# #
# /NI_DAQmx/models/_subclass_template.py #
# #
# Copyright 2018, Christopher Billington #
# #
# This file is part of the module labscript_devices, in the #
# labscript suite (see http://labscriptsuite.org), and is #
# licensed under the Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt #
# file in the root of the project for the full license. #
# #
# #
# This file is auto-generated, any modifications may be #
# overwritten. See README.txt in this folder for details #
# #
from labscript_devices.NI_DAQmx.labscript_devices import NI_DAQmx
'AI_range': [-10.0, 10.0],
'AI_range_Diff': [-20.0, 20.0],
'AI_start_delay': 8.333333333333334e-08,
'AI_term': 'RSE',
'AI_term_cfg': {
'ai0': ['RSE', 'Diff'],
'ai1': ['RSE', 'Diff'],
'ai2': ['RSE', 'Diff'],
'ai3': ['RSE', 'Diff'],
'ai4': ['RSE'],
'ai5': ['RSE'],
'ai6': ['RSE'],
'ai7': ['RSE'],
'AO_range': [0.0, 5.0],
'max_AI_multi_chan_rate': 10000.0,
'max_AI_single_chan_rate': 10000.0,
'max_AO_sample_rate': None,
'max_DO_sample_rate': None,
'min_semiperiod_measurement': None,
'num_AI': 8,
'num_AO': 2,
'num_CI': 1,
'ports': {
'port0': {'num_lines': 8, 'supports_buffered': False},
'port1': {'num_lines': 4, 'supports_buffered': False},
'supports_buffered_AO': False,
'supports_buffered_DO': False,
'supports_semiperiod_measurement': False,
'supports_simultaneous_AI_sampling': False,
class NI_USB_6008(NI_DAQmx):
description = 'NI-USB-6008'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Class for NI-USB-6008"""
# Any provided kwargs take precedent over capabilities
combined_kwargs = CAPABILITIES.copy()
NI_DAQmx.__init__(self, *args, **combined_kwargs)