Source code for labscript_devices.PhaseMatrixQuickSyn

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# Copyright 2013, Monash University                                 #
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# This file is part of labscript_devices, in the labscript suite    #
# (see, and is licensed under the        #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of   #
# the project for the full license.                                 #
#                                                                   #

import numpy as np
from labscript_devices import BLACS_tab, runviewer_parser

from labscript import Device, StaticDDS, StaticAnalogQuantity, StaticDigitalOut, config, LabscriptError, set_passed_properties

[docs] class QuickSynDDS(StaticDDS): """A StaticDDS that supports only frequency control, with no phase or amplitude control.""" description = 'PhaseMatrix QuickSyn DDS' allowed_children = [StaticAnalogQuantity,StaticDigitalOut] generation = 2 @set_passed_properties() def __init__(self, name, parent_device, connection, freq_limits = None, freq_conv_class = None,freq_conv_params = {}): Device.__init__(self,name,parent_device,connection) self.frequency = StaticAnalogQuantity('_freq',self,'freq',freq_limits,freq_conv_class,freq_conv_params) self.frequency.default_value = 0.5e9 self.gate = StaticDigitalOut('_gate',self,'gate')
[docs] def setamp(self,value,units=None): raise LabscriptError('QuickSyn does not support amplitude control')
[docs] def setphase(self,value,units=None): raise LabscriptError('QuickSyn does not support phase control')
[docs] def enable(self): """overridden from StaticDDS so as not to provide time resolution - output can be enabled or disabled only at the start of the shot""" self.gate.go_high()
[docs] def disable(self): """overridden from StaticDDS so as not to provide time resolution - output can be enabled or disabled only at the start of the shot""" self.gate.go_low()
[docs] class PhaseMatrixQuickSyn(Device): description = 'QuickSyn Frequency Synthesiser' allowed_children = [QuickSynDDS] generation = 0 @set_passed_properties() def __init__(self, name,com_port): Device.__init__(self, name, None, None) self.BLACS_connection = com_port
[docs] def quantise_freq(self,data, device): # Ensure that frequencies are within bounds: if any(data > 10e9 ) or any(data < 0.5e9 ): raise LabscriptError('%s %s '%(device.description, + 'can only have frequencies between 0.5GHz and 10GHz, ' + 'the limit imposed by %s.' # It's faster to add 0.5 then typecast than to round to integers first (device is programmed in mHz): data = np.array((1000*data)+0.5, dtype=np.uint64) scale_factor = 1000 return data, scale_factor
[docs] def generate_code(self, hdf5_file): for output in self.child_devices: try: prefix, channel = output.connection.split() channel = int(channel) except: raise LabscriptError('%s %s has invalid connection string: \'%s\'. '%(output.description,,str(output.connection)) + 'Format must be \'channel n\' with n equal 0.') if channel != 0: raise LabscriptError('%s %s has invalid connection string: \'%s\'. '%(output.description,,str(output.connection)) + 'Format must be \'channel n\' with n equal 0.') dds = output # Call these functions to finalise stuff: ignore = dds.frequency.get_change_times() dds.frequency.make_timeseries([]) dds.frequency.expand_timeseries() ignore = dds.gate.get_change_times() dds.gate.make_timeseries([]) dds.gate.expand_timeseries() dds.frequency.raw_output, dds.frequency.scale_factor = self.quantise_freq(dds.frequency.raw_output, dds) static_dtypes = [('freq0', np.uint64)] + \ [('gate0', np.uint16)] static_table = np.zeros(1, dtype=static_dtypes) static_table['freq0'].fill(1) static_table['freq0'] = dds.frequency.raw_output[0] static_table['gate0'] = dds.gate.raw_output[0] grp = hdf5_file.create_group('/devices/' grp.create_dataset('STATIC_DATA',compression=config.compression,data=static_table) self.set_property('frequency_scale_factor', 1000, location='device_properties')
from blacs.tab_base_classes import Worker, define_state from blacs.tab_base_classes import MODE_MANUAL, MODE_TRANSITION_TO_BUFFERED, MODE_TRANSITION_TO_MANUAL, MODE_BUFFERED from blacs.device_base_class import DeviceTab from qtutils import UiLoader import os
[docs] @BLACS_tab class PhaseMatrixQuickSynTab(DeviceTab):
[docs] def initialise_GUI(self): # Create DDS Output objects dds_prop = {'dds 0':{'freq':{'base_unit': 'Hz', 'min': 0.5e9, 'max': 10e9, 'step': 1e6, 'decimals': 3}, 'gate':{} } } # Create the output objects self.create_dds_outputs(dds_prop) # Create widgets for output objects dds_widgets,ao_widgets,do_widgets = self.auto_create_widgets() # and auto place the widgets in the UI self.auto_place_widgets(("DDS Outputs",dds_widgets)) self.status_ui = UiLoader().load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),'phasematrixquicksyn.ui')) self.get_tab_layout().addWidget(self.status_ui) self.status_ui.ref_button.clicked.connect(self.update_reference_out) self.status_ui.blanking_button.clicked.connect(self.update_blanking) self.status_ui.lock_recovery_button.clicked.connect(self.update_lock_recovery) # Store the COM port to be used self.address = str(self.settings['connection_table'].find_by_name(self.settings["device_name"]).BLACS_connection) # Create and set the primary worker self.create_worker("main_worker",QuickSynWorker,{'address':self.address}) self.primary_worker = "main_worker" # Set the capabilities of this device self.supports_remote_value_check(True) self.supports_smart_programming(False) self.statemachine_timeout_add(2000, self.status_monitor)
# This function gets the status of the phasematrix, # and updates the front panel widgets! @define_state(MODE_MANUAL|MODE_BUFFERED|MODE_TRANSITION_TO_BUFFERED|MODE_TRANSITION_TO_MANUAL,True) def status_monitor(self): # When called with a queue, this function writes to the queue # when the pulseblaster is waiting. This indicates the end of # an experimental run. self.status = yield(self.queue_work(self._primary_worker,'check_status')) #TODO: update some widgets to reflect the current state self.status_ui.temperature_label.setText(str(self.status['temperature'])) if self.status['freqlock']: self.status_ui.freq_lock_label.setText('locked') else: self.status_ui.freq_lock_label.setText('unlocked') if self.status['reflock'] and self.status['ref']: self.status_ui.ref_lock_label.setText('locked') elif self.status['ref']: self.status_ui.ref_lock_label.setText('unlocked') else: self.status_ui.ref_lock_label.setText('disconnected') self.status_ui.ref_button.setChecked(self.status['ref_output']) self.status_ui.blanking_button.setChecked(self.status['blanking']) self.status_ui.lock_recovery_button.setChecked(self.status['lock_recovery']) @define_state(MODE_MANUAL|MODE_BUFFERED|MODE_TRANSITION_TO_BUFFERED|MODE_TRANSITION_TO_MANUAL,True,True) def update_reference_out(self): value = self.status_ui.ref_button.isChecked() yield(self.queue_work(self._primary_worker,'update_reference_out',value)) @define_state(MODE_MANUAL|MODE_BUFFERED|MODE_TRANSITION_TO_BUFFERED|MODE_TRANSITION_TO_MANUAL,True,True) def update_blanking(self): value = self.status_ui.blanking_button.isChecked() yield(self.queue_work(self._primary_worker,'update_blanking',value)) @define_state(MODE_MANUAL|MODE_BUFFERED|MODE_TRANSITION_TO_BUFFERED|MODE_TRANSITION_TO_MANUAL,True,True) def update_lock_recovery(self): value = self.status_ui.lock_recovery_button.isChecked() yield(self.queue_work(self._primary_worker,'update_lock_recovery',value))
[docs] class QuickSynWorker(Worker):
[docs] def init(self): global serial; import serial global h5py; import labscript_utils.h5_lock, h5py global time; import time baud_rate=115200 port = self.address self.connection = serial.Serial(port, baudrate = baud_rate, timeout=0.1) self.connection.readlines() #check to see if the reference is set to external. If not, make it so! (should we ask the user about this?) self.connection.write(b'ROSC:SOUR?\r') response = self.connection.readline().decode('utf8') if response == 'INT\n': #ref was set to internal, let's change it to ext self.connection.write(b'ROSC:SOUR EXT\r')
[docs] def check_remote_values(self): # Get the currently output values: results = {'dds 0':{}} line = '' count = 0 self.connection.write(b'FREQ?\r') line = self.connection.readline().decode('utf8') if line == '': #try again line = self.connection.readline().decode('utf8') if line == '': raise Exception("Device didn't say what its frequncy was :(") # Convert mHz to Hz: results['dds 0']['freq'] = float(line)/1000 # wait a little while first, it doesn't like being asked things too quickly! time.sleep(0.05) self.connection.write(b'OUTP:STAT?\r') line = self.connection.readline().decode('utf8') if line == '': raise Exception("Device didn't say what its status was :(") time.sleep(0.05) #get the gate status results['dds 0']['gate'] = 0 if line == 'OFF\n' else 1 return results
[docs] def check_status(self): results = {} line = '' self.connection.write(b'STAT?\r') line = self.connection.readline().decode('utf8') if line == '': raise Exception("Device didn't say what its status was :(") time.sleep(0.05) #get the status and convert to binary, and take off the '0b' header: status = bin(int(line,16))[2:] # if the status is less than 8 bits long, pad the start with zeros! while len(status)<8: status = '0'+status # byte 0 is the 1 for an external ref, 0 for no external ref results['ref'] = int(status[-1]) # byte 1 is high for rf unlocked, low for rf locked. This is silly, let's reverse it! results['freqlock'] = int(not int(status[-2])) # byte 2 is the high for ref unlocked, low for ref locked. Again, let's swap this! results['reflock'] = int(not int(status[-3])) # byte 3 tells us if the output is on or off, we don't care since the check values function deals with this # byte 4 will go high if there is a voltage error. #In this case, we probably just want to raise an exception to get the user's attention if int(status[-5]): self.logger.critical('Device is reporting voltage error') raise Exception('Voltage error') # byte 5 tells us if the internal reference is being output results['ref_output'] = int(status[-6]) # byte 6 tells us if blanking is on (i.e. turning off output while it changes frequency) results['blanking'] = int(status[-7]) # byte 7 tells us if lock recovery is on, results['lock_recovery'] = int(status[-8]) # now let's check it's temperature! self.connection.write(b'DIAG:MEAS? 21\r') results['temperature'] = float(self.connection.readline().decode('utf8')) # check if the temperature is bad, if it is, raise an exception. Hopefully one day this will be sent to syslog, #at which point we'll add some extra magic to segregate into warning and critical temperatures. if results['temperature'] > 50.0: raise Exception('WARNING: Temperature is too high! Temperature is %s'%results['temperature']) return results return results
[docs] def program_manual(self,front_panel_values): freq = front_panel_values['dds 0']['freq'] #program in millihertz: freq*=1e3 command = 'FREQ %i\r'%freq self.connection.write(command.encode('utf8')) # add some sleep time here since the phasematrix gets grumpy time.sleep(0.05) gate = front_panel_values['dds 0']['gate'] command = 'OUTP:STAT %i\r'%gate self.connection.write(command.encode('utf8')) return self.check_remote_values()
[docs] def update_reference_out(self,value): pass
[docs] def update_blanking(self,value): pass
[docs] def update_lock_recovery(self,value): pass
[docs] def transition_to_buffered(self,device_name,h5file,initial_values,fresh): # Store the initial values in case we have to abort and restore them: self.initial_values = initial_values # Store the final values to for use during transition_to_static: self.final_values = {} with h5py.File(h5file, 'r') as hdf5_file: group = hdf5_file['/devices/'+device_name] # If there are values to set the unbuffered outputs to, set them now: if 'STATIC_DATA' in group: data = group['STATIC_DATA'][:][0] self.connection.write(b'FREQ %i\r'%(data['freq0'])) time.sleep(0.05) self.connection.write(b'OUTP:STAT 1')#%i'%(data['gate0'])) # Save these values into final_values so the GUI can # be updated at the end of the run to reflect them: final_values = {'dds 0':{}} final_values['dds 0']['freq'] = data['freq0']/1e3 final_values['dds 0']['gate'] = 1#data['gate0'] return final_values
[docs] def abort_transition_to_buffered(self): return self.transition_to_manual(True)
[docs] def abort_buffered(self): return self.transition_to_manual(True)
[docs] def transition_to_manual(self,abort = False): if abort: # If we're aborting the run, reset to original value self.program_manual(self.initial_values) # If we're not aborting the run, stick with buffered value. Nothing to do really! # return the current values in the device return True
[docs] def shutdown(self): self.connection.close()