# #
# /labscript_devices/ZaberStageController/labscript_devices.py #
# #
# Copyright 2019, Monash University and contributors #
# #
# This file is part of labscript_devices, in the labscript suite #
# (see http://labscriptsuite.org), and is licensed under the #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of #
# the project for the full license. #
# #
from labscript import StaticAnalogQuantity, IntermediateDevice, set_passed_properties
import numpy as np
from .utils import get_device_number
# Base class for stages:
class ZaberStage(StaticAnalogQuantity):
limits = (0, np.inf)
description = "Zaber Stage"
property_names={"connection_table_properties": ["limits"]}
def __init__(self, *args, limits=None, **kwargs):
"""Static Analog output device for controlling the position of a Zaber stage.
Can be added as a child device of `ZaberStageController`. Subclasses for
specific models already have model-specific limits set for their values, but you
may further restrict these by setting the keyword argument limits=
Arguments to be passed to the `__init__` method of the parent class
limits (tuple), default `None`
a two-tuple (min, max) for the minimum and maximum allowed positions, in
steps, that the device may be instructed to move to via a labscript
experiment or the BLACS front panel. If None, the limits set as a class
attribute will be used, which are set to the maximal positions allowed
by the device if using one of the model-specific subclasses defined in
this module, or is (0, inf) otherwise.
Further keyword arguments to be passed to the `__init__` method of the
parent class (StaticAnalogQuantity).
if limits is None:
limits = self.limits
StaticAnalogQuantity.__init__(self, *args, limits=limits, **kwargs)
# Child classes for specific models of stages, which have knowledge of their valid
# ranges:
class ZaberStageTLSR150D(ZaberStage):
limits = (0, 76346)
description = 'Zaber Stage T-LSR150D'
class ZaberStageTLSR300D(ZaberStage):
limits = (0, 151937)
description = 'Zaber Stage T-LSR300D'
class ZaberStageTLS28M(ZaberStage):
limits = (0, 282879)
description = 'Zaber Stage T-LS28-M'
class ZaberStageTLSR300B(ZaberStage):
limits = (0, 607740)
description = 'Zaber Stage T-LSR150D'
class ZaberStageController(IntermediateDevice):
allowed_children = [ZaberStage]
property_names={"connection_table_properties": ["com_port", "mock"]}
def __init__(self, name, com_port="COM1", mock=False, **kwargs):
"""Device for controlling a number of Zaber stages connected to a serial port.
Add stages as child devices, either by using one of them model-specific classes
in this module, or the generic `ZaberStage` class.
name (str)
device name
com_port (str), default: `'COM1'`
Serial port for communication, i.e. `'COM1' etc on Windows or
`'/dev/USBtty0'` or similar on unix.
mock (bool, optional), default: False
For testing purpses, simulate a device instead of communicating with
actual hardware.
**kwargs: Further keyword arguments to be passed to the `__init__` method of
the parent class (IntermediateDevice).
IntermediateDevice.__init__(self, name, None, **kwargs)
self.BLACS_connection = com_port
def add_device(self, device):
# Error-check the connection string:
_ = get_device_number(device.connection)
IntermediateDevice.add_device(self, device)
def generate_code(self, hdf5_file):
IntermediateDevice.generate_code(self, hdf5_file)
stages = {stage.connection: stage for stage in self.child_devices}
connections = sorted(stages, key=get_device_number)
dtypes = [(connection, int) for connection in connections]
static_value_table = np.empty(1, dtype=dtypes)
for connection, stage in stages.items():
static_value_table[connection][0] = stage.static_value
grp = self.init_device_group(hdf5_file)
grp.create_dataset('static_values', data=static_value_table)