Source code for labscript_utils.qtwidgets.toolpalette

#                                                                   #
#                                                    #
#                                                                   #
# Copyright 2013, Monash University                                 #
#                                                                   #
# This file is part of the labscript suite (see                     #
# and is licensed under the Simplified   #
# BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of the project  #
# for the full license.                                             #
#                                                                   #
import sys

from qtutils.qt.QtCore import *
from qtutils.qt.QtGui import *
from qtutils.qt.QtWidgets import *

EXPAND_ICON = ':/qtutils/fugue/toggle-small-expand'
CONTRACT_ICON = ':/qtutils/fugue/toggle-small'


[docs]class ToolPaletteGroup(QVBoxLayout):
[docs] def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): QVBoxLayout.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs) self._widget_groups = {} self._width_groups = {} self._all_widths_linked = False
# Creates and appends a new ToolPalette to this group # A reference to the new ToolPalette is returned
[docs] def append_new_palette(self,name,*args,**kwargs): if name in self._widget_groups: raise RuntimeError('The tool palette group already has a palette named %s'%name) # Create the tool palette and store a reference to it and an index indicating the order of Tool Palettes tool_palette = ToolPalette(self,name,*args,**kwargs) push_button = QPushButton(name) push_button.setIcon(QIcon(CONTRACT_ICON)) push_button.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) push_button.setToolTip('Click to hide') frame = QFrame() frame.setFrameStyle(QFrame.StyledPanel) frame_layout = QVBoxLayout(frame) frame_layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) frame_layout.setSpacing(0) header_widget = QWidget() header_layout = QHBoxLayout() header_layout.addWidget(push_button) header_layout.addStretch(1) header_widget.setLayout(header_layout) header_layout.setContentsMargins(3,3,3,3) def create_callback(name): return lambda: self._on_button_clicked(name) push_button.clicked.connect(create_callback(name)) self._widget_groups[name] = (len(self._widget_groups), tool_palette, push_button) frame_layout.addWidget(header_widget) frame_layout.addWidget(tool_palette) # append to the layout self.addWidget(frame) return tool_palette
def _on_button_clicked(self,name): # work out if it is shown or hidden #call show or hide method if self._widget_groups[name][1].isHidden(): self.show_palette(name) else: self.hide_palette(name)
[docs] def show_palette(self,name): if name not in self._widget_groups: raise RuntimeError('The tool palette does not have a palette named %s'%name) _, palette, push_button = self._widget_groups[name] push_button.setIcon(QIcon(CONTRACT_ICON)) push_button.setToolTip('Click to hide')
[docs] def show_palette_by_index(self,index): self.show_palette(self.get_name_from_index(index))
[docs] def hide_palette(self,name): if name not in self._widget_groups: raise RuntimeError('The tool palette does not have a palette named %s'%name) _, palette, push_button = self._widget_groups[name] palette.hide() push_button.setIcon(QIcon(EXPAND_ICON)) push_button.setToolTip('Click to show')
[docs] def hide_palette_by_index(self,index): self.hide_palette(self.get_name_from_index(index))
# Creates and inserts a new ToolPalette at the specified index. # A reference to the new ToolPalette is returned
[docs] def insert_new_palette(self,index,name,*args,**kwargs): # insert ... pass
[docs] def has_palette(self,name): if name in self._widget_groups: return True return False
[docs] def get_palette(self,name): if name not in self._widget_groups: raise RuntimeError('The tool palette group does not contain a palette named %s'%name) return self._widget_groups[name][1]
[docs] def get_palette_by_index(self,index): return self.get_palette(self.get_name_from_index(index))
[docs] def reorder_palette(self,name,new_index): if name not in self._widget_groups: raise RuntimeError('The tool palette group does not contain a palette named %s'%name) return self.reorder_palette_by_index(self.get_index_from_name(name),new_index)
[docs] def reorder_palette_by_index(self,old_index,new_index): if old_index < 0 or old_index >= count(self._widget_groups): raise RuntimeError('The specified old_index is out of bounds') if new_index < 0 or new_index >= count(self._widget_groups): raise RuntimeError('The specified new_index is out of bounds')
# TODO: now perform the reorder # TODO: recreate the layout
[docs] def remove(self,name): if name not in self._widget_groups: raise RuntimeError('The tool palette group does not contain a palette named %s'%name)
# TODO: Remove
[docs] def remove_by_index(self,index): return self.remove(self.get_name_from_index(index))
[docs] def get_name_from_index(self,index): for name, palette_data in self._widget_groups.items(): if palette_data[0] == index: return name raise RuntimeError('The tool palette group does not contain a palette with index %d'%index)
[docs] def get_index_from_name(self,name): if name not in self._widget_groups: raise RuntimeError('The tool palette group does not contain a palette named %s'%name) return self._widget_groups[name][0]
############################################################################################################################ # The code below is related solely to linking the widths of items within several tool palettes that are part of this group # ############################################################################################################################ # This property links the widths of all ToolPalettes in the ToolPalette group # It is a convenience property so that you don't have to create a linked_width_group conatining all Tool palettes in the tool palette group # and maintain the linked_width_group after ading new Tool Palettes to the Tool Palette Group @property def widths_linked(self): return self._all_widths_linked @widths_linked.setter def widths_linked(self,value): if self._width_groups and self._all_widths_linked: raise RuntimeError('You cannot link the widths of all tool palettes if you have already created a linked width group') self._all_widths_linked = value # This function links the widths of items in several ToolPalettes.
[docs] def create_linked_width_group(self,width_group_name,names): if self._all_widths_linked: raise RuntimeError('You cannot create a linked_width_group if you have already linked all widths via the widths_linked_property') if width_group_name in self._width_groups: raise RuntimeError('The tool palette group already has a width group named %s'%width_group_name) # check if anything in names is already in another width group for width_group_name,width_group_data in self._width_groups.items(): for name in names: if name in width_group_data[1]: raise RuntimeError('The tool pallete named %s is already in the linked width group %s'%(name,width_group_name)) # create width group self._width_groups[width_group_name] = (self._create_find_max_function(width_group_name),names)
# This function adds the toolpallete called 'name' to the linked_width_group 'width_group_name'
[docs] def add_to_linked_width_group(self,width_group_name,name): if self._all_widths_linked: raise RuntimeError('You cannot add to a linked_width_group if you have already linked all widths via the widths_linked_property') if width_group_name not in self._width_groups: raise RuntimeError('The tool palette group does not have a width group named %s'%width_group_name) for width_group_name,width_group_data in self._width_groups.items(): if name in width_group_data[1]: raise RuntimeError('The tool pallete named %s is already in the linked width group %s'%(name,width_group_name)) self._width_groups[width_group_name][1].append(name) # recreate the find_max_item_width function self._width_groups[width_group_name] = (self._create_find_max_function(width_group_name),self._width_groups[width_group_name][1])
[docs] def remove_from_linked_width_group(self,width_group_name,name): pass
#TODO: # This function creates and returns a reference to a function which finds the widest item in all Tool palettes in the specified # linked_width_group. def _create_find_max_function(self,width_group_name): def find_max_item_width(): largest_item_width = 0 for tp_name in self._width_groups[width_group_name][1]: item_width = self._widget_groups[tp_name][1]._find_max_item_width() if item_width > largest_item_width: largest_item_width = item_width return largest_item_width return find_max_item_width # This function gives the tool palletes a function to call to find out the widest item in their linked_width_group def _find_max_item_width(self,name): if self._all_widths_linked: return lambda: max([palette[1]._find_max_item_width() for palette in self._widget_groups.values()]) # Look up to see if the tool palette is in a linked_width_group width_group = None for width_group_name,width_group_list in self._width_groups.items(): if name in width_group_list[1]: width_group = width_group_name break if width_group: return self._width_groups[width_group][0] else: return self._widget_groups[name][1]._find_max_item_width
[docs]class ToolPalette(QScrollArea):
[docs] def __init__(self,parent,name,*args,**kwargs): QScrollArea.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs) self.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.setFrameStyle(QFrame.NoFrame) # create the grid layout #self.setWidget(QWidget(self)) #self.widget().setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred,QSizePolicy.Preferred) self._layout = QGridLayout(self) self._layout.setContentsMargins(3,0,3,3) self._layout.setHorizontalSpacing(3) self._layout.setVerticalSpacing(3) #self._layout.setMaximumSize(QSize(524287,524287)) #self._layout.setSizeConstraint(QLayout.SetMinAndMaxSize) self._widget_list = [] self._parent_group = parent self._name = name # need to keep track of these internally because the GridLayout returns the number of # allocated rows/columns with columnCount()/RowCount() rather than the number of visible ones self._column_count = 0 self._row_count = 0 # Variable for controlling whether or not self._layout_widgets() is # called in self.resizeEvent(). self._layout_widgets_during_resizeEvent = True
[docs] def addWidget(self,widget,force_relayout=True): # Append to end of tool pallete #widget.clicked.connect(embed) self._widget_list.append(widget) self._layout_widgets(force_relayout)
[docs] def insertWidget(self,index,widget,force_relayout=True): # Insert into position 'index' self._widget_list.insert(index,widget) self._layout_widgets(force_relayout)
def _find_max_item_width(self): # find the minimum size of the widest widget in the grid layout w_size_hints = [w.minimumSizeHint().width() for w in self._widget_list] if len(w_size_hints) < 1: return 0 max_width = max(w_size_hints) return max_width def _layout_widgets(self,force_relayout = False): h_size_hints = [w.sizeHint().height() for w in self._widget_list] max_width = self._parent_group._find_max_item_width(self._name)() # find the width of the gridlayout layout_width = self.size().width() #layout_width = self._layout.sizeHint().width() layout_spacing = self._layout.horizontalSpacing() # How many widgets can fit in a row? # TODO: Work out hwy I need layout_spacing*3 here (we are getting the width of the scroll area, # so need to take into account the borders around the grid layout? What are they?) num_widgets_per_row = (layout_width-layout_spacing*3)//(max_width+layout_spacing) # print self._name # print 'number_of_widgets: %d'%len(self._widget_list) # print 'layout_width: %d'%layout_width # print 'layout_spacing: %d'%layout_spacing # print 'max_width: %d'%max_width # print '(layout_width-layout_spacing*3)/(max_width+layout_spacing): %.3f'%((layout_width-layout_spacing*3)/(max_width+layout_spacing)) # print 'num_widgets_per_row: %d'%num_widgets_per_row if num_widgets_per_row < 1: num_widgets_per_row = 1 elif num_widgets_per_row > len(self._widget_list): num_widgets_per_row = len(self._widget_list) if num_widgets_per_row != self._column_count or force_relayout: #print 'changing number of columns' # remove all widgets for widget in self._widget_list: self._layout.removeWidget(widget) # re add all widgets into the grid layout row = 0 column = 0 for widget in self._widget_list: self._layout.addWidget(widget,row,column) column += 1 if column >= num_widgets_per_row: column = 0 row += 1 # This is here because the row count may have been increased at the end of the insertion # loop if column != 0: row += 1 # update the row/column count self._column_count = num_widgets_per_row self._row_count = row # print (max(h_size_hints)+self._layout.verticalSpacing())*self._row_count+self._layout.verticalSpacing()*2 # print max(h_size_hints) # print self._layout.verticalSpacing() # print self._row_count total_height = max(h_size_hints) * self._row_count total_height += self._layout.verticalSpacing() * (self._row_count - 1) total_height += self._layout.contentsMargins().top() total_height += self._layout.contentsMargins().bottom() self.setMinimumSize(QSize(self.minimumSize().width(), total_height)) for i in range(self._layout.rowCount()): if i < self._row_count: self._layout.setRowMinimumHeight(i,max(h_size_hints)) else: self._layout.setRowMinimumHeight(i,0)
[docs] def minimumSize(self): # Get the widgets minimum size: widget_size = QWidget.minimumSize(self) # now get the smallest minimum size width of all child widgets: widths = [w.minimumSizeHint().width() for w in self._widget_list] #heights = [w.minimumSize().height() for w in self._widget_list] #print 'number of widgets %d'%len(self._widget_list) if len(widths) > 0: max_width = max(widths) #print 'max_width: %d'%max_width #print 'widget width: %d'%widget_size.width() if max_width > widget_size.width(): widget_size = QSize(max_width,widget_size.height()) #print 'modifying minimum size width' #print 'minimum size is %s'%str(widget_size) return widget_size
[docs] def updateMinimumSize(self): self.setMinimumSize(self.minimumSize())
[docs] def sizeHint(self): width = QScrollArea.sizeHint(self).width() height = self.minimumSize().height() return QSize(width, height)
[docs] def minimumSizeHint(self): width = QScrollArea.minimumSizeHint(self).width() height = self.minimumSize().height() return QSize(width, height)
[docs] def event(self, event): # Handle the custom event for reenabling the call to # self._layout_widgets() during self.resizeEvent(). if (event.type() == _ENABLE_LAYOUT_EVENT_TYPE): self._layout_widgets_during_resizeEvent = True # Return True so that this event isn't sent along to other event # handlers as well. return True # Handle all other events in the usual way. return super().event(event)
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event): # overwrite the resize event! # This method can end up undergoing infinite recursion for some window # layouts, see # It seems # that sometimes self._layout_widgets() increases the number of columns, # which then triggers a resizeEvent, which then calls # self._layout_widgets() which then decreases the number of columns to # its previous value, which triggers a resizeEvent, and so on. That loop # may occur e.g. if increasing/decreasing the number of columns # add/removes a scrollbar, which then changes the number of widgets that # can fit in a row. Keeping track of the recursion depth isn't trivial # because _layout_widgets() doesn't directly call itself; it just causes # more resizing events to be added to the event queue. To work around # that, this method will mark that future calls to this method shouldn't # call _layout_widgets() but will also add an event to the event queue # to reenable calling _layout_widgets() again once all of the resize # events caused by this call to it have been processed. try: #pass resize event on to qwidget QWidget.resizeEvent(self, event) size = event.size() if size.width() == self.size().width() and size.height() == self.size().height(): if self._layout_widgets_during_resizeEvent: # Avoid calling this again until all the resize events that # will be put in the queue by self._layout_widgets() have # run. self._layout_widgets_during_resizeEvent = False self._layout_widgets() finally: # Add event to end of the event queue to allow _layout_widgets() in # future calls. This event shouldn't be handled until the resize # events generated during _layout_widgets() have run. QCoreApplication.instance().postEvent(self, QEvent(_ENABLE_LAYOUT_EVENT_TYPE))
# A simple test! if __name__ == '__main__': qapplication = QApplication(sys.argv) from .ddsoutput import DDSOutput window = QWidget() layout = QVBoxLayout(window) widget = QWidget() layout.addWidget(widget) tpg = ToolPaletteGroup(widget) toolpalette = tpg.append_new_palette('Digital Outputs') toolpalette2 = tpg.append_new_palette('Digital Outputs 2') #toolpalette = ToolPalette() #layout.addWidget(toolpalette) #layout.addItem(tpg) layout.addItem(QSpacerItem(0,0,QSizePolicy.Minimum,QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding)) for i in range(20): #button = QPushButton('Button %d'%i) button = DDSOutput('DDS %d'%i) #button.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum,QSizePolicy.Minimum) toolpalette.addWidget(button) for i in range(20): button = QPushButton('very very long Button %d'%i) button.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum,QSizePolicy.Minimum) toolpalette2.addWidget(button) #tpg.create_linked_width_group("Digital outs", ['Digital Outputs','Digital Outputs 2']) sys.exit(qapplication.exec_())