Source code for labscript_devices.RFBlaster

#                                                                   #
#                                                      #
#                                                                   #
# Copyright 2013, Monash University                                 #
#                                                                   #
# This file is part of labscript_devices, in the labscript suite    #
# (see, and is licensed under the        #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of   #
# the project for the full license.                                 #
#                                                                   #
import os
from labscript import PseudoclockDevice, Pseudoclock, ClockLine, IntermediateDevice, DDS, config, startupinfo, LabscriptError, set_passed_properties
import numpy as np
from labscript_devices import BLACS_tab, runviewer_parser
from labscript_utils.setup_logging import setup_logging

# Define a RFBlasterPseudoclock that only accepts one child clockline
[docs] class RFBlasterPseudoclock(Pseudoclock):
[docs] def add_device(self, device): if isinstance(device, ClockLine): # only allow one child if self.child_devices: raise LabscriptError('The pseudoclock of the RFBlaster %s only supports 1 clockline, which is automatically created. Please use the clockline located at %s.clockline'%(, Pseudoclock.add_device(self, device) else: raise LabscriptError('You have connected %s to %s (the Pseudoclock of %s), but %s only supports children that are ClockLines. Please connect your device to %s.clockline instead.'%(,,,,
[docs] class RFBlaster(PseudoclockDevice): description = 'RF Blaster Rev1.1' clock_limit = 500e3 clock_resolution = 13.33333333333333333333e-9 allowed_children = [RFBlasterPseudoclock] # TODO: find out what these actually are! trigger_delay = 873.75e-6 wait_day = trigger_delay @set_passed_properties() def __init__(self, name, ip_address, trigger_device=None, trigger_connection=None): PseudoclockDevice.__init__(self, name, trigger_device, trigger_connection) self.BLACS_connection = ip_address # create Pseudoclock and clockline self._pseudoclock = RFBlasterPseudoclock('%s_pseudoclock'%name, self, 'clock') # possibly a better connection name than 'clock'? # Create the internal direct output clock_line self._clock_line = ClockLine('%s_clock_line'%name, self.pseudoclock, 'internal') # Create the internal intermediate device connected to the above clock line # This will have the DDSs of the RFBlaster connected to it self._direct_output_device = RFBlasterDirectOutputs('%s_direct_output_device'%name, self._clock_line) @property def pseudoclock(self): return self._pseudoclock @property def direct_outputs(self): return self._direct_output_device
[docs] def add_device(self, device): if not self.child_devices and isinstance(device, Pseudoclock): PseudoclockDevice.add_device(self, device) elif isinstance(device, Pseudoclock): raise LabscriptError('The %s %s automatically creates a Pseudoclock because it only supports one. '%(self.description, + 'Instead of instantiating your own Pseudoclock object, please use the internal' + ' one stored in %s.pseudoclock' elif isinstance(device, DDS): #TODO: Defensive programming: may not exist! raise LabscriptError('You have connected %s directly to %s, which is not allowed. You should instead specify the parent_device of %s as %s.direct_outputs'%(,,, else: raise LabscriptError('You have connected %s (class %s) to %s, but %s does not support children with that class.'%(, device.__class__,,
[docs] def generate_code(self, hdf5_file): from rfblaster import caspr import rfblaster.rfjuice rfjuice_folder = os.path.dirname(rfblaster.rfjuice.__file__) import rfblaster.rfjuice.const as c from rfblaster.rfjuice.cython.make_diff_table import make_diff_table from rfblaster.rfjuice.cython.compile import compileD # from rfblaster.rfjuice.compile import compileD import tempfile from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # Generate clock and save raw instructions to the h5 file: PseudoclockDevice.generate_code(self, hdf5_file) dtypes = [('time',float),('amp0',float),('freq0',float),('phase0',float),('amp1',float),('freq1',float),('phase1',float)] times = self.pseudoclock.times[self._clock_line] data = np.zeros(len(times),dtype=dtypes) data['time'] = times for dds in self.direct_outputs.child_devices: prefix, connection = dds.connection.split() data['freq%s'%connection] = dds.frequency.raw_output data['amp%s'%connection] = dds.amplitude.raw_output data['phase%s'%connection] = dds.phase.raw_output group = hdf5_file['devices'].create_group( group.create_dataset('TABLE_DATA',compression=config.compression, data=data) # Quantise the data and save it to the h5 file: quantised_dtypes = [('time',np.int64), ('amp0',np.int32), ('freq0',np.int32), ('phase0',np.int32), ('amp1',np.int32), ('freq1',np.int32), ('phase1',np.int32)] quantised_data = np.zeros(len(times),dtype=quantised_dtypes) quantised_data['time'] = np.array(c.tT*1e6*data['time']+0.5) for dds in range(2): # TODO: bounds checking # Adding 0.5 to each so that casting to integer rounds: quantised_data['freq%d'%dds] = np.array(c.fF*1e-6*data['freq%d'%dds] + 0.5) quantised_data['amp%d'%dds] = np.array((2**c.bitsA - 1)*data['amp%d'%dds] + 0.5) quantised_data['phase%d'%dds] = np.array(c.pP*data['phase%d'%dds] + 0.5) group.create_dataset('QUANTISED_DATA',compression=config.compression, data=quantised_data) # Generate some assembly code and compile it to machine code: assembly_group = group.create_group('ASSEMBLY_CODE') binary_group = group.create_group('BINARY_CODE') diff_group = group.create_group('DIFF_TABLES') # When should the RFBlaster wait for a trigger? quantised_trigger_times = np.array([c.tT*1e6*t + 0.5 for t in self.trigger_times], dtype=np.int64) for dds in range(2): abs_table = np.zeros((len(times), 4),dtype=np.int64) abs_table[:,0] = quantised_data['time'] abs_table[:,1] = quantised_data['amp%d'%dds] abs_table[:,2] = quantised_data['freq%d'%dds] abs_table[:,3] = quantised_data['phase%d'%dds] # split up the table into chunks delimited by trigger times: abs_tables = [] for i, t in enumerate(quantised_trigger_times): subtable = abs_table[abs_table[:,0] >= t] try: next_trigger_time = quantised_trigger_times[i+1] except IndexError: # No next trigger time pass else: subtable = subtable[subtable[:,0] < next_trigger_time] subtable[:,0] -= t abs_tables.append(subtable) # convert to diff tables: diff_tables = [make_diff_table(tab) for tab in abs_tables] # Create temporary files, get their paths, and close them: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: temp_assembly_filepath = with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: temp_binary_filepath = try: # Compile to assembly: with open(temp_assembly_filepath,'w') as assembly_file: for i, dtab in enumerate(diff_tables): compileD(dtab, assembly_file, init=(i == 0), jump_to_start=(i == 0), jump_from_end=False, close_end=(i == len(diff_tables) - 1), local_loop_pre = str(i), set_defaults = (i==0)) # Save the assembly to the h5 file: with open(temp_assembly_filepath,) as assembly_file: assembly_code = assembly_group.create_dataset('DDS%d'%dds, data=assembly_code) for i, diff_table in enumerate(diff_tables): diff_group.create_dataset('DDS%d_difftable%d'%(dds,i), compression=config.compression, data=diff_table) # compile to binary: compilation = Popen([caspr,temp_assembly_filepath,temp_binary_filepath], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=rfjuice_folder,startupinfo=startupinfo) stdout, stderr = compilation.communicate() if compilation.returncode: print(stdout) raise LabscriptError('RFBlaster compilation exited with code %d\n\n'%compilation.returncode + 'Stdout was:\n %s\n'%stdout + 'Stderr was:\n%s\n'%stderr) # Save the binary to the h5 file: with open(temp_binary_filepath,'rb') as binary_file: binary_data = # has to be numpy.string_ (string_ in this namespace, # imported from pylab) as python strings get stored # as h5py as 'variable length' strings, which 'cannot # contain embedded nulls'. Presumably our binary data # must contain nulls sometimes. So this crashes if we # don't convert to a numpy 'fixes length' string: binary_group.create_dataset('DDS%d'%dds, data=np.string_(binary_data)) finally: # Delete the temporary files: os.remove(temp_assembly_filepath) os.remove(temp_binary_filepath)
# print 'assembly:', temp_assembly_filepath # print 'binary for dds %d on %s:'%(dds,, temp_binary_filepath
[docs] class RFBlasterDirectOutputs(IntermediateDevice): allowed_children = [DDS] clock_limit = RFBlaster.clock_limit description = 'RFBlaster Direct Outputs'
[docs] def add_device(self, device): try: prefix, number = device.connection.split() assert int(number) in range(2) assert prefix == 'dds' except Exception: raise LabscriptError('invalid connection string. Please use the format \'dds n\' with n 0 or 1') if isinstance(device, DDS): # Check that the user has not specified another digital line as the gate for this DDS, that doesn't make sense. if device.gate is not None: raise LabscriptError('You cannot specify a digital gate ' + 'for a DDS connected to %s. '% ( IntermediateDevice.add_device(self, device)
from blacs.tab_base_classes import Worker, define_state from blacs.tab_base_classes import MODE_MANUAL, MODE_TRANSITION_TO_BUFFERED, MODE_TRANSITION_TO_MANUAL, MODE_BUFFERED from blacs.device_base_class import DeviceTab
[docs] @BLACS_tab class RFBlasterTab(DeviceTab):
[docs] def initialise_GUI(self): # Capabilities self.base_units = {'freq':'Hz', 'amp':'%', 'phase':'Degrees'} self.base_min = {'freq':500000, 'amp':0.0, 'phase':0} self.base_max = {'freq':350000000.0, 'amp':99.99389648, 'phase':360} self.base_step = {'freq':1000000, 'amp':1.0, 'phase':1} #TODO: Find out what the amp and phase precision is self.base_decimals = {'freq':1, 'amp':3, 'phase':3} self.num_DDS = 2 # Create DDS Output objects dds_prop = {} for i in range(self.num_DDS): # 2 is the number of DDS outputs on this device dds_prop['dds %d'%i] = {} for subchnl in ['freq', 'amp', 'phase']: dds_prop['dds %d'%i][subchnl] = {'base_unit':self.base_units[subchnl], 'min':self.base_min[subchnl], 'max':self.base_max[subchnl], 'step':self.base_step[subchnl], 'decimals':self.base_decimals[subchnl] } dds_prop['dds %d'%i]['gate'] = {} # Create the output objects self.create_dds_outputs(dds_prop) # Create widgets for output objects dds_widgets,ao_widgets,do_widgets = self.auto_create_widgets() # and auto place the widgets in the UI self.auto_place_widgets(("DDS Outputs",dds_widgets)) # Store the COM port to be used self.address = "http://" + str(self.BLACS_connection) + ":8080" # Create and set the primary worker self.create_worker("main_worker", RFBlasterWorker, {'address': self.address, 'num_DDS': self.num_DDS}) self.primary_worker = "main_worker" # Set the capabilities of this device self.supports_remote_value_check(True) self.supports_smart_programming(False)
[docs] def get_child_from_connection_table(self, parent_device_name, port): # This is a direct output, let's search for it on the internal intermediate device called # RFBlasterDirectOutputs if parent_device_name == self.device_name: device = self.connection_table.find_by_name(self.device_name) pseudoclock = device.child_list[list(device.child_list.keys())[0]] # there should always be one (and only one) child, the Pseudoclock clockline = pseudoclock.child_list[list(pseudoclock.child_list.keys())[0]] # there should always be one (and only one) child, the clockline direct_outputs = clockline.child_list[list(clockline.child_list.keys())[0]] # There should only be one child of this clock line, the direct outputs # look to see if the port is used by a child of the direct outputs return DeviceTab.get_child_from_connection_table(self,, port) else: # else it's a child of a DDS, so we can use the default behaviour to find the device return DeviceTab.get_child_from_connection_table(self, parent_device_name, port)
# We override this because the RFBlaster doesn't really support remote_value_checking properly # Here we specifically do not program the device (it's slow!) nor do we update the last programmed value to the current # front panel state. This is because the remote value returned from the RFBlaster is always the last *manual* values programmed. @define_state(MODE_BUFFERED,False) def transition_to_manual(self,notify_queue,program=False): self.mode = MODE_TRANSITION_TO_MANUAL success = yield(self.queue_work(self._primary_worker,'transition_to_manual')) for worker in self._secondary_workers: transition_success = yield(self.queue_work(worker,'transition_to_manual')) if not transition_success: success = False # don't break here, so that as much of the device is returned to normal # Update the GUI with the final values of the run: for channel, value in self._final_values.items(): if channel in self._AO: self._AO[channel].set_value(value,program=False) elif channel in self._DO: self._DO[channel].set_value(value,program=False) elif channel in self._DDS: self._DDS[channel].set_value(value,program=False) if success: notify_queue.put([self.device_name,'success']) self.mode = MODE_MANUAL else: notify_queue.put([self.device_name,'fail']) raise Exception('Could not transition to manual. You must restart this device to continue')
[docs] class MultiPartForm(object): """Accumulate the data to be used when posting a form.""" def __init__(self): self.form_fields = [] self.files = []
[docs] def get_content_type(self): return b'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % self.boundary
[docs] def add_field(self, name, value): """Add a simple field to the form data.""" self.form_fields.append( (name, value) )
[docs] def add_file_content(self, fieldname, filename, body, mimetype=None): import mimetypes if not isinstance(body, bytes): raise TypeError('body must be bytes') if mimetype is None: mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream' self.files.append((fieldname, filename, mimetype, body))
[docs] class RFBlasterWorker(Worker):
[docs] def init(self): exec('from numpy import *', globals()) global h5py; import labscript_utils.h5_lock, h5py global re; import re self.timeout = 10 # How long do we wait until we assume that the RFBlaster is dead? (in seconds) self.retries = 3 # Retry attempts before (a) giving up, or (b) attempting to restart kloned (uniform timeout) p = re.compile('http://([0-9.]+):[0-9]+') m = p.match(self.address) self.ip = self.netlogger = setup_logging('rfBlaster_%s' % self.ip)'init: Started logging') self.http_request() # See if the RFBlaster answers self._last_program_manual_values = {}
[docs] def restart_kloned(self, respawn_netcat=True): import socket, time s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(self.timeout)'restart_kloned: Connecting to %s...' % self.ip) s.connect((self.ip, 8009))'restart_kloned: Connected!') if respawn_netcat:'restart_kloned: Respawning netcat...') s.sendall(b'nohup nc -l -p 8009 -e /bin/sh &') time.sleep(0.5)'restart_kloned: Trying to start/restart kloned...') s.sendall(b'./startup/') time.sleep(0.5) s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)'restart_kloned: Finished. Closing socket.') s.close()
[docs] def program_manual(self,values): self._last_program_manual_values = values form = MultiPartForm() for i in range(self.num_DDS): # Program the frequency, amplitude and phase form.add_field("a_ch%d_in"%i,str(values['dds %d'%i]['amp']*values['dds %d'%i]['gate'])) form.add_field("f_ch%d_in"%i,str(values['dds %d'%i]['freq']*1e-6)) # method expects MHz form.add_field("p_ch%d_in"%i,str(values['dds %d'%i]['phase'])) form.add_field("set_dds", "Set device") return_vals = self.get_web_values(self.http_request(form)) return return_vals
[docs] def transition_to_buffered(self,device_name,h5file,initial_values,fresh): with h5py.File(h5file,'r') as hdf5_file: group = hdf5_file['devices'][device_name] # Strip out the binary files and submit to the webserver form = MultiPartForm() self.final_values = {} finalfreq = zeros(self.num_DDS) finalamp = zeros(self.num_DDS) finalphase = zeros(self.num_DDS) for i in range(self.num_DDS): #Find the final value from the human-readable part of the h5 file to use for #the front panel values at the end self.final_values['dds %d'%i] = {'freq':group['TABLE_DATA']["freq%d"%i][-1], 'amp':group['TABLE_DATA']["amp%d"%i][-1]*100, 'phase':group['TABLE_DATA']["phase%d"%i][-1], 'gate':True } data = group['BINARY_CODE/DDS%d'%i][()] form.add_file_content("pulse_ch%d"%i, "output_ch%d.bin"%i, data) form.add_field("upload_and_run", "Upload and start") self.http_request(form) return self.final_values
[docs] def abort_transition_to_buffered(self): # TODO: untested (this is probably wrong...) form = MultiPartForm() #tell the rfblaster to stop form.add_field("halt","Halt execution") self.http_request(form) return True
[docs] def abort_buffered(self): form = MultiPartForm() # Tell the rfblaster to stop form.add_field("halt", "Halt execution") self.http_request(form) return True
[docs] def transition_to_manual(self): # TODO: check that the RF blaster program is finished? return True
[docs] def http_request(self, form=None): """Make a HTTP request to the RFBlaster, optionally submitting a form""" import requests from urllib.request import urlopen, Request from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError self._connection_attempt = 1 self._kloned_attempted = False response = None while not response: try:'Connection attempt %i.' % self._connection_attempt) if form is not None: # For some reason the MultiPartForm object stored form_fields as a list of key,value tuples... # ... rather than a dict. No matter. it seems requests sucks this up anyway. # However we need to rearrange the file data into a nested tuple for requests. No big deal: filelist = [(field_name, (filename, bytes(body), content_type)) for field_name, filename, content_type, body in form.files] r =, data=form.form_fields, files=filelist) # Needs to actually send the form else: r = requests.get(self.address) r.raise_for_status()'Connected!') break except (URLError, HTTPError, TimeoutError, ConnectionError) as e: self.netlogger.warning(str(e)) if self._connection_attempt < self.retries:'Connection failed. Trying again (%i more attempts remain).' % (self.retries - self._connection_attempt)) self._connection_attempt += 1 elif not self._kloned_attempted: self._kloned_attempted = True self.restart_kloned() self._connection_attempt = 1 else: self.netlogger.error(str(e)) raise e return r.text
[docs] def get_web_values(self, page): import re # Prepare regular expressions for finding the values: search = re.compile(r'name="([fap])_ch(\d+?)_in"\s*?value="([0-9.]+?)"') webvalues = re.findall(search, page) register_name_map = {'f': 'freq', 'a': 'amp', 'p': 'phase'} newvals = {} for i in range(self.num_DDS): newvals['dds %d'%i] = {} for register,channel,value in webvalues: newvals['dds %d'%int(channel)][register_name_map[register]] = float(value) for i in range(self.num_DDS): if 'dds %d'%i in self._last_program_manual_values and newvals['dds %d'%i]['amp'] == 0: newvals['dds %d'%i]['gate'] = self._last_program_manual_values['dds %d'%i]['gate'] else: newvals['dds %d'%i]['gate'] = True newvals['dds %d'%i]['freq'] *= 1e6 # BLACS expects it in the base unit (Hz) # if the gate is off, keep the front panel amplitude if not newvals['dds %d'%i]['gate']: newvals['dds %d'%i]['amp'] = self._last_program_manual_values['dds %d'%i]['amp'] return newvals
[docs] def check_remote_values(self): # Read the webserver page to see what values it puts in the form return self.get_web_values(self.http_request())
[docs] def shutdown(self): # TODO: implement this? pass