# #
# /labscript_devices/PylonCamera/blacs_workers.py #
# #
# Copyright 2019, Monash University and contributors #
# #
# This file is part of labscript_devices, in the labscript suite #
# (see http://labscriptsuite.org), and is licensed under the #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of #
# the project for the full license. #
# #
# Original imaqdx_camera server by dt, with modifications by rpanderson and cbillington.
# Refactored as a BLACS worker by cbillington
# Ported to Pylon API by dihm
import numpy as np
from labscript_utils import dedent
from labscript_devices.IMAQdxCamera.blacs_workers import IMAQdxCameraWorker
# Don't import API yet so as not to throw an error, allow worker to run as a dummy
# device, or for subclasses to import this module to inherit classes without requiring API
pylon = None
genicam = None
class Pylon_Camera(object):
def __init__(self, serial_number):
global pylon
global genicam
from pypylon import pylon, genicam
factory = pylon.TlFactory.GetInstance()
# Find and connect to camera:
print("Connecting to camera...")
sn = pylon.CDeviceInfo()
self.camera = pylon.InstantCamera(factory.CreateDevice(sn))
self.timeout = 1000 # in ms
pylon.RegistrationMode_ReplaceAll, pylon.Cleanup_Delete)
# Keep a nodeMap reference so we don't have to re-create a lot
self.nodeMap = self.camera.GetNodeMap()
self._abort_acquisition = False
self.exception_on_failed_shot = True
def set_attributes(self, attributes_dict):
"""Sets all attribues in attr_dict.
Pylon cameras require that ROI settings be done in correct order,
so we do them separately."""
# make a copy of dict so we can pop off already handled values
attr_dict = attributes_dict.copy()
ROIx = ['Width','OffsetX']
ROIy = ['Height','OffsetY']
if set(ROIx).issubset(attr_dict):
if attr_dict['OffsetX'] <= (self.camera.WidthMax()-self.camera.Width()):
ROIx_settings = [attr_dict.pop(k) for k in ROIx]
for k,v in zip(ROIx,ROIx_settings):
self.set_attribute(k, v)
if set(ROIy).issubset(attr_dict):
if attr_dict['OffsetY'] <= (self.camera.HeightMax()-self.camera.Height()):
ROIy_settings = [attr_dict.pop(k) for k in ROIy]
for k,v in zip(ROIy,ROIy_settings):
self.set_attribute(k, v)
for k, v in attr_dict.items():
self.set_attribute(k, v)
def set_attribute(self, name, value):
"""Set the value of the attribute of the given name to the given value"""
except Exception as e:
# Add some info to the exception:
msg = f"failed to set attribute {name} to {value}"
raise Exception(msg) from e
def get_attributes(self, visibility_level, writeable_only=True):
"""Return a dict of all attributes of readable attributes, for the given
visibility level. Optionally return only writeable attributes.
visibilities = {
'simple': ['Beginner'],
'intermediate': ['Beginner','Expert'],
'advanced': ['Beginner','Expert','Guru'],
if writeable_only:
modes = ['RW']
modes = ['RW','RO']
visibility_level = visibilities[visibility_level.lower()]
attributes = []
filters = [lambda n: n.GetNode().IsFeature(),
lambda n:genicam.EVisibilityClass.ToString(n.GetNode().GetVisibility()) in visibility_level,
lambda n:genicam.EAccessModeClass.ToString(n.GetNode().GetAccessMode()) in modes]
params = filter(lambda n: all([f(n) for f in filters]), self.nodeMap.GetNodes())
attributes = {}
for n in params:
attributes[n.GetNode().GetName()] = n.GetValue()
except AttributeError:
attributes[n.GetNode().GetName()] = n.ToString()
return attributes
def get_attribute(self, name):
"""Return current value of attribute of the given name"""
return self.nodeMap.GetNode(name).GetValue()
except Exception as e:
# Add some info to the exception:
raise Exception(f"Failed to get attribute {name}") from e
def snap(self):
"""Acquire a single image and return it"""
result = self.camera.GrabOne(self.timeout,
if result.GrabSucceeded():
img = result.Array
return img
raise('Snap Error:',result.ErrorCode,result.ErrorDescription)
def grab(self, continuous=True):
"""Grab single image during pre-configured acquisition."""
result = self.camera.RetrieveResult(self.timeout,
if result.GrabSucceeded():
img = result.Array
return img
raise('Grab Error:',result.ErrorCode,result.ErrorDescription)
def grab_multiple(self, n_images, images):
"""Grab n_images into images array during buffered acquistion."""
print(f"Attempting to grab {n_images} images.")
for i in range(n_images):
while True:
if self._abort_acquisition:
print("Abort during acquisition.")
self._abort_acquisition = False
print(f"Got image {i+1} of {n_images}.")
except pylon.TimeoutException as e:
print('.', end='')
print(f"Got {len(images)} of {n_images} images.")
def stop_acquisition(self):
def abort_acquisition(self):
self._abort_acquisition = True
def close(self):
class PylonCameraWorker(IMAQdxCameraWorker):
"""Pylon API Camera Worker.
Inherits from IMAQdxCameraWorker. Overloads get_attributes_as_dict
to use PylonCamera.get_attributes() method."""
interface_class = Pylon_Camera
def get_attributes_as_dict(self, visibility_level):
"""Return a dict of the attributes of the camera for the given visibility
return self.camera.get_attributes(visibility_level)