Source code for labscript_devices.SpinnakerCamera.blacs_workers

#                                                                   #
# /labscript_devices/SpinnakerCamera/               #
#                                                                   #
# Copyright 2019, Monash University and contributors                #
#                                                                   #
# This file is part of labscript_devices, in the labscript suite    #
# (see, and is licensed under the        #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of   #
# the project for the full license.                                 #
#                                                                   #

# Original imaqdx_camera server by dt, with modifications by rpanderson and cbillington.
# Refactored as a BLACS worker by cbillington
# PsSpin implementation by spe

import numpy as np
from labscript_utils import dedent
from enum import IntEnum
from time import sleep, perf_counter

from labscript_devices.IMAQdxCamera.blacs_workers import IMAQdxCameraWorker

[docs] class Spinnaker_Camera(object): def __init__(self, serial_number): """Initialize Spinnaker API camera. Serial number should be of string(?) type.""" global PySpin import PySpin self.system = PySpin.System.GetInstance() ver = self.system.GetLibraryVersion() min_ver = (1,23,0,27) # first release with python 3.6 support if (ver.major, ver.minor, ver.type, < min_ver: raise RuntimeError(f"PySpin version {ver} must be >= {min_ver}") camList = self.system.GetCameras() numCams = camList.GetSize() if numCams==0: raise ValueError('No cameras found!') if isinstance(serial_number, int): = camList.GetBySerial('%d' % serial_number) else: = camList.GetBySerial(serial_number) camList.Clear() # Set the timeout to 5 s: self.timeout = 5000 # in ms # Set the abort acquisition thingy: self._abort_acquisition = False self.exception_on_failed_shot = True
[docs] def get_attribute_names(self, visibility): names = [] def get_node_names_in_category(node_category, prefix=''): for node_feature in node_category.GetFeatures(): # Ensure node is available and readable if (not PySpin.IsAvailable(node_feature) or not PySpin.IsReadable(node_feature)): continue # Get the feature name: feature_name = node_feature.GetName() # Category nodes must be dealt with separately in order to retrieve subnodes recursively. if node_feature.GetPrincipalInterfaceType() == PySpin.intfICategory: get_node_names_in_category(PySpin.CCategoryPtr(node_feature), prefix=feature_name + '::') else: names.append(prefix + feature_name) node = get_node_names_in_category(PySpin.CCategoryPtr(node.GetNode('Root'))) return names
[docs] def get_attribute(self, name, stream_map=False): """Return current values dictionary of attribute of the given name""" #print('Getting attribute %s.' % name) name = name.split('::') if stream_map: nodemap = else: nodemap = node = nodemap.GetNode(name[-1]) if PySpin.IsAvailable(node) and PySpin.IsReadable(node): if node.GetPrincipalInterfaceType() == PySpin.intfIInteger: return PySpin.CIntegerPtr(node).GetValue() elif node.GetPrincipalInterfaceType() == PySpin.intfIFloat: return PySpin.CFloatPtr(node).GetValue() elif node.GetPrincipalInterfaceType() == PySpin.intfIBoolean: return PySpin.CBooleanPtr(node).GetValue() else: return PySpin.CValuePtr(node).ToString()
[docs] def set_attributes(self, attr_dict): for k, v in attr_dict.items(): self.set_attribute(k, v)
[docs] def set_stream_attribute(self, name, value): self.set_attribute(name, value, stream_map=True)
[docs] def set_attribute(self, name, value, stream_map=False): #print('Setting attribute %s.' % name) name = name.split('::') if stream_map: nodemap = else: nodemap = node = nodemap.GetNode(name[-1]) if PySpin.IsAvailable(node) and PySpin.IsWritable(node): if node.GetPrincipalInterfaceType() == PySpin.intfIInteger: PySpin.CIntegerPtr(node).SetValue(value) elif node.GetPrincipalInterfaceType() == PySpin.intfIFloat: PySpin.CFloatPtr(node).SetValue(value) elif node.GetPrincipalInterfaceType() == PySpin.intfIBoolean: PySpin.CBooleanPtr(node).SetValue(value) else: PySpin.CValuePtr(node).FromString(value) sleep(0.05) # Sometimes this doesn't work, so let's check and print warnings if it # fails: name = '::'.join(name) return_value = self.get_attribute(name, stream_map=stream_map) if return_value != value: print('WARNING: setting attribute %s to %s failed. '%(name, str(value)) + 'Returned value %s instead'%str(return_value)) else: print('Successfully set %s to %s.'%(name, str(return_value))) else: print('WARNING: not capable of writing attribute %s.'%'::'.join(name))
[docs] def snap(self): """Acquire a single image and return it""" self.configure_acquisition(continuous=False, bufferCount=1) #self.trigger() image = self.grab() return image
[docs] def grab(self): """Grab and return single image during pre-configured acquisition.""" #print('Grabbing...') image_result = img = self._decode_image_data(image_result.GetData()) image_result.Release() return img
[docs] def grab_multiple(self, n_images, images): """Grab n_images into images array during buffered acquistion.""" print(f"Attempting to grab {n_images} images.") for i in range(n_images): if self._abort_acquisition: print("Abort during acquisition.") self._abort_acquisition = False return images.append(self.grab()) print(f"Got image {i+1} of {n_images}.") print(f"Got {len(images)} of {n_images} images.")
[docs] def trigger(self): """Execute software trigger""" nodemap = trigger_cmd = PySpin.CCommandPtr(nodemap.GetNode('TriggerSoftware')) if not PySpin.IsAvailable(trigger_cmd) or not PySpin.IsWritable(trigger_cmd): print('WARNING: Unable to execute trigger. Aborting...') else: trigger_cmd.Execute()
[docs] def configure_acquisition(self, continuous=True, bufferCount=10): self.pix_fmt = self.get_attribute('PixelFormat') self.height = self.get_attribute('Height') self.width = self.get_attribute('Width') # Unless the camera settings are set properly, in cntinuous mode # the camera will generally move faster than BLACS, and so the buffer # will fill up. With a Flea3, I was unable to solve the prolem # easily. It really is quite annoying. if continuous: self.set_stream_attribute('StreamBufferCountMode', 'Manual') self.set_stream_attribute('StreamBufferCountManual', bufferCount) self.set_stream_attribute('StreamBufferHandlingMode', 'NewestFirst') self.set_attribute('AcquisitionMode', 'Continuous') elif bufferCount == 1: # The StreamBufferCountMode originally was set to 'Auto', but this feature was depreciated by Spinnaker version self.set_stream_attribute('StreamBufferCountMode', 'Manual') self.set_stream_attribute('StreamBufferCountManual', 1) self.set_stream_attribute('StreamBufferHandlingMode', 'OldestFirst') self.set_attribute('AcquisitionMode', 'SingleFrame') else: self.set_stream_attribute('StreamBufferCountMode', 'Manual') self.set_stream_attribute('StreamBufferCountManual', bufferCount) self.set_stream_attribute('StreamBufferHandlingMode', 'OldestFirst') self.set_attribute('AcquisitionMode', 'MultiFrame') self.set_attribute('AcquisitionFrameCount', bufferCount)
[docs] def _decode_image_data(self, img): """Spinnaker image buffers require significant formatting. This returns what one would expect from a camera. configure_acquisition must be called first to set image format parameters.""" if self.pix_fmt.startswith('Mono'): if self.pix_fmt.endswith('8'): dtype = 'uint8' else: dtype = 'uint16' image = np.frombuffer(img, dtype=dtype).reshape(self.height, self.width) else: msg = """Only MONO image types currently supported. To add other image types, add conversion logic from returned uint8 data to desired format in _decode_image_data() method.""" raise ValueError(dedent(msg)) return image.copy()
[docs] def stop_acquisition(self): print('Stopping acquisition...') # This is supposed to provide debugging info, but as with most things # in PySpin, it appears to be completely useless:. num_frames=self.get_attribute('StreamTotalBufferCount', stream_map=True) failed_frames=self.get_attribute('StreamFailedBufferCount', stream_map=True) underrun_frames=self.get_attribute('StreamBufferUnderrunCount', stream_map=True) print('Stream info: %s frames acquired, %s failed, %s underrun' % (str(num_frames), str(failed_frames), str(underrun_frames)))
[docs] def abort_acquisition(self): print('Stopping acquisition...') self._abort_acquisition = True
[docs] def close(self): print('Closing down the camera...') self.camList.Clear() self.system.ReleaseInstance()
[docs] class SpinnakerCameraWorker(IMAQdxCameraWorker): """Spinnaker API Camera Worker. Inherits from IMAQdxCameraWorker.""" interface_class = Spinnaker_Camera
#def continuous_loop(self, dt): # """Acquire continuously in a loop, with minimum repetition interval dt""" # # while True: # if dt is not None: # t = perf_counter() # image = # # self._send_image_to_parent(image) # if dt is None: # timeout = 0 # else: # timeout = t + dt - perf_counter() # if self.continuous_stop.wait(timeout): # self.continuous_stop.clear() # break