Source code for labscript_devices.PrawnBlaster.labscript_devices

#                                                                   #
# /labscript_devices/PrawnBlaster/              #
#                                                                   #
# Copyright 2021, Philip Starkey                                    #
#                                                                   #
# This file is part of labscript_devices, in the labscript suite    #
# (see, and is licensed under the        #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of   #
# the project for the full license.                                 #
#                                                                   #

import copy

from labscript import (
import numpy as np

[docs] class _PrawnBlasterPseudoclock(Pseudoclock): """Customized Clockline for use with the PrawnBlaster. This Pseudoclock retains information about which hardware clock it is associated with, and ensures only one clockline per pseudoclock. """ def __init__(self, i, *args, **kwargs): """ Args: i (int): Specifies which hardware pseudoclock this device is associated with. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.i = i
[docs] def add_device(self, device): """ Args: device (:class:`~labscript.ClockLine`): Clockline to attach to the pseudoclock. """ if isinstance(device, ClockLine): # only allow one child if self.child_devices: raise LabscriptError( f"Each pseudoclock of the PrawnBlaster {} only supports 1 clockline, which is automatically created. Please use the clockline located at {}.clocklines[{self.i}]" ) Pseudoclock.add_device(self, device) else: raise LabscriptError( f"You have connected {} to {} (a Pseudoclock of {}), but {} only supports children that are ClockLines. Please connect your device to {}.clocklines[{self.i}] instead." )
# # Define dummy pseudoclock/clockline/intermediatedevice to trick wait monitor # since everything is handled internally in this device #
[docs] class _PrawnBlasterDummyPseudoclock(Pseudoclock): """Dummy Pseudoclock labscript device used internally to allow :class:`~labscript.WaitMonitor` to work internally to the PrawnBlaster."""
[docs] def add_device(self, device): if isinstance(device, _PrawnBlasterDummyClockLine): if self.child_devices: raise LabscriptError( f"You are trying to access the special, dummy, PseudoClock of the PrawnBlaster {}. This is for internal use only." ) Pseudoclock.add_device(self, device) else: raise LabscriptError( f"You are trying to access the special, dummy, PseudoClock of the PrawnBlaster {}. This is for internal use only." )
# do nothing, this is a dummy class!
[docs] def generate_code(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] class _PrawnBlasterDummyClockLine(ClockLine): """Dummy Clockline labscript device used internally to allow :class:`~labscript.WaitMonitor` to work internally to the PrawnBlaster."""
[docs] def add_device(self, device): if isinstance(device, _PrawnBlasterDummyIntermediateDevice): if self.child_devices: raise LabscriptError( f"You are trying to access the special, dummy, ClockLine of the PrawnBlaster {}. This is for internal use only." ) ClockLine.add_device(self, device) else: raise LabscriptError( f"You are trying to access the special, dummy, ClockLine of the PrawnBlaster {}. This is for internal use only." )
# do nothing, this is a dummy class!
[docs] def generate_code(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] class _PrawnBlasterDummyIntermediateDevice(IntermediateDevice): """Dummy intermediate labscript device used internally to attach :class:`~labscript.WaitMonitor` objects to the PrawnBlaster."""
[docs] def add_device(self, device): if isinstance(device, WaitMonitor): IntermediateDevice.add_device(self, device) else: raise LabscriptError( "You can only connect an instance of WaitMonitor to the device %s.internal_wait_monitor_outputs" % ( )
# do nothing, this is a dummy class!
[docs] def generate_code(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] class PrawnBlaster(PseudoclockDevice): description = "PrawnBlaster" clock_limit = 1 / 100e-9 """Maximum allowable clock rate.""" clock_resolution = 20e-9 """Minimum resolvable time for a clock tick.""" input_response_time = 50e-9 """Time necessary for hardware to respond to a hardware trigger. Empirically determined to be a ~50 ns buffer on the input. """ trigger_delay = input_response_time + 80e-9 """Processing time delay after trigger is detected. Due to firmware, there is an 80 ns delay between trigger detection and first output pulse.""" trigger_minimum_duration = 160e-9 """Minimum required width of hardware trigger. An overestimate that covers currently unsupported indefinite waits.""" wait_delay = 40e-9 """Minimum required length of a wait before retrigger can be detected. Corresponds to 4 instructions.""" allowed_children = [_PrawnBlasterPseudoclock, _PrawnBlasterDummyPseudoclock] max_instructions = 30000 """Maximum numaber of instructions per pseudoclock. Max is 30,000 for a single pseudoclock.""" @set_passed_properties( property_names={ "connection_table_properties": [ "com_port", "in_pins", "out_pins", "num_pseudoclocks", ], "device_properties": [ "clock_frequency", "external_clock_pin", "clock_limit", "clock_resolution", "input_response_time", "trigger_delay", "trigger_minimum_duration", "wait_delay", "max_instructions", ], } ) def __init__( self, name, trigger_device=None, trigger_connection=None, com_port="COM1", num_pseudoclocks=1, out_pins=None, in_pins=None, clock_frequency=100e6, external_clock_pin=None, use_wait_monitor=True, ): """PrawnBlaster Pseudoclock labscript device. This labscript device creates Pseudoclocks based on the PrawnBlaster, a Raspberry Pi Pico with custom firmware. Args: name (str): python variable name to assign to the PrawnBlaster com_port (str): COM port assigned to the PrawnBlaster by the OS. Takes the form of `'COMd'`, where `d` is an integer. num_pseudoclocks (int): Number of pseudoclocks to create. Ranges from 1-4. trigger_device (:class:`~labscript.IntermediateDevice`, optional): Device that will send the hardware start trigger when using the PrawnBlaster as a secondary Pseudoclock. trigger_connection (str, optional): Which output of the `trigger_device` is connected to the PrawnBlaster hardware trigger input. out_pins (list, optional): What outpins to use for the pseudoclock outputs. Must have length of at least `num_pseudoclocks`. Defaults to `[9,11,13,15]` in_pins (list, optional): What inpins to use for the pseudoclock hardware triggering. Must have length of at least `num_pseudoclocks`. Defaults to `[0,0,0,0]` clock_frequency (float, optional): Frequency of clock. Standard range accepts up to 133 MHz. An experimental overclocked firmware is available that allows higher frequencies. external_clock_pin (int, optional): If not `None` (the default), the PrawnBlaster uses an external clock on the provided pin. Valid options are `20` and `22`. The external frequency must be defined using `clock_frequency`. use_wait_monitor (bool, optional): Configure the PrawnBlaster to perform its own wait monitoring. """ # Check number of pseudoclocks is within range if num_pseudoclocks < 1 or num_pseudoclocks > 4: raise LabscriptError( f"The PrawnBlaster {name} only supports between 1 and 4 pseudoclocks" ) # Update the specs based on the number of pseudoclocks self.max_instructions = self.max_instructions // num_pseudoclocks # Update the specs based on the clock frequency if self.clock_resolution != 2 / clock_frequency: factor = (2 / clock_frequency) / self.clock_resolution self.clock_limit *= factor self.clock_resolution *= factor self.input_response_time *= factor self.trigger_delay *= factor self.trigger_minimum_duration *= factor self.wait_delay *= factor # Instantiate the base class PseudoclockDevice.__init__(self, name, trigger_device, trigger_connection) self.num_pseudoclocks = num_pseudoclocks # Wait monitor can only be used if this is the master pseudoclock self.use_wait_monitor = use_wait_monitor and self.is_master_pseudoclock # Set the BLACS connections self.BLACS_connection = com_port # Check in/out pins if out_pins is None: out_pins = [9, 11, 13, 15] if in_pins is None: in_pins = [0, 0, 0, 0] if len(out_pins) < num_pseudoclocks: raise LabscriptError( f"The PrawnBlaster {} is configured with {num_pseudoclocks} but only has pin numbers specified for {len(out_pins)}." ) else: self.out_pins = out_pins[:num_pseudoclocks] if len(in_pins) < num_pseudoclocks: raise LabscriptError( f"The PrawnBlaster {} is configured with {num_pseudoclocks} but only has pin numbers specified for {len(in_pins)}." ) else: self.in_pins = in_pins[:num_pseudoclocks] self._pseudoclocks = [] self._clocklines = [] for i in range(num_pseudoclocks): self._pseudoclocks.append( _PrawnBlasterPseudoclock( i, name=f"{name}_pseudoclock_{i}", pseudoclock_device=self, connection=f"pseudoclock {i}", ) ) self._clocklines.append( ClockLine( name=f"{name}_clock_line_{i}", pseudoclock=self._pseudoclocks[i], connection=f"GPIO {self.out_pins[i]}", ) ) if self.use_wait_monitor: # Create internal devices for connecting to a wait monitor self.__wait_monitor_dummy_pseudoclock = _PrawnBlasterDummyPseudoclock( "%s__dummy_wait_pseudoclock" % name, self, "_" ) self.__wait_monitor_dummy_clock_line = _PrawnBlasterDummyClockLine( "%s__dummy_wait_clock_line" % name, self.__wait_monitor_dummy_pseudoclock, "_", ) self.__wait_monitor_intermediate_device = ( _PrawnBlasterDummyIntermediateDevice( "%s_internal_wait_monitor_outputs" % name, self.__wait_monitor_dummy_clock_line, ) ) # Create the wait monitor WaitMonitor( "%s__wait_monitor" % name, self.internal_wait_monitor_outputs, "internal", self.internal_wait_monitor_outputs, "internal", self.internal_wait_monitor_outputs, "internal", ) @property def internal_wait_monitor_outputs(self): return self.__wait_monitor_intermediate_device @property def pseudoclocks(self): """Returns a list of the automatically generated :class:`_PrawnBlasterPseudoclock` objects.""" return copy.copy(self._pseudoclocks) @property def clocklines(self): """Returns a list of the automatically generated :class:`~labscript.ClockLine` objects.""" return copy.copy(self._clocklines)
[docs] def add_device(self, device): """Adds child devices. This is automatically called by the labscript compiler. Args: device (:class:`_PrawnBlasterPseudoclock` or :class:`_PrawnBlasterDummyPseudoclock`): Instance to attach to the device. Only the allowed children can be attached. """ if len(self.child_devices) < ( self.num_pseudoclocks + self.use_wait_monitor ) and isinstance( device, (_PrawnBlasterPseudoclock, _PrawnBlasterDummyPseudoclock) ): PseudoclockDevice.add_device(self, device) elif isinstance(device, _PrawnBlasterPseudoclock): raise LabscriptError( f"The {self.description} {} automatically creates the correct number of pseudoclocks." + "Instead of instantiating your own Pseudoclock object, please use the internal" + f" ones stored in {}.pseudoclocks" ) else: raise LabscriptError( f"You have connected {} (class {device.__class__}) to {}, but {} does not support children with that class." )
[docs] def generate_code(self, hdf5_file): """Generates the hardware instructions for the pseudoclocks. This is automatically called by the labscript compiler. Args: hdf5_file (:class:`h5py.File`): h5py file object for shot """ PseudoclockDevice.generate_code(self, hdf5_file) group = self.init_device_group(hdf5_file) current_wait_index = 0 wait_table = sorted(compiler.wait_table) # For each pseudoclock for i, pseudoclock in enumerate(self.pseudoclocks): current_wait_index = 0 # Compress clock instructions with the same half_period reduced_instructions = [] for instruction in pseudoclock.clock: if instruction == "WAIT": # If we're using the internal wait monitor, set the timeout if self.use_wait_monitor: # Get the wait timeout value wait_timeout = compiler.wait_table[ wait_table[current_wait_index] ][1] current_wait_index += 1 # The following half_period and reps indicates a wait instruction reduced_instructions.append( { "half_period": round( wait_timeout / (self.clock_resolution / 2) ), "reps": 0, } ) continue # Else, set an indefinite wait and wait for a trigger from something else. else: # Two waits in a row are an indefinite wait reduced_instructions.append( { "half_period": 2 ** 32 - 1, "reps": 0, } ) reduced_instructions.append( { "half_period": 2 ** 32 - 1, "reps": 0, } ) # Normal instruction reps = instruction["reps"] # half_period is in quantised units: half_period = int(round(instruction["step"] / self.clock_resolution)) if ( # If there is a previous instruction reduced_instructions # And it's not a wait and reduced_instructions[-1]["reps"] != 0 # And the half_periods match and reduced_instructions[-1]["half_period"] == half_period # And the sum of the previous reps and current reps won't push it over the limit and (reduced_instructions[-1]["reps"] + reps) < (2 ** 32 - 1) ): # Combine instructions! reduced_instructions[-1]["reps"] += reps else: # New instruction reduced_instructions.append( {"half_period": half_period, "reps": reps} ) # Only add this if there is room in the instruction table. The PrawnBlaster # firmware has extre room at the end for an instruction that is always 0 # and cannot be set over serial! if len(reduced_instructions) != self.max_instructions: # The following half_period and reps indicates a stop instruction: reduced_instructions.append({"half_period": 0, "reps": 0}) # Check we have not exceeded the maximum number of supported instructions # for this number of speudoclocks if len(reduced_instructions) > self.max_instructions: raise LabscriptError( f"{self.description} {}.clocklines[{i}] has too many instructions. It has {len(reduced_instructions)} and can only support {self.max_instructions}" ) # Store these instructions to the h5 file: dtypes = [("half_period", int), ("reps", int)] pulse_program = np.zeros(len(reduced_instructions), dtype=dtypes) for j, instruction in enumerate(reduced_instructions): pulse_program[j]["half_period"] = instruction["half_period"] pulse_program[j]["reps"] = instruction["reps"] group.create_dataset( f"PULSE_PROGRAM_{i}", compression=config.compression, data=pulse_program ) # This is needed so the BLACS worker knows whether or not to be a wait monitor self.set_property( "is_master_pseudoclock", self.is_master_pseudoclock, location="device_properties", ) self.set_property("stop_time", self.stop_time, location="device_properties")