# #
# /labscript_devices/PrawnBlaster/blacs_worker.py #
# #
# Copyright 2021, Philip Starkey #
# #
# This file is part of labscript_devices, in the labscript suite #
# (see http://labscriptsuite.org), and is licensed under the #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of #
# the project for the full license. #
# #
import time
import labscript_utils.h5_lock
import h5py
import numpy as np
from blacs.tab_base_classes import Worker
from labscript_utils.connections import _ensure_str
import labscript_utils.properties as properties
class PrawnBlasterWorker(Worker):
"""The primary worker for the PrawnBlaster.
This worker handles configuration and communication
with the hardware.
def init(self):
"""Initialises the hardware communication.
This function is automatically called by BLACS
and configures hardware communication with the device.
# fmt: off
global h5py; import labscript_utils.h5_lock, h5py
global serial; import serial
global time; import time
global re; import re
global numpy; import numpy
global struct; import struct
global zprocess; import zprocess
self.smart_cache = {}
self.cached_pll_params = {}
# fmt: on
self.all_waits_finished = zprocess.Event("all_waits_finished", type="post")
self.wait_durations_analysed = zprocess.Event(
"wait_durations_analysed", type="post"
self.wait_completed = zprocess.Event("wait_completed", type="post")
self.current_wait = 0
self.wait_table = None
self.measured_waits = None
self.wait_timeout = None
self.h5_file = None
self.started = False
self.prawnblaster = serial.Serial(self.com_port, 115200, timeout=1)
# configure number of pseudoclocks
self.prawnblaster.write(b"setnumpseudoclocks %d\r\n" % self.num_pseudoclocks)
assert self.prawnblaster.readline().decode() == "ok\r\n"
# Configure pins
for i, (out_pin, in_pin) in enumerate(zip(self.out_pins, self.in_pins)):
self.prawnblaster.write(b"setoutpin %d %d\r\n" % (i, out_pin))
assert self.prawnblaster.readline().decode() == "ok\r\n"
self.prawnblaster.write(b"setinpin %d %d\r\n" % (i, in_pin))
assert self.prawnblaster.readline().decode() == "ok\r\n"
# Check if fast serial is available
version, _ = self.get_version()
self.fast_serial = version >= (1, 1, 0)
def get_version(self):
version_str = self.prawnblaster.readline().decode()
assert version_str.startswith("version: ")
version = version_str[9:].strip()
version_overclock_list = version.split('-')
overclock = False
if len(version_overclock_list) == 2:
if version_overclock_list[1] == 'overclock':
overclock = True
version = tuple(int(v) for v in version_overclock_list[0].split('.'))
assert len(version) == 3
return version, overclock
def check_status(self):
"""Checks the operational status of the PrawnBlaster.
This is automatically called by BLACS to update the status
of the PrawnBlaster. It also reads the lengths of any
accumulated waits during a shot.
(int, int, bool): Tuple containing:
- **run_status** (int): Possible values are:
* 0 : manual-mode
* 1 : transitioning to buffered execution
* 2 : buffered execution
* 3 : abort requested
* 4 : currently aborting buffered execution
* 5 : last buffered execution aborted
* 6 : transitioning to manual mode
- **clock_status** (int): Possible values are:
* 0 : internal clock
* 1 : external clock
- **waits_pending** (bool): Indicates if all expected waits have
not been read out yet.
if (
and self.wait_table is not None
and self.current_wait < len(self.wait_table)
# Try to read out wait. For now, we're only reading out waits from
# pseudoclock 0 since they should all be the same (requirement imposed by labscript)
self.prawnblaster.write(b"getwait %d %d\r\n" % (0, self.current_wait))
response = self.prawnblaster.readline().decode()
if response != "wait not yet available\r\n":
# Parse the response from the PrawnBlaster
wait_remaining = int(response)
# Divide by two since the clock_resolution is for clock pulses, which
# have twice the clock_resolution of waits
# Technically, waits also only have a resolution of `clock_resolution`
# but the PrawnBlaster firmware accepts them in half of that so that
# they are easily converted to seconds via the clock frequency.
# Maybe this was a mistake, but it's done now.
clock_resolution = self.device_properties["clock_resolution"] / 2
input_response_time = self.device_properties["input_response_time"]
timeout_length = round(
self.wait_table[self.current_wait]["timeout"] / clock_resolution
if wait_remaining == (2 ** 32 - 1):
# The wait hit the timeout - save the timeout duration as wait length
# and flag that this wait timedout
self.measured_waits[self.current_wait] = (
timeout_length * clock_resolution
self.wait_timeout[self.current_wait] = True
# Calculate wait length
# This is a measurement of between the end of the last pulse and the
# retrigger signal. We obtain this by subtracting off the time it takes
# to detect the pulse in the ASM code once the trigger has hit the input
# pin (stored in input_response_time)
self.measured_waits[self.current_wait] = (
(timeout_length - wait_remaining) * clock_resolution
) - input_response_time
self.wait_timeout[self.current_wait] = False
f"Wait {self.current_wait} finished. Length={self.measured_waits[self.current_wait]:.9f}s. Timed-out={self.wait_timeout[self.current_wait]}"
# Inform any interested parties that a wait has completed:
# increment the wait we are looking for!
self.current_wait += 1
# post message if all waits are done
if len(self.wait_table) == self.current_wait:
self.logger.info("All waits finished")
# Determine if we are still waiting for wait information
waits_pending = False
if self.wait_table is not None:
if self.current_wait == len(self.wait_table):
waits_pending = False
waits_pending = True
run_status, clock_status = self.read_status()
return run_status, clock_status, waits_pending
def read_status(self):
"""Reads the status of the PrawnBlaster.
(int, int): Tuple containing
- **run-status** (int): Run status code
- **clock-status** (int): Clock status code
response = self.prawnblaster.readline().decode()
match = re.match(r"run-status:(\d) clock-status:(\d)(\r\n)?", response)
if match:
return int(match.group(1)), int(match.group(2))
elif response:
raise Exception(
f"PrawnBlaster is confused: saying '{response}' instead of 'run-status:<int> clock-status:<int>'"
raise Exception(
f"PrawnBlaster is returning a invalid status '{response}'. Maybe it needs a reboot."
def program_manual(self, values):
"""Manually sets the state of output pins for the pseudoclocks.
values (dict): Dictionary of pseudoclock: value pairs to set.
dict: `values` from arguments on successful programming
reflecting current output state.
for channel, value in values.items():
pin = int(channel.split()[1])
pseudoclock = self.out_pins.index(pin)
if value:
self.prawnblaster.write(b"go high %d\r\n" % pseudoclock)
self.prawnblaster.write(b"go low %d\r\n" % pseudoclock)
assert self.prawnblaster.readline().decode() == "ok\r\n"
return values
def transition_to_buffered(self, device_name, h5file, initial_values, fresh):
"""Configures the PrawnBlaster for buffered execution.
device_name (str): labscript name of PrawnBlaster
h5file (str): path to shot file to be run
initial_values (dict): Dictionary of output states at start of shot
fresh (bool): When `True`, clear the local :py:attr:`smart_cache`, forcing
a complete reprogramming of the output table.
dict: Dictionary of the expected final output states.
if fresh:
self.smart_cache = {}
# fmt: off
self.h5_file = h5file # store reference to h5 file for wait monitor
self.current_wait = 0 # reset wait analysis
self.started = False # Prevent status check from detecting previous wait values
# betwen now and when we actually send the start signal
# fmt: on
# Get data from HDF5 file
pulse_programs = []
with h5py.File(h5file, "r") as hdf5_file:
group = hdf5_file[f"devices/{device_name}"]
for i in range(self.num_pseudoclocks):
self.smart_cache.setdefault(i, [])
self.device_properties = labscript_utils.properties.get(
hdf5_file, device_name, "device_properties"
self.is_master_pseudoclock = self.device_properties["is_master_pseudoclock"]
# waits
dataset = hdf5_file["waits"]
acquisition_device = dataset.attrs["wait_monitor_acquisition_device"]
timeout_device = dataset.attrs["wait_monitor_timeout_device"]
if (
len(dataset) > 0
and acquisition_device
== "%s_internal_wait_monitor_outputs" % device_name
and timeout_device == "%s_internal_wait_monitor_outputs" % device_name
self.wait_table = dataset[:]
self.measured_waits = numpy.zeros(len(self.wait_table))
self.wait_timeout = numpy.zeros(len(self.wait_table), dtype=bool)
self.wait_table = (
None # This device doesn't need to worry about looking at waits
self.measured_waits = None
self.wait_timeout = None
# Configure clock from device properties
clock_mode = 0
if self.device_properties["external_clock_pin"] is not None:
if self.device_properties["external_clock_pin"] == 20:
clock_mode = 1
elif self.device_properties["external_clock_pin"] == 22:
clock_mode = 2
raise RuntimeError(
f"Invalid external clock pin {self.device_properties['external_clock_pin']}. Pin must be 20, 22 or None."
clock_frequency = self.device_properties["clock_frequency"]
# Now set the clock details
self.prawnblaster.write(b"setclock %d %d\r\n" % (clock_mode, clock_frequency))
response = self.prawnblaster.readline().decode()
assert response == "ok\r\n", f"PrawnBlaster said '{response}', expected 'ok'"
# Program instructions
for pseudoclock, pulse_program in enumerate(pulse_programs):
total_inst = len(pulse_program)
# check if it is more efficient to fully refresh
if not fresh and self.smart_cache[pseudoclock] is not None and self.fast_serial:
# get more convenient handles to smart cache arrays
curr_inst = self.smart_cache[pseudoclock]
# if arrays aren't of same shape, only compare up to smaller array size
n_curr = len(curr_inst)
n_new = len(pulse_program)
if n_curr > n_new:
# technically don't need to reprogram current elements beyond end of new elements
new_inst = np.sum(curr_inst[:n_new] != pulse_program)
elif n_curr < n_new:
n_diff = n_new - n_curr
val_diffs = np.sum(curr_inst != pulse_program[:n_curr])
new_inst = val_diffs + n_diff
new_inst = np.sum(curr_inst != pulse_program)
if new_inst / total_inst > 0.1:
fresh = True
if (fresh or self.smart_cache[pseudoclock] is None) and self.fast_serial:
print('binary programming')
self.prawnblaster.write(b"setb %d %d %d\r\n" % (pseudoclock, 0, len(pulse_program)))
response = self.prawnblaster.readline().decode()
assert (
response == "ready\r\n"
), f"PrawnBlaster said '{response}', expected 'ready'"
program_array = np.array([pulse_program['half_period'],
pulse_program['reps']], dtype='<u4').T
response = self.prawnblaster.readline().decode()
assert (
response == "ok\r\n"
), f"PrawnBlaster said '{response}', expected 'ok'"
self.smart_cache[pseudoclock] = pulse_program
print('incremental programming')
for i, instruction in enumerate(pulse_program):
if i == len(self.smart_cache[pseudoclock]):
# Pad the smart cache out to be as long as the program:
# Only program instructions that differ from what's in the smart cache:
if self.smart_cache[pseudoclock][i] != instruction:
b"set %d %d %d %d\r\n"
% (
response = self.prawnblaster.readline().decode()
assert (
response == "ok\r\n"
), f"PrawnBlaster said '{response}', expected 'ok'"
self.smart_cache[pseudoclock][i] = instruction
if not self.is_master_pseudoclock:
# Start the Prawnblaster and have it wait for a hardware trigger
# All outputs end on 0
final = {}
for pin in self.out_pins:
final[f"GPIO {pin:02d}"] = 0
return final
def start_run(self):
"""When used as the primary pseudoclock, starts execution
in software time to engage the shot."""
# Start in software:
self.logger.info("sending start")
response = self.prawnblaster.readline().decode()
assert response == "ok\r\n", f"PrawnBlaster said '{response}', expected 'ok'"
# set started = True
self.started = True
def wait_for_trigger(self):
"""When used as a secondary pseudoclock, sets the PrawnBlaster
to wait for an initial hardware trigger to begin execution."""
# Set to wait for trigger:
self.logger.info("sending hwstart")
response = self.prawnblaster.readline().decode()
assert response == "ok\r\n", f"PrawnBlaster said '{response}', expected 'ok'"
running = False
while not running:
run_status, clock_status = self.read_status()
# If we are running, great, the PrawnBlaster is waiting for a trigger
if run_status == 2:
running = True
# if we are not in TRANSITION_TO_RUNNING, then something has gone wrong
# and we should raise an exception
elif run_status != 1:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Prawnblaster did not return an expected status. Status was {run_status}"
# set started = True
self.started = True
def transition_to_manual(self):
"""Transition the PrawnBlaster back to manual mode from buffered execution at
the end of a shot.
bool: `True` if transition to manual is successful.
if self.wait_table is not None:
with h5py.File(self.h5_file, "a") as hdf5_file:
# Work out how long the waits were, save em, post an event saying so
dtypes = [
("label", "a256"),
("time", float),
("timeout", float),
("duration", float),
("timed_out", bool),
data = numpy.empty(len(self.wait_table), dtype=dtypes)
data["label"] = self.wait_table["label"]
data["time"] = self.wait_table["time"]
data["timeout"] = self.wait_table["timeout"]
data["duration"] = self.measured_waits
data["timed_out"] = self.wait_timeout
hdf5_file.create_dataset("/data/waits", data=data)
# If PrawnBlaster is master pseudoclock, then it will have it's status checked
# in the BLACS tab status check before any transition to manual is called.
# However, if it's not the master pseudoclock, we need to check here instead!
if not self.is_master_pseudoclock:
# Wait until shot completes
while True:
run_status, clock_status = self.read_status()
if run_status == 0:
if run_status in [3, 4, 5]:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Prawnblaster status returned run-status={run_status} during transition to manual"
return True
def shutdown(self):
"""Cleanly shuts down the connection to the PrawnBlaster hardware."""
def abort_buffered(self):
"""Aborts a currently running buffered execution.
bool: `True` is abort is successful.
if not self.is_master_pseudoclock:
# Only need to send abort signal if we have told the PrawnBlaster to wait
# for a hardware trigger. Otherwise it's just been programmed with
# instructions and there is nothing we need to do to abort.
assert self.prawnblaster.readline().decode() == "ok\r\n"
# loop until abort complete
while self.read_status()[0] != 5:
return True
def abort_transition_to_buffered(self):
"""Aborts a transition to buffered.
Calls :py:meth:`abort_buffered`.
return self.abort_buffered()