

add_time_marker(t, label[, color, verbose])

Add a marker for the specified time.

bitfield(arrays, dtype)

Converts a list of arrays of ones and zeros into a single array of unsigned ints of the given datatype.

fastflatten(inarray, dtype)

A faster way of flattening our arrays than pylab.flatten.


Compiles a shot and saves it to the shot file.


Generates the connection table for the compiled shot.


Generates the wait table for the shot and saves it to the shot file.


restores builtins and the labscript module to its state before labscript_init() was called

labscript_init(hdf5_filename[, ...])

Initialises labscript and prepares for compilation.


max_or_zero(*args, **kwargs)

Returns max of the arguments or zero if sequence is empty.


Writes the script files for the compiled shot to the shot file.


Save shot time markers to the shot file.


Decorator for device __init__ methods that saves the listed arguments/keyword arguments as properties.


Indicates the end of the connection table and the start of the experiment logic.

stop(t[, target_cycle_time, ...])

Indicate the end of an experiment at the given time, and initiate compilation of instructions, saving them to the HDF5 file.


wait(label, t[, timeout])

Commands pseudoclocks to pause until resumed by an external trigger, or a timeout is reached.


Writes device_properties for each device in compiled shot to shto file.


AnalogIn(name, parent_device, connection[, ...])

Analog Input for use with all devices that have an analog input.

AnalogOut(name, parent_device, connection[, ...])

Analog Output class for use with all devices that support timed analog outputs.

AnalogQuantity(name, parent_device, connection)

Base class for AnalogOut.

ClockLine(name, pseudoclock, connection[, ...])

DDS(name, parent_device, connection[, ...])

DDS class for use with all devices that have DDS-like outputs.

DDSQuantity(name, parent_device, connection)

Used to define a DDS output.

Device(name, parent_device, connection[, ...])

Parent class of all device and input/output channels.

DigitalOut(name, parent_device, connection)

Digital output class for use with all devices.

DigitalQuantity(name, parent_device, connection)

Base class for DigitalOut.

IntermediateDevice(name, parent_device, **kwargs)

Base class for all devices that are to be clocked by a pseudoclock.


A context manager which sets config.suppress_mild_warnings to True whilst in use.

Output(name, parent_device, connection[, ...])

Base class for all output classes.

Pseudoclock(name, pseudoclock_device, ...)

Parent class of all pseudoclocks.

PseudoclockDevice(name[, trigger_device, ...])

Device that implements a pseudoclock.

RemoteBLACS(name, host[, port, parent])

SecondaryControlSystem(name, host, port[, ...])

Shutter(name, parent_device, connection[, ...])

Customized version of DigitalOut that accounts for the open/close delay of a shutter automatically.

StaticAnalogOut(*args, **kwargs)

Static Analog Output class for use with all devices that have constant outputs.

StaticAnalogQuantity(*args, **kwargs)

Base class for StaticAnalogOut.

StaticDDS(name, parent_device, connection[, ...])

Static DDS class for use with all devices that have static DDS-like outputs.

StaticDigitalOut(*args, **kwargs)

Static Digital Output class for use with all devices that have constant outputs.

StaticDigitalQuantity(*args, **kwargs)

Base class for StaticDigitalOut.

Trigger(name, parent_device, connection[, ...])

Customized version of DigitalOut that tracks edge type.

TriggerableDevice(name, parent_device, ...)

A triggerable version of Device.

WaitMonitor(name, parent_device, connection, ...)


Compiler object that saves relevant parameters during compilation of each shot.




A labscript error.