, host='localhost', port=42519, timeout=5, n_sequences=None, filter_kwargs=None)[source]

Get data from the lyse dataframe or a file.

This function allows for either extracting information from a run’s hdf5 file, or retrieving data from lyse’s dataframe. If filepath is provided then data will be read from that file and returned as a pandas series. If filepath is not provided then the dataframe in lyse, or a portion of it, will be returned.

Often only part of the lyse dataframe is needed, so the n_sequences and filter_kwargs arguments provide ways to restrict what parts of the lyse dataframe are returned. The dataframe can be quite large, so only requesting a small part of it can speed up the execution of noticeably. Setting n_sequences makes this function return only the rows of the lyse dataframe that correspond to the n_sequences most recent sequences, where one sequence corresponds to one call to engage in runmanager. Additionally, the Dataframe.filter() method can be called on the dataframe before it is transmitted, and the arguments specified in filter_kwargs are passed to that method.

  • filepath (str, optional) – The path to a run’s hdf5 file. If a value other than None is provided, then this function will return a pandas series containing data associated with the run. In particular it will contain the globals, singleshot results, multishot results, etc. that would appear in the run’s row in the Lyse dataframe, but the values will be read from the file rather than extracted from the lyse dataframe. If filepath is None, then this function will instead return a section of the lyse dataframe. Note that if filepath is not None, then the other arguments will be ignored. Defaults to None.

  • host (str, optional) – The address of the computer running lyse. Defaults to 'localhost'.

  • port (int, optional) – The port on which lyse is listening. Defaults to the entry for lyse’s port in the labconfig, with a fallback value of 42519 if the labconfig has no such entry.

  • timeout (float, optional) – The timeout, in seconds, for the communication with lyse. Defaults to 5.

  • n_sequences (int, optional) – The maximum number of sequences to include in the returned dataframe where one sequence corresponds to one call to engage in runmanager. The dataframe rows for the most recent n_sequences sequences are returned. If the dataframe contains fewer than n_sequences sequences, then all rows will be returned. If set to None, then all rows are returned. Defaults to None.

  • filter_kwargs (dict, optional) – A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the Dataframe.filter() method before the lyse dataframe is returned. For example to call filter() with like='temperature', set filter_kwargs to {'like':'temperature'}. If set to None then Dataframe.filter() will not be called. See pandas.DataFrame.filter() for more information. Defaults to None.


ValueError – If n_sequences isn’t None or a nonnegative integer, then a ValueError is raised. Note that no ValueError is raised if n_sequences is greater than the number of sequences available. In that case as all available sequences are returned, i.e. the entire lyse dataframe is returned.


If filepath is provided, then a pandas series with the data read from that file is returned. If filepath is omitted or set to None then the lyse dataframe, or a subset of it, is returned.

Return type

pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series