Source code for lyse.__main__

"""Lyse GUI and supporting code
import os
import labscript_utils.excepthook

# Associate app windows with OS menu shortcuts:
import desktop_app

# Splash screen
from labscript_utils.splash import Splash
splash = Splash(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'lyse.svg'))

splash.update_text('importing standard library modules')
# stdlib imports
import sys
import logging
import threading
import signal
import subprocess
import time
import traceback
import queue
import warnings

# 3rd party imports:
splash.update_text('importing numpy')
import numpy as np
splash.update_text('importing h5_lock and h5py')
import labscript_utils.h5_lock
import h5py
splash.update_text('importing pandas')
import pandas

splash.update_text('importing labscript suite modules')

from labscript_utils.ls_zprocess import ZMQServer, ProcessTree
import zprocess
from labscript_utils.labconfig import LabConfig, save_appconfig, load_appconfig
from labscript_utils.setup_logging import setup_logging
from labscript_utils.qtwidgets.headerview_with_widgets import HorizontalHeaderViewWithWidgets
from labscript_utils.qtwidgets.outputbox import OutputBox
import labscript_utils.shared_drive as shared_drive
from labscript_utils import dedent

from lyse.dataframe_utilities import (concat_with_padding,

from qtutils.qt import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from qtutils.qt.QtCore import pyqtSignal as Signal
from qtutils import inmain_decorator, inmain, UiLoader, DisconnectContextManager
from qtutils.auto_scroll_to_end import set_auto_scroll_to_end
import qtutils.icons
from lyse import LYSE_DIR, _rangeindex_to_multiindex

process_tree = ProcessTree.instance()

# Set a meaningful name for zlock client id:

[docs] @inmain_decorator() def error_dialog(message): QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(app.ui, 'lyse', message)
[docs] @inmain_decorator() def question_dialog(message): reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(app.ui, 'lyse', message, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) return (reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes)
[docs] def scientific_notation(x, sigfigs=4, mode='eng'): """Returns a unicode string of the float f in scientific notation""" times = u'\u00d7' thinspace = u'\u2009' hairspace = u'\u200a' sups = {u'-': u'\u207b', u'0': u'\u2070', u'1': u'\xb9', u'2': u'\xb2', u'3': u'\xb3', u'4': u'\u2074', u'5': u'\u2075', u'6': u'\u2076', u'7': u'\u2077', u'8': u'\u2078', u'9': u'\u2079'} prefixes = { -24: u"y", -21: u"z", -18: u"a", -15: u"f", -12: u"p", -9: u"n", -6: u"\u03bc", -3: u"m", 0: u"", 3: u"k", 6: u"M", 9: u"G", 12: u"T", 15: u"P", 18: u"E", 21: u"Z", 24: u"Y" } if not isinstance(x, float): raise TypeError('x must be floating point number') if np.isnan(x) or np.isinf(x): return str(x) if x != 0: exponent = int(np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(x)))) # Only multiples of 10^3 exponent = int(np.floor(exponent / 3) * 3) else: exponent = 0 significand = x / 10 ** exponent pre_decimal, post_decimal = divmod(significand, 1) digits = sigfigs - len(str(int(pre_decimal))) significand = round(significand, digits) result = str(significand) if exponent: if mode == 'exponential': superscript = ''.join(sups.get(char, char) for char in str(exponent)) result += thinspace + times + thinspace + '10' + superscript elif mode == 'eng': try: # If our number has an SI prefix then use it prefix = prefixes[exponent] result += hairspace + prefix except KeyError: # Otherwise display in scientific notation superscript = ''.join(sups.get(char, char) for char in str(exponent)) result += thinspace + times + thinspace + '10' + superscript return result
[docs] def get_screen_geometry(): """Return the a list of the geometries of each screen: each a tuple of left, top, width and height""" geoms = [] desktop = qapplication.desktop() for i in range(desktop.screenCount()): sg = desktop.screenGeometry(i) geoms.append((sg.left(),, sg.width(), sg.height())) return geoms
[docs] class WebServer(ZMQServer):
[docs] def handler(self, request_data):'WebServer request: %s' % str(request_data)) if request_data == 'hello': return 'hello' elif isinstance(request_data, tuple) and request_data[0]=='get dataframe' and len(request_data)==3: _, n_sequences, filter_kwargs = request_data df = self._retrieve_dataframe() df = _rangeindex_to_multiindex(df, inplace=True) # Return only a subset of the dataframe if instructed to do so. if n_sequences is not None: df = self._extract_n_sequences_from_df(df, n_sequences) if filter_kwargs is not None: df = df.filter(**filter_kwargs) return df elif request_data == 'get dataframe': # Ensure backwards compatability with clients using outdated # versions of lyse. return self._retrieve_dataframe() elif isinstance(request_data, dict): if 'filepath' in request_data: h5_filepath = shared_drive.path_to_local(request_data['filepath']) if isinstance(h5_filepath, bytes): h5_filepath = h5_filepath.decode('utf8') if not isinstance(h5_filepath, str): raise AssertionError(str(type(h5_filepath)) + ' is not str or bytes') app.filebox.incoming_queue.put(h5_filepath) return 'added successfully' elif isinstance(request_data, str): # Just assume it's a filepath: app.filebox.incoming_queue.put(shared_drive.path_to_local(request_data)) return "Experiment added successfully\n" return ("error: operation not supported. Recognised requests are:\n " "'get dataframe'\n 'hello'\n {'filepath': <some_h5_filepath>}")
@inmain_decorator(wait_for_return=True) def _copy_dataframe(self): df = app.filebox.shots_model.dataframe.copy(deep=True) return df def _retrieve_dataframe(self): # infer_objects() picks fixed datatypes for columns that are compatible with # fixed datatypes, dramatically speeding up pickling. It is called here # rather than when updating the dataframe as calling it during updating may # call it needlessly often, whereas it only needs to be called prior to # sending the dataframe to a client requesting it, as we're doing now. df = self._copy_dataframe() df.infer_objects() return df def _extract_n_sequences_from_df(self, df, n_sequences): # If the dataframe is empty, just return it, otherwise accessing columns # below will raise a KeyError. if df.empty: return df # Get a list of all unique sequences, each corresponding to one call to # engage in runmanager. Each sequence may contain multiple runs. The # below creates strings to identify sequences. To be from the same # sequence, two shots have to have the same value for 'sequence' (which # makes sure that the time when engage was called are the same to within # 1 second), 'labscript' (must have been generated from the same # labscript), and 'sequence_index' (a counter which keeps track of how # many times engage has been called and resets to 0 at the start of each # day). Typically just the value for sequence, is enough. However it # only records time down to the second, so if engage() is called twice # quickly then two different sequences can end up with the same value # there. sequences = [str(sequence) for sequence in df['sequence']] labscripts = [str(labscript) for labscript in df['labscript']] sequence_indices = [str(index) for index in df['sequence_index']] # Combine into one string. criteria = zip(sequences, labscripts, sequence_indices) indentity_strings = [seq + script + ind for seq, script, ind in criteria] # Find the distinct values, maintaining their ordering. unique_identities = np.intersect1d(indentity_strings, indentity_strings) # Slice the DataFrame so that only the last n_sequences sequences # remain. Note that slicing unique_identities just returns all of its # entries if n_sequences is greater than its length; it doesn't raise an # error. if n_sequences == 0: identities_included = [] else: identities_included = unique_identities[-n_sequences:] df_subset = df[[id in identities_included for id in indentity_strings]] return df_subset
[docs] class LyseMainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): # A signal to show that the window is shown and painted. firstPaint = Signal()
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._previously_painted = False self.closing = False
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): if self.closing: return QtWidgets.QMainWindow.closeEvent(self, event) if app.on_close_event(): self.closing = True timeout_time = time.time() + 2 self.delayedClose(timeout_time) event.ignore()
[docs] def delayedClose(self, timeout_time): if not all(app.workers_terminated().values()) and time.time() < timeout_time: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(50, lambda: self.delayedClose(timeout_time)) else: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, self.close)
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event): result = QtWidgets.QMainWindow.paintEvent(self, event) if not self._previously_painted: self._previously_painted = True self.firstPaint.emit() return result
[docs] class AnalysisRoutine(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, filepath, model, output_box_port, checked=QtCore.Qt.Checked): self.filepath = filepath self.shortname = os.path.basename(self.filepath) self.model = model self.output_box_port = output_box_port self.COL_ACTIVE = RoutineBox.COL_ACTIVE self.COL_STATUS = RoutineBox.COL_STATUS self.COL_NAME = RoutineBox.COL_NAME self.ROLE_FULLPATH = RoutineBox.ROLE_FULLPATH self.error = False self.done = False self.to_worker, self.from_worker, self.worker = self.start_worker() # Make a row to put into the model: active_item = QtGui.QStandardItem() active_item.setCheckable(True) active_item.setCheckState(checked) info_item = QtGui.QStandardItem() name_item = QtGui.QStandardItem(self.shortname) name_item.setToolTip(self.filepath) name_item.setData(self.filepath, self.ROLE_FULLPATH) self.model.appendRow([active_item, info_item, name_item]) self.exiting = False
[docs] def start_worker(self): # Start a worker process for this analysis routine: worker_path = os.path.join(LYSE_DIR, '') child_handles = process_tree.subprocess( worker_path, output_redirection_port=self.output_box_port, startup_timeout=30, ) to_worker, from_worker, worker = child_handles # Tell the worker what script it with be executing: to_worker.put(self.filepath) return to_worker, from_worker, worker
[docs] def do_analysis(self, filepath): self.to_worker.put(['analyse', filepath]) signal, data = self.from_worker.get() if signal == 'error': return False, data elif signal == 'done': return True, data else: raise ValueError('invalid signal %s'%str(signal))
[docs] @inmain_decorator() def set_status(self, status): index = self.get_row_index() if index is None: # Yelp, we've just been deleted. Nothing to do here. return status_item = self.model.item(index, self.COL_STATUS) if status == 'done': status_item.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/tick')) self.done = True self.error = False elif status == 'working': status_item.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/hourglass')) self.done = False self.error = False elif status == 'error': status_item.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/exclamation')) self.error = True self.done = False elif status == 'clear': status_item.setData(None, QtCore.Qt.DecorationRole) self.done = False self.error = False else: raise ValueError(status)
[docs] @inmain_decorator() def enabled(self): index = self.get_row_index() if index is None: # Yelp, we've just been deleted. return False enabled_item = self.model.item(index, self.COL_ACTIVE) return (enabled_item.checkState() == QtCore.Qt.Checked)
[docs] def get_row_index(self): """Returns the row index for this routine's row in the model""" for row in range(self.model.rowCount()): name_item = self.model.item(row, self.COL_NAME) fullpath = if fullpath == self.filepath: return row
[docs] def restart(self): # TODO set status to 'restarting' or an icon or something, and gray out the item? self.end_child(restart=True)
[docs] def remove(self): """End the child process and remove from the treeview""" self.end_child() index = self.get_row_index() if index is None: # Already gone return self.model.removeRow(index)
[docs] def end_child(self, restart=False): self.to_worker.put(['quit', None]) timeout_time = time.time() + 2 self.exiting = True QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(50, lambda: self.check_child_exited(self.worker, timeout_time, kill=False, restart=restart))
[docs] def check_child_exited(self, worker, timeout_time, kill=False, restart=False): worker.poll() if worker.returncode is None and time.time() < timeout_time: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(50, lambda: self.check_child_exited(worker, timeout_time, kill, restart)) return elif worker.returncode is None: if not kill: worker.terminate() app.output_box.output('%s worker not responding.\n'%self.shortname) timeout_time = time.time() + 2 QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(50, lambda: self.check_child_exited(worker, timeout_time, kill=True, restart=restart)) return else: worker.kill() app.output_box.output('%s worker killed\n'%self.shortname, red=True) elif kill: app.output_box.output('%s worker terminated\n'%self.shortname, red=True) else: app.output_box.output('%s worker exited cleanly\n'%self.shortname) # if analysis was running notify analysisloop that analysis has failed self.from_worker.put(('error', {})) if restart: self.to_worker, self.from_worker, self.worker = self.start_worker() app.output_box.output('%s worker restarted\n'%self.shortname) self.exiting = False
[docs] class TreeView(QtWidgets.QTreeView): leftClicked = Signal(QtCore.QModelIndex) doubleLeftClicked = Signal(QtCore.QModelIndex) """A QTreeView that emits a custom signal leftClicked(index) after a left click on a valid index, and doubleLeftClicked(index) (in addition) on double click."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): QtWidgets.QTreeView.__init__(self, *args) self._pressed_index = None self._double_click = False
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): result = QtWidgets.QTreeView.mousePressEvent(self, event) index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton and index.isValid(): self._pressed_index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) return result
[docs] def leaveEvent(self, event): result = QtWidgets.QTreeView.leaveEvent(self, event) self._pressed_index = None self._double_click = False return result
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): # Ensure our left click event occurs regardless of whether it is the # second click in a double click or not result = QtWidgets.QTreeView.mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event) index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton and index.isValid(): self._pressed_index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) self._double_click = True return result
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): result = QtWidgets.QTreeView.mouseReleaseEvent(self, event) index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton and index.isValid() and index == self._pressed_index: self.leftClicked.emit(index) if self._double_click: self.doubleLeftClicked.emit(index) self._pressed_index = None self._double_click = False return result
[docs] class RoutineBox(object): COL_ACTIVE = 0 COL_STATUS = 1 COL_NAME = 2 ROLE_FULLPATH = QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 1 # This data (stored in the name item) does not necessarily match # the position in the model. It will be set just # prior to sort() being called with this role as the sort data. # This is how we will reorder the model's rows instead of # using remove/insert. ROLE_SORTINDEX = QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 2
[docs] def __init__(self, container, exp_config, filebox, from_filebox, to_filebox, output_box_port, multishot=False): self.multishot = multishot self.filebox = filebox self.exp_config = exp_config self.from_filebox = from_filebox self.to_filebox = to_filebox self.output_box_port = output_box_port self.logger = logging.getLogger('lyse.RoutineBox.%s'%('multishot' if multishot else 'singleshot')) loader = UiLoader() loader.registerCustomWidget(TreeView) self.ui = loader.load(os.path.join(LYSE_DIR, 'routinebox.ui')) container.addWidget(self.ui) if multishot: self.ui.groupBox.setTitle('Multishot routines') else: self.ui.groupBox.setTitle('Singleshot routines') self.model = UneditableModel() self.header = HorizontalHeaderViewWithWidgets(self.model) self.ui.treeView.setHeader(self.header) self.ui.treeView.setModel(self.model) active_item = QtGui.QStandardItem() active_item.setToolTip('Whether the analysis routine should run') status_item = QtGui.QStandardItem() status_item.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/information')) status_item.setToolTip('The status of this analyis routine\'s execution') name_item = QtGui.QStandardItem('name') name_item.setToolTip('The name of the python script for the analysis routine') self.select_all_checkbox = QtWidgets.QCheckBox() self.select_all_checkbox.setToolTip('whether the analysis routine should run') self.header.setWidget(self.COL_ACTIVE, self.select_all_checkbox) self.header.setStretchLastSection(True) self.select_all_checkbox.setTristate(False) self.model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(self.COL_ACTIVE, active_item) self.model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(self.COL_STATUS, status_item) self.model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(self.COL_NAME, name_item) self.model.setSortRole(self.ROLE_SORTINDEX) self.ui.treeView.resizeColumnToContents(self.COL_ACTIVE) self.ui.treeView.resizeColumnToContents(self.COL_STATUS) self.ui.treeView.setColumnWidth(self.COL_NAME, 200) self.ui.treeView.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) # Make the actions for the context menu: self.action_set_selected_active = QtWidgets.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/ui-check-box'), 'set selected routines active', self.ui) self.action_set_selected_inactive = QtWidgets.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/ui-check-box-uncheck'), 'set selected routines inactive', self.ui) self.action_restart_selected = QtWidgets.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/arrow-circle'), 'restart worker process for selected routines', self.ui) self.action_remove_selected = QtWidgets.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/minus'), 'Remove selected routines', self.ui) self.last_opened_routine_folder = self.exp_config.get('paths', 'analysislib') self.routines = [] self.connect_signals() self.analysis = threading.Thread(target = self.analysis_loop) self.analysis.daemon = True self.analysis.start()
[docs] def connect_signals(self): self.ui.toolButton_add_routines.clicked.connect(self.on_add_routines_clicked) self.ui.toolButton_remove_routines.clicked.connect(self.on_remove_selection) self.model.itemChanged.connect(self.on_model_item_changed) self.ui.treeView.doubleLeftClicked.connect(self.on_treeview_double_left_clicked) # A context manager with which we can temporarily disconnect the above connection. self.model_item_changed_disconnected = DisconnectContextManager( self.model.itemChanged, self.on_model_item_changed) self.select_all_checkbox.stateChanged.connect(self.on_select_all_state_changed) self.select_all_checkbox_state_changed_disconnected = DisconnectContextManager( self.select_all_checkbox.stateChanged, self.on_select_all_state_changed) self.ui.treeView.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.on_treeView_context_menu_requested) self.action_set_selected_active.triggered.connect( lambda: self.on_set_selected_triggered(QtCore.Qt.Checked)) self.action_set_selected_inactive.triggered.connect( lambda: self.on_set_selected_triggered(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked)) self.action_restart_selected.triggered.connect(self.on_restart_selected_triggered) self.action_remove_selected.triggered.connect(self.on_remove_selection) self.ui.toolButton_move_to_top.clicked.connect(self.on_move_to_top_clicked) self.ui.toolButton_move_up.clicked.connect(self.on_move_up_clicked) self.ui.toolButton_move_down.clicked.connect(self.on_move_down_clicked) self.ui.toolButton_move_to_bottom.clicked.connect(self.on_move_to_bottom_clicked)
[docs] def on_add_routines_clicked(self): routine_files = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self.ui, 'Select analysis routines', self.last_opened_routine_folder, "Python scripts (*.py)") if type(routine_files) is tuple: routine_files, _ = routine_files if not routine_files: # User cancelled selection return # Convert to standard platform specific path, otherwise Qt likes forward slashes: routine_files = [os.path.abspath(routine_file) for routine_file in routine_files] # Save the containing folder for use next time we open the dialog box: self.last_opened_routine_folder = os.path.dirname(routine_files[0]) self.add_routines([(routine_file, QtCore.Qt.Checked) for routine_file in routine_files])
[docs] def add_routines(self, routine_files, clear_existing=False): """Add routines to the routine box, where routine_files is a list of tuples containing the filepath and whether the routine is enabled or not when it is added. if clear_existing == True, then any existing analysis routines will be cleared before the new ones are added.""" if clear_existing: for routine in self.routines[:]: routine.remove() self.routines.remove(routine) # Queue the files to be opened: for filepath, checked in routine_files: if filepath in [routine.filepath for routine in self.routines]: app.output_box.output('Warning: Ignoring duplicate analysis routine %s\n'%filepath, red=True) continue routine = AnalysisRoutine(filepath, self.model, self.output_box_port, checked) self.routines.append(routine) self.update_select_all_checkstate()
[docs] def on_treeview_double_left_clicked(self, index): # If double clicking on the the name item, open # the routine in the specified text editor: if index.column() != self.COL_NAME: return name_item = self.model.item(index.row(), self.COL_NAME) routine_filepath = # get path to text editor editor_path = self.exp_config.get('programs', 'text_editor') editor_args = self.exp_config.get('programs', 'text_editor_arguments') # Get the current labscript file: if not editor_path: error_dialog("No editor specified in the labconfig.") if '{file}' in editor_args: # Split the args on spaces into a list, replacing {file} with the labscript file editor_args = [arg if arg != '{file}' else routine_filepath for arg in editor_args.split()] else: # Otherwise if {file} isn't already in there, append it to the other args: editor_args = [routine_filepath] + editor_args.split() try: subprocess.Popen([editor_path] + editor_args) except Exception as e: error_dialog("Unable to launch text editor specified in %s. Error was: %s" % (self.exp_config.config_path, str(e)))
[docs] def on_remove_selection(self): self.remove_selection()
[docs] def remove_selection(self, confirm=True): selected_indexes = self.ui.treeView.selectedIndexes() selected_rows = set(index.row() for index in selected_indexes) if not selected_rows: return if confirm and not question_dialog("Remove %d routines?" % len(selected_rows)): return name_items = [self.model.item(row, self.COL_NAME) for row in selected_rows] filepaths = [ for item in name_items] for routine in self.routines[:]: if routine.filepath in filepaths: routine.remove() self.routines.remove(routine) self.update_select_all_checkstate()
[docs] def on_model_item_changed(self, item): if item.column() == self.COL_ACTIVE: self.update_select_all_checkstate()
[docs] def on_select_all_state_changed(self, state): with self.select_all_checkbox_state_changed_disconnected: # Do not allow a switch *to* a partially checked state: self.select_all_checkbox.setTristate(False) state = self.select_all_checkbox.checkState() with self.model_item_changed_disconnected: for row in range(self.model.rowCount()): active_item = self.model.item(row, self.COL_ACTIVE) active_item.setCheckState(state)
[docs] def on_treeView_context_menu_requested(self, point): menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self.ui.treeView) menu.addAction(self.action_set_selected_active) menu.addAction(self.action_set_selected_inactive) menu.addAction(self.action_restart_selected) menu.addAction(self.action_remove_selected) menu.exec_(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
[docs] def on_set_selected_triggered(self, active): selected_indexes = self.ui.treeView.selectedIndexes() selected_rows = set(index.row() for index in selected_indexes) for row in selected_rows: active_item = self.model.item(row, self.COL_ACTIVE) active_item.setCheckState(active) self.update_select_all_checkstate()
[docs] def on_move_to_top_clicked(self): selected_indexes = self.ui.treeView.selectedIndexes() selected_rows = set(index.row() for index in selected_indexes) n = self.model.rowCount() i_selected = 0 i_unselected = len(selected_rows) order = [] for i in range(n): if i in selected_rows: order.append(i_selected) i_selected += 1 else: order.append(i_unselected) i_unselected += 1 self.reorder(order)
[docs] def on_move_up_clicked(self): selected_indexes = self.ui.treeView.selectedIndexes() selected_rows = set(index.row() for index in selected_indexes) n = self.model.rowCount() order = [] last_unselected_index = None for i in range(n): if i in selected_rows: if last_unselected_index is None: order.append(i) else: order.append(i - 1) order[last_unselected_index] += 1 else: last_unselected_index = i order.append(i) self.reorder(order)
[docs] def on_move_down_clicked(self): selected_indexes = self.ui.treeView.selectedIndexes() selected_rows = set(index.row() for index in selected_indexes) n = self.model.rowCount() order = [] last_unselected_index = None for i in reversed(range(n)): if i in selected_rows: if last_unselected_index is None: order.insert(0, i) else: order.insert(0, i + 1) order[last_unselected_index - n] -= 1 else: last_unselected_index = i order.insert(0, i) self.reorder(order)
[docs] def on_move_to_bottom_clicked(self): selected_indexes = self.ui.treeView.selectedIndexes() selected_rows = set(index.row() for index in selected_indexes) n = self.model.rowCount() i_selected = n - len(selected_rows) i_unselected = 0 order = [] for i in range(n): if i in selected_rows: order.append(i_selected) i_selected += 1 else: order.append(i_unselected) i_unselected += 1 self.reorder(order)
[docs] def on_restart_selected_triggered(self): selected_indexes = self.ui.treeView.selectedIndexes() selected_rows = set(index.row() for index in selected_indexes) name_items = [self.model.item(row, self.COL_NAME) for row in selected_rows] filepaths = [ for item in name_items] for routine in self.routines: if routine.filepath in filepaths: routine.restart() self.update_select_all_checkstate()
[docs] def analysis_loop(self): while True: filepath = self.from_filebox.get() if self.multishot: assert filepath is None # TODO: get the filepath of the output h5 file: # filepath = self.filechooserentry.get_text()'got a file to process: %s'%filepath) self.do_analysis(filepath)
[docs] def todo(self): """How many analysis routines are not done?""" return len([r for r in self.routines if r.enabled() and not r.done])
[docs] def do_analysis(self, filepath): """Run all analysis routines once on the given filepath, which is a shot file if we are a singleshot routine box""" for routine in self.routines: routine.set_status('clear') remaining = self.todo() error = False updated_data = {} while remaining: self.logger.debug('%d routines left to do'%remaining) for routine in self.routines: if routine.enabled() and not routine.done: break else: routine = None if routine is not None:'running analysis routine %s'%routine.shortname) routine.set_status('working') success, updated_data = routine.do_analysis(filepath) if success: routine.set_status('done') self.logger.debug('success') else: routine.set_status('error') self.logger.debug('failure') error = True break # Race conditions here, but it's only for reporting percent done # so it doesn't matter if it's wrong briefly: remaining = self.todo() total = len([r for r in self.routines if r.enabled()]) done = total - remaining try: status_percent = 100*float(done)/(remaining + done) except ZeroDivisionError: # All routines got deleted mid-analysis, we're done here: status_percent = 100.0 self.to_filebox.put(['progress', status_percent, updated_data]) if error: self.to_filebox.put(['error', None, updated_data]) else: self.to_filebox.put(['done', 100.0, {}]) self.logger.debug('completed analysis of %s'%filepath)
[docs] def reorder(self, order): assert len(order) == len(set(order)), 'ordering contains non-unique elements' # Apply the reordering to the liststore: for old_index, new_index in enumerate(order): name_item = self.model.item(old_index, self.COL_NAME) name_item.setData(new_index, self.ROLE_SORTINDEX) self.ui.treeView.sortByColumn(self.COL_NAME, QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder) # Apply new order to our list of routines too: self.routines = [self.routines[order.index(i)] for i in range(len(order))]
[docs] def update_select_all_checkstate(self): with self.select_all_checkbox_state_changed_disconnected: all_states = [] for row in range(self.model.rowCount()): active_item = self.model.item(row, self.COL_ACTIVE) all_states.append(active_item.checkState()) if all(state == QtCore.Qt.Checked for state in all_states): self.select_all_checkbox.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) elif all(state == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked for state in all_states): self.select_all_checkbox.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) else: self.select_all_checkbox.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.PartiallyChecked)
[docs] class EditColumnsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): close_signal = Signal()
[docs] def __init__(self): QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self, None, QtCore.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | QtCore.Qt.WindowTitleHint)
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): self.close_signal.emit() event.ignore()
[docs] class EditColumns(object): ROLE_SORT_DATA = QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 1 COL_VISIBLE = 0 COL_NAME = 1
[docs] def __init__(self, filebox, column_names, columns_visible): self.filebox = filebox self.column_names = column_names.copy() self.columns_visible = columns_visible.copy() self.old_columns_visible = columns_visible.copy() loader = UiLoader() self.ui = loader.load(os.path.join(LYSE_DIR, 'edit_columns.ui'), EditColumnsDialog()) self.model = UneditableModel() self.header = HorizontalHeaderViewWithWidgets(self.model) self.select_all_checkbox = QtWidgets.QCheckBox() self.select_all_checkbox.setTristate(False) self.ui.treeView.setHeader(self.header) self.proxy_model = QtCore.QSortFilterProxyModel() self.proxy_model.setSourceModel(self.model) self.proxy_model.setFilterCaseSensitivity(QtCore.Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.proxy_model.setFilterKeyColumn(self.COL_NAME) self.ui.treeView.setSortingEnabled(True) self.header.setStretchLastSection(True) self.proxy_model.setSortRole(self.ROLE_SORT_DATA) self.ui.treeView.setModel(self.proxy_model) self.ui.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.ApplicationModal) self.ui.treeView.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) # Make the actions for the context menu: self.action_set_selected_visible = QtWidgets.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/ui-check-box'), 'Show selected columns', self.ui) self.action_set_selected_hidden = QtWidgets.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/ui-check-box-uncheck'), 'Hide selected columns', self.ui) self.connect_signals() self.populate_model(column_names, self.columns_visible)
[docs] def connect_signals(self): self.ui.close_signal.connect(self.close) self.ui.lineEdit_filter.textEdited.connect(self.on_filter_text_edited) self.ui.pushButton_make_it_so.clicked.connect(self.make_it_so) self.ui.pushButton_cancel.clicked.connect(self.cancel) self.model.itemChanged.connect(self.on_model_item_changed) # A context manager with which we can temporarily disconnect the above connection. self.model_item_changed_disconnected = DisconnectContextManager( self.model.itemChanged, self.on_model_item_changed) self.select_all_checkbox.stateChanged.connect(self.on_select_all_state_changed) self.select_all_checkbox_state_changed_disconnected = DisconnectContextManager( self.select_all_checkbox.stateChanged, self.on_select_all_state_changed) self.ui.treeView.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.on_treeView_context_menu_requested) self.action_set_selected_visible.triggered.connect( lambda: self.on_set_selected_triggered(QtCore.Qt.Checked)) self.action_set_selected_hidden.triggered.connect( lambda: self.on_set_selected_triggered(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked))
[docs] def populate_model(self, column_names, columns_visible): self.model.clear() self.model.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['', 'Name']) self.header.setWidget(self.COL_VISIBLE, self.select_all_checkbox) self.ui.treeView.resizeColumnToContents(self.COL_VISIBLE) # Which indices in self.columns_visible the row numbers correspond to self.column_indices = {} # Remove our special columns from the dict of column names by keeping only tuples: column_names = {i: name for i, name in column_names.items() if isinstance(name, tuple)} # Sort the column names as comma separated values, converting to lower case: sortkey = lambda item: ', '.join(item[1]).lower().strip(', ') for column_index, name in sorted(column_names.items(), key=sortkey): visible = columns_visible[column_index] visible_item = QtGui.QStandardItem() visible_item.setCheckable(True) if visible: visible_item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) visible_item.setData(QtCore.Qt.Checked, self.ROLE_SORT_DATA) else: visible_item.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) visible_item.setData(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked, self.ROLE_SORT_DATA) name_as_string = ', '.join(name).strip(', ') name_item = QtGui.QStandardItem(name_as_string) name_item.setData(sortkey((column_index, name)), self.ROLE_SORT_DATA) self.model.appendRow([visible_item, name_item]) self.column_indices[self.model.rowCount() - 1] = column_index self.ui.treeView.resizeColumnToContents(self.COL_NAME) self.update_select_all_checkstate() self.ui.treeView.sortByColumn(self.COL_NAME, QtCore.Qt.AscendingOrder)
[docs] def on_treeView_context_menu_requested(self, point): menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self.ui) menu.addAction(self.action_set_selected_visible) menu.addAction(self.action_set_selected_hidden) menu.exec_(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
[docs] def on_set_selected_triggered(self, visible): selected_indexes = self.ui.treeView.selectedIndexes() selected_rows = set(self.proxy_model.mapToSource(index).row() for index in selected_indexes) for row in selected_rows: visible_item = self.model.item(row, self.COL_VISIBLE) self.update_visible_state(visible_item, visible) self.update_select_all_checkstate() self.do_sort() self.filebox.set_columns_visible(self.columns_visible)
[docs] def on_filter_text_edited(self, text): self.proxy_model.setFilterWildcard(text)
[docs] def on_select_all_state_changed(self, state): with self.select_all_checkbox_state_changed_disconnected: # Do not allow a switch *to* a partially checked state: self.select_all_checkbox.setTristate(False) state = self.select_all_checkbox.checkState() for row in range(self.model.rowCount()): visible_item = self.model.item(row, self.COL_VISIBLE) self.update_visible_state(visible_item, state) self.do_sort() self.filebox.set_columns_visible(self.columns_visible)
[docs] def update_visible_state(self, item, state): assert item.column() == self.COL_VISIBLE, "unexpected column" row = item.row() with self.model_item_changed_disconnected: item.setCheckState(state) item.setData(state, self.ROLE_SORT_DATA) if state == QtCore.Qt.Checked: self.columns_visible[self.column_indices[row]] = True else: self.columns_visible[self.column_indices[row]] = False
[docs] def update_select_all_checkstate(self): with self.select_all_checkbox_state_changed_disconnected: all_states = [] for row in range(self.model.rowCount()): visible_item = self.model.item(row, self.COL_VISIBLE) all_states.append(visible_item.checkState()) if all(state == QtCore.Qt.Checked for state in all_states): self.select_all_checkbox.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Checked) elif all(state == QtCore.Qt.Unchecked for state in all_states): self.select_all_checkbox.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) else: self.select_all_checkbox.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.PartiallyChecked)
[docs] def on_model_item_changed(self, item): state = item.checkState() self.update_visible_state(item, state) self.update_select_all_checkstate() self.do_sort() self.filebox.set_columns_visible(self.columns_visible)
[docs] def do_sort(self): header = self.ui.treeView.header() sort_column = header.sortIndicatorSection() sort_order = header.sortIndicatorOrder() self.ui.treeView.sortByColumn(sort_column, sort_order)
[docs] def update_columns(self, column_names, columns_visible): # Index/name mapping may have changed. Get a mapping by *name* of # which columns were previously visible, so we can update our by-index # mapping in a moment: old_columns_visible_by_name = {} for old_column_number, visible in self.old_columns_visible.items(): column_name = self.column_names[old_column_number] old_columns_visible_by_name[column_name] = visible self.columns_visible = columns_visible.copy() self.column_names = column_names.copy() # Update the by-index mapping of which columns were visible before editing: self.old_columns_visible = {} for index, name in self.column_names.items(): try: self.old_columns_visible[index] = old_columns_visible_by_name[name] except KeyError: # A new column. If editing is cancelled, any new columns # should be set to visible: self.old_columns_visible[index] = True self.populate_model(column_names, self.columns_visible)
[docs] def show(self): self.old_columns_visible = self.columns_visible.copy()
[docs] def close(self): self.columns_visible = self.old_columns_visible.copy() self.filebox.set_columns_visible(self.columns_visible) self.populate_model(self.column_names, self.columns_visible) self.ui.hide()
[docs] def cancel(self): self.ui.close()
[docs] def make_it_so(self): self.ui.hide()
[docs] class ItemDelegate(QtWidgets.QStyledItemDelegate): """An item delegate with a fixed height and a progress bar in one column""" EXTRA_ROW_HEIGHT = 2
[docs] def __init__(self, view, model, col_status, role_status_percent): self.view = view self.model = model self.COL_STATUS = col_status self.ROLE_STATUS_PERCENT = role_status_percent QtWidgets.QStyledItemDelegate.__init__(self)
[docs] def sizeHint(self, *args): fontmetrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self.view.font()) text_height = fontmetrics.height() row_height = text_height + self.EXTRA_ROW_HEIGHT size = QtWidgets.QStyledItemDelegate.sizeHint(self, *args) return QtCore.QSize(size.width(), row_height)
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, index): if index.column() == self.COL_STATUS: status_percent =, self.ROLE_STATUS_PERCENT) if status_percent == 100: # Render as a normal item - this shows whatever icon is set instead of a progress bar. return QtWidgets.QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index) else: # Method of rendering a progress bar into the view copied from # Qt's 'network-torrent' example: # # Set up a QStyleOptionProgressBar to precisely mimic the # environment of a progress bar. progress_bar_option = QtWidgets.QStyleOptionProgressBar() progress_bar_option.state = QtWidgets.QStyle.State_Enabled progress_bar_option.direction = qapplication.layoutDirection() progress_bar_option.rect = option.rect progress_bar_option.fontMetrics = qapplication.fontMetrics() progress_bar_option.minimum = 0 progress_bar_option.maximum = 100 progress_bar_option.textAlignment = QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter progress_bar_option.textVisible = True # Set the progress and text values of the style option. progress_bar_option.progress = int(status_percent) progress_bar_option.text = '%d%%' % status_percent # Draw the progress bar onto the view., progress_bar_option, painter) else: return QtWidgets.QStyledItemDelegate.paint(self, painter, option, index)
[docs] class UneditableModel(QtGui.QStandardItemModel):
[docs] def flags(self, index): """Return flags as normal except that the ItemIsEditable flag is always False""" result = QtGui.QStandardItemModel.flags(self, index) return result & ~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable
[docs] class TableView(QtWidgets.QTableView): leftClicked = Signal(QtCore.QModelIndex) doubleLeftClicked = Signal(QtCore.QModelIndex) """A QTableView that emits a custom signal leftClicked(index) after a left click on a valid index, and doubleLeftClicked(index) (in addition) on double click. Multiple inheritance of QObjects is not possible, so we are forced to duplicate code instead of sharing code with the extremely similar TreeView class in this module"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args): QtWidgets.QTableView.__init__(self, *args) self._pressed_index = None self._double_click = False
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, event): result = QtWidgets.QTableView.mousePressEvent(self, event) index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton and index.isValid(): self._pressed_index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) return result
[docs] def leaveEvent(self, event): result = QtWidgets.QTableView.leaveEvent(self, event) self._pressed_index = None self._double_click = False return result
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): # Ensure our left click event occurs regardless of whether it is the # second click in a double click or not result = QtWidgets.QTableView.mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event) index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton and index.isValid(): self._pressed_index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) self._double_click = True return result
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): result = QtWidgets.QTableView.mouseReleaseEvent(self, event) index = self.indexAt(event.pos()) if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton and index.isValid() and index == self._pressed_index: self.leftClicked.emit(index) if self._double_click: self.doubleLeftClicked.emit(index) self._pressed_index = None self._double_click = False return result
[docs] class DataFrameModel(QtCore.QObject): COL_STATUS = 0 COL_FILEPATH = 1 ROLE_STATUS_PERCENT = QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 1 ROLE_DELETED_OFF_DISK = QtCore.Qt.UserRole + 2 columns_changed = Signal()
[docs] def __init__(self, view, exp_config): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self._view = view self.exp_config = exp_config self._model = UneditableModel() self.row_number_by_filepath = {} self._previous_n_digits = 0 self._header = HorizontalHeaderViewWithWidgets(self._model) self._vertheader = QtWidgets.QHeaderView(QtCore.Qt.Vertical) self._vertheader.setSectionResizeMode(QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) # Smaller font for headers: font = self._vertheader.font() font.setPointSize(10 if sys.platform == 'darwin' else 8) self._header.setFont(font) font.setFamily('Ubuntu Mono') self._vertheader.setFont(font) self._vertheader.setHighlightSections(True) self._vertheader.setSectionsClickable(True) self._view.setModel(self._model) self._view.setHorizontalHeader(self._header) self._view.setVerticalHeader(self._vertheader) self._delegate = ItemDelegate(self._view, self._model, self.COL_STATUS, self.ROLE_STATUS_PERCENT) self._view.setItemDelegate(self._delegate) self._view.setSelectionBehavior(QtWidgets.QTableView.SelectRows) self._view.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) # Check if integer indexing is to be used try: self.integer_indexing = self.exp_config.getboolean('lyse', 'integer_indexing') except (LabConfig.NoOptionError, LabConfig.NoSectionError): self.integer_indexing = False # This dataframe will contain all the scalar data # from the shot files that are currently open: index = pandas.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('filepath', '')]) self.dataframe = pandas.DataFrame({'filepath': []}, columns=index) # How many levels the dataframe's multiindex has: self.nlevels = self.dataframe.columns.nlevels status_item = QtGui.QStandardItem() status_item.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/information')) status_item.setToolTip('status/progress of single-shot analysis') self._model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(self.COL_STATUS, status_item) filepath_item = QtGui.QStandardItem('filepath') filepath_item.setToolTip('filepath') self._model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(self.COL_FILEPATH, filepath_item) self._view.setColumnWidth(self.COL_STATUS, 70) self._view.setColumnWidth(self.COL_FILEPATH, 100) # Column indices to names and vice versa for fast lookup: self.column_indices = {'__status': self.COL_STATUS, ('filepath', ''): self.COL_FILEPATH} self.column_names = {self.COL_STATUS: '__status', self.COL_FILEPATH: ('filepath', '')} self.columns_visible = {self.COL_STATUS: True, self.COL_FILEPATH: True} # Whether or not a deleted column was visible at the time it was deleted (by name): self.deleted_columns_visible = {} # Make the actions for the context menu: self.action_remove_selected = QtWidgets.QAction( QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/minus'), 'Remove selected shots', self._view) self.connect_signals()
[docs] def connect_signals(self): self._view.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.on_view_context_menu_requested) self.action_remove_selected.triggered.connect(self.on_remove_selection)
[docs] def on_remove_selection(self): self.remove_selection()
[docs] def remove_selection(self, confirm=True): selection_model = self._view.selectionModel() selected_indexes = selection_model.selectedRows() selected_name_items = [self._model.itemFromIndex(index) for index in selected_indexes] if not selected_name_items: return if confirm and not question_dialog("Remove %d shots?" % len(selected_name_items)): return # Remove from DataFrame first: self.dataframe = self.dataframe.drop(index.row() for index in selected_indexes) self.dataframe.index = pandas.Index(range(len(self.dataframe))) # Delete one at a time from Qt model: for name_item in selected_name_items: row = name_item.row() self._model.removeRow(row) self.renumber_rows()
[docs] def mark_selection_not_done(self): selected_indexes = self._view.selectedIndexes() selected_rows = set(index.row() for index in selected_indexes) for row in selected_rows: status_item = self._model.item(row, self.COL_STATUS) if # If the shot was previously not readable on disk, check to # see if it's readable now. It may have been undeleted or # perhaps it being unreadable before was due to a network # glitch or similar. filepath = self._model.item(row, self.COL_FILEPATH).text() if not os.path.exists(filepath): continue # Shot file is accesible again: status_item.setData(False, self.ROLE_DELETED_OFF_DISK) status_item.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/tick')) status_item.setToolTip(None) status_item.setData(0, self.ROLE_STATUS_PERCENT)
[docs] def on_view_context_menu_requested(self, point): menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self._view) menu.addAction(self.action_remove_selected) menu.exec_(QtGui.QCursor.pos())
[docs] def on_double_click(self, index): filepath_item = self._model.item(index.row(), self.COL_FILEPATH) shot_filepath = filepath_item.text() # get path to text editor viewer_path = self.exp_config.get('programs', 'hdf5_viewer') viewer_args = self.exp_config.get('programs', 'hdf5_viewer_arguments') # Get the current labscript file: if not viewer_path: error_dialog("No hdf5 viewer specified in the labconfig.") if '{file}' in viewer_args: # Split the args on spaces into a list, replacing {file} with the labscript file viewer_args = [arg if arg != '{file}' else shot_filepath for arg in viewer_args.split()] else: # Otherwise if {file} isn't already in there, append it to the other args: viewer_args = [shot_filepath] + viewer_args.split() try: subprocess.Popen([viewer_path] + viewer_args) except Exception as e: error_dialog("Unable to launch hdf5 viewer specified in %s. Error was: %s" % (self.exp_config.config_path, str(e)))
[docs] def set_columns_visible(self, columns_visible): self.columns_visible = columns_visible for column_index, visible in columns_visible.items(): self._view.setColumnHidden(column_index, not visible)
[docs] def update_column_levels(self): """Pads the keys and values of our lists of column names so that they still match those in the dataframe after the number of levels in its multiindex has increased (the number of levels never decreases, given the current implementation of concat_with_padding())""" extra_levels = self.dataframe.columns.nlevels - self.nlevels if extra_levels > 0: self.nlevels = self.dataframe.columns.nlevels column_indices = {} column_names = {} for column_name in self.column_indices: if not isinstance(column_name, tuple): # It's one of our special columns new_column_name = column_name else: new_column_name = column_name + ('',) * extra_levels column_index = self.column_indices[column_name] column_indices[new_column_name] = column_index column_names[column_index] = new_column_name self.column_indices = column_indices self.column_names = column_names
[docs] @inmain_decorator() def mark_as_deleted_off_disk(self, filepath): # Confirm the shot hasn't been removed from lyse (we are in the main # thread so there is no race condition in checking first) if not filepath in self.dataframe['filepath'].values: # Shot has been removed from FileBox, nothing to do here: return row_number = self.row_number_by_filepath[filepath] status_item = self._model.item(row_number, self.COL_STATUS) already_marked_as_deleted = if already_marked_as_deleted: return # Icon only displays if percent completion is 100. This is also # important so that the shot is not picked up as analysis # incomplete and analysis re-attempted on it. status_item.setData(True, self.ROLE_DELETED_OFF_DISK) status_item.setData(100, self.ROLE_STATUS_PERCENT) status_item.setToolTip("Shot has been deleted off disk or is unreadable") status_item.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/drive--minus')) app.output_box.output('Warning: Shot deleted from disk or no longer readable %s\n' % filepath, red=True)
[docs] @inmain_decorator() def infer_objects(self): """Convert columns in the dataframe with dtype 'object' into compatible, more specific types, if possible. This improves pickling performance and ensures multishot analysis code does not encounter columns with dtype 'object' for non-mixed numerical data, which it might choke on. """ self.dataframe = self.dataframe.infer_objects()
[docs] @inmain_decorator() def update_row(self, filepath, dataframe_already_updated=False, new_row_data=None, updated_row_data=None): """"Updates a row in the dataframe and Qt model to the data in the HDF5 file for that shot.""" # To speed things up block signals to the model during update self._model.blockSignals(True) # Update the row in the dataframe first: if (new_row_data is None) == (updated_row_data is None) and not dataframe_already_updated: raise ValueError('Exactly one of new_row_data or updated_row_data must be provided') try: row_number = self.row_number_by_filepath[filepath] except KeyError: # Row has been deleted, nothing to do here: return filepath_colname = ('filepath',) + ('',) * (self.nlevels - 1) assert filepath ==[row_number, filepath_colname] if updated_row_data is not None and not dataframe_already_updated: for group, name in updated_row_data: column_name = (group, name) + ('',) * (self.nlevels - 2) value = updated_row_data[group, name] try:[row_number, column_name] = value except ValueError: # did the column not already exist when we tried to set an iterable? if not column_name in self.dataframe.columns: # create it with a non-iterable and then overwrite with the iterable value:[row_number, column_name] = None else: # Incompatible datatype - convert the datatype of the column to # 'object' self.dataframe[column_name] = self.dataframe[column_name].astype('object') # Now that the column exists and has dtype object, we can set the value:[row_number, column_name] = value dataframe_already_updated = True if not dataframe_already_updated: if new_row_data is None: raise ValueError("If dataframe_already_updated is False, then new_row_data, as returned " "by dataframe_utils.get_dataframe_from_shot(filepath) must be provided.") self.dataframe = replace_with_padding(self.dataframe, new_row_data, row_number) self.update_column_levels() # Check and create necessary new columns in the Qt model: new_column_names = set(self.dataframe.columns) - set(self.column_names.values()) new_columns_start = self._model.columnCount() self._model.insertColumns(new_columns_start, len(new_column_names)) for i, column_name in enumerate(sorted(new_column_names)): # Set the header label of the new column: column_number = new_columns_start + i self.column_names[column_number] = column_name self.column_indices[column_name] = column_number if column_name in self.deleted_columns_visible: # Restore the former visibility of this column if we've # seen one with its name before: visible = self.deleted_columns_visible[column_name] self.columns_visible[column_number] = visible self._view.setColumnHidden(column_number, not visible) else: # new columns are visible by default: self.columns_visible[column_number] = True column_name_as_string = '\n'.join(column_name).strip() header_item = QtGui.QStandardItem(column_name_as_string) header_item.setToolTip(column_name_as_string) self._model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(column_number, header_item) # Check and remove any no-longer-needed columns in the Qt model: defunct_column_names = (set(self.column_names.values()) - set(self.dataframe.columns) - {self.column_names[self.COL_STATUS], self.column_names[self.COL_FILEPATH]}) defunct_column_indices = [self.column_indices[column_name] for column_name in defunct_column_names] for column_number in sorted(defunct_column_indices, reverse=True): # Remove columns from the Qt model. In reverse order so that # removals do not change the position of columns yet to be # removed. self._model.removeColumn(column_number) # Save whether or not the column was visible when it was # removed (so that if it is re-added the visibility will be retained): self.deleted_columns_visible[self.column_names[column_number]] = self.columns_visible[column_number] del self.column_names[column_number] del self.columns_visible[column_number] if defunct_column_indices: # Renumber the keys of self.columns_visible and self.column_names to reflect deletions: self.column_names = {newindex: name for newindex, (oldindex, name) in enumerate(sorted(self.column_names.items()))} self.columns_visible = {newindex: visible for newindex, (oldindex, visible) in enumerate(sorted(self.columns_visible.items()))} # Update the inverse mapping of self.column_names: self.column_indices = {name: index for index, name in self.column_names.items()} # Update the data in the Qt model: dataframe_row = self.dataframe.iloc[row_number].to_dict() for column_number, column_name in self.column_names.items(): if not isinstance(column_name, tuple): # One of our special columns, does not correspond to a column in the dataframe: continue if updated_row_data is not None: # Must remove empty strings from tuple to compare with updated_row_data: if tuple(s for s in column_name if s) not in updated_row_data: continue value = dataframe_row[column_name] if isinstance(value, float): value_str = scientific_notation(value) else: value_str = str(value) lines = value_str.splitlines() if len(lines) > 1: short_value_str = lines[0] + ' ...' else: short_value_str = value_str item = self._model.item(row_number, column_number) if item is None: # This is the first time we've written a value to this part of the model: item = QtGui.QStandardItem(short_value_str) item.setData(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, QtCore.Qt.TextAlignmentRole) self._model.setItem(row_number, column_number, item) else: item.setText(short_value_str) item.setToolTip(repr(value)) for i, column_name in enumerate(sorted(new_column_names)): # Resize any new columns to fit contents: column_number = new_columns_start + i self._view.resizeColumnToContents(column_number) if new_column_names or defunct_column_names: self.columns_changed.emit() # unblock signals to the model and tell it to update self._model.blockSignals(False) self._model.layoutChanged.emit()
[docs] @inmain_decorator() def set_status_percent(self, filepath, status_percent): try: row_number = self.row_number_by_filepath[filepath] except KeyError: # Row has been deleted, nothing to do here: return status_item = self._model.item(row_number, self.COL_STATUS) status_item.setData(status_percent, self.ROLE_STATUS_PERCENT)
[docs] def new_row(self, filepath, done=False): status_item = QtGui.QStandardItem() if done: status_item.setData(100, self.ROLE_STATUS_PERCENT) status_item.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/tick')) else: status_item.setData(0, self.ROLE_STATUS_PERCENT) status_item.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/tick')) name_item = QtGui.QStandardItem(filepath) return [status_item, name_item]
[docs] def renumber_rows(self, add_from=0): """Add/update row indices - the rows are numbered in simple sequential order for easy comparison with the dataframe. add_from allows you to only add numbers for new rows from the given index as a performance optimisation, though if the number of digits changes, all rows will still be renumbered. add_from should not be used if rows have been deleted.""" n_digits = len(str(self._model.rowCount())) if n_digits != self._previous_n_digits: # All labels must be updated: add_from = 0 self._previous_n_digits = n_digits if add_from == 0: self.row_number_by_filepath = {} for row_number in range(add_from, self._model.rowCount()): vertical_header_item = self._model.verticalHeaderItem(row_number) row_number_str = str(row_number).rjust(n_digits) vert_header_text = '{}. '.format(row_number_str) filepath_item = self._model.item(row_number, self.COL_FILEPATH) filepath = filepath_item.text() self.row_number_by_filepath[filepath] = row_number if self.integer_indexing: header_cols = ['sequence_index', 'run number', 'run repeat'] header_strings = [] for col in header_cols: val = self.dataframe[col].values[row_number] if pandas.notna(val): header_strings.append('{:04d}'.format(val)) else: header_strings.append('----') vert_header_text += ' | '.join(header_strings) else: basename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] vert_header_text += basename vertical_header_item.setText(vert_header_text)
[docs] @inmain_decorator() def add_files(self, filepaths, new_row_data, done=False): """Add files to the dataframe model. New_row_data should be a dataframe containing the new rows.""" to_add = [] # Check for duplicates: for filepath in filepaths: if filepath in self.row_number_by_filepath or filepath in to_add: app.output_box.output('Warning: Ignoring duplicate shot %s\n' % filepath, red=True) if new_row_data is not None: df_row_index = np.where(new_row_data['filepath'].values == filepath) new_row_data = new_row_data.drop(df_row_index[0]) new_row_data.index = pandas.Index(range(len(new_row_data))) else: to_add.append(filepath) assert len(new_row_data) == len(to_add) if to_add: # Update the dataframe: self.dataframe = concat_with_padding(self.dataframe, new_row_data) self.update_column_levels() app.filebox.set_add_shots_progress(None, None, "updating filebox") for filepath in to_add: # Add the new rows to the Qt model: self._model.appendRow(self.new_row(filepath, done=done)) vert_header_item = QtGui.QStandardItem('...loading...') self._model.setVerticalHeaderItem(self._model.rowCount() - 1, vert_header_item) self._view.resizeRowToContents(self._model.rowCount() - 1) self.renumber_rows(add_from=self._model.rowCount()-len(to_add)) # Update the Qt model: for filepath in to_add: self.update_row(filepath, dataframe_already_updated=True) app.filebox.set_add_shots_progress(None, None, None)
[docs] @inmain_decorator() def get_first_incomplete(self): """Returns the filepath of the first shot in the model that has not been analysed""" for row in range(self._model.rowCount()): status_item = self._model.item(row, self.COL_STATUS) if != 100: filepath_item = self._model.item(row, self.COL_FILEPATH) return filepath_item.text()
[docs] class FileBox(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, container, exp_config, to_singleshot, from_singleshot, to_multishot, from_multishot): self.exp_config = exp_config self.to_singleshot = to_singleshot self.to_multishot = to_multishot self.from_singleshot = from_singleshot self.from_multishot = from_multishot self.logger = logging.getLogger('lyse.FileBox')'starting') loader = UiLoader() loader.registerCustomWidget(TableView) self.ui = loader.load(os.path.join(LYSE_DIR, 'filebox.ui')) self.ui.progressBar_add_shots.hide() container.addWidget(self.ui) self.shots_model = DataFrameModel(self.ui.tableView, self.exp_config) set_auto_scroll_to_end(self.ui.tableView.verticalScrollBar()) self.edit_columns_dialog = EditColumns(self, self.shots_model.column_names, self.shots_model.columns_visible) self.last_opened_shots_folder = self.exp_config.get('paths', 'experiment_shot_storage') self.connect_signals() self.analysis_paused = False self.multishot_required = False # An Event to let the analysis thread know to check for shots that # need analysing, rather than using a time.sleep: self.analysis_pending = threading.Event() # The folder that the 'add shots' dialog will open to: self.current_folder = self.exp_config.get('paths', 'experiment_shot_storage') # A queue for storing incoming files from the ZMQ server so # the server can keep receiving files even if analysis is slow # or paused: self.incoming_queue = queue.Queue() # Start the thread to handle incoming files, and store them in # a buffer if processing is paused: self.incoming = threading.Thread(target=self.incoming_buffer_loop) self.incoming.daemon = True self.incoming.start() self.analysis = threading.Thread(target = self.analysis_loop) self.analysis.daemon = True self.analysis.start()
[docs] def connect_signals(self): self.ui.pushButton_edit_columns.clicked.connect(self.on_edit_columns_clicked) self.shots_model.columns_changed.connect(self.on_columns_changed) self.ui.toolButton_add_shots.clicked.connect(self.on_add_shot_files_clicked) self.ui.toolButton_remove_shots.clicked.connect(self.shots_model.on_remove_selection) self.ui.tableView.doubleLeftClicked.connect(self.shots_model.on_double_click) self.ui.pushButton_analysis_running.toggled.connect(self.on_analysis_running_toggled) self.ui.pushButton_mark_as_not_done.clicked.connect(self.on_mark_selection_not_done_clicked) self.ui.pushButton_run_multishot_analysis.clicked.connect(self.on_run_multishot_analysis_clicked)
[docs] def on_edit_columns_clicked(self):
[docs] def on_columns_changed(self): column_names = self.shots_model.column_names columns_visible = self.shots_model.columns_visible self.edit_columns_dialog.update_columns(column_names, columns_visible)
[docs] def on_add_shot_files_clicked(self): shot_files = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self.ui, 'Select shot files', self.last_opened_shots_folder, "HDF5 files (*.h5)") if type(shot_files) is tuple: shot_files, _ = shot_files if not shot_files: # User cancelled selection return # Convert to standard platform specific path, otherwise Qt likes forward slashes: shot_files = [os.path.abspath(shot_file) for shot_file in shot_files] # Save the containing folder for use next time we open the dialog box: self.last_opened_shots_folder = os.path.dirname(shot_files[0]) # Queue the files to be opened: for filepath in shot_files: self.incoming_queue.put(filepath)
[docs] def on_analysis_running_toggled(self, pressed): if pressed: self.analysis_paused = True self.ui.pushButton_analysis_running.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/control')) self.ui.pushButton_analysis_running.setText('Analysis paused') else: self.analysis_paused = False self.ui.pushButton_analysis_running.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(':qtutils/fugue/control')) self.ui.pushButton_analysis_running.setText('Analysis running') self.analysis_pending.set()
[docs] def on_mark_selection_not_done_clicked(self): self.shots_model.mark_selection_not_done() # Let the analysis loop know to look for these shots: self.analysis_pending.set()
[docs] def on_run_multishot_analysis_clicked(self): self.multishot_required = True self.analysis_pending.set()
[docs] def set_columns_visible(self, columns_visible): self.shots_model.set_columns_visible(columns_visible)
[docs] @inmain_decorator() def set_add_shots_progress(self, completed, total, message): self.ui.progressBar_add_shots.setFormat("Adding shots: [{}] %v/%m (%p%)".format(message)) if completed == total and message is None: self.ui.progressBar_add_shots.hide() else: if total is not None: self.ui.progressBar_add_shots.setMaximum(total) if completed is not None: self.ui.progressBar_add_shots.setValue(completed) if self.ui.progressBar_add_shots.isHidden(): if completed is None and total is None and message is not None: # Ensure a repaint when only the message changes: self.ui.progressBar_add_shots.repaint()
[docs] def incoming_buffer_loop(self): """We use a queue as a buffer for incoming shots. We don't want to hang and not respond to a client submitting shots, so we just let shots pile up here until we can get to them. The downside to this is that we can't return errors to the client if the shot cannot be added, but the suggested workflow is to handle errors here anyway. A client running shots shouldn't stop the experiment on account of errors from the analyis stage, so what's the point of passing errors to it? We'll just raise errors here and the user can decide what to do with them.""" logger = logging.getLogger('lyse.FileBox.incoming') # HDF5 prints lots of errors by default, for things that aren't # actually errors. These are silenced on a per thread basis, # and automatically silenced in the main thread when h5py is # imported. So we'll silence them in this thread too: h5py._errors.silence_errors() n_shots_added = 0 while True: try: filepaths = [] filepath = self.incoming_queue.get() filepaths.append(filepath) if self.incoming_queue.qsize() == 0: # Wait momentarily in case more arrive so we can batch process them: time.sleep(0.1) # Batch process to decrease number of dataframe concatenations: batch_size = len(self.shots_model.dataframe) // 3 + 1 while True: try: filepath = self.incoming_queue.get(False) except queue.Empty: break else: filepaths.append(filepath) if len(filepaths) >= batch_size: break'adding:\n%s' % '\n'.join(filepaths)) if n_shots_added == 0: total_shots = self.incoming_queue.qsize() + len(filepaths) self.set_add_shots_progress(1, total_shots, "reading shot files") # Remove duplicates from the list (preserving order) in case the # client sent the same filepath multiple times: filepaths = sorted(set(filepaths), key=filepaths.index) # Inefficient but readable # We open the HDF5 files here outside the GUI thread so as not to hang the GUI: dataframes = [] indices_of_files_not_found = [] for i, filepath in enumerate(filepaths): try: dataframe = get_dataframe_from_shot(filepath) dataframes.append(dataframe) except IOError: app.output_box.output('Warning: Ignoring shot file not found or not readable %s\n' % filepath, red=True) indices_of_files_not_found.append(i) n_shots_added += 1 shots_remaining = self.incoming_queue.qsize() total_shots = n_shots_added + shots_remaining + len(filepaths) - (i + 1) self.set_add_shots_progress(n_shots_added, total_shots, "reading shot files") self.set_add_shots_progress(n_shots_added, total_shots, "concatenating dataframes") if dataframes: new_row_data = concat_with_padding(*dataframes) else: new_row_data = None # Do not add the shots that were not found on disk. Reverse # loop so that removing an item doesn't change the indices of # subsequent removals: for i in reversed(indices_of_files_not_found): del filepaths[i] if filepaths: self.shots_model.add_files(filepaths, new_row_data) # Let the analysis loop know to look for new shots: self.analysis_pending.set() if shots_remaining == 0: self.set_add_shots_progress(n_shots_added, total_shots, None) n_shots_added = 0 # reset our counter for the next batch except Exception: # Keep this incoming loop running at all costs, but make the # otherwise uncaught exception visible to the user: zprocess.raise_exception_in_thread(sys.exc_info())
[docs] def analysis_loop(self): logger = logging.getLogger('lyse.FileBox.analysis_loop') # HDF5 prints lots of errors by default, for things that aren't # actually errors. These are silenced on a per thread basis, # and automatically silenced in the main thread when h5py is # imported. So we'll silence them in this thread too: h5py._errors.silence_errors() while True: try: self.analysis_pending.wait() self.analysis_pending.clear() at_least_one_shot_analysed = False while True: if not self.analysis_paused: # Find the first shot that has not finished being analysed: filepath = self.shots_model.get_first_incomplete() if filepath is not None:'analysing: %s'%filepath) self.do_singleshot_analysis(filepath) at_least_one_shot_analysed = True if filepath is None and at_least_one_shot_analysed: self.multishot_required = True if filepath is None: break if self.multishot_required:'doing multishot analysis') self.do_multishot_analysis() else:'analysis is paused') break if self.multishot_required:'doing multishot analysis') self.do_multishot_analysis() except Exception: etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info() orig_exception = ''.join(traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)) message = ('Analysis loop encountered unexpected exception. ' + 'This is a bug and should be reported. The analysis ' + 'loop is continuing, but lyse may be in an inconsistent state. ' 'Restart lyse, or continue at your own risk. ' 'Original exception was:\n\n' + orig_exception) # Raise the exception in a thread so we can keep running zprocess.raise_exception_in_thread((RuntimeError, RuntimeError(message), tb)) self.pause_analysis()
[docs] @inmain_decorator() def pause_analysis(self): # This automatically triggers the slot that sets self.analysis_paused self.ui.pushButton_analysis_running.setChecked(True)
[docs] def do_singleshot_analysis(self, filepath): # Check the shot file exists before sending it to the singleshot # routinebox. This does not guarantee it won't have been deleted by # the time the routinebox starts running analysis on it, but by # detecting it now we can most of the time avoid the user code # coughing exceptions due to the file not existing. Which would also # not be a problem, but this way we avoid polluting the outputbox with # more errors than necessary. if not os.path.exists(filepath): self.shots_model.mark_as_deleted_off_disk(filepath) return self.to_singleshot.put(filepath) while True: signal, status_percent, updated_data = self.from_singleshot.get() for file in updated_data: # Update the data for all the rows with new data: self.shots_model.update_row(file, updated_row_data=updated_data[file]) # Update the status percent for the the row on which analysis is actually # running: if status_percent is not None: self.shots_model.set_status_percent(filepath, status_percent) if signal == 'done': return if signal == 'error': if not os.path.exists(filepath): # Do not pause if the file has been deleted. An error is # no surprise there: self.shots_model.mark_as_deleted_off_disk(filepath) else: self.pause_analysis() return if signal == 'progress': continue raise ValueError('invalid signal %s' % str(signal))
[docs] def do_multishot_analysis(self): self.to_multishot.put(None) while True: signal, _, updated_data = self.from_multishot.get() for file in updated_data: self.shots_model.update_row(file, updated_row_data=updated_data[file]) if signal == 'done': self.multishot_required = False return elif signal == 'error': self.pause_analysis() return
[docs] class Lyse(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): splash.update_text('loading graphical interface') loader = UiLoader() self.ui = loader.load(os.path.join(LYSE_DIR, 'main.ui'), LyseMainWindow()) self.connect_signals() self.setup_config() self.port = int(self.exp_config.get('ports', 'lyse')) # The singleshot routinebox will be connected to the filebox # by queues: to_singleshot = queue.Queue() from_singleshot = queue.Queue() # So will the multishot routinebox: to_multishot = queue.Queue() from_multishot = queue.Queue() self.output_box = OutputBox(self.ui.verticalLayout_output_box) self.singleshot_routinebox = RoutineBox(self.ui.verticalLayout_singleshot_routinebox, self.exp_config, self, to_singleshot, from_singleshot, self.output_box.port) self.multishot_routinebox = RoutineBox(self.ui.verticalLayout_multishot_routinebox, self.exp_config, self, to_multishot, from_multishot, self.output_box.port, multishot=True) self.filebox = FileBox(self.ui.verticalLayout_filebox, self.exp_config, to_singleshot, from_singleshot, to_multishot, from_multishot) self.last_save_config_file = None self.last_save_data = None self.ui.actionLoad_configuration.triggered.connect(self.on_load_configuration_triggered) self.ui.actionRevert_configuration.triggered.connect(self.on_revert_configuration_triggered) self.ui.actionSave_configuration.triggered.connect(self.on_save_configuration_triggered) self.ui.actionSave_configuration_as.triggered.connect(self.on_save_configuration_as_triggered) self.ui.actionSave_dataframe_as.triggered.connect(lambda: self.on_save_dataframe_triggered(True)) self.ui.actionSave_dataframe.triggered.connect(lambda: self.on_save_dataframe_triggered(False)) self.ui.actionLoad_dataframe.triggered.connect(self.on_load_dataframe_triggered) self.ui.actionQuit.triggered.connect(self.ui.close) self.ui.resize(1600, 900) # Set the splitters to appropriate fractions of their maximum size: self.ui.splitter_horizontal.setSizes([1000, 600]) self.ui.splitter_vertical.setSizes([300, 600]) # autoload a config file, if labconfig is set to do so: try: autoload_config_file = self.exp_config.get('lyse', 'autoload_config_file') except (LabConfig.NoOptionError, LabConfig.NoSectionError): self.output_box.output('Ready.\n\n') else: self.ui.setEnabled(False) self.output_box.output('Loading default config file %s...' % autoload_config_file) def load_the_config_file(): try: self.load_configuration(autoload_config_file, restore_window_geometry) self.output_box.output('done.\n') except Exception as e: self.output_box.output('\nCould not load config file: %s: %s\n\n' % (e.__class__.__name__, str(e)), red=True) else: self.output_box.output('Ready.\n\n') finally: self.ui.setEnabled(True) # Load the window geometry now, but then defer the other loading until 50ms # after the window has shown, so that the GUI pops up faster in the meantime. try: self.load_window_geometry_configuration(autoload_config_file) except Exception: # ignore error for now and let it be raised again in the call to load_configuration: restore_window_geometry = True else: # Success - skip loading window geometry in load_configuration: restore_window_geometry = False self.ui.firstPaint.connect(lambda: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(50, load_the_config_file))
# self.ui.showMaximized()
[docs] def terminate_all_workers(self): for routine in self.singleshot_routinebox.routines + self.multishot_routinebox.routines: routine.end_child()
[docs] def workers_terminated(self): terminated = {} for routine in self.singleshot_routinebox.routines + self.multishot_routinebox.routines: routine.worker.poll() terminated[routine.filepath] = routine.worker.returncode is not None return terminated
[docs] def are_you_sure(self): message = ('Current configuration (which scripts are loaded and other GUI state) ' 'has changed: save config file \'%s\'?' % self.last_save_config_file) reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(self.ui, 'Quit lyse', message, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel: return False if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: self.save_configuration(self.last_save_config_file) return True
[docs] def on_close_event(self): save_data = self.get_save_data() if self.last_save_data is not None and save_data != self.last_save_data: if self.only_window_geometry_is_different(save_data, self.last_save_data): self.save_configuration(self.last_save_config_file) self.terminate_all_workers() return True elif not self.are_you_sure(): return False self.terminate_all_workers() return True
[docs] def on_save_configuration_triggered(self): if self.last_save_config_file is None: self.on_save_configuration_as_triggered() self.ui.actionSave_configuration_as.setEnabled(True) self.ui.actionRevert_configuration.setEnabled(True) else: self.save_configuration(self.last_save_config_file)
[docs] def on_revert_configuration_triggered(self): save_data = self.get_save_data() if self.last_save_data is not None and save_data != self.last_save_data: message = 'Revert configuration to the last saved state in \'%s\'?' % self.last_save_config_file reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(self.ui, 'Load configuration', message, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel: return elif reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: self.load_configuration(self.last_save_config_file) else: error_dialog('no changes to revert')
[docs] def on_save_configuration_as_triggered(self): if self.last_save_config_file is not None: default = self.last_save_config_file else: try: default_path = os.path.join(self.exp_config.get('DEFAULT', 'app_saved_configs'), 'lyse') except LabConfig.NoOptionError: self.exp_config.set('DEFAULT', 'app_saved_configs', os.path.join('%(labscript_suite)s', 'userlib', 'app_saved_configs', '%(apparatus_name)s')) default_path = os.path.join(self.exp_config.get('DEFAULT', 'app_saved_configs'), 'lyse') if not os.path.exists(default_path): os.makedirs(default_path) default = os.path.join(default_path, 'lyse.ini') save_file = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self.ui, 'Select file to save current lyse configuration', default, "config files (*.ini)") if type(save_file) is tuple: save_file, _ = save_file if not save_file: # User cancelled return # Convert to standard platform specific path, otherwise Qt likes # forward slashes: save_file = os.path.abspath(save_file) self.save_configuration(save_file)
[docs] def only_window_geometry_is_different(self, current_data, old_data): ui_keys = ['window_size', 'window_pos', 'splitter', 'splitter_vertical', 'splitter_horizontal'] compare = [current_data[key] == old_data[key] for key in current_data.keys() if key not in ui_keys] return all(compare)
[docs] def get_save_data(self): save_data = {} box = self.singleshot_routinebox save_data['singleshot'] = list(zip([routine.filepath for routine in box.routines], [box.model.item(row, box.COL_ACTIVE).checkState() for row in range(box.model.rowCount())])) save_data['lastsingleshotfolder'] = box.last_opened_routine_folder box = self.multishot_routinebox save_data['multishot'] = list(zip([routine.filepath for routine in box.routines], [box.model.item(row, box.COL_ACTIVE).checkState() for row in range(box.model.rowCount())])) save_data['lastmultishotfolder'] = box.last_opened_routine_folder save_data['lastfileboxfolder'] = self.filebox.last_opened_shots_folder save_data['analysis_paused'] = self.filebox.analysis_paused window_size = self.ui.size() save_data['window_size'] = (window_size.width(), window_size.height()) window_pos = self.ui.pos() save_data['window_pos'] = (window_pos.x(), window_pos.y()) save_data['screen_geometry'] = get_screen_geometry() save_data['splitter'] = self.ui.splitter.sizes() save_data['splitter_vertical'] = self.ui.splitter_vertical.sizes() save_data['splitter_horizontal'] = self.ui.splitter_horizontal.sizes() return save_data
[docs] def save_configuration(self, save_file): save_data = self.get_save_data() self.last_save_config_file = save_file self.last_save_data = save_data save_appconfig(save_file, {'lyse_state': save_data})
[docs] def on_load_configuration_triggered(self): save_data = self.get_save_data() if self.last_save_data is not None and save_data != self.last_save_data: message = ('Current configuration (which groups are active/open and other GUI state) ' 'has changed: save config file \'%s\'?' % self.last_save_config_file) reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(self.ui, 'Load configuration', message, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel: return if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: self.save_configuration(self.last_save_config_file) if self.last_save_config_file is not None: default = self.last_save_config_file else: default = os.path.join(self.exp_config.get('paths', 'experiment_shot_storage'), 'lyse.ini') file = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.ui, 'Select lyse configuration file to load', default, "config files (*.ini)") if type(file) is tuple: file, _ = file if not file: # User cancelled return # Convert to standard platform specific path, otherwise Qt likes # forward slashes: file = os.path.abspath(file) self.load_configuration(file)
[docs] def load_configuration(self, filename, restore_window_geometry=True): self.last_save_config_file = filename self.ui.actionSave_configuration.setText('Save configuration %s' % filename) save_data = load_appconfig(filename).get('lyse_state', {}) if 'singleshot' in save_data: self.singleshot_routinebox.add_routines(save_data['singleshot'], clear_existing=True) if 'lastsingleshotfolder' in save_data: self.singleshot_routinebox.last_opened_routine_folder = save_data['lastsingleshotfolder'] if 'multishot' in save_data: self.multishot_routinebox.add_routines(save_data['multishot'], clear_existing=True) if 'lastmultishotfolder' in save_data: self.multishot_routinebox.last_opened_routine_folder = save_data['lastmultishotfolder'] if 'lastfileboxfolder' in save_data: self.filebox.last_opened_shots_folder = save_data['lastfileboxfolder'] if 'analysis_paused' in save_data and save_data['analysis_paused']: self.filebox.pause_analysis() if restore_window_geometry: self.load_window_geometry_configuration(filename) # Set as self.last_save_data: save_data = self.get_save_data() self.last_save_data = save_data self.ui.actionSave_configuration_as.setEnabled(True) self.ui.actionRevert_configuration.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def load_window_geometry_configuration(self, filename): """Load only the window geometry from the config file. It's useful to have this separate from the rest of load_configuration so that it can be called before the window is shown.""" save_data = load_appconfig(filename)['lyse_state'] if 'screen_geometry' not in save_data: return screen_geometry = save_data['screen_geometry'] # Only restore the window size and position, and splitter # positions if the screen is the same size/same number of monitors # etc. This prevents the window moving off the screen if say, the # position was saved when 2 monitors were plugged in but there is # only one now, and the splitters may not make sense in light of a # different window size, so better to fall back to defaults: current_screen_geometry = get_screen_geometry() if current_screen_geometry == screen_geometry: if 'window_size' in save_data: self.ui.resize(*save_data['window_size']) if 'window_pos' in save_data: self.ui.move(*save_data['window_pos']) if 'splitter' in save_data: self.ui.splitter.setSizes(save_data['splitter']) if 'splitter_vertical' in save_data: self.ui.splitter_vertical.setSizes(save_data['splitter_vertical']) if 'splitter_horizontal' in save_data: self.ui.splitter_horizontal.setSizes(save_data['splitter_horizontal'])
[docs] def setup_config(self): required_config_params = {"DEFAULT": ["apparatus_name"], "programs": ["text_editor", "text_editor_arguments", "hdf5_viewer", "hdf5_viewer_arguments"], "paths": ["shared_drive", "experiment_shot_storage", "analysislib"], "ports": ["lyse"] } self.exp_config = LabConfig(required_params=required_config_params)
[docs] def connect_signals(self): # Keyboard shortcuts: QtWidgets.QShortcut('Del', self.ui, lambda: self.delete_items(True)) QtWidgets.QShortcut('Shift+Del', self.ui, lambda: self.delete_items(False))
[docs] def on_save_dataframe_triggered(self, choose_folder=True): df = self.filebox.shots_model.dataframe.copy() if len(df) > 0: default = self.exp_config.get('paths', 'experiment_shot_storage') if choose_folder: save_path = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self.ui, 'Select a Folder for the Dataframes', default) if type(save_path) is tuple: save_path, _ = save_path if not save_path: # User cancelled return sequences = df.sequence.unique() for sequence in sequences: sequence_df = pandas.DataFrame(df[df['sequence'] == sequence], columns=df.columns).dropna(axis=1, how='all') labscript = sequence_df['labscript'].iloc[0] filename = "dataframe_{}_{}.pkl".format(sequence.to_pydatetime().strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"),labscript[:-3]) if not choose_folder: save_path = os.path.dirname(sequence_df['filepath'].iloc[0]) sequence_df.infer_objects() for col in sequence_df.columns : if sequence_df[col].dtype == object: sequence_df[col] = pandas.to_numeric(sequence_df[col], errors='ignore') sequence_df.to_pickle(os.path.join(save_path, filename)) else: error_dialog('Dataframe is empty')
[docs] def on_load_dataframe_triggered(self): default = os.path.join(self.exp_config.get('paths', 'experiment_shot_storage'), 'dataframe.pkl') file = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.ui, 'Select dataframe file to load', default, "dataframe files (*.pkl *.msg)") if type(file) is tuple: file, _ = file if not file: # User cancelled return # Convert to standard platform specific path, otherwise Qt likes # forward slashes: file = os.path.abspath(file) if file.endswith('.msg'): # try to read msgpack in case using older pandas try: df = pandas.read_msgpack(file).sort_values("run time").reset_index() # raise a deprecation warning if this succeeds msg = """msgpack support is being dropped by pandas >= 1.0.0. Please resave this dataframe to use the new format.""" warnings.warn(dedent(msg),DeprecationWarning) except AttributeError as err: # using newer pandas that can't read msg msg = """msgpack is no longer supported by pandas. To read this dataframe, you must downgrade pandas to < 1.0.0. You can then read this dataframe and resave it with the new format.""" raise DeprecationWarning(dedent(msg)) from err else: df = pandas.read_pickle(file).sort_values("run time").reset_index() # Check for changes in the shot files since the dataframe was exported def changed_since(filepath, time): if os.path.isfile(filepath): return os.path.getmtime(filepath) > time else: return False filepaths = df["filepath"].tolist() changetime_cache = os.path.getmtime(file) need_updating = np.where(list(map(lambda x: changed_since(x, changetime_cache), filepaths)))[0] need_updating = np.sort(need_updating)[::-1] # sort in descending order to not remove the wrong items with pop # Reload the files where changes where made since exporting for index in need_updating: filepath = filepaths.pop(index) self.filebox.incoming_queue.put(filepath) df = df.drop(need_updating) self.filebox.shots_model.add_files(filepaths, df, done=True)
[docs] def delete_items(self, confirm): """Delete items from whichever box has focus, with optional confirmation dialog""" if self.filebox.ui.tableView.hasFocus(): self.filebox.shots_model.remove_selection(confirm) if self.singleshot_routinebox.ui.treeView.hasFocus(): self.singleshot_routinebox.remove_selection(confirm) if self.multishot_routinebox.ui.treeView.hasFocus(): self.multishot_routinebox.remove_selection(confirm)
if __name__ == "__main__": logger = setup_logging('lyse') labscript_utils.excepthook.set_logger(logger)'\n\n===============starting===============\n') qapplication = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() if qapplication is None: qapplication = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) qapplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_DontShowIconsInMenus, False) app = Lyse() # Start the web server: splash.update_text('starting analysis server') server = WebServer(app.port) splash.update_text('done') # Let the interpreter run every 500ms so it sees Ctrl-C interrupts: timer = QtCore.QTimer() timer.start(500) timer.timeout.connect(lambda: None) # Let the interpreter run each 500 ms. # Upon seeing a ctrl-c interrupt, quit the event loop signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda *args: qapplication.exit()) splash.hide() qapplication.exec_() server.shutdown()