from labscript import Device, LabscriptError, set_passed_properties
class TekScope(Device):
"""A labscript_device for Tektronix oscilloscopes using a visa interface.
connection_table_properties (set once)
termination: character signalling end of response
preamble_string: base command for waveform preamble ('WFMO' or 'WFMP')
device_properties (set per shot)
timeout: in seconds for response to queries over visa interface
int16: download waveform pts as 16 bit integers (returns 1/2 as many pts)
description = 'Tekstronix oscilloscope'
property_names = {
'connection_table_properties': ['termination', 'preamble_string'],
'device_properties': ['timeout', 'int16']}
def __init__(self, name, addr,
termination='\n', preamble_string='WFMP',
timeout=5, int16=False,
Device.__init__(self, name, None, addr, **kwargs) = name
self.BLACS_connection = addr
self.termination = termination
self.preamble_string = preamble_string
assert preamble_string in ['WFMO', 'WFMP'], "preamble_string must be one of 'WFMO' or 'WFMP'"
def generate_code(self, hdf5_file):
# group = self.init_device_name(hdf5_file)
Device.generate_code(self, hdf5_file)