Source code for labscript_devices.FunctionRunner.blacs_workers

#                                                                   #
# /labscript_devices/FunctionRunner/                 #
#                                                                   #
# Copyright 2019, Monash University and contributors                #
#                                                                   #
# This file is part of labscript_devices, in the labscript suite    #
# (see, and is licensed under the        #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of   #
# the project for the full license.                                 #
#                                                                   #
import os
from time import monotonic
import numpy as np
import labscript_utils.h5_lock
from labscript_utils.shot_utils import get_shot_globals
import h5py
from blacs.tab_base_classes import Worker
import runmanager.remote
from zprocess import rich_print
from .utils import deserialise_function

BLUE = '#66D9EF'
GREEN = '#A6E22E'
GREY = '#75715E' 

[docs] def deserialise_function_table(function_table, device_name): table = [] for t, name, source, args, kwargs in function_table: if t == -np.inf: t = 'start' elif t == np.inf: t = 'stop' # We deserialise the functions in a namespace with the given __name__ and # __file__ so that if the user instantiates a lyse.Run object, that the results # will automatically be saved to a results group with the name of this # FunctionRunner, since lyse.Run inspects the filename to determine this. function, args, kwargs = deserialise_function( name, source, args, kwargs, __name__=device_name, __file__=device_name ) table.append((t, name, function, args, kwargs)) return table
[docs] class ShotContext(object): def __init__(self, h5_file, device_name): self.h5_file = h5_file self.device_name = device_name self.globals = get_shot_globals(h5_file)
[docs] class FunctionRunnerWorker(Worker):
[docs] def program_manual(self, values): return {}
[docs] def transition_to_buffered(self, device_name, h5_file, initial_values, fresh): rich_print(f"====== new shot: {os.path.basename(h5_file)} ======", color=GREEN) with h5py.File(h5_file, 'r') as f: group = f[f'devices/{self.device_name}'] if 'FUNCTION_TABLE' not in group: self.function_table = None rich_print("[no functions]", color=GREY) return {} function_table = group['FUNCTION_TABLE'][:] self.function_table = deserialise_function_table( function_table, self.device_name ) self.shot_context = ShotContext(h5_file, self.device_name) if self.function_table[0][0] != 'start': rich_print("no start functions", color=GREY) return {} rich_print("[running start functions]", color=PURPLE) while self.function_table: t, name, function, args, kwargs = self.function_table[0] if t != 'start': break del self.function_table[0] rich_print(f" t={t}: {name}()", color=BLUE) function(self.shot_context, t, *args, **kwargs) rich_print("[finished start functions]", color=PURPLE) return {}
[docs] def transition_to_manual(self): if self.function_table is None: return True elif not self.function_table: rich_print("no stop functions", color=GREY) return True rich_print("[running stop functions]", color=PURPLE) while self.function_table: t, name, function, args, kwargs = self.function_table.pop(0) assert t == 'stop' rich_print(f" t={t}: {name}()",color=BLUE) function(self.shot_context, t, *args, **kwargs) rich_print("[finished stop functions]", color=PURPLE) return True
[docs] def shutdown(self): return
[docs] def abort_buffered(self): return self.transition_to_manual()
[docs] def abort_transition_to_buffered(self): return True