Source code for labscript_devices.IMAQdxCamera.blacs_workers

#                                                                   #
# /labscript_devices/IMAQdxCamera/                  #
#                                                                   #
# Copyright 2019, Monash University and contributors                #
#                                                                   #
# This file is part of labscript_devices, in the labscript suite    #
# (see, and is licensed under the        #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of   #
# the project for the full license.                                 #
#                                                                   #

# Original imaqdx_camera server by dt, with modifications by rpanderson and cbillington.
# Refactored as a BLACS worker by cbillington

import sys
from time import perf_counter
from blacs.tab_base_classes import Worker
import threading
import numpy as np
from labscript_utils import dedent
import labscript_utils.h5_lock
import h5py
import zmq

from labscript_utils.ls_zprocess import Context
from labscript_utils.shared_drive import path_to_local
from import set_attributes

# Don't import nv yet so as not to throw an error, allow worker to run as a dummy
# device, or for subclasses to import this module to inherit classes without requiring
# nivision
nv = None

[docs] def _monkeypatch_imaqdispose(): """Monkeypatch a fix to a memory leak bug in pynivision. The pynivision project is no longer active, so we can't contribute this fix upstream. In the long run, hopefully someone (perhaps us) forks it so that bugs can be addressed in the normal way""" import nivision.core import ctypes _imaqDispose = nivision.core._imaqDispose def imaqDispose(obj): if getattr(obj, "_contents", None) is not None: _imaqDispose(ctypes.byref(obj._contents)) obj._contents = None if getattr(obj, "value", None) is not None: _imaqDispose(obj) obj.value = None # This is the bugfix: pointers as raw ints were not being disposed: if isinstance(obj, int): _imaqDispose(obj) nivision.core.imaqDispose = nv.imaqDispose = imaqDispose
[docs] class MockCamera(object): """Mock camera class that returns fake image data.""" def __init__(self): print("Starting device worker as a mock device") self.attributes = {} self.exception_on_failed_shot = True
[docs] def set_attributes(self, attributes): self.attributes.update(attributes)
[docs] def get_attribute(self, name): return self.attributes[name]
[docs] def get_attribute_names(self, visibility_level=None): return list(self.attributes.keys())
[docs] def configure_acquisition(self, continuous=False, bufferCount=5): pass
[docs] def grab(self): return self.snap()
[docs] def grab_multiple(self, n_images, images, waitForNextBuffer=True): print(f"Attempting to grab {n_images} (mock) images.") for i in range(n_images): images.append(self.grab()) print(f"Got (mock) image {i+1} of {n_images}.") print(f"Got {len(images)} of {n_images} (mock) images.")
[docs] def snap(self): N = 500 A = 500 x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 500) y = x.reshape((N, 1)) clean_image = A * (1 - 0.5 * np.exp(-(x ** 2 + y ** 2))) # Write text on the image that says "NOT REAL DATA" from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont font = ImageFont.load_default() canvas ='L', [N // 5, N // 5], (0,)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(canvas) draw.text((10, 20), "NOT REAL DATA", font=font, fill=1) clean_image += 0.2 * A * np.asarray(canvas.resize((N, N)).rotate(20)) return np.random.poisson(clean_image)
[docs] def stop_acquisition(self): pass
[docs] def abort_acquisition(self): pass
[docs] def close(self): pass
[docs] class IMAQdx_Camera(object): def __init__(self, serial_number): global nv import nivision as nv _monkeypatch_imaqdispose() # Find the camera: print("Finding camera...") for cam in nv.IMAQdxEnumerateCameras(True): if serial_number == (cam.SerialNumberHi << 32) + cam.SerialNumberLo: = cam break else: msg = f"No connected camera with serial number {serial_number:X} found" raise Exception(msg) # Connect to the camera: print("Connecting to camera...") self.imaqdx = nv.IMAQdxOpenCamera(, nv.IMAQdxCameraControlModeController ) # Keep an img attribute so we don't have to create it every time self.img = nv.imaqCreateImage(nv.IMAQ_IMAGE_U16) self.exception_on_failed_shot = True self._abort_acquisition = False
[docs] def set_attributes(self, attr_dict): for k, v in attr_dict.items(): self.set_attribute(k, v)
[docs] def set_attribute(self, name, value): """Set the value of the attribute of the given name to the given value""" _value = value # Keep the original for the sake of the error message if isinstance(_value, str): _value = _value.encode('utf8') try: nv.IMAQdxSetAttribute(self.imaqdx, name.encode('utf8'), _value) except Exception as e: # Add some info to the exception: msg = f"failed to set attribute {name} to {value}" raise Exception(msg) from e
[docs] def get_attribute_names(self, visibility_level, writeable_only=True): """Return a list of all attribute names of readable attributes, for the given visibility level. Optionally return only writeable attributes""" visibilities = { 'simple': nv.IMAQdxAttributeVisibilitySimple, 'intermediate': nv.IMAQdxAttributeVisibilityIntermediate, 'advanced': nv.IMAQdxAttributeVisibilityAdvanced, } visibility_level = visibilities[visibility_level.lower()] attributes = [] for a in nv.IMAQdxEnumerateAttributes2(self.imaqdx, b'', visibility_level): if writeable_only and not a.Writable: continue if not a.Readable: continue attributes.append(a.Name.decode('utf8')) return attributes
[docs] def get_attribute(self, name): """Return current value of attribute of the given name""" try: value = nv.IMAQdxGetAttribute(self.imaqdx, name.encode('utf8')) if isinstance(value, nv.core.IMAQdxEnumItem): value = value.Name if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode('utf8') return value except Exception as e: # Add some info to the exception: raise Exception(f"Failed to get attribute {name}") from e
[docs] def snap(self): """Acquire a single image and return it""" nv.IMAQdxSnap(self.imaqdx, self.img) return self._decode_image_data(self.img)
[docs] def configure_acquisition(self, continuous=True, bufferCount=5): nv.IMAQdxConfigureAcquisition( self.imaqdx, continuous=continuous, bufferCount=bufferCount ) nv.IMAQdxStartAcquisition(self.imaqdx)
[docs] def grab(self, waitForNextBuffer=True): nv.IMAQdxGrab(self.imaqdx, self.img, waitForNextBuffer=waitForNextBuffer) return self._decode_image_data(self.img)
[docs] def grab_multiple(self, n_images, images, waitForNextBuffer=True): print(f"Attempting to grab {n_images} images.") for i in range(n_images): while True: if self._abort_acquisition: print("Abort during acquisition.") self._abort_acquisition = False return try: images.append(self.grab(waitForNextBuffer)) print(f"Got image {i+1} of {n_images}.") break except nv.ImaqDxError as e: if e.code == nv.IMAQdxErrorTimeout.value: print('.', end='') continue if self.exception_on_failed_shot: raise else: # stop acquisition print(e, file=sys.stderr) break print(f"Got {len(images)} of {n_images} images.")
[docs] def stop_acquisition(self): nv.IMAQdxStopAcquisition(self.imaqdx) nv.IMAQdxUnconfigureAcquisition(self.imaqdx)
[docs] def abort_acquisition(self): self._abort_acquisition = True
[docs] def _decode_image_data(self, img): img_array = nv.imaqImageToArray(img) img_array_shape = (img_array[2], img_array[1]) # bitdepth in bytes bitdepth = len(img_array[0]) // (img_array[1] * img_array[2]) dtype = {1: np.uint8, 2: np.uint16, 4: np.uint32}[bitdepth] data = np.frombuffer(img_array[0], dtype=dtype).reshape(img_array_shape) return data.copy()
[docs] def close(self): nv.IMAQdxCloseCamera(self.imaqdx)
[docs] class IMAQdxCameraWorker(Worker): # Subclasses may override this if their interface class takes only the serial number # as an instantiation argument, otherwise they may reimplement get_camera(): interface_class = IMAQdx_Camera
[docs] def init(self): = self.get_camera() print("Setting attributes...") self.smart_cache = {} self.set_attributes_smart(self.camera_attributes) self.set_attributes_smart(self.manual_mode_camera_attributes) print("Initialisation complete") self.images = None self.n_images = None self.attributes_to_save = None self.exposures = None self.acquisition_thread = None self.h5_filepath = None self.stop_acquisition_timeout = None self.exception_on_failed_shot = None self.continuous_stop = threading.Event() self.continuous_thread = None self.continuous_dt = None self.image_socket = Context().socket(zmq.REQ) self.image_socket.connect( f'tcp://{self.parent_host}:{self.image_receiver_port}' )
[docs] def get_camera(self): """Return an instance of the camera interface class. Subclasses may override this method to pass required arguments to their class if they require more than just the serial number.""" if self.mock: return MockCamera() else: return self.interface_class(self.serial_number)
[docs] def set_attributes_smart(self, attributes): """Call to set the given attributes, only setting those that differ from their value in, or are absent from self.smart_cache. Update self.smart_cache with the newly-set values""" uncached_attributes = {} for name, value in attributes.items(): if name not in self.smart_cache or self.smart_cache[name] != value: uncached_attributes[name] = value self.smart_cache[name] = value
[docs] def get_attributes_as_dict(self, visibility_level): """Return a dict of the attributes of the camera for the given visibility level""" names = attributes_dict = {name: for name in names} return attributes_dict
[docs] def get_attributes_as_text(self, visibility_level): """Return a string representation of the attributes of the camera for the given visibility level""" attrs = self.get_attributes_as_dict(visibility_level) # Format it nicely: lines = [f' {repr(key)}: {repr(value)},' for key, value in attrs.items()] dict_repr = '\n'.join(['{'] + lines + ['}']) return self.device_name + '_camera_attributes = ' + dict_repr
[docs] def snap(self): """Acquire one frame in manual mode. Send it to the parent via self.image_socket. Wait for a response from the parent.""" image = self._send_image_to_parent(image)
[docs] def _send_image_to_parent(self, image): """Send the image to the GUI to display. This will block if the parent process is lagging behind in displaying frames, in order to avoid a backlog.""" metadata = dict(dtype=str(image.dtype), shape=image.shape) self.image_socket.send_json(metadata, zmq.SNDMORE) self.image_socket.send(image, copy=False) response = self.image_socket.recv() assert response == b'ok', response
[docs] def continuous_loop(self, dt): """Acquire continuously in a loop, with minimum repetition interval dt""" while True: if dt is not None: t = perf_counter() image = self._send_image_to_parent(image) if dt is None: timeout = 0 else: timeout = t + dt - perf_counter() if self.continuous_stop.wait(timeout): self.continuous_stop.clear() break
[docs] def start_continuous(self, dt): """Begin continuous acquisition in a thread with minimum repetition interval dt""" assert self.continuous_thread is None self.continuous_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.continuous_loop, args=(dt,), daemon=True ) self.continuous_thread.start() self.continuous_dt = dt
[docs] def stop_continuous(self, pause=False): """Stop the continuous acquisition thread""" assert self.continuous_thread is not None self.continuous_stop.set() self.continuous_thread.join() self.continuous_thread = None # If we're just 'pausing', then do not clear self.continuous_dt. That way # continuous acquisition can be resumed with the same interval by calling # start(self.continuous_dt), without having to get the interval from the parent # again, and the fact that self.continuous_dt is not None can be used to infer # that continuous acquisiton is paused and should be resumed after a buffered # run is complete: if not pause: self.continuous_dt = None
[docs] def transition_to_buffered(self, device_name, h5_filepath, initial_values, fresh): if getattr(self, 'is_remote', False): h5_filepath = path_to_local(h5_filepath) if self.continuous_thread is not None: # Pause continuous acquistion during transition_to_buffered: self.stop_continuous(pause=True) with h5py.File(h5_filepath, 'r') as f: group = f['devices'][self.device_name] if not 'EXPOSURES' in group: return {} self.h5_filepath = h5_filepath self.exposures = group['EXPOSURES'][:] self.n_images = len(self.exposures) # Get the camera_attributes from the device_properties properties = f, self.device_name, 'device_properties' ) camera_attributes = properties['camera_attributes'] self.stop_acquisition_timeout = properties['stop_acquisition_timeout'] self.exception_on_failed_shot = properties['exception_on_failed_shot'] saved_attr_level = properties['saved_attribute_visibility_level'] = self.exception_on_failed_shot # Only reprogram attributes that differ from those last programmed in, or all of # them if a fresh reprogramming was requested: if fresh: self.smart_cache = {} self.set_attributes_smart(camera_attributes) # Get the camera attributes, so that we can save them to the H5 file: if saved_attr_level is not None: self.attributes_to_save = self.get_attributes_as_dict(saved_attr_level) else: self.attributes_to_save = None print(f"Configuring camera for {self.n_images} images."), bufferCount=self.n_images) self.images = [] self.acquisition_thread = threading.Thread(, args=(self.n_images, self.images), daemon=True, ) self.acquisition_thread.start() return {}
[docs] def transition_to_manual(self): if self.h5_filepath is None: print('No camera exposures in this shot.\n') return True assert self.acquisition_thread is not None self.acquisition_thread.join(timeout=self.stop_acquisition_timeout) if self.acquisition_thread.is_alive(): msg = """Acquisition thread did not finish. Likely did not acquire expected number of images. Check triggering is connected/configured correctly""" if self.exception_on_failed_shot: self.abort() raise RuntimeError(dedent(msg)) else: self.acquisition_thread.join() print(dedent(msg), file=sys.stderr) self.acquisition_thread = None print("Stopping acquisition.") print(f"Saving {len(self.images)}/{len(self.exposures)} images.") with h5py.File(self.h5_filepath, 'r+') as f: # Use orientation for image path, device_name if orientation unspecified if self.orientation is not None: image_path = 'images/' + self.orientation else: image_path = 'images/' + self.device_name image_group = f.require_group(image_path) image_group.attrs['camera'] = self.device_name # Save camera attributes to the HDF5 file: if self.attributes_to_save is not None: set_attributes(image_group, self.attributes_to_save) # Whether we failed to get all the expected exposures: image_group.attrs['failed_shot'] = len(self.images) != len(self.exposures) # key the images by name and frametype. Allow for the case of there being # multiple images with the same name and frametype. In this case we will # save an array of images in a single dataset. images = { (exposure['name'], exposure['frametype']): [] for exposure in self.exposures } # Iterate over expected exposures, sorted by acquisition time, to match them # up with the acquired images: self.exposures.sort(order='t') for image, exposure in zip(self.images, self.exposures): images[(exposure['name'], exposure['frametype'])].append(image) # Save images to the HDF5 file: for (name, frametype), imagelist in images.items(): data = imagelist[0] if len(imagelist) == 1 else np.array(imagelist) print(f"Saving frame(s) {name}/{frametype}.") group = image_group.require_group(name) dset = group.create_dataset( frametype, data=data, dtype='uint16', compression='gzip' ) # Specify this dataset should be viewed as an image dset.attrs['CLASS'] = np.string_('IMAGE') dset.attrs['IMAGE_VERSION'] = np.string_('1.2') dset.attrs['IMAGE_SUBCLASS'] = np.string_('IMAGE_GRAYSCALE') dset.attrs['IMAGE_WHITE_IS_ZERO'] = np.uint8(0) # If the images are all the same shape, send them to the GUI for display: try: image_block = np.stack(self.images) except ValueError: print("Cannot display images in the GUI, they are not all the same shape") else: self._send_image_to_parent(image_block) self.images = None self.n_images = None self.attributes_to_save = None self.exposures = None self.h5_filepath = None self.stop_acquisition_timeout = None self.exception_on_failed_shot = None print("Setting manual mode camera attributes.\n") self.set_attributes_smart(self.manual_mode_camera_attributes) if self.continuous_dt is not None: # If continuous manual mode acquisition was in progress before the bufferd # run, resume it: self.start_continuous(self.continuous_dt) return True
[docs] def abort(self): if self.acquisition_thread is not None: self.acquisition_thread.join() self.acquisition_thread = None = False self.images = None self.n_images = None self.attributes_to_save = None self.exposures = None self.acquisition_thread = None self.h5_filepath = None self.stop_acquisition_timeout = None self.exception_on_failed_shot = None # Resume continuous acquisition, if any: if self.continuous_dt is not None and self.continuous_thread is None: self.start_continuous(self.continuous_dt) return True
[docs] def abort_buffered(self): return self.abort()
[docs] def abort_transition_to_buffered(self): return self.abort()
[docs] def program_manual(self, values): return {}
[docs] def shutdown(self): if self.continuous_thread is not None: self.stop_continuous()