Source code for labscript_devices.PrawnDO.labscript_devices

#                                                                   #
# /labscript_devices/PrawnDO/                   #
#                                                                   #
# Copyright 2023, Philip Starkey, Carter Turnbaugh, Patrick Miller  #
#                                                                   #
# This file is part of labscript_devices, in the labscript suite    #
# (see, and is licensed under the        #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of   #
# the project for the full license.                                 #
#                                                                   #
from labscript import (
import numpy as np

[docs] class _PrawnDOPseudoclock(Pseudoclock): """Dummy pseudoclock for use with PrawnDO. This pseudoclock ensures only one clockline is attached. """
[docs] def add_device(self, device): if not isinstance(device, _PrawnDOClockline) or self.child_devices: # only allow one child dummy clockline raise LabscriptError("You are trying to access the special, dummy, Pseudoclock of the PrawnDO " f"{}. This is for internal use only.") else: Pseudoclock.add_device(self, device)
[docs] class _PrawnDOClockline(ClockLine): """Dummy clockline for use with PrawnDO Ensures only a single _PrawnDODirectOutputs is connected to the PrawnDO """
[docs] def add_device(self, device): if not isinstance(device, _PrawnDigitalOutputs) or self.child_devices: # only allow one child device raise LabscriptError("You are trying to access the special, dummy, Clockline of the PrawnDO " f"{}. This is for internal use only.") else: ClockLine.add_device(self, device)
[docs] class _PrawnDigitalOutputs(IntermediateDevice): allowed_children = [DigitalOut] allowed_channels = tuple(range(16)) def __init__(self, name, parent_device, **kwargs): """Collective output class for the PrawnDO. This class aggregates the 16 individual digital outputs of the PrawnDO. It is for internal use of the PrawnDO only. Args: name (str): name to assign parent_device (Device): Parent device PrawnDO is connected to """ IntermediateDevice.__init__(self, name, parent_device, **kwargs) self.connected_channels = []
[docs] def add_device(self, device): """Confirms channel specified is valid before adding Args: device (): Device to attach. Must be a digital output. Allowed connections are a string of the form `doXX` """ conn = device.connection chan = int(conn.split('do')[-1]) if chan not in self.allowed_channels: raise LabscriptError(f'Invalid channel specification: {conn}') if chan in self.connected_channels: raise LabscriptError(f'Channel {conn} already connected to {}') self.connected_channels.append(chan) super().add_device(device)
[docs] class PrawnDO(PseudoclockDevice): description = "PrawnDO device" # default specs assuming 100MHz system clock clock_limit = 1 / 100e-9 "Maximum allowable clock rate" clock_resolution = 10e-9 "Minimum resolvable unit of time, corresponsd to system clock period." minimum_duration = 50e-9 "Minimum time between updates on the outputs." wait_delay = 50e-9 "Minimum required length of wait before a retrigger can be detected." input_response_time = 50e-9 "Time between hardware trigger and output starting." trigger_delay = 50e-9 # TODO: gets applied twice on waits... trigger_minimum_duration = 160e-9 "Minimum required duration of hardware trigger. A fairly large over-estimate." allowed_children = [_PrawnDOPseudoclock] max_instructions = 30000 """Maximum number of instructions. Set by zmq timeout when sending the commands.""" @set_passed_properties( property_names={ 'connection_table_properties': [ 'com_port', ], 'device_properties': [ 'clock_frequency', 'external_clock', 'clock_limit', 'clock_resolution', 'minimum_duration', 'input_response_time', 'trigger_delay', 'trigger_minimum_duration', 'wait_delay', ] } ) def __init__(self, name, trigger_device = None, trigger_connection = None, clock_line = None, com_port = 'COM1', clock_frequency = 100e6, external_clock = False, ): """PrawnDO digital output device. This labscript device provides general purpose digital outputs using a Raspberry Pi Pico with custom firmware. It supports two types of connections to a parent device: direct to a :class:`~.Clockline` via the `clock_line` argument or through a :class:`~.Trigger` from an :class:`~.IntermediateDevice` via the `trigger_device` and `trigger_connection` arguments. Only one should be supplied. Args: name (str): python variable name to assign to the PrawnDO trigger_device (:class:`~.IntermediateDevice`, optional): Device that will send the starting hardware trigger. Used when connecting to an `IntermediateDevice` via a `DigitalOut`. trigger_connection (str, optional): Which output of the `trigger_device` is connected to the PrawnDO hardware trigger input. Not required when directly connected to a `Clockline`. clock_line (:class:`~.Clockline`, optional): Used when connected directly to a `Clockline`. Not required if using a trigger device. com_port (str): COM port assinged to the PrawnDO by the OS. Takes the form of `COMd` where `d` is an integer. clock_frequency (float, optional): System clock frequency, in Hz. Must be less than 133 MHz. Default is `100e6`. external_clock (bool, optional): Whether to use an external clock. Default is `False`. """ if clock_frequency > 133e6: raise ValueError('Clock frequency must be less than 133 MHz') self.external_clock = external_clock self.clock_frequency = clock_frequency # update specs based on clock frequency if self.clock_frequency != 100e6: # factor to scale times by factor = 100e6/self.clock_frequency self.clock_limit *= factor self.clock_resolution *= factor self.minimum_duration *= factor self.wait_delay *= factor self.input_response_time *= factor self.trigger_delay *= factor self.trigger_minimum_duration *= factor if clock_line is not None and trigger_device is not None: raise LabscriptError("Provide only a trigger_device or a clock_line, not both") if clock_line is not None: # make internal Intermediate device and trigger to connect it self.__intermediate = _PrawnDOIntermediateDevice(f'{name:s}__intermediate', clock_line) PseudoclockDevice.__init__(self, name, self.__intermediate, 'internal') else: # normal pseudoclock device triggering PseudoclockDevice.__init__(self, name, trigger_device, trigger_connection) # set up internal connections to allow digital outputs self.__pseudoclock = _PrawnDOPseudoclock(f'{name:s}__pseudoclock', self, '_') self.__clockline = _PrawnDOClockline(f'{name:s}__clockline', self.__pseudoclock, '_') self.outputs = _PrawnDigitalOutputs(f'{name:s}__pod', self.__clockline) self.BLACS_connection = com_port self._initial_trigger_time = 0 # following three defs ensure initial_trigger_time is not modified # when directly triggered from a clockline using an internal IntermediateDevice @property def initial_trigger_time(self): return self._initial_trigger_time @initial_trigger_time.setter def initial_trigger_time(self, value): if value != 0 and hasattr(self, "__intermediate"): raise LabscriptError("You cannot set the initial trigger time when the PrawnDO is directly triggered by a clockline") self._initial_trigger_time = value
[docs] def set_initial_trigger_time(self, *args, **kwargs): if hasattr(self, "__intermediate"): raise LabscriptError("You cannot set the initial trigger time when the PrawnDO is directly triggered by a clockline") return super().set_initial_trigger_time(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_device(self, device): if isinstance(device, _PrawnDOPseudoclock): super().add_device(device) elif isinstance(device, DigitalOut): raise LabscriptError(f"Digital outputs must be connected to {}.outputs") else: raise LabscriptError(f"You have connected unsupported {} (class {device.__class__}) " f"to {}")
[docs] def generate_code(self, hdf5_file): PseudoclockDevice.generate_code(self, hdf5_file) bits = [0] * 16 # Start with a list of 16 zeros # Isolating the Pod child device in order to access the output change # times to store in the array # Retrieving all of the outputs contained within the pods and # collecting/consolidating the times when they change outputs = self.get_all_outputs() times = self.__pseudoclock.times[self.__clockline] instructions = self.__pseudoclock.clock if len(times) == 0: # no instructions, so return return # get where wait instructions should be added from clock instructions wait_idxs = [i for i,instr in enumerate(instructions) if instr=='WAIT'] # Retrieving the time series of each DigitalOut to be stored # as the output word for the pins for output in outputs: output.make_timeseries(times) chan = int(output.connection.split('do')[-1]) bits[chan] = np.asarray(output.timeseries, dtype = np.uint16) # Merge list of lists into an array with a single 16 bit integer column bit_sets = np.array(bitfield(bits, dtype=np.uint16)) # Now create the reps array (ie times between changes in number of clock cycles) reps = np.rint(np.diff(times)/self.clock_resolution).astype(np.uint32) # add stop command sequence # final output already in bit_sets reps = np.append(reps, 0) # causes last instruction to hold # next two indicate the stop bit_sets = np.append(bit_sets, 0) # this value is ignored reps = np.append(reps, 0) # Add in wait instructions to reps # have output maintain previous output state during wait reps = np.insert(reps, wait_idxs, 0) bit_sets = np.insert(bit_sets, wait_idxs, bit_sets[wait_idxs]) # Raising an error if the user adds too many commands if reps.size > self.max_instructions: raise LabscriptError ( "Too Many Commands" ) group = hdf5_file['devices'].require_group( # combining reps and bit sets into single structured array for saving to hdf5 file dtype = np.dtype([('bit_sets', '<u2'), ('reps', '<u4')]) pulse_program = np.zeros(len(reps), dtype=dtype) pulse_program['bit_sets'] = bit_sets pulse_program['reps'] = reps group.create_dataset('pulse_program', data=pulse_program)
[docs] class _PrawnDOIntermediateDevice(IntermediateDevice): description = "PrawnDO Internal Intermediate Device" allowed_children = [Trigger]