# #
# /PulseBlaster.py #
# #
# Copyright 2013, Monash University #
# #
# This file is part of the module labscript_devices, in the #
# labscript suite (see http://labscriptsuite.org), and is #
# licensed under the Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt #
# file in the root of the project for the full license. #
# #
from labscript_devices import BLACS_tab, runviewer_parser
from labscript_utils import dedent
from labscript import (
import numpy as np
import labscript_utils.h5_lock, h5py
import time
class PulseBlasterDDS(DDSQuantity):
description = 'PulseBlasterDDS'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if 'call_parents_add_device' in kwargs:
call_parents_add_device = kwargs['call_parents_add_device']
call_parents_add_device = True
kwargs['call_parents_add_device'] = False
DDSQuantity.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.gate = DigitalQuantity(self.name + '_gate', self, 'gate')
self.phase_reset = DigitalQuantity(self.name + '_phase_reset', self, 'phase_reset')
if call_parents_add_device:
def hold_phase(self, t):
def release_phase(self, t):
profiles = {}
def profile(funct):
func = funct.__name__
if func not in profiles:
profiles[func] = {'total_time':0, 'min':None, 'max':0, 'num_calls':0, 'average_time_per_call':0}
def new_func(*args,**kwargs):
start_time = time.time()
ret = funct(*args,**kwargs)
runtime = time.time()-start_time
profiles[func]['total_time'] += runtime
profiles[func]['num_calls'] += 1
profiles[func]['min'] = profiles[func]['min'] if profiles[func]['min'] is not None and profiles[func]['min'] < runtime else runtime
profiles[func]['max'] = profiles[func]['max'] if profiles[func]['max'] > runtime else runtime
profiles[func]['average_time_per_call'] = profiles[func]['total_time']/profiles[func]['num_calls']
return ret
# return new_func
return funct
def start_profile(name):
if name not in profiles:
profiles[name] = {'total_time':0, 'min':None, 'max':0, 'num_calls':0, 'average_time_per_call':0}
if 'start_time' in profiles[name]:
raise Exception('You cannot call start_profile for %s without first calling stop_profile'%name)
profiles[name]['start_time'] = time.time()
def stop_profile(name):
if name not in profiles or 'start_time' not in profiles[name]:
raise Exception('You must first call start_profile for %s before calling stop_profile')
runtime = time.time()-profiles[name]['start_time']
del profiles[name]['start_time']
profiles[name]['total_time'] += runtime
profiles[name]['num_calls'] += 1
profiles[name]['min'] = profiles[name]['min'] if profiles[name]['min'] is not None and profiles[name]['min'] < runtime else runtime
profiles[name]['max'] = profiles[name]['max'] if profiles[name]['max'] > runtime else runtime
profiles[name]['average_time_per_call'] = profiles[name]['total_time']/profiles[name]['num_calls']
class PulseBlaster(PseudoclockDevice):
pb_instructions = {'CONTINUE': 0,
'STOP': 1,
'LOOP': 2,
'END_LOOP': 3,
'BRANCH': 6,
'WAIT': 8}
description = 'PB-DDSII-300'
clock_limit = 8.3e6 # Slight underestimate I think.
clock_resolution = 26.6666666666666666e-9
# TODO: Add n_dds and generalise code
n_flags = 12
core_clock_freq = 75 # MHz
# This value is coupled to a value in the PulseBlaster worker process of BLACS
# This number was found experimentally but is determined theoretically by the
# instruction lengths in BLACS, and a finite delay in the PulseBlaster
trigger_delay = 250e-9
wait_delay = 100e-9
trigger_edge_type = 'falling'
# This device can only have Pseudoclock children (digital outs and DDS outputs should be connected to a child device)
allowed_children = [Pseudoclock]
property_names = {"connection_table_properties": ["firmware", "programming_scheme"],
"device_properties": ["pulse_width", "max_instructions",
def __init__(self, name, trigger_device=None, trigger_connection=None, board_number=0, firmware = '',
programming_scheme='pb_start/BRANCH', pulse_width='symmetric', max_instructions=4000,
time_based_stop_workaround=False, time_based_stop_workaround_extra_time=0.5, **kwargs):
PseudoclockDevice.__init__(self, name, trigger_device, trigger_connection, **kwargs)
self.BLACS_connection = board_number
# TODO: Implement capability checks based on firmware revision of PulseBlaster
self.firmware_version = firmware
# time_based_stop_workaround is for old pulseblaster models which do
# not respond correctly to status checks. These models provide no way
# to know when the shot has completed. So if
# time_based_stop_workaround=True, we fall back to simply waiting
# until stop_time (plus the timeout of all waits) and assuming in the
# BLACS worker that the end of the shot occurs at this time.
# time_based_stop_workaround_extra_time is a configurable duration for
# how much longer than stop_time we should wait, to allow for software
# timing variation. Note that since the maximum duration of all waits
# is included in the calculation of the time at which the experiemnt
# should be stopped, attention should be paid to the timeout argument
# of all waits, since if it is larger than necessary, this will
# increase the duration of your shots even if the waits are actually
# short in duration.
# If we are the master pseudoclock, there are two ways we can start and stop the PulseBlaster.
# 'pb_start/BRANCH':
# Call pb_start(), to start us in software time. At the end of the program BRANCH to
# a WAIT instruction at the beginning, ready to start again.
# 'pb_stop_programming/STOP'
# Defer calling pb_stop_programming() until everything is ready to start.
# Then, the next hardware trigger to the PulseBlaster will start it.
# It is important not to call pb_stop_programming() too soon, because if the PulseBlaster is receiving
# repeated triggers (such as from a 50/60-Hz line trigger), then we do not want it to start running
# before everything is ready. Not calling pb_stop_programming() until we are ready ensures triggers are
# ignored until then. In this case, we end with a STOP instruction, ensuring further triggers do not cause
# the PulseBlaster to run repeatedly until start_programming()/stop_programming() are called once more.
# The programming scheme is saved as a property in the connection table and read out by BLACS.
possible_programming_schemes = ['pb_start/BRANCH', 'pb_stop_programming/STOP']
if programming_scheme not in possible_programming_schemes:
raise LabscriptError('programming_scheme must be one of %s'%str(possible_programming_schemes))
if trigger_device is not None and programming_scheme != 'pb_start/BRANCH':
raise LabscriptError('only the master pseudoclock can use a programming scheme other than \'pb_start/BRANCH\'')
self.programming_scheme = programming_scheme
# This is the minimum duration of a pulseblaster instruction. We save this now
# because clock_limit will be modified to reflect child device limitations and
# other things, but this remains the minimum instruction delay regardless of all
# that.
self.min_delay = 0.5 / self.clock_limit
# For pulseblaster instructions lasting longer than the below duration, we will
# instead use some multiple of the below, and then a regular instruction for the
# remainder. The max instruction length of a pulseblaster is actually 2**32
# clock cycles, but we subtract the minimum delay so that if the remainder is
# less than the minimum instruction length, we can add self.long_delay to it (and
# reduce the number of repetitions of the long delay by one), to keep it above
# the minimum delay without exceeding the true maximum delay.
self.long_delay = 2**32 / (self.core_clock_freq * 1e6) - self.min_delay
if pulse_width == 'minimum':
pulse_width = 0.5/self.clock_limit # the shortest possible
elif pulse_width != 'symmetric':
if not isinstance(pulse_width, (float, int, np.integer)):
msg = ("pulse_width must be 'symmetric', 'minimum', or a number " +
"specifying a fixed pulse width to be used for clocking signals")
raise ValueError(msg)
if pulse_width < 0.5/self.clock_limit:
message = ('pulse_width cannot be less than 0.5/%s.clock_limit '%self.__class__.__name__ +
'( = %s seconds)'%str(0.5/self.clock_limit))
raise LabscriptError(message)
# Round pulse width up to the nearest multiple of clock resolution:
quantised_pulse_width = 2*pulse_width/self.clock_resolution
quantised_pulse_width = int(quantised_pulse_width) + 1 # ceil(quantised_pulse_width)
# This will be used as the high time of clock ticks:
pulse_width = quantised_pulse_width*self.clock_resolution/2
# This pulse width, if larger than the minimum, may limit how fast we can tick.
# Update self.clock_limit accordingly.
minimum_low_time = 0.5/self.clock_limit
if pulse_width > minimum_low_time:
self.clock_limit = 1/(pulse_width + minimum_low_time)
self.pulse_width = pulse_width
self.max_instructions = max_instructions
# Create the internal pseudoclock
self._pseudoclock = Pseudoclock('%s_pseudoclock'%name, self, 'clock') # possibly a better connection name than 'clock'?
# Create the internal direct output clock_line
self._direct_output_clock_line = ClockLine('%s_direct_output_clock_line'%name, self.pseudoclock, 'internal', ramping_allowed = False)
# Create the internal intermediate device connected to the above clock line
# This will have the direct DigitalOuts of DDSs of the PulseBlaster connected to it
self._direct_output_device = PulseBlasterDirectOutputs('%s_direct_output_device'%name, self._direct_output_clock_line)
def pseudoclock(self):
return self._pseudoclock
def direct_outputs(self):
return self._direct_output_device
def add_device(self, device):
if not self.child_devices and isinstance(device, Pseudoclock):
PseudoclockDevice.add_device(self, device)
elif isinstance(device, Pseudoclock):
raise LabscriptError('The %s %s automatically creates a Pseudoclock because it only supports one. '%(self.description, self.name) +
'Instead of instantiating your own Pseudoclock object, please use the internal' +
' one stored in %s.pseudoclock'%self.name)
elif isinstance(device, DDS) or isinstance(device, PulseBlasterDDS) or isinstance(device, DigitalOut):
#TODO: Defensive programming: device.name may not exist!
raise LabscriptError('You have connected %s directly to %s, which is not allowed. You should instead specify the parent_device of %s as %s.direct_outputs'%(device.name, self.name, device.name, self.name))
raise LabscriptError('You have connected %s (class %s) to %s, but %s does not support children with that class.'%(device.name, device.__class__, self.name, self.name))
def flag_valid(self, flag):
if -1 < flag < self.n_flags:
return True
return False
def flag_is_clock(self, flag):
for clock_line in self.pseudoclock.child_devices:
if clock_line.connection == 'internal': #ignore internal clockline
if flag == self.get_flag_number(clock_line.connection):
return True
return False
def get_flag_number(self, connection):
# TODO: Error checking
prefix, connection = connection.split()
return int(connection)
def get_direct_outputs(self):
"""Finds out which outputs are directly attached to the PulseBlaster"""
dig_outputs = []
dds_outputs = []
for output in self.direct_outputs.get_all_outputs():
# If we are a child of a DDS
if isinstance(output.parent_device, DDS) or isinstance(output.parent_device, PulseBlasterDDS):
# and that DDS has not been processed yet
if output.parent_device not in dds_outputs:
# process the DDS instead of the child
output = output.parent_device
# ignore the child
# only check DDS and DigitalOuts (so ignore the children of the DDS)
if isinstance(output,DDS) or isinstance(output,PulseBlasterDDS) or isinstance(output, DigitalOut):
# get connection number and prefix
prefix, connection = output.connection.split()
assert prefix == 'flag' or prefix == 'dds'
connection = int(connection)
raise LabscriptError('%s %s has invalid connection string: \'%s\'. '%(output.description,output.name,str(output.connection)) +
'Format must be \'flag n\' with n an integer less than %d, or \'dds n\' with n less than 2.'%self.n_flags)
# run checks on the connection string to make sure it is valid
# TODO: Most of this should be done in add_device() No?
if prefix == 'flag' and not self.flag_valid(connection):
raise LabscriptError('%s is set as connected to flag %d of %s. '%(output.name, connection, self.name) +
'Output flag number must be a integer from 0 to %d.'%(self.n_flags-1))
if prefix == 'flag' and self.flag_is_clock(connection):
raise LabscriptError('%s is set as connected to flag %d of %s.'%(output.name, connection, self.name) +
' This flag is already in use as one of the PulseBlaster\'s clock flags.')
if prefix == 'dds' and not connection < 2:
raise LabscriptError('%s is set as connected to output connection %d of %s. '%(output.name, connection, self.name) +
'DDS output connection number must be a integer less than 2.')
# Check that the connection string doesn't conflict with another output
for other_output in dig_outputs + dds_outputs:
if output.connection == other_output.connection:
raise LabscriptError('%s and %s are both set as connected to %s of %s.'%(output.name, other_output.name, output.connection, self.name))
# store a reference to the output
if isinstance(output, DigitalOut):
elif isinstance(output, DDS) or isinstance(output, PulseBlasterDDS):
return dig_outputs, dds_outputs
def generate_registers(self, hdf5_file, dds_outputs):
ampdicts = {}
phasedicts = {}
freqdicts = {}
group = hdf5_file['/devices/'+self.name]
dds_dict = {}
for output in dds_outputs:
num = int(output.connection.split()[1])
dds_dict[num] = output
for num in [0,1]:
if num in dds_dict:
output = dds_dict[num]
# Ensure that amplitudes are within bounds:
if any(output.amplitude.raw_output > 1) or any(output.amplitude.raw_output < 0):
raise LabscriptError('%s %s '%(output.amplitude.description, output.amplitude.name) +
'can only have values between 0 and 1, ' +
'the limit imposed by %s.'%output.name)
# Ensure that frequencies are within bounds:
if any(output.frequency.raw_output > 150e6 ) or any(output.frequency.raw_output < 0):
raise LabscriptError('%s %s '%(output.frequency.description, output.frequency.name) +
'can only have values between 0Hz and and 150MHz, ' +
'the limit imposed by %s.'%output.name)
# Ensure that phase wraps around:
output.phase.raw_output %= 360
amps = set(output.amplitude.raw_output)
phases = set(output.phase.raw_output)
freqs = set(output.frequency.raw_output)
# If the DDS is unused, it will use the following values
# for the whole experimental run:
amps = set([0])
phases = set([0])
freqs = set([0])
if len(amps) > 1024:
raise LabscriptError('%s dds%d can only support 1024 amplitude registers, and %s have been requested.'%(self.name, num, str(len(amps))))
if len(phases) > 128:
raise LabscriptError('%s dds%d can only support 128 phase registers, and %s have been requested.'%(self.name, num, str(len(phases))))
if len(freqs) > 1024:
raise LabscriptError('%s dds%d can only support 1024 frequency registers, and %s have been requested.'%(self.name, num, str(len(freqs))))
# start counting at 1 to leave room for the dummy instruction,
# which BLACS will fill in with the state of the front
# panel:
ampregs = range(1,len(amps)+1)
freqregs = range(1,len(freqs)+1)
phaseregs = range(1,len(phases)+1)
ampdicts[num] = dict(zip(amps,ampregs))
freqdicts[num] = dict(zip(freqs,freqregs))
phasedicts[num] = dict(zip(phases,phaseregs))
# The zeros are the dummy instructions:
freq_table = np.array([0] + list(freqs), dtype = np.float64) / 1e6 # convert to MHz
amp_table = np.array([0] + list(amps), dtype = np.float32)
phase_table = np.array([0] + list(phases), dtype = np.float64)
subgroup = group.create_group('DDS%d'%num)
subgroup.create_dataset('FREQ_REGS', compression=config.compression, data = freq_table)
subgroup.create_dataset('AMP_REGS', compression=config.compression, data = amp_table)
subgroup.create_dataset('PHASE_REGS', compression=config.compression, data = phase_table)
return freqdicts, ampdicts, phasedicts
def convert_to_pb_inst(self, dig_outputs, dds_outputs, freqs, amps, phases):
pb_inst = []
# index to keep track of where in output.raw_output the
# pulseblaster flags are coming from
# starts at -1 because the internal flag should always tick on the first instruction and be
# incremented (to 0) before it is used to index any arrays
i = -1
# index to record what line number of the pulseblaster hardware
# instructions we're up to:
j = 0
# We've delegated the initial two instructions off to BLACS, which
# can ensure continuity with the state of the front panel. Thus
# these two instructions don't actually do anything:
flags = [0]*self.n_flags
freqregs = [0]*2
ampregs = [0]*2
phaseregs = [0]*2
dds_enables = [0]*2
phase_resets = [0]*2
pb_inst.append({'freqs': freqregs, 'amps': ampregs, 'phases': phaseregs, 'enables':dds_enables, 'phase_resets': phase_resets,
'flags': ''.join([str(flag) for flag in flags]), 'instruction': 'STOP',
'data': 0, 'delay': 10.0/self.clock_limit*1e9})
pb_inst.append({'freqs': freqregs, 'amps': ampregs, 'phases': phaseregs, 'enables':dds_enables, 'phase_resets': phase_resets,
'flags': ''.join([str(flag) for flag in flags]), 'instruction': 'STOP',
'data': 0, 'delay': 10.0/self.clock_limit*1e9})
j += 2
flagstring = '0'*self.n_flags # So that this variable is still defined if the for loop has no iterations
for k, instruction in enumerate(self.pseudoclock.clock):
if instruction == 'WAIT':
# This is a wait instruction. Repeat the last instruction but with a 100ns delay and a WAIT op code:
wait_instruction = pb_inst[-1].copy()
wait_instruction['delay'] = 100
wait_instruction['instruction'] = 'WAIT'
wait_instruction['data'] = 0
j += 1
flags = [0]*self.n_flags
# The registers below are ones, not zeros, so that we don't
# use the BLACS-inserted initial instructions. Instead
# unused DDSs have a 'zero' in register one for freq, amp
# and phase.
freqregs = [1]*2
ampregs = [1]*2
phaseregs = [1]*2
dds_enables = [0]*2
phase_resets = [0]*2
# This flag indicates whether we need a full clock tick, or are just updating an internal output
only_internal = True
# find out which clock flags are ticking during this instruction
for clock_line in instruction['enabled_clocks']:
if clock_line == self._direct_output_clock_line:
# advance i (the index keeping track of internal clockline output)
i += 1
flag_index = int(clock_line.connection.split()[1])
flags[flag_index] = 1
# We are not just using the internal clock line
only_internal = False
for output in dig_outputs:
flagindex = int(output.connection.split()[1])
flags[flagindex] = int(output.raw_output[i])
for output in dds_outputs:
ddsnumber = int(output.connection.split()[1])
freqregs[ddsnumber] = freqs[ddsnumber][output.frequency.raw_output[i]]
ampregs[ddsnumber] = amps[ddsnumber][output.amplitude.raw_output[i]]
phaseregs[ddsnumber] = phases[ddsnumber][output.phase.raw_output[i]]
dds_enables[ddsnumber] = output.gate.raw_output[i]
if isinstance(output, PulseBlasterDDS):
phase_resets[ddsnumber] = output.phase_reset.raw_output[i]
flagstring = ''.join([str(flag) for flag in flags])
if instruction['reps'] > 1048576:
raise LabscriptError('Pulseblaster cannot support more than 1048576 loop iterations. ' +
str(instruction['reps']) +' were requested at t = ' + str(instruction['start']) + '. '+
'This can be fixed easily enough by using nested loops. If it is needed, ' +
'please file a feature request at' +
if not only_internal:
if self.pulse_width == 'symmetric':
high_time = instruction['step']/2
high_time = self.pulse_width
# High time cannot be longer than self.long_delay (~57 seconds for a
# 75MHz core clock freq). If it is, clip it to self.long_delay. In this
# case we are not honouring the requested symmetric or fixed pulse
# width. To do so would be possible, but would consume more pulseblaster
# instructions, so we err on the side of fewer instructions:
high_time = min(high_time, self.long_delay)
# Low time is whatever is left:
low_time = instruction['step'] - high_time
# Do we need to insert a LONG_DELAY instruction to create a delay this
# long?
n_long_delays, remaining_low_time = divmod(low_time, self.long_delay)
# If the remainder is too short to be output, add self.long_delay to it.
# self.long_delay was constructed such that adding self.min_delay to it
# is still not too long for a single instruction:
if n_long_delays and remaining_low_time < self.min_delay:
n_long_delays -= 1
remaining_low_time += self.long_delay
# The start loop instruction, Clock edges are high:
pb_inst.append({'freqs': freqregs, 'amps': ampregs, 'phases': phaseregs, 'enables':dds_enables, 'phase_resets':phase_resets,
'flags': flagstring, 'instruction': 'LOOP',
'data': instruction['reps'], 'delay': high_time*1e9})
for clock_line in instruction['enabled_clocks']:
if clock_line != self._direct_output_clock_line:
flag_index = int(clock_line.connection.split()[1])
flags[flag_index] = 0
flagstring = ''.join([str(flag) for flag in flags])
# The long delay instruction, if any. Clock edges are low:
if n_long_delays:
pb_inst.append({'freqs': freqregs, 'amps': ampregs, 'phases': phaseregs, 'enables':dds_enables, 'phase_resets':phase_resets,
'flags': flagstring, 'instruction': 'LONG_DELAY',
'data': int(n_long_delays), 'delay': self.long_delay*1e9})
# Remaining low time. Clock edges are low:
pb_inst.append({'freqs': freqregs, 'amps': ampregs, 'phases': phaseregs, 'enables':dds_enables, 'phase_resets':phase_resets,
'flags': flagstring, 'instruction': 'END_LOOP',
'data': j, 'delay': remaining_low_time*1e9})
# Two instructions were used in the case of there being no LONG_DELAY,
# otherwise three. This increment is done here so that the j referred
# to in the previous line still refers to the LOOP instruction.
j += 3 if n_long_delays else 2
# We only need to update a direct output, so no need to tick the clocks.
# Do we need to insert a LONG_DELAY instruction to create a delay this
# long?
n_long_delays, remaining_delay = divmod(instruction['step'], self.long_delay)
# If the remainder is too short to be output, add self.long_delay to it.
# self.long_delay was constructed such that adding self.min_delay to it
# is still not too long for a single instruction:
if n_long_delays and remaining_delay < self.min_delay:
n_long_delays -= 1
remaining_delay += self.long_delay
if n_long_delays:
pb_inst.append({'freqs': freqregs, 'amps': ampregs, 'phases': phaseregs, 'enables':dds_enables, 'phase_resets':phase_resets,
'flags': flagstring, 'instruction': 'LONG_DELAY',
'data': int(n_long_delays), 'delay': self.long_delay*1e9})
pb_inst.append({'freqs': freqregs, 'amps': ampregs, 'phases': phaseregs, 'enables':dds_enables, 'phase_resets':phase_resets,
'flags': flagstring, 'instruction': 'CONTINUE',
'data': 0, 'delay': remaining_delay*1e9})
j += 2 if n_long_delays else 1
if self.programming_scheme == 'pb_start/BRANCH':
# This is how we stop the pulse program. We branch from the last
# instruction to the zeroth, which BLACS has programmed in with
# the same values and a WAIT instruction. The PulseBlaster then
# waits on instuction zero, which is a state ready for either
# further static updates or buffered mode.
pb_inst.append({'freqs': freqregs, 'amps': ampregs, 'phases': phaseregs, 'enables':dds_enables, 'phase_resets':phase_resets,
'flags': flagstring, 'instruction': 'BRANCH',
'data': 0, 'delay': 10.0/self.clock_limit*1e9})
elif self.programming_scheme == 'pb_stop_programming/STOP':
# An ordinary stop instruction. This has the downside that the PulseBlaster might
# (on some models) reset its output to zero momentarily until BLACS calls program_manual, which
# it will for this programming scheme. However it is necessary when the PulseBlaster has
# repeated triggers coming to it, such as a 50Hz/60Hz line trigger. We can't have it sit
# on a WAIT instruction as above, or it will trigger and run repeatedly when that's not what
# we wanted.
pb_inst.append({'freqs': freqregs, 'amps': ampregs, 'phases': phaseregs, 'enables':dds_enables, 'phase_resets':phase_resets,
'flags': flagstring, 'instruction': 'STOP',
'data': 0, 'delay': 10.0/self.clock_limit*1e9})
raise AssertionError('Invalid programming scheme %s'%str(self.programming_scheme))
if len(pb_inst) > self.max_instructions:
raise LabscriptError("The Pulseblaster memory cannot store more than {:d} instuctions, but the PulseProgram contains {:d} instructions.".format(self.max_instructions, len(pb_inst)))
return pb_inst
def write_pb_inst_to_h5(self, pb_inst, hdf5_file):
# OK now we squeeze the instructions into a numpy array ready for writing to hdf5:
pb_dtype = [('freq0', np.int32), ('phase0', np.int32), ('amp0', np.int32),
('dds_en0', np.int32), ('phase_reset0', np.int32),
('freq1', np.int32), ('phase1', np.int32), ('amp1', np.int32),
('dds_en1', np.int32), ('phase_reset1', np.int32),
('flags', np.int32), ('inst', np.int32),
('inst_data', np.int32), ('length', np.float64)]
pb_inst_table = np.empty(len(pb_inst),dtype = pb_dtype)
for i,inst in enumerate(pb_inst):
flagint = int(inst['flags'][::-1],2)
instructionint = self.pb_instructions[inst['instruction']]
dataint = inst['data']
delaydouble = inst['delay']
freq0 = inst['freqs'][0]
freq1 = inst['freqs'][1]
phase0 = inst['phases'][0]
phase1 = inst['phases'][1]
amp0 = inst['amps'][0]
amp1 = inst['amps'][1]
en0 = inst['enables'][0]
en1 = inst['enables'][1]
phase_reset0 = inst['phase_resets'][0]
phase_reset1 = inst['phase_resets'][1]
pb_inst_table[i] = (freq0,phase0,amp0,en0,phase_reset0,freq1,phase1,amp1,en1,phase_reset1, flagint,
instructionint, dataint, delaydouble)
# Okay now write it to the file:
group = hdf5_file['/devices/'+self.name]
group.create_dataset('PULSE_PROGRAM', compression=config.compression,data = pb_inst_table)
self.set_property('stop_time', self.stop_time, location='device_properties')
def _check_wait_monitor_ok(self):
if (
compiler.master_pseudoclock is self
and compiler.wait_table
and compiler.wait_monitor is None
and self.programming_scheme != 'pb_stop_programming/STOP'
msg = """If using waits without a wait monitor, the PulseBlaster used as a
master pseudoclock must have
programming_scheme='pb_stop_programming/STOP'. Otherwise there is no way
for BLACS to distinguish between a wait, and the end of a shot. Either
use a wait monitor (see labscript.WaitMonitor for details) or set
programming_scheme='pb_stop_programming/STOP for %s."""
raise LabscriptError(dedent(msg) % self.name)
def generate_code(self, hdf5_file):
# Generate the hardware instructions
hdf5_file.create_group('/devices/' + self.name)
PseudoclockDevice.generate_code(self, hdf5_file)
dig_outputs, dds_outputs = self.get_direct_outputs()
freqs, amps, phases = self.generate_registers(hdf5_file, dds_outputs)
pb_inst = self.convert_to_pb_inst(dig_outputs, dds_outputs, freqs, amps, phases)
self.write_pb_inst_to_h5(pb_inst, hdf5_file)
class PulseBlasterDirectOutputs(IntermediateDevice):
allowed_children = [DDS, PulseBlasterDDS, DigitalOut]
clock_limit = PulseBlaster.clock_limit
description = 'PB-DDSII-300 Direct Outputs'
def add_device(self, device):
IntermediateDevice.add_device(self, device)
if isinstance(device, DDS):
# Check that the user has not specified another digital line as the gate for this DDS, that doesn't make sense.
# Then instantiate a DigitalQuantity to keep track of gating.
if device.gate is None:
device.gate = DigitalQuantity(device.name + '_gate', device, 'gate')
raise LabscriptError('You cannot specify a digital gate ' +
'for a DDS connected to %s. '% (self.name) +
'The digital gate is always internal to the Pulseblaster.')
from blacs.tab_base_classes import Worker, define_state
from blacs.device_base_class import DeviceTab
from qtutils import UiLoader
import qtutils.icons
import os
# We can't import * from QtCore & QtGui, as one of them has a function called bin() which overrides the builtin, which is used in the pulseblaster worker
from qtutils.qt import QtCore
from qtutils.qt import QtGui
class PulseBlasterTab(DeviceTab):
def initialise_GUI(self):
# Capabilities
self.base_units = {'freq':'Hz', 'amp':'Vpp', 'phase':'Degrees'}
self.base_min = {'freq':0.3, 'amp':0.0, 'phase':0}
self.base_max = {'freq':150000000.0, 'amp':1.0, 'phase':360}
self.base_step = {'freq':1000000, 'amp':0.01, 'phase':1}
self.base_decimals = {'freq':1, 'amp':3, 'phase':3}
self.num_DDS = 2
self.num_DO = 12
dds_prop = {}
for i in range(self.num_DDS): # 2 is the number of DDS outputs on this device
dds_prop['dds %d'%i] = {}
for subchnl in ['freq', 'amp', 'phase']:
dds_prop['dds %d'%i][subchnl] = {'base_unit':self.base_units[subchnl],
dds_prop['dds %d'%i]['gate'] = {}
do_prop = {}
for i in range(self.num_DO): # 12 is the maximum number of flags on this device (some only have 4 though)
do_prop['flag %d'%i] = {}
# Create the output objects
# Create widgets for output objects
dds_widgets,ao_widgets,do_widgets = self.auto_create_widgets()
# Define the sort function for the digital outputs
def sort(channel):
flag = channel.replace('flag ','')
flag = int(flag)
return '%02d'%(flag)
# and auto place the widgets in the UI
self.auto_place_widgets(("DDS Outputs",dds_widgets),("Flags",do_widgets,sort))
# Store the board number to be used
connection_object = self.settings['connection_table'].find_by_name(self.device_name)
self.board_number = int(connection_object.BLACS_connection)
# And which scheme we're using for buffered output programming and triggering:
# (default values for backward compat with old connection tables)
self.programming_scheme = connection_object.properties.get('programming_scheme', 'pb_start/BRANCH')
# Create and set the primary worker
'programming_scheme': self.programming_scheme})
self.primary_worker = "main_worker"
# Set the capabilities of this device
# Load status monitor (and start/stop/reset buttons) UI
ui = UiLoader().load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),'pulseblaster.ui'))
# Connect signals for buttons
# Add icons
# initialise dictionaries of data to display and get references to the QLabels
self.status_states = ['stopped', 'reset', 'running', 'waiting']
self.status = {}
self.status_widgets = {}
for state in self.status_states:
self.status[state] = False
self.status_widgets[state] = getattr(ui,'%s_label'%state)
# Create status monitor timout
self.statemachine_timeout_add(2000, self.status_monitor)
def get_child_from_connection_table(self, parent_device_name, port):
# This is a direct output, let's search for it on the internal intermediate device called
# PulseBlasterDirectOutputs
if parent_device_name == self.device_name:
device = self.connection_table.find_by_name(self.device_name)
pseudoclock = device.child_list[list(device.child_list.keys())[0]] # there should always be one (and only one) child, the Pseudoclock
clockline = None
for child_name, child in pseudoclock.child_list.items():
# store a reference to the internal clockline
if child.parent_port == 'internal':
clockline = child
# if the port is in use by a clockline, return the clockline
elif child.parent_port == port:
return child
if clockline is not None:
# There should only be one child of this clock line, the direct outputs
direct_outputs = clockline.child_list[list(clockline.child_list.keys())[0]]
# look to see if the port is used by a child of the direct outputs
return DeviceTab.get_child_from_connection_table(self, direct_outputs.name, port)
return ''
# else it's a child of a DDS, so we can use the default behaviour to find the device
return DeviceTab.get_child_from_connection_table(self, parent_device_name, port)
# This function gets the status of the Pulseblaster from the spinapi,
# and updates the front panel widgets!
def status_monitor(self,notify_queue=None):
# When called with a queue, this function writes to the queue
# when the pulseblaster is waiting. This indicates the end of
# an experimental run.
self.status, waits_pending, time_based_shot_over = yield(self.queue_work(self._primary_worker,'check_status'))
if self.programming_scheme == 'pb_start/BRANCH':
done_condition = self.status['waiting']
elif self.programming_scheme == 'pb_stop_programming/STOP':
done_condition = self.status['stopped']
if time_based_shot_over is not None:
done_condition = time_based_shot_over
if notify_queue is not None and done_condition and not waits_pending:
# Experiment is over. Tell the queue manager about it, then
# set the status checking timeout back to every 2 seconds
# with no queue.
if self.programming_scheme == 'pb_stop_programming/STOP':
# Not clear that on all models the outputs will be correct after being
# stopped this way, so we do program_manual with current values to be sure:
# Update widgets with new status
for state in self.status_states:
if self.status[state]:
icon = QtGui.QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/tick')
icon = QtGui.QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/cross')
pixmap = icon.pixmap(QtCore.QSize(16, 16))
def start(self,widget=None):
def stop(self,widget=None):
def reset(self,widget=None):
def start_run(self, notify_queue):
"""Starts the Pulseblaster, notifying the queue manager when
the run is over"""
class PulseblasterWorker(Worker):
def init(self):
exec('from spinapi import *', globals())
global h5py; import labscript_utils.h5_lock, h5py
global zprocess; import zprocess
self.pb_start = pb_start
self.pb_stop = pb_stop
self.pb_reset = pb_reset
self.pb_close = pb_close
self.pb_read_status = pb_read_status
self.smart_cache = {'amps0':None,'freqs0':None,'phases0':None,
# An event for checking when all waits (if any) have completed, so that
# we can tell the difference between a wait and the end of an experiment.
# The wait monitor device is expected to post such events, which we'll wait on:
self.all_waits_finished = zprocess.Event('all_waits_finished')
self.waits_pending = False
# This is only set to True on a per-shot basis, so set it to False
# for manual mode. Set associated attributes to None:
self.time_based_stop_workaround = False
self.time_based_shot_duration = None
self.time_based_shot_end_time = None
def program_manual(self,values):
if self.programming_scheme == 'pb_stop_programming/STOP':
# Need to ensure device is stopped before programming - or we won't know what line it's on.
# Program the DDS registers:
for i in range(2):
# Program the frequency, amplitude and phase into their
# zeroth registers:
program_amp_regs(values['dds %d'%i]['amp']) # Does not call pb_stop_programming anyway, so no kwarg needed
program_freq_regs(values['dds %d'%i]['freq']/10.0**6, call_stop_programming=False) # method expects MHz
program_phase_regs(values['dds %d'%i]['phase'], call_stop_programming=False)
# create flags string
# NOTE: The spinapi can take a string or integer for flags.
# If it is a string:
# flag: 0 12
# '101100011111'
# If it is a binary number:
# flag:12 0
# 0b111110001101
# Be warned!
flags = ''
for i in range(12):
if values['flag %d'%i]:
flags += '1'
flags += '0'
# Write the first two lines of the pulse program:
# Line zero is a wait:
pb_inst_dds2(0,0,0,values['dds 0']['gate'],0,0,0,0,values['dds 1']['gate'],0,flags, WAIT, 0, 100)
# Line one is a brach to line 0:
pb_inst_dds2(0,0,0,values['dds 0']['gate'],0,0,0,0,values['dds 1']['gate'],0,flags, BRANCH, 0, 100)
# Now we're waiting on line zero, so when we start() we'll go to
# line one, then brach back to zero, completing the static update:
# The pulse program now has a branch in line one, and so can't proceed to the pulse program
# without a reprogramming of the first two lines:
self.smart_cache['ready_to_go'] = False
# TODO: return coerced/quantised values
return {}
def start_run(self):
if self.programming_scheme == 'pb_start/BRANCH':
elif self.programming_scheme == 'pb_stop_programming/STOP':
raise ValueError('invalid programming_scheme: %s'%str(self.programming_scheme))
if self.time_based_stop_workaround:
import time
self.time_based_shot_end_time = time.time() + self.time_based_shot_duration
def transition_to_buffered(self,device_name,h5file,initial_values,fresh):
self.h5file = h5file
if self.programming_scheme == 'pb_stop_programming/STOP':
# Need to ensure device is stopped before programming - or we wont know what line it's on.
with h5py.File(h5file,'r') as hdf5_file:
group = hdf5_file['devices/%s'%device_name]
# Is this shot using the fixed-duration workaround instead of checking the PulseBlaster's status?
self.time_based_stop_workaround = group.attrs.get('time_based_stop_workaround', False)
if self.time_based_stop_workaround:
self.time_based_shot_duration = (group.attrs['stop_time']
+ hdf5_file['waits'][:]['timeout'].sum()
+ group.attrs['time_based_stop_workaround_extra_time'])
# Program the DDS registers:
ampregs = []
freqregs = []
phaseregs = []
for i in range(2):
amps = group['DDS%d/AMP_REGS'%i][:]
freqs = group['DDS%d/FREQ_REGS'%i][:]
phases = group['DDS%d/PHASE_REGS'%i][:]
amps[0] = initial_values['dds %d'%i]['amp']
freqs[0] = initial_values['dds %d'%i]['freq']/10.0**6 # had better be in MHz!
phases[0] = initial_values['dds %d'%i]['phase']
# Only reprogram each thing if there's been a change:
if fresh or len(amps) != len(self.smart_cache['amps%d'%i]) or (amps != self.smart_cache['amps%d'%i]).any():
self.smart_cache['amps%d'%i] = amps
if fresh or len(freqs) != len(self.smart_cache['freqs%d'%i]) or (freqs != self.smart_cache['freqs%d'%i]).any():
self.smart_cache['freqs%d'%i] = freqs
# We must be careful not to call stop_programming() until the end,
# lest the pulseblaster become responsive to triggers before we are done programming.
# This is not an issue for program_amp_regs above, only for freq and phase regs.
program_freq_regs(*freqs, call_stop_programming=False)
if fresh or len(phases) != len(self.smart_cache['phases%d'%i]) or (phases != self.smart_cache['phases%d'%i]).any():
self.smart_cache['phases%d'%i] = phases
# See above comment - we must not call pb_stop_programming here:
program_phase_regs(*phases, call_stop_programming=False)
# Now for the pulse program:
pulse_program = group['PULSE_PROGRAM'][2:]
#Let's get the final state of the pulseblaster. z's are the args we don't need:
freqreg0,phasereg0,ampreg0,en0,z,freqreg1,phasereg1,ampreg1,en1,z,flags,z,z,z = pulse_program[-1]
finalfreq0 = freqregs[0][freqreg0]*10.0**6 # Front panel expects frequency in Hz
finalfreq1 = freqregs[1][freqreg1]*10.0**6 # Front panel expects frequency in Hz
finalamp0 = ampregs[0][ampreg0]
finalamp1 = ampregs[1][ampreg1]
finalphase0 = phaseregs[0][phasereg0]
finalphase1 = phaseregs[1][phasereg1]
# Always call start_programming regardless of whether we are going to do any
# programming or not. This is so that is the programming_scheme is 'pb_stop_programming/STOP'
# we are ready to be triggered by a call to pb_stop_programming() even if no programming
# occurred due to smart programming:
if fresh or (self.smart_cache['initial_values'] != initial_values) or \
(len(self.smart_cache['pulse_program']) != len(pulse_program)) or \
(self.smart_cache['pulse_program'] != pulse_program).any() or \
not self.smart_cache['ready_to_go']:
self.smart_cache['ready_to_go'] = True
self.smart_cache['initial_values'] = initial_values
# create initial flags string
# NOTE: The spinapi can take a string or integer for flags.
# If it is a string:
# flag: 0 12
# '101100011111'
# If it is a binary number:
# flag:12 0
# 0b111110001101
# Be warned!
initial_flags = ''
for i in range(12):
if initial_values['flag %d'%i]:
initial_flags += '1'
initial_flags += '0'
if self.programming_scheme == 'pb_start/BRANCH':
# Line zero is a wait on the final state of the program in 'pb_start/BRANCH' mode
# Line zero otherwise just contains the initial state
pb_inst_dds2(0,0,0,initial_values['dds 0']['gate'],0,0,0,0,initial_values['dds 1']['gate'],0,initial_flags, CONTINUE, 0, 100)
# Line one is a continue with the current front panel values:
pb_inst_dds2(0,0,0,initial_values['dds 0']['gate'],0,0,0,0,initial_values['dds 1']['gate'],0,initial_flags, CONTINUE, 0, 100)
# Now the rest of the program:
if fresh or len(self.smart_cache['pulse_program']) != len(pulse_program) or \
(self.smart_cache['pulse_program'] != pulse_program).any():
self.smart_cache['pulse_program'] = pulse_program
for args in pulse_program:
if self.programming_scheme == 'pb_start/BRANCH':
# We will be triggered by pb_start() if we are are the master pseudoclock or a single hardware trigger
# from the master if we are not:
elif self.programming_scheme == 'pb_stop_programming/STOP':
# Don't call pb_stop_programming(). We don't want to pulseblaster to respond to hardware
# triggers (such as 50/60Hz line triggers) until we are ready to run.
# Our start_method will call pb_stop_programming() when we are ready
raise ValueError('invalid programming_scheme %s'%str(self.programming_scheme))
# Are there waits in use in this experiment? The monitor waiting for the end
# of the experiment will need to know:
wait_monitor_exists = bool(hdf5_file['waits'].attrs['wait_monitor_acquisition_device'])
waits_in_use = bool(len(hdf5_file['waits']))
self.waits_pending = wait_monitor_exists and waits_in_use
if waits_in_use and not wait_monitor_exists:
# This should be caught during labscript compilation, but just in case.
# Having waits but not a wait monitor means we can't tell when the shot
# is over unless the shot ends in a STOP instruction:
assert self.programming_scheme == 'pb_stop_programming/STOP'
# Now we build a dictionary of the final state to send back to the GUI:
return_values = {'dds 0':{'freq':finalfreq0, 'amp':finalamp0, 'phase':finalphase0, 'gate':en0},
'dds 1':{'freq':finalfreq1, 'amp':finalamp1, 'phase':finalphase1, 'gate':en1},
# Since we are converting from an integer to a binary string, we need to reverse the string! (see notes above when we create flags variables)
return_flags = str(bin(flags)[2:]).rjust(12,'0')[::-1]
for i in range(12):
return_values['flag %d'%i] = return_flags[i]
return return_values
def check_status(self):
if self.waits_pending:
self.all_waits_finished.wait(self.h5file, timeout=0)
self.waits_pending = False
except zprocess.TimeoutError:
if self.time_based_shot_end_time is not None:
import time
time_based_shot_over = time.time() > self.time_based_shot_end_time
time_based_shot_over = None
return pb_read_status(), self.waits_pending, time_based_shot_over
def transition_to_manual(self):
status, waits_pending, time_based_shot_over = self.check_status()
if self.programming_scheme == 'pb_start/BRANCH':
done_condition = status['waiting']
elif self.programming_scheme == 'pb_stop_programming/STOP':
done_condition = status['stopped']
if time_based_shot_over is not None:
done_condition = time_based_shot_over
# This is only set to True on a per-shot basis, so reset it to False
# for manual mode. Reset associated attributes to None:
self.time_based_stop_workaround = False
self.time_based_shot_duration = None
self.time_based_shot_end_time = None
if done_condition and not waits_pending:
return True
return False
def abort_buffered(self):
# Stop the execution
# Reset to the beginning of the pulse sequence
# abort_buffered in the GUI process queues up a program_device state
# which will reprogram the device and call pb_start()
# This ensures the device isn't accidentally retriggered by another device
# while it is running it's abort function
return True
def abort_transition_to_buffered(self):
return True
def shutdown(self):
#TODO: implement this
class PulseBlasterParser(object):
num_dds = 2
num_flags = 12
def __init__(self, path, device):
self.path = path
self.name = device.name
self.device = device
# We create a lookup table for strings to be used later as dictionary keys.
# This saves having to evaluate '%d'%i many many times, and makes the _add_pulse_program_row_to_traces method
# significantly more efficient
self.dds_strings = {}
for i in range(self.num_dds):
self.dds_strings[i] = {}
self.dds_strings[i]['ddsfreq'] = 'dds %d_freq'%i
self.dds_strings[i]['ddsamp'] = 'dds %d_amp'%i
self.dds_strings[i]['ddsphase'] = 'dds %d_phase'%i
self.dds_strings[i]['freq'] = 'freq%d'%i
self.dds_strings[i]['amp'] = 'amp%d'%i
self.dds_strings[i]['phase'] = 'phase%d'%i
self.dds_strings[i]['dds_en'] = 'dds_en%d'%i
self.flag_strings = {}
self.flag_powers = {}
for i in range(self.num_flags):
self.flag_strings[i] = 'flag %d'%i
self.flag_powers[i] = 2**i
def get_traces(self, add_trace, parent=None):
if parent is None:
# we're the master pseudoclock, software triggered. So we don't have to worry about trigger delays, etc
# get the pulse program
with h5py.File(self.path, 'r') as f:
pulse_program = f['devices/%s/PULSE_PROGRAM'%self.name][:]
# slow_clock_flag = eval(f['devices/%s'%self.name].attrs['slow_clock'])
dds = {}
for i in range(self.num_dds):
dds[i] = {}
for reg in ['FREQ', 'AMP', 'PHASE']:
dds[i][reg] = f['devices/%s/DDS%d/%s_REGS'%(self.name, i, reg)][:]
clock = []
traces = {}
for i in range(self.num_flags):
traces['flag %d'%i] = []
for i in range(self.num_dds):
for sub_chnl in ['freq', 'amp', 'phase']:
traces['dds %d_%s'%(i,sub_chnl)] = []
# now build the traces
t = 0. if parent is None else PulseBlaster.trigger_delay # Offset by initial trigger of parent
i = 0
while i < len(pulse_program):
# ignore the first 2 instructions, they are dummy instructions for BLACS
if i < 2:
i += 1
row = pulse_program[i]
if row['inst'] == 2: # Loop
loops = int(row['inst_data'])
buffer = {}
j = i
while loops > 0:
looping = True
while looping:
row = pulse_program[j]
# buffer the index of traces used for this instruction
# Cuts the runtime down by ~60%
# start_profile('loop_contents')
if j not in buffer:
self._add_pulse_program_row_to_traces(traces, row, dds)
buffer[j] = len(clock)-1
self._add_pulse_program_row_from_buffer(traces, buffer[j])
# stop_profile('loop_contents')
# start_profile('end_of_loop')
t+= row['length']*1.0e-9
if row['inst'] == 3: # END_LOOP
looping = False
# print 'end loop. j=%d, t=%.7f'%(j,t)
j = int(row['inst_data']) if loops > 1 else j
# print 'setting j=%d'%j
# print 'in loop. j=%d, t=%.7f'%(j,t)
# stop_profile('end_of_loop')
loops -= 1
i = j
# print 'i now %d'%i
else: # Continue
if row['inst'] == 8: #WAIT
print('Wait at %.9f'%t)
t+= row['length']*1.0e-9
if row['inst'] == 8 and parent is not None: #WAIT
#TODO: Offset next time by trigger delay is not master pseudoclock
t+= PulseBlaster.trigger_delay
i += 1
print('Stop time: %.9f'%t)
# now put together the traces
to_return = {}
clock = np.array(clock, dtype=np.float64)
for name, data in traces.items():
to_return[name] = (clock, np.array(data))
# if slow_clock_flag is not None:
# to_return['slow clock'] = to_return['flag %d'%slow_clock_flag[0]]
clocklines_and_triggers = {}
for pseudoclock_name, pseudoclock in self.device.child_list.items():
for clock_line_name, clock_line in pseudoclock.child_list.items():
if clock_line.parent_port == 'internal':
parent_device_name = '%s.direct_outputs'%self.name
for internal_device_name, internal_device in clock_line.child_list.items():
for channel_name, channel in internal_device.child_list.items():
if channel.device_class == 'Trigger':
clocklines_and_triggers[channel_name] = to_return[channel.parent_port]
add_trace(channel_name, to_return[channel.parent_port], parent_device_name, channel.parent_port)
if channel.device_class == 'DDS':
for subchnl_name, subchnl in channel.child_list.items():
connection = '%s_%s'%(channel.parent_port, subchnl.parent_port)
if connection in to_return:
add_trace(subchnl.name, to_return[connection], parent_device_name, connection)
add_trace(channel_name, to_return[channel.parent_port], parent_device_name, channel.parent_port)
clocklines_and_triggers[clock_line_name] = to_return[clock_line.parent_port]
add_trace(clock_line_name, to_return[clock_line.parent_port], self.name, clock_line.parent_port)
return clocklines_and_triggers
def _add_pulse_program_row_from_buffer(self, traces, index):
for i in range(self.num_flags):
for i in range(self.num_dds):
current_strings = self.dds_strings[i]
def _add_pulse_program_row_to_traces(self, traces, row, dds, flags = None):
# add flags
if flags is None:
flags = np.binary_repr(row['flags'],self.num_flags)[::-1]
for i in range(self.num_flags):
# Below block saved for history. This is much slower compared to what is below!
# for i in range(self.num_dds):
# traces['dds %d_freq'%i].append(dds[i]['FREQ'][row['freq%d'%i]])
# traces['dds %d_phase'%i].append(dds[i]['PHASE'][row['phase%d'%i]])
# amp = dds[i]['AMP'][row['amp%d'%i]] if row['dds_en%d'%i] else 0
# traces['dds %d_amp'%i].append(amp)
# note that we are looking up keys for the traces dictionary and row array in self.dds_strings
# Doing this reduces the runtime (of the below block) by 25%
for i in range(self.num_dds):
# Note: This is done to reduce runtime (about 10%)
current_strings = self.dds_strings[i]
current_dds = dds[i]
# Note: Using the inline if statement reduces the runtime (of this for loop) by 50%
amp = current_dds['AMP'][row[current_strings['amp']]] if row[current_strings['dds_en']] else 0