this x_out time point and the next x_out timepoint # print i while j < len(x_in) and x_in[j] < x_out[i]: jump = y_in[j] - y_out[i - 2] # would using this source value cause a bigger positive jump? if jump > 0 and jump > positive_jump_value: positive_jump_value = jump positive_jump_index = j # would using this source value cause a bigger negative jump? elif jump < 0 and jump < negative_jump_value: negative_jump_value = jump negative_jump_index = j j += 1 if positive_jump_index < negative_jump_index: y_out[i - 1] = y_in[positive_jump_index] y_out[i] = y_in[negative_jump_index] # TODO: We could override the x_out values with x_in[jump_index] else: y_out[i - 1] = y_in[negative_jump_index] y_out[i] = y_in[positive_jump_index] i += 1 # Get the last datapoint: if j < len(x_in): # If the sample rate of the raw data is low, then the current # j point could be outside the current plot view range # If so, decrease j so that we take a value that is within the # plot view range. if x_in[j] > x_out[-1] and j > 0: j -= 1 y_out[i] = y_in[j] i += 1 # if i < len(x_out): # y_out[i] = y_in[-1] # i += 1 # Fill the remainder of the array with the last datapoint, # if t < stop_time, and then NaNs after that: while i < len(x_out) - 1: if x_out[i] < stop_time: y_out[i] = y_in[-1] else: y_out[i] = numpy.float('NaN') i += 1 # return y_out # method changed to modify y_out array in place def __resample3(self, x_in, y_in, x_out, stop_time): """This is a Python implementation of the C extension. For debugging and developing the C extension.""" y_out = numpy.empty(len(x_out)) i = 0 j = 1 # A couple of special cases that I don't want to have to put extra checks in for: if x_out[-1] < x_in[0] or x_out[0] > stop_time: # We're all the way to the left of the data or all the way to the right. Fill with NaNs: while i < len(x_out): y_out[i] = numpy.float('NaN') i += 1 elif x_out[0] > x_in[-1]: # We're after the final clock tick, but before stop_time while i < len(x_out): if x_out[i] < stop_time: y_out[i] = y_in[-1] else: y_out[i] = numpy.float('NaN') i += 1 else: # Until we get to the data, fill the output array with NaNs (which # get ignored when plotted) while x_out[i] < x_in[0]: y_out[i] = numpy.float('NaN') i += 1 # If we're some way into the data, we need to skip ahead to where # we want to get the first datapoint from: while x_in[j] < x_out[i]: j += 1 # Get the first datapoint: y_out[i] = y_in[j - 1] i += 1 # Get values until we get to the end of the data: while j < len(x_in) and i < len(x_out): # This is 'nearest neighbour on the left' interpolation. It's # what we want if none of the source values checked in the # upcoming loop are used: y_out[i] = y_in[j - 1] while j < len(x_in) and x_in[j] < x_out[i]: # Would using this source value cause the interpolated values # to make a bigger jump? if numpy.abs(y_in[j] - y_out[i - 1]) > numpy.abs(y_out[i] - y_out[i - 1]): # If so, use this source value: y_out[i] = y_in[j] j += 1 i += 1 # Get the last datapoint: if i < len(x_out): y_out[i] = y_in[-1] i += 1 # Fill the remainder of the array with the last datapoint, # if t < stop_time, and then NaNs after that: while i < len(x_out): if x_out[i] < stop_time: y_out[i] = y_in[-1] else: y_out[i] = numpy.float('NaN') i += 1 return y_out def _resample_thread(self): # logger = logging.getLogger('runviewer.resample_thread') with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=os.cpu_count()) as executer: while True: if self._resample: self._resample = False channel_data = self.__get_all_resample_params() results = [] for args in channel_data: results.append(executer.submit(self.__pool_resample, *args)) # wait for all inmain_later calls from threadpool to finish before we trigger a new resample for future in results: result = future.result() if isinstance(result, Queue): result.get() time.sleep(0.1) @inmain_decorator(wait_for_return=True) def __get_all_resample_params(self): return [(channel, shot, colour, *self._get_resample_params(channel, shot)) for shot, (colour, shutters_checked) in self.get_selected_shots_and_colours().items() for channel in shot.traces if self.channel_checked_and_enabled(channel) ] def __pool_resample(self, channel, shot, colour, xmin, xmax, dx): try: # We go a bit outside the visible range so that scrolling # doesn't immediately go off the edge of the data, and the # next resampling might have time to fill in more data before # the user sees any empty space. if self.scale_time: xnew, ynew = self.resample(shot.scaled_times(channel), shot.traces[channel][1], xmin, xmax, shot.stop_time, dx) else: xnew, ynew = self.resample(shot.traces[channel][0], shot.traces[channel][1], xmin, xmax, shot.stop_time, dx) return inmain_later(self.plot_items[channel][shot].setData, xnew, ynew, pen=pg.mkPen(QColor(colour), width=2), stepMode='center') except Exception: #self._resample = True pass
[docs] @inmain_decorator(wait_for_return=True) def channel_checked_and_enabled(self, channel): #'is channel %s enabled' % channel) index = self.channel_model.index(0, CHANNEL_MODEL__CHANNEL_INDEX) indexes = self.channel_model.match(index, Qt.DisplayRole, channel, 1, Qt.MatchExactly) #'number of matches %d' % len(indexes)) if len(indexes) == 1: check_item = self.channel_model.itemFromIndex(indexes[0]) if check_item.checkState() == Qt.Checked and check_item.isEnabled(): return True return False
[docs] def on_x_axis_reset(self): ticked_shots = self.get_selected_shots_and_colours() largest_stop_time = 0 stop_time_set = False for shot in ticked_shots.keys(): if self.scale_time: st = self.scalehandler.get_scaled_time(shot.stop_time) else: st = shot.stop_time if st > largest_stop_time: largest_stop_time = st stop_time_set = True if not stop_time_set: largest_stop_time = 1.0 # Update the range of the link plot self._hidden_plot[1].setData([0, largest_stop_time], [0, 1e-9]) self._hidden_plot[0].enableAutoRange(axis=pg.ViewBox.XAxis)
[docs] def on_y_axes_reset(self): for plot_widget in self.plot_widgets.values(): plot_widget.enableAutoRange(axis=pg.ViewBox.YAxis)
def _enable_selected_shots(self): self.update_ticks_of_selected_shots(Qt.Checked) def _disable_selected_shots(self): self.update_ticks_of_selected_shots(Qt.Unchecked)
[docs] def update_ticks_of_selected_shots(self, state): # Get the selection model from the treeview selection_model = self.ui.shot_treeview.selectionModel() # Create a list of select row indices selected_row_list = [index.row() for index in sorted(selection_model.selectedRows())] # for each row selected for row in selected_row_list: check_item = self.shot_model.item(row, SHOT_MODEL__CHECKBOX_INDEX) check_item.setCheckState(state)
def _move_up(self): # Get the selection model from the treeview selection_model = self.ui.channel_treeview.selectionModel() # Create a list of select row indices selected_row_list = [index.row() for index in sorted(selection_model.selectedRows())] # For each row selected for i, row in enumerate(selected_row_list): # only move the row if it is not element 0, and the row above it is not selected # (note that while a row above may have been initially selected, it should by now, be one row higher # since we start moving elements of the list upwards starting from the lowest index) if row > 0 and (row - 1) not in selected_row_list: # Remove the selected row items = self.channel_model.takeRow(row) # Add the selected row into a position one above self.channel_model.insertRow(row - 1, items) # Since it is now a newly inserted row, select it again[0]), QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) # reupdate the list of selected indices to reflect this change selected_row_list[i] -= 1 self.update_plot_positions() def _move_down(self): # Get the selection model from the treeview selection_model = self.ui.channel_treeview.selectionModel() # Create a list of select row indices selected_row_list = [index.row() for index in reversed(sorted(selection_model.selectedRows()))] # For each row selected for i, row in enumerate(selected_row_list): # only move the row if it is not the last element, and the row above it is not selected # (note that while a row below may have been initially selected, it should by now, be one row lower # since we start moving elements of the list upwards starting from the highest index) if row < self.channel_model.rowCount() - 1 and (row + 1) not in selected_row_list: # Remove the selected row items = self.channel_model.takeRow(row) # Add the selected row into a position one above self.channel_model.insertRow(row + 1, items) # Since it is now a newly inserted row, select it again[0]), QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) # reupdate the list of selected indices to reflect this change selected_row_list[i] += 1 self.update_plot_positions() def _move_top(self): # Get the selection model from the treeview selection_model = self.ui.channel_treeview.selectionModel() # Create a list of select row indices selected_row_list = [index.row() for index in sorted(selection_model.selectedRows())] # For each row selected for i, row in enumerate(selected_row_list): # only move the row while it is not element 0, and the row above it is not selected # (note that while a row above may have been initially selected, it should by now, be one row higher # since we start moving elements of the list upwards starting from the lowest index) while row > 0 and (row - 1) not in selected_row_list: # Remove the selected row items = self.channel_model.takeRow(row) # Add the selected row into a position one above self.channel_model.insertRow(row - 1, items) # Since it is now a newly inserted row, select it again[0]), QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) # reupdate the list of selected indices to reflect this change selected_row_list[i] -= 1 row -= 1 self.update_plot_positions() def _move_bottom(self): selection_model = self.ui.channel_treeview.selectionModel() # Create a list of select row indices selected_row_list = [index.row() for index in reversed(sorted(selection_model.selectedRows()))] # For each row selected for i, row in enumerate(selected_row_list): # only move the row while it is not the last element, and the row above it is not selected # (note that while a row below may have been initially selected, it should by now, be one row lower # since we start moving elements of the list upwards starting from the highest index) while row < self.channel_model.rowCount() - 1 and (row + 1) not in selected_row_list: # Remove the selected row items = self.channel_model.takeRow(row) # Add the selected row into a position one above self.channel_model.insertRow(row + 1, items) # Since it is now a newly inserted row, select it again[0]), QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) # reupdate the list of selected indices to reflect this change selected_row_list[i] += 1 row += 1 self.update_plot_positions()
[docs] def update_plot_positions(self): # remove all widgets layout_items = {} for i in range(self.ui.plot_layout.count()): if i == 0: continue item = self.ui.plot_layout.takeAt(i) # add all widgets for i in range(self.channel_model.rowCount()): check_item = self.channel_model.item(i, CHANNEL_MODEL__CHECKBOX_INDEX) channel = str(check_item.text()) if channel in self.plot_widgets: self.ui.plot_layout.addWidget(self.plot_widgets[channel]) if check_item.checkState() == Qt.Checked and check_item.isEnabled(): self.plot_widgets[channel].show() else: self.plot_widgets[channel].hide() self.ui.plot_layout.addWidget(self._time_axis_plot[0])
[docs] class Shot(object): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path # Store list of traces self._traces = None # store list of channels self._channels = None # store list of markers self._markers = None self.cached_scaler = None self._scalehandler = None self._scaled_x = {} # store list of shutter changes and callibrations self._shutter_times = None self._shutter_calibrations = {} # TODO: Get this dynamically device_list = ['PulseBlaster', 'NI_PCIe_6363', 'NI_PCI_6733'] # Load connection table self.connection_table = ConnectionTable(path) # open h5 file with h5py.File(path, 'r') as file: # Get master pseudoclock self.master_pseudoclock_name = file['connection table'].attrs['master_pseudoclock'] if isinstance(self.master_pseudoclock_name, bytes): self.master_pseudoclock_name = self.master_pseudoclock_name.decode('utf8') else: self.master_pseudoclock_name = str(self.master_pseudoclock_name) # get stop time self.stop_time = file['devices'][self.master_pseudoclock_name].attrs['stop_time'] self.device_names = list(file['devices'].keys()) # Get Shutter Calibrations if 'calibrations' in file and 'Shutter' in file['calibrations']: for name, open_delay, close_delay in numpy.array(file['calibrations']['Shutter']): name = name.decode('utf8') if isinstance(name, bytes) else str(name) self._shutter_calibrations[name] = [open_delay, close_delay]
[docs] def delete_cache(self): self._channels = None self._traces = None
def _load(self): if self._channels is None: self._channels = {} if self._traces is None: self._traces = {} if self._markers is None: self._markers = {} if self._shutter_times is None: self._shutter_times = {} self._load_markers() # Let's walk the connection table, starting with the master pseudoclock master_pseudoclock_device = self.connection_table.find_by_name(self.master_pseudoclock_name) self._load_device(master_pseudoclock_device) # self._scalehandler = ScaleHandler(self._markers.keys(), self.stop_time) def _load_markers(self): with h5py.File(self.path, 'r') as file: if "time_markers" in file: for row in file["time_markers"]: self._markers[row['time']] = {'color': row['color'].tolist()[0], 'label': row['label']} elif "runviewer" in file: for time, val in file["runviewer"]["markers"].attrs.items(): props = val.strip('{}}').rsplit(",", 1) color = list(map(int, props[0].split(":")[1].strip(" ()").split(","))) label = props[1].split(":")[1] self._markers[float(time)] = {'color': color, 'label': label} if 0 not in self._markers: self._markers[0] = {'color': [0,0,0], 'label': 'Start'} if self.stop_time not in self._markers: self._markers[self.stop_time] = {'color': [0,0,0], 'label' : 'End'}
[docs] def add_trace(self, name, trace, parent_device_name, connection): name = str(name) self._channels[name] = {'device_name': parent_device_name, 'port': connection} self._traces[name] = trace # add shutter times con = self.connection_table.find_by_name(name) if con.device_class == "Shutter" and 'open_state' in self.add_shutter_times([(name,['open_state'])])
# Temporary solution to physical shutter times
[docs] def add_shutter_times(self, shutters): for name, open_state in shutters: x_values, y_values = self._traces[name] if len(x_values) > 0: change_indices = numpy.where(y_values[:-1] != y_values[1:])[0] change_indices += 1 # use the index of the value that is changed to change_values = list(zip(x_values[change_indices], y_values[change_indices])) change_values.insert(0, (x_values[0], y_values[0])) # insert first value self._shutter_times[name] = {x_value + (self._shutter_calibrations[name][0] if y_value == open_state else self._shutter_calibrations[name][1]): 1 if y_value == open_state else 0 for x_value, y_value in change_values}
def _load_device(self, device, clock=None): try:'loading %s' % module = device.device_class # Load the master pseudoclock class device_class = device_registry.get_runviewer_parser(module) device_instance = device_class(self.path, device) clocklines_and_triggers = device_instance.get_traces(self.add_trace, clock) for name, trace in clocklines_and_triggers.items(): child_device = self.connection_table.find_by_name(name) for grandchild_device_name, grandchild_device in child_device.child_list.items(): self._load_device(grandchild_device, trace) except Exception as e: if hasattr(device, 'name'):'Failed to load device {}, exception was:\n'+ ''.join(traceback.format_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__))) else:'Failed to load device (unknown name, device object does not have attribute name), exception was:\n'+ ''.join(traceback.format_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__))) # backwards compat with h5py.File(self.path, 'r') as file: if "runviewer" in file: if "shutter_times" in file["runviewer"]: for name, val in file["runviewer"]["shutter_times"].attrs.items(): self._shutter_times[name] = {float(key_value.split(":")[0]): int(key_value.split(":")[1]) for key_value in val.strip('{}}').split(",")}
[docs] def scaled_times(self, channel): if self.cached_scaler != app.scalehandler: self.cached_scaler = app.scalehandler self._scaled_x = {} if channel not in self._scaled_x: self._scaled_x[channel] = self.cached_scaler.get_scaled_time(self._traces[channel][0]) return self._scaled_x[channel]
@property def channels(self): if self._channels is None: self._load() return self._channels.keys()
[docs] def clear_cache(self): # clear cache variables to cut down on memory usage pass
@property def markers(self): if self._markers is None: self._load() return self._markers @property def traces(self): # if traces cached: # return cached traces and waits if self._traces is None: self._load() return self._traces @property def shutter_times(self): if self._shutter_times is None: self._load() return self._shutter_times
# @property # def scalehandler(self): # if self._scalehandler is None: # self._load() # return self._scalehandler
[docs] class TempShot(Shot): def __init__(self, i): Shot.__init__(self, 'shot %d' % i) self._channels = ['Bx', 'By', 'Bz', 'Bq'] self.stop_time = i + 1 self.traces = {} no_x_points = 10000 for channel in self.channels: # self.traces[channel] = (numpy.linspace(0,10,no_x_points), numpy.random.rand(no_x_points)) x_points = numpy.linspace(0, self.stop_time, no_x_points) self.traces[channel] = (x_points, (i + 1) * numpy.sin(x_points * numpy.pi + i / 11.0 * 2 * numpy.pi)) @property def channels(self): return self._channels
[docs] def get_traces(self): return self.traces
[docs] class RunviewerServer(ZMQServer): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ZMQServer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.logger = logging.getLogger('runviewer.server')
[docs] def handler(self, h5_filepath): if h5_filepath == 'hello': return 'hello''Received hdf5 file: %s' % h5_filepath) # Convert path to local slashes and shared drive prefix: h5_filepath = labscript_utils.shared_drive.path_to_local(h5_filepath)'local filepath: %s' % h5_filepath) # we add the shot to a queue so that we don't have to wait for the app to come up before # responding to runmanager shots_to_process_queue.put(h5_filepath) return 'ok'
if __name__ == "__main__": qapplication = QApplication.instance() if qapplication is None: qapplication = QApplication(sys.argv) shots_to_process_queue = Queue() exp_config = LabConfig(required_params = {"DEFAULT": ["apparatus_name"], "paths": ["shared_drive", "experiment_shot_storage"], 'ports': ['runviewer']}) port = int(exp_config.get('ports', 'runviewer')) # Start experiment server experiment_server = RunviewerServer(port) app = RunViewer(exp_config) splash.hide() def execute_program(): qapplication.exec_() # Let the interpreter run every 500ms so it sees Ctrl-C interrupts: timer = QTimer() timer.start(500) timer.timeout.connect(lambda: None) # Upon seeing a ctrl-c interrupt, quit the event loop signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda *args: qapplication.exit()) sys.exit(execute_program())