# #
# /NI_DAQmx/models/get_capabilities.py #
# #
# Copyright 2018, Christopher Billington #
# #
# This file is part of the module labscript_devices, in the #
# labscript suite (see http://labscriptsuite.org), and is #
# licensed under the Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt #
# file in the root of the project for the full license. #
# #
"""This is a script to update `model_capabilities.json` with the capabilities of all
NI-DAQmx devices currently connected to this computer.
Run this script to add support for a new model of NI-DAQmx device.
Note that this will work with a simulated device configured through NI-MAX as well,
so support can be added without actually having the physical device.
Called from the command line via
.. code-block:: shell
python get_capabilities.py
import numpy as np
import os
import ctypes
import json
import PyDAQmx
from PyDAQmx import byref, Task
from PyDAQmx.DAQmxTypes import uInt32, bool32, int32, float64
import PyDAQmx.DAQmxConstants as c
THIS_FOLDER = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
CAPABILITIES_FILE = os.path.join(THIS_FOLDER, 'capabilities.json')
def string_prop(func):
"""String property wrapper.
func (function): PyDAQmx library function that returns a string.
function: The wrapped function.
def wrapped(name=None):
BUFSIZE = 4096
result = ctypes.create_string_buffer(BUFSIZE)
if name is None:
func(result, uInt32(BUFSIZE))
func(name, result, uInt32(BUFSIZE))
return result.value.decode('utf8')
return wrapped
def bool_prop(func):
"""Bool property wrapper.
func (function): PyDAQmx library function that returns a boolean.
function: The wrapped function.
def wrapped(name):
result = bool32()
func(name, byref(result))
return bool(result.value)
return wrapped
def int32_prop(func):
"""Int32 property wrapper.
func (function): PyDAQmx library function that returns a int32.
function: The wrapped function.
def wrapped(name):
result = int32()
func(name, byref(result))
return result.value
return wrapped
def float64_prop(func):
"""Float property wrapper.
func (function): PyDAQmx library function that returns a float64.
function: The wrapped function.
def wrapped(name):
result = float64()
func(name, byref(result))
return result.value
return wrapped
def float64_array_prop(func):
"""Array of floats property wrapper.
func (function): PyDAQmx library function that returns an array of
function: The wrapped function.
def wrapped(name):
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# PyDAQmx warns about a positive return value, but actually this is how you
# are supposed to figure out the size of the array required.
# Pass in null pointer and 0 len to ask for what array size is needed:
npts = func(name, byref(float64()), 0)
# Create that array
result = (float64 * npts)()
func(name, result, npts)
result = [result[i] for i in range(npts)]
return result
return wrapped
def chans(func):
"""string_prop but splitting the return value into separate channels
and stripping the device name from them
func (function): PyDAQmx library function that returns channel string.
function: The wrapped function.
wrapped1 = string_prop(func)
def wrapped2(name):
result = wrapped1(name)
if result:
return [s.strip('/').split('/', 1)[1] for s in result.split(', ')]
return []
return wrapped2
DAQmxGetSysDevNames = string_prop(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetSysDevNames)
DAQmxGetDevProductType = string_prop(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevProductType)
DAQmxGetDevAnlgTrigSupported = bool_prop(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevAnlgTrigSupported)
DAQmxGetDevDigTrigSupported = bool_prop(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevDigTrigSupported)
DAQmxGetDevAOSampClkSupported = bool_prop(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevAOSampClkSupported)
DAQmxGetDevAOPhysicalChans = chans(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevAOPhysicalChans)
DAQmxGetDevAIPhysicalChans = chans(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevAIPhysicalChans)
DAQmxGetDevDOPorts = chans(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevDOPorts)
DAQmxGetDevDOLines = chans(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevDOLines)
DAQmxGetDevDIPorts = chans(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevDIPorts)
DAQmxGetDevDILines = chans(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevDILines)
DAQmxGetDevTerminals = chans(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevTerminals)
DAQmxGetDevCIPhysicalChans = chans(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevCIPhysicalChans)
DAQmxGetDevDOMaxRate = float64_prop(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevDOMaxRate)
DAQmxGetDevAOMaxRate = float64_prop(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevAOMaxRate)
DAQmxGetDevAIMaxSingleChanRate = float64_prop(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevAIMaxSingleChanRate)
DAQmxGetDevAIMaxMultiChanRate = float64_prop(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevAIMaxMultiChanRate)
DAQmxGetDevAOVoltageRngs = float64_array_prop(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevAOVoltageRngs)
DAQmxGetDevAIVoltageRngs = float64_array_prop(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevAIVoltageRngs)
DAQmxGetPhysicalChanAITermCfgs = int32_prop(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetPhysicalChanAITermCfgs)
DAQmxGetDevAISimultaneousSamplingSupported = bool_prop(PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevAISimultaneousSamplingSupported)
def port_supports_buffered(device_name, port, clock_terminal=None):
"""Empirically determines if the digital port supports buffered output.
device_name (str): NI-MAX device name
port (int): Which port to intro-spect
clock_terminal (str, optional): String that specifies the clock terminal.
bool: True if `port` supports buffered output.
all_terminals = DAQmxGetDevTerminals(device_name)
if clock_terminal is None:
clock_terminal = all_terminals[0]
npts = 16
task = Task()
clock_terminal_full = '/' + device_name + '/' + clock_terminal
data = np.zeros(npts, dtype=np.uint32)
task.CreateDOChan(device_name + "/" + port, "", c.DAQmx_Val_ChanForAllLines)
clock_terminal_full, 100, c.DAQmx_Val_Rising, c.DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps, npts
written = int32()
npts, False, 10.0, c.DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber, data, byref(written), None
except (
return False
except (
# Ports that throw this error on 653x devices do support buffered output, though
# there are requirements that multiple ports be used together.
return True
except PyDAQmx.DAQmxFunctions.RouteNotSupportedByHW_RoutingError:
# Try again with a different terminal
current_terminal_index = all_terminals.index(clock_terminal)
if current_terminal_index == len(all_terminals) - 1:
# There are no more terminals. No terminals can be used as clocks,
# therefore we cannot do externally clocked buffered output.
return False
next_terminal_to_try = all_terminals[current_terminal_index + 1]
return port_supports_buffered(device_name, port, next_terminal_to_try)
return True
def AI_start_delay(device_name):
"""Empirically determines the analog inputs' start delay.
device_name (str): NI-MAX device name
float: Analog input start delay in seconds. `None` if
analog inputs not supported.
if 'PFI0' not in DAQmxGetDevTerminals(device_name):
return None
task = Task()
clock_terminal = '/' + device_name + '/PFI0'
rate = DAQmxGetDevAIMaxSingleChanRate(device_name)
Vmin, Vmax = DAQmxGetDevAIVoltageRngs(device_name)[0:2]
num_samples = 1000
chan = device_name + '/ai0'
supp_types = DAQmxGetPhysicalChanAITermCfgs(chan)
if supp_types & c.DAQmx_Val_Bit_TermCfg_RSE:
input_type = c.DAQmx_Val_RSE
elif supp_types & c.DAQmx_Val_Bit_TermCfg_Diff:
input_type = c.DAQmx_Val_Diff
elif supp_types & c.DAQmx_Val_Bit_TermCfg_PseudoDIFF:
input_type = c.DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff
chan, "", input_type, Vmin, Vmax, c.DAQmx_Val_Volts, None
"", rate, c.DAQmx_Val_Rising, c.DAQmx_Val_ContSamps, num_samples
task.CfgDigEdgeStartTrig(clock_terminal, c.DAQmx_Val_Rising)
start_trig_delay = float64()
delay_from_sample_clock = float64()
sample_timebase_rate = float64()
except PyDAQmx.DAQmxFunctions.AttributeNotSupportedInTaskContextError:
# device does not have a Start Trigger Delay property
# is likely a dynamic signal acquisition device with filter
# delays instead.
start_trig_delay.value = 0
except PyDAQmx.DAQmxFunctions.AttributeNotSupportedInTaskContextError:
# seems simultaneous sampling devices do not have this property,
# so assume it is zero
delay_from_sample_clock.value = 0
total_delay_in_ticks = start_trig_delay.value + delay_from_sample_clock.value
total_delay_in_seconds = total_delay_in_ticks / sample_timebase_rate.value
return total_delay_in_seconds
def AI_filter_delay(device_name):
"""Determine the filter delay for dynamic signal acquistion devices.
Returns the delay in clock cycles. Absolute delay will vary with sample rate.
device_name (str): NI-MAX device name
int: Number of analog input delays ticks between task start and acquisition start.
if 'PFI0' not in DAQmxGetDevTerminals(device_name):
return None
task = Task()
clock_terminal = '/' + device_name + '/PFI0'
rate = DAQmxGetDevAIMaxSingleChanRate(device_name)
Vmin, Vmax = DAQmxGetDevAIVoltageRngs(device_name)[0:2]
num_samples = 1000
chan = device_name + '/ai0'
chan, "", c.DAQmx_Val_PseudoDiff, Vmin, Vmax, c.DAQmx_Val_Volts, None
"", rate, c.DAQmx_Val_Rising, c.DAQmx_Val_ContSamps, num_samples
task.CfgDigEdgeStartTrig(clock_terminal, c.DAQmx_Val_Rising)
start_filter_delay = float64()
sample_timebase_rate = float64()
# get delay in number of clock samples
task.SetAIFilterDelayUnits("", c.DAQmx_Val_SampleClkPeriods)
task.GetAIFilterDelay("", start_filter_delay)
return int(start_filter_delay.value)
def supported_AI_terminal_configurations(device_name):
"""Determine which analong input configurations are supported for each AI.
Valid options are RSE, NRSE, Diff, and PseudoDiff.
device_name (str): NI-MAX device name
Dictionary of analog input channels where each value is a list of
the supported input terminations.
supp_types = {}
poss_types = {'RSE': c.DAQmx_Val_Bit_TermCfg_RSE,
'NRSE': c.DAQmx_Val_Bit_TermCfg_NRSE,
'Diff': c.DAQmx_Val_Bit_TermCfg_Diff,
'PseudoDiff': c.DAQmx_Val_Bit_TermCfg_PseudoDIFF}
chans = DAQmxGetDevAIPhysicalChans(device_name)
for chan in chans:
byte = DAQmxGetPhysicalChanAITermCfgs(device_name+'/'+chan)
chan_types = [key for key, val in poss_types.items() if val & byte]
supp_types[chan] = chan_types
return supp_types
def supports_semiperiod_measurement(device_name):
"""Empirically determines if the DAQ supports semiperiod measurement.
device_name (str): NI-MAX device name.
bool: True if semi-period measurements are supported by the device.
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# PyDAQmx warns about a positive return value, but actually this is how you are
# supposed to figure out the size of the array required.
# Pass in null pointer and 0 len to ask for what array size is needed:
npts = PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevCISupportedMeasTypes(device_name, int32(), 0)
# Create that array
result = (int32 * npts)()
PyDAQmx.DAQmxGetDevCISupportedMeasTypes(device_name, result, npts)
return c.DAQmx_Val_SemiPeriod in [result[i] for i in range(npts)]
def get_min_semiperiod_measurement(device_name):
"""Determines the minimum semi-period measurement time supported by the device.
Depending on the timebase used, counter inputs can measure time intervals of
various ranges. As a default, we pick a largish range - the one with the fastest
timebase still capable of measuring 100 seconds, or the largest time interval if it
is less than 100 seconds, and we save the smallest interval measurable with this
timebase. Then labscript can ensure it doesn't make wait monitor pulses shorter than
this. This should be a sensible default behaviour, though if the user has
experiments considerably shorter or longer than 100 seconds, such that they want to
use a different timebase, they may pass the min_semiperiod_measurement keyword
argument into the DAQmx class, to tell labscript to make pulses some other duration
compatible with the maximum wait time in their experiment. However, since there are
software delays in timeouts of waits during a shot, any timed-out waits necessarily
will last software timescales of up to ~100ms on a slow computer, preventing one
from using very fast timebases with low-resolution counters if there is any
possibility of timing out. For now (in the wait monitor worker class) we
pessimistically add one second to the expected longest measurement to account for
software delays. These decisions can be revisited if there is a need, do not
hesitate to file an issue on bitbucket regarding this if it affects you.
device_name (str): NI-MAX device name
float: Minimum measurement time.
CI_chans = DAQmxGetDevCIPhysicalChans(device_name)
CI_chan = device_name + '/' + CI_chans[0]
# Make a task with a semiperiod measurement
task = Task()
task.CreateCISemiPeriodChan(CI_chan, '', 1e-100, 1e100, c.DAQmx_Val_Seconds, "")
except PyDAQmx.DAQmxFunctions.CtrMinMaxError as e:
# Parse the error to extract the allowed values:
CI_ranges = []
DT_MIN_PREFIX = "Value Must Be Greater Than:"
DT_MAX_PREFIX = "Value Must Be Less Than:"
error_lines = e.message.splitlines()
for line in error_lines:
if DT_MIN_PREFIX in line:
dt_min = float(line.replace(DT_MIN_PREFIX, ''))
if DT_MAX_PREFIX in line:
dt_max = float(line.replace(DT_MAX_PREFIX, ''))
CI_ranges.append([dt_min, dt_max])
raise AssertionError("Can't figure out counter input ranges")
# Pick out the value we want. Either dtmin when dtmax is over 100, or the largest
# dtmin if there is no dtmax over 100:
for dtmin, dtmax in sorted(CI_ranges):
if dtmax > 100:
return dtmin
return dtmin
if __name__ == '__main__':
capabilities = {}
if os.path.exists(CAPABILITIES_FILE):
with open(CAPABILITIES_FILE) as f:
capabilities = json.load(f)
except ValueError:
models = []
for name in DAQmxGetSysDevNames().split(', '):
# ignore extra details in model names
model = DAQmxGetDevProductType(name).split(' ')[0]
print("found device:", name, model)
if model not in models:
capabilities[model] = {}
capabilities[model]["supports_buffered_AO"] = DAQmxGetDevAOSampClkSupported(
except PyDAQmx.DAQmxFunctions.AttrNotSupportedError:
capabilities[model]["supports_buffered_AO"] = False
capabilities[model]["max_DO_sample_rate"] = DAQmxGetDevDOMaxRate(name)
capabilities[model]["supports_buffered_DO"] = True
except PyDAQmx.DAQmxFunctions.AttrNotSupportedError:
capabilities[model]["max_DO_sample_rate"] = None
capabilities[model]["supports_buffered_DO"] = False
if capabilities[model]["supports_buffered_AO"]:
capabilities[model]["max_AO_sample_rate"] = DAQmxGetDevAOMaxRate(name)
capabilities[model]["max_AO_sample_rate"] = None
capabilities[model]["num_AO"] = len(DAQmxGetDevAOPhysicalChans(name))
capabilities[model]["num_AI"] = len(DAQmxGetDevAIPhysicalChans(name))
if capabilities[model]["num_AI"] > 0:
single_rate = DAQmxGetDevAIMaxSingleChanRate(name)
multi_rate = DAQmxGetDevAIMaxMultiChanRate(name)
single_rate = None
multi_rate = None
capabilities[model]["max_AI_single_chan_rate"] = single_rate
capabilities[model]["max_AI_multi_chan_rate"] = multi_rate
if capabilities[model]["num_AI"] > 0:
capabilities[model]["AI_term_cfg"] = supported_AI_terminal_configurations(name)
cfgs = [item for sublist in capabilities[model]["AI_term_cfg"].values() for item in sublist]
if cfgs.count('RSE'):
capabilities[model]["AI_term"] = 'RSE'
elif cfgs.count('Diff'):
capabilities[model]["AI_term"] = 'Diff'
elif cfgs.count('PseudoDiff'):
capabilities[model]["AI_term"] = 'PseudoDiff'
capabilities[model]["supports_simultaneous_AI_sampling"] = DAQmxGetDevAISimultaneousSamplingSupported(name)
capabilities[model]["ports"] = {}
ports = DAQmxGetDevDOPorts(name)
chans = DAQmxGetDevDOLines(name)
for port in ports:
if '_' in port:
# Ignore the alternate port names such as 'port0_32' that allow using two or
# more ports together as a single, larger one:
port_info = {}
capabilities[model]["ports"][port] = port_info
port_chans = [chan for chan in chans if chan.split('/')[0] == port]
port_info['num_lines'] = len(port_chans)
if capabilities[model]["supports_buffered_DO"]:
port_info['supports_buffered'] = port_supports_buffered(name, port)
port_info['supports_buffered'] = False
capabilities[model]["num_CI"] = len(DAQmxGetDevCIPhysicalChans(name))
supports_semiperiod = supports_semiperiod_measurement(name)
capabilities[model]["supports_semiperiod_measurement"] = supports_semiperiod
if capabilities[model]["num_CI"] > 0 and supports_semiperiod:
min_semiperiod_measurement = get_min_semiperiod_measurement(name)
min_semiperiod_measurement = None
capabilities[model]["min_semiperiod_measurement"] = min_semiperiod_measurement
if capabilities[model]['num_AO'] > 0:
AO_ranges = []
raw_limits = DAQmxGetDevAOVoltageRngs(name)
for i in range(0, len(raw_limits), 2):
Vmin, Vmax = raw_limits[i], raw_limits[i + 1]
AO_ranges.append([Vmin, Vmax])
# Find range with the largest maximum voltage and use that:
Vmin, Vmax = max(AO_ranges, key=lambda range: range[1])
# Confirm that no other range has a voltage lower than Vmin,
# since if it does, this violates our assumptions and things might not
# be as simple as having a single range:
assert min(AO_ranges)[0] >= Vmin
capabilities[model]["AO_range"] = [Vmin, Vmax]
capabilities[model]["AO_range"] = None
if capabilities[model]['num_AI'] > 0:
AI_ranges = []
raw_limits = DAQmxGetDevAIVoltageRngs(name)
for i in range(0, len(raw_limits), 2):
Vmin, Vmax = raw_limits[i], raw_limits[i + 1]
AI_ranges.append([Vmin, Vmax])
# Find range with the largest maximum voltage and use that:
Vmin_raw, Vmax_raw = max(AI_ranges, key=lambda range: range[1])
# Confirm that no other range has a voltage lower than Vmin,
# since if it does, this violates our assumptions and things might not
# be as simple as having a single range:
assert min(AI_ranges)[0] >= Vmin_raw
capabilities[model]["AI_range_Diff"] = [Vmin_raw, Vmax_raw]
if 'RSE' in capabilities[model]["AI_term_cfg"]['ai0']:
# Now limit to non-differential inputs (if available), which may have lower ranges
AI_ranges = supported_AI_ranges_for_non_differential_input(name, AI_ranges)
# Find RSE range with the largest maximum voltage and use that:
Vmin, Vmax = max(AI_ranges, key=lambda range: range[1])
assert min(AI_ranges)[0] >= Vmin
capabilities[model]["AI_range"] = [Vmin, Vmax]
capabilities[model]["AI_range"] = None
capabilities[model]["AI_range_Diff"] = None
if capabilities[model]["num_AI"] > 0:
if capabilities[model]["AI_term"] == 'PseudoDiff':
capabilities[model]["AI_start_delay_ticks"] = AI_filter_delay(name)
capabilities[model]["AI_start_delay"] = None
capabilities[model]["AI_start_delay"] = AI_start_delay(name)
capabilities[model]["AI_start_delay"] = None
with open(CAPABILITIES_FILE, 'w', newline='\n') as f:
data = json.dumps(capabilities, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
print("added/updated capabilities for %d models" % len(models))
print("Total models with known capabilities: %d" % len(capabilities))
for model in capabilities:
if model not in models:
print(model, 'capabilities not updated')
print("run generate_subclasses.py to make labscript devices for these models")