
Here is a list of minor details that come up when dealing with our docs that are not well documented in the Sphinx docs or are very unique to our project.

autosummary can’t find a module

When you get an error while building the docs stating autosummary could not find a module, it could be due to one of two things:

  1. The module actually cannot be found, due to a typo in the autosummary command.

  2. The much more likely reason, the module is actually found, but cannot be imported.

In order to see the actual error to diagnose the problem properly, temporarily remove that module from the autosummary directive and do an explicit automodule directive. Once the import error is fixed, you can move the module back into the autosummary directive.

labscript-devices API

Unlike the rest of the labscript-suite, labscript-devices does NOT use recursive autosummary calls to generate the API documentation. This means that, unlike other modules, adding a new device to labscript-devices will NOT automatically be captured in the docs build. When adding a new device, you are expected to make a top-level rst document that implements the necessary autodoc calls to document the device.


In all modules, adding a sub-module at the top-level likely will not be automatically caught either. It will need to be added to the relevant autosummary directive manually.

latexPDF local builds

Local builds of the latexPDF version of the documentation will not work using the standard make latexpdf command. This is because the labscript-suite uses svg figure icons that latex cannot process. This build does work on RTD because they do not use the latexpdf make target, but instead call latexmk with customized options that ignore these little errors. In order to build the PDF documentation locally, you will need to use the same call as RTD uses.

Note that the RTD latex build is fairly stable, if really ugly, so long as the html docs build. That said, if there is an error unique to the latex build, discovering its origin can be very difficult since the build process has to ignore errors to complete normally anyway.

One specific error already encounted is when an API documentated value is too long for latex to parse as a single line (a raw bitmap image saved as a class attribute). This specific error can be overcome by instructing sphinx to not publish the value in the docs using the :meta hide-value: rst key for the offending object.