# #
# /labscript_devices/DummyPseudoclock/DummyPseudoclock.py #
# #
# Copyright 2017, Christopher Billington #
# #
# This file is part of labscript_devices, in the labscript suite #
# (see http://labscriptsuite.org), and is licensed under the #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of #
# the project for the full license. #
# #
# This file represents a dummy labscript device for purposes of testing BLACS
# and labscript. The device is a PseudoclockDevice, and can be the sole device
# in a connection table or experiment.
from labscript import PseudoclockDevice, Pseudoclock, ClockLine, config, LabscriptError
import numpy as np
class _DummyPseudoclock(Pseudoclock):
def add_device(self, device):
if isinstance(device, ClockLine):
# only allow one child
if self.child_devices:
raise LabscriptError('The pseudoclock of the DummyPseudoclock %s only supports 1 clockline, which is automatically created. Please use the clockline located at %s.clockline'%(self.parent_device.name, self.parent_device.name))
Pseudoclock.add_device(self, device)
raise LabscriptError('You have connected %s to %s (the Pseudoclock of %s), but %s only supports children that are ClockLines. Please connect your device to %s.clockline instead.'%(device.name, self.name, self.parent_device.name, self.name, self.parent_device.name))
class DummyPseudoclock(PseudoclockDevice):
description = 'Dummy pseudoclock'
clock_limit = 10e6
clock_resolution = 25e-9
trigger_delay = 350e-9
wait_delay = 2.5e-6
allowed_children = [_DummyPseudoclock]
max_instructions = 1e5
def __init__(
self, name='dummy_pseudoclock', BLACS_connection='dummy_connection', **kwargs
self.BLACS_connection = BLACS_connection
PseudoclockDevice.__init__(self, name, None, None, **kwargs)
self._pseudoclock = _DummyPseudoclock(
self._clock_line = ClockLine(
def pseudoclock(self):
return self._pseudoclock
def clockline(self):
return self._clock_line
def add_device(self, device):
if not self.child_devices and isinstance(device, Pseudoclock):
PseudoclockDevice.add_device(self, device)
elif isinstance(device, Pseudoclock):
raise LabscriptError('The %s %s automatically creates a Pseudoclock because it only supports one. '%(self.description, self.name) +
'Instead of instantiating your own Pseudoclock object, please use the internal' +
' one stored in %s.pseudoclock'%self.name)
raise LabscriptError('You have connected %s (class %s) to %s, but %s does not support children with that class.'%(device.name, device.__class__, self.name, self.name))
def generate_code(self, hdf5_file):
PseudoclockDevice.generate_code(self, hdf5_file)
group = self.init_device_group(hdf5_file)
# Compress clock instructions with the same period
# This will halve the number of instructions roughly,
# since the DummyPseudoclock does not have a 'slow clock'
reduced_instructions = []
for instruction in self.pseudoclock.clock:
if instruction == 'WAIT':
# The following period and reps indicates a wait instruction
reduced_instructions.append({'period': 0, 'reps': 1})
reps = instruction['reps']
# period is in quantised units:
period = int(round(instruction['step'] / self.clock_resolution))
if reduced_instructions and reduced_instructions[-1]['period'] == period:
reduced_instructions[-1]['reps'] += reps
reduced_instructions.append({'period': period, 'reps': reps})
# The following period and reps indicates a stop instruction:
reduced_instructions.append({'period': 0, 'reps': 0})
if len(reduced_instructions) > self.max_instructions:
raise LabscriptError(
"%s %s has too many instructions. It has %d and can only support %d"
% (
# Store these instructions to the h5 file:
dtypes = [('period', int), ('reps', int)]
pulse_program = np.zeros(len(reduced_instructions), dtype=dtypes)
for i, instruction in enumerate(reduced_instructions):
pulse_program[i]['period'] = instruction['period']
pulse_program[i]['reps'] = instruction['reps']
'PULSE_PROGRAM', compression=config.compression, data=pulse_program
# TODO: is this needed, the PulseBlasters don't save it...
self.set_property('stop_time', self.stop_time, location='device_properties')