Source code for blacs.plugins.progress_bar

#                                                                   #
# /plugins/progress_bar/                                 #
#                                                                   #
# Copyright 2018, Christopher Billington                            #
#                                                                   #
# This file is part of the program BLACS, in the labscript suite    #
# (see, and is licensed under the        #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of   #
# the project for the full license.                                 #
#                                                                   #
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import threading
import sys
import time
from queue import Queue, Empty

import numpy as np

from qtutils import UiLoader, inmain, inmain_decorator
from qtutils.qt import QtGui, QtWidgets, QtCore

import labscript_utils.h5_lock
import h5py

import as properties
from labscript_utils.connections import ConnectionTable
from zprocess import TimeoutError
from labscript_utils.ls_zprocess import Event
from blacs.plugins import PLUGINS_DIR, callback

name = "Progress Bar"
module = "progress_bar" # should be folder name
logger = logging.getLogger('BLACS.plugin.%s'%module)

# The progress bar will update every UPDATE_INTERVAL seconds, or at the marker
# times, whichever is soonest after the last update:
BAR_MAX = 1000

def _ensure_str(s):
    """convert bytestrings and numpy strings to python strings"""
    return s.decode() if isinstance(s, bytes) else str(s)

[docs] def black_has_good_contrast(r, g, b): """Return whether black text or white text would have better contrast on a background of the given colour, according to W3C recommendations (see Return True for black or False for white""" cs = [] for c in r, g, b: c = c / 255.0 if c <= 0.03928: c = c/12.92 else: c = ((c+0.055)/1.055) ** 2.4 cs.append(c) r, g, b = cs L = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b return L > np.sqrt(1.05 * 0.05) - 0.05
[docs] class Plugin(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, initial_settings): = None self.notifications = {} self.initial_settings = initial_settings self.BLACS = None self.command_queue = Queue() self.master_pseudoclock = None self.shot_start_time = None self.stop_time = None self.markers = None self.waits = None self.time_spent_waiting = None self.next_wait_index = None self.next_marker_index = None self.bar_text_prefix = None self.h5_filepath = None self.wait_completed_events_supported = False self.wait_completed = Event('wait_completed', role='wait') self.mainloop_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.mainloop) self.mainloop_thread.daemon = True
[docs] def plugin_setup_complete(self, BLACS): self.BLACS = BLACS self.ui = UiLoader().load(os.path.join(PLUGINS_DIR, module, 'controls.ui')) = = QtWidgets.QStyleFactory.create('Fusion') if is None: # If we're on Qt4, fall back to Plastique style: = QtWidgets.QStyleFactory.create('Plastique') if is None: # Not sure what's up, but fall back to app's default style: = # Add our controls to the BLACS gui: BLACS['ui'].queue_status_verticalLayout.insertWidget(0, self.ui) # We need to know the name of the master pseudoclock so we can look up # the duration of each shot: self.master_pseudoclock = self.BLACS['experiment_queue'].master_pseudoclock # Check if the wait monitor device, if any, supports wait completed events: with h5py.File(self.BLACS['connection_table_h5file'], 'r') as f: if 'waits' in f: acq_device = f['waits'].attrs['wait_monitor_acquisition_device'] acq_device = _ensure_str(acq_device) if acq_device: props = properties.get(f, acq_device, 'connection_table_properties') if props.get('wait_monitor_supports_wait_completed_events', False): self.wait_completed_events_supported = True self.ui.wait_warning.hide() self.mainloop_thread.start()
[docs] def get_save_data(self): return {}
[docs] def get_callbacks(self): return {'science_over': self.on_science_over, 'science_starting': self.on_science_starting}
# This callback should be run after any callbacks that might have significant time # delays. For example it should run after the cycle_time science_starting callback. # The priority should be set accordingly. @callback(priority=200) def on_science_starting(self, h5_filepath): # Tell the mainloop that we're starting a shot: self.command_queue.put(('start', h5_filepath)) @callback(priority=5) def on_science_over(self, h5_filepath): # Tell the mainloop we're done with this shot: self.command_queue.put(('stop', None))
[docs] @inmain_decorator(True) def clear_bar(self):'No shot running') self.ui.wait_warning.hide()
[docs] def get_next_thing(self): """Figure out what's going to happen next: a wait, a time marker, or a regular update. Return a string saying which, and a float saying how long from now it will occur. If the thing has already happened but not been taken into account by our processing yet, then return zero for the time.""" if self.waits is not None and self.next_wait_index < len(self.waits): next_wait_time = self.waits['time'][self.next_wait_index] else: next_wait_time = np.inf if self.markers is not None and self.next_marker_index < len(self.markers): next_marker_time = self.markers['time'][self.next_marker_index] else: next_marker_time = np.inf assert self.shot_start_time is not None assert self.time_spent_waiting is not None labscript_time = time.time() - self.shot_start_time - self.time_spent_waiting next_update_time = labscript_time + UPDATE_INTERVAL if next_update_time < next_wait_time and next_update_time < next_marker_time: return 'update', UPDATE_INTERVAL elif next_wait_time < next_marker_time: return 'wait', max(0, next_wait_time - labscript_time) else: return 'marker', max(0, next_marker_time - labscript_time)
[docs] @inmain_decorator(True) def update_bar_style(self, marker=False, wait=False, previous=False): """Update the bar's style to reflect the next marker or wait, according to self.next_marker_index or self.next_wait_index. If previous=True, instead update to reflect the current marker or wait.""" assert not (marker and wait) # Ignore requests to reflect markers or waits if there are no markers # or waits in this shot: marker = marker and self.markers is not None and len(self.markers) > 0 wait = wait and self.waits is not None and len(self.waits) > 0 if marker: marker_index = self.next_marker_index if previous: marker_index -= 1 assert marker_index >= 0 label, _, color = self.markers[marker_index] self.bar_text_prefix = '[%s] ' % _ensure_str(label) r, g, b = color[0] if color.dtype == np.uint8 and (r, g, b) == (0, 0, 0): # is old colour spec, in which (0,0,0) meant no colour specified. r, g, b = (-1, -1, -1) # (-1,-1,-1) means no colour set for the marker. Don't change the bar colour # in this case. if (r, g, b) != (-1, -1, -1): bar_color = QtGui.QColor(r, g, b) if black_has_good_contrast(r, g, b): highlight_text_color = else: highlight_text_color = QtCore.Qt.white else: bar_color = None highlight_text_color = None regular_text_color = None # use default elif wait: wait_index = self.next_wait_index if previous: wait_index -= 1 assert wait_index >= 0 label = self.waits[wait_index]['label'] self.bar_text_prefix = '-%s- ' % _ensure_str(label) highlight_text_color = regular_text_color = QtGui.QColor(192, 0, 0) bar_color = QtCore.Qt.gray if marker or wait: palette = if bar_color is not None: palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Highlight, bar_color) # Ensure the colour of the text on the filled in bit of the progress # bar has good contrast: if highlight_text_color is not None: palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.HighlightedText, highlight_text_color) if regular_text_color is not None: palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Text, regular_text_color) else: self.bar_text_prefix = None # Default palette:
[docs] @inmain_decorator(True) def update_bar_value(self, marker=False, wait=False): """Update the progress bar with the current time elapsed. If marker or wait is true, then use the exact time at which the next marker or wait is defined, rather than the current time as returned by time.time()""" thinspace = u'\u2009' assert not (marker and wait) if marker: labscript_time = self.markers['time'][self.next_marker_index] elif wait: labscript_time = self.waits['time'][self.next_wait_index] else: labscript_time = time.time() - self.shot_start_time - self.time_spent_waiting value = int(round(labscript_time / self.stop_time * BAR_MAX)) text = u'%.2f%ss / %.2f%ss (%%p%s%%)' text = text % (labscript_time, thinspace, self.stop_time, thinspace, thinspace) if self.bar_text_prefix is not None: text = self.bar_text_prefix + text
def _start(self, h5_filepath): """Called from the mainloop when starting a shot""" self.h5_filepath = h5_filepath # Get the stop time, any waits and any markers from the shot: with h5py.File(h5_filepath, 'r') as f: props = properties.get(f, self.master_pseudoclock, 'device_properties') self.stop_time = props['stop_time'] try: self.markers = f['time_markers'][:] self.markers.sort(order='time') except KeyError: self.markers = None try: self.waits = f['waits'][:] self.waits.sort(order='time') except KeyError: self.waits = None self.shot_start_time = time.time() self.time_spent_waiting = 0 self.next_marker_index = 0 self.next_wait_index = 0 def _stop(self): """Called from the mainloop when ending a shot""" self.h5_filepath = None self.shot_start_time = None self.stop_time = None self.markers = None self.waits = None self.time_spent_waiting = None self.next_wait_index = None self.next_marker_index = None self.bar_text_prefix = None
[docs] def mainloop(self): running = False self.clear_bar() while True: try: if running: # How long until the next thing of interest occurs, and # what is it? It can be either a wait, a marker, or a # regular update. next_thing, timeout = self.get_next_thing() try: command, _ = self.command_queue.get(timeout=timeout) except Empty: if next_thing == 'update': self.update_bar_value() if next_thing == 'marker': self.update_bar_style(marker=True) self.update_bar_value(marker=True) self.next_marker_index += 1 elif next_thing == 'wait': wait_start_time = time.time() self.update_bar_style(wait=True) self.update_bar_value(wait=True) self.next_wait_index += 1 # wait for the wait to complete, but abandon # processing if the command queue is non-empty, # i.e. if a stop command is sent. while self.command_queue.empty(): try: # Wait for only 0.1 sec at a time, so that # we can check if the queue is empty in between: self.wait_completed.wait(self.h5_filepath, timeout=0.1) except TimeoutError: # Only wait for wait completed events if the wait # monitor device supports them. Otherwise, skip # after this first timeout, and it will just look # like the wait had 0.1 sec duration. if self.wait_completed_events_supported: # The wait is still in progress: continue # The wait completed (or completion events are not # supported): self.time_spent_waiting += time.time() - wait_start_time # Set the bar style back to whatever the # previous marker was, if any: self.update_bar_style(marker=True, previous=True) self.update_bar_value() break continue else: command, h5_filepath = self.command_queue.get() if command == 'close': break elif command == 'start': assert not running running = True self._start(h5_filepath) self.update_bar_value() if ( self.waits is not None and len(self.waits) > 0 and not self.wait_completed_events_supported ): inmain( elif command == 'stop': self.clear_bar() running = False self._stop() else: raise ValueError(command) except Exception: logger.exception("Exception in mainloop, ignoring.") # Stop processing of the current shot, if any. self.clear_bar() inmain(, "Error in progress bar plugin") running = False self._stop()
[docs] def close(self): self.command_queue.put(('close', None)) self.mainloop_thread.join()
# The rest of these are boilerplate:
[docs] def get_menu_class(self): return None
[docs] def get_notification_classes(self): return []
[docs] def get_setting_classes(self): return []
[docs] def set_menu_instance(self, menu): = menu
[docs] def set_notification_instances(self, notifications): self.notifications = notifications