Source code for labscript_utils.qtwidgets.digitaloutput

#                                                                   #
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# Copyright 2013, Monash University                                 #
#                                                                   #
# This file is part of the labscript suite (see                     #
# and is licensed under the Simplified   #
# BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of the project  #
# for the full license.                                             #
#                                                                   #
import sys

from qtutils.qt.QtCore import *
from qtutils.qt.QtGui import *
from qtutils.qt import QT_ENV, PYQT5
from qtutils.qt.QtWidgets import *

[docs] class DigitalOutput(QPushButton):
[docs] def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): QPushButton.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs) # Install the event filter that will allow us to catch right click mouse release events so we can popup a menu even when the button is disabled self.installEventFilter(self) self.setCheckable(True) # The Digital Out object that is in charge of this button self._DO = None
# Setting and getting methods for the Digitl Out object in charge of this button
[docs] def set_DO(self,DO,notify_old_DO=True,notify_new_DO=True): # If we are setting a new DO, remove this widget from the old one (if it isn't None) and add it to the new one (if it isn't None) if DO != self._DO: if self._DO is not None and notify_old_DO: self._DO.remove_widget(self) if DO is not None and notify_new_DO: DO.add_widget(self) # Store a reference to the digital out object self._DO = DO
[docs] def get_DO(self): return self._DO
# The event filter that pops up a context menu on a right click, even when the button is disabled
[docs] def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease and event.button() == Qt.RightButton: menu = QMenu(self) menu.addAction("Lock" if self.isEnabled() else "Unlock") menu.triggered.connect(self._menu_triggered) menu.popup(self.mapToGlobal(event.pos())) # pass scrollwheel events of disabled buttons through to the parent # code adapted from: elif obj and not obj.isEnabled() and event.type() == QEvent.Wheel and QT_ENV != PYQT5: newEvent = QWheelEvent(obj.mapToParent(event.pos()), event.globalPos(),, event.buttons(), event.modifiers(), event.orientation()) QApplication.instance().postEvent(obj.parent(), newEvent) return True return QPushButton.eventFilter(self, obj, event)
# This method is called whenever an entry in the context menu is clicked def _menu_triggered(self,action): if action.text() == "Lock": self.lock() elif action.text() == "Unlock": self.unlock() # This method locks (disables) the widget, and if the widget has a parent DO object, notifies it of the lock
[docs] def lock(self,notify_do=True): self.setEnabled(False) if self._DO is not None and notify_do: self._DO.lock()
# This method unlocks (enables) the widget, and if the widget has a parent DO object, notifies it of the unlock
[docs] def unlock(self,notify_do=True): self.setEnabled(True) if self._DO is not None and notify_do: self._DO.unlock()
@property def state(self): return self.isChecked() @state.setter def state(self,state): # conversion to integer, then bool means we can safely pass in # either a string '1' or '0', True or False or 1 or 0 self.setChecked(bool(int(state)))
[docs] class InvertedDigitalOutput(DigitalOutput): @property def state(self): return not DigitalOutput.state.fget(self) @state.setter def state(self,state): DigitalOutput.state.fset(self, not state)
# A simple test! if __name__ == '__main__': qapplication = QApplication(sys.argv) window = QWidget() layout = QVBoxLayout(window) button = DigitalOutput('very very long Button') layout.addWidget(button) sys.exit(qapplication.exec_())