Source code for labscript_utils.unitconversions.optotunelens

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# Copyright 2013, Monash University                                 #
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# This file is part of the labscript suite (see                     #
# and is licensed under the Simplified   #
# BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of the project  #
# for the full license.                                             #
#                                                                   #
from .UnitConversionBase import *
from scipy.special import lambertw
from numpy import exp, abs
[docs]class OptotuneLens(UnitConversion): base_unit = 'V' derived_units = ['distance','I']
[docs] def __init__(self, calibration_parameters=None): # These parameters are loaded from a globals.h5 type file automatically self.parameters = calibration_parameters # I[A] = slope * V[V] + shift # Saturates at saturation Volts self.parameters.setdefault('current_cal', 0.05) # A/V self.parameters.setdefault('I_Max', 0.3) # we fit the function Pos(I) = a*exp(b*I)+c*I+d self.parameters.setdefault('a', 0) self.parameters.setdefault('b', 0) self.parameters.setdefault('c', 0) UnitConversion.__init__(self,self.parameters)
# We should probably also store some hardware limits here, and use them accordingly # (or maybe load them from a globals file, or specify them in the connection table?)
[docs] def distance_to_base(self,percentage): #here is the calibration code that may use self.parameters # The inverse function is I = 1/(b*c)(-c*W((a*b/c)*exp((b/c)*P+a))+b/P+ba) # Where W is the product log (Lambert W) function amps = 1.0/(self.parameters['b']*self.parameters['c']) \ *(-self.parameters['c']*lambertw((self.parameters['a']*self.parameters['b']/self.parameters['c'])*exp((self.parameters['b']/self.parameters['c'])*(percentage+self.parameters['a']))) \ +self.parameters['b']*percentage \ +self.parameters['b']*self.parameters['a']) volts = amps/ self.parameters['current_cal'] return (volts > 0) * abs(volts)
[docs] def distance_from_base(self,volts): amps = max(min(self.parameters['current_cal'] * volts,self.parameters['I_Max']),0) percentage = self.parameters['a']*exp(self.parameters['b']*amps) + self.parameters['c']*amps - self.parameters['a'] return percentage
[docs] def I_to_base(self,current): return current/self.parameters['current_cal']
[docs] def I_from_base(self,volts): return volts*self.parameters['current_cal']