Source code for blacs.experiment_queue

#                                                                   #
# /                                                         #
#                                                                   #
# Copyright 2013, Monash University                                 #
#                                                                   #
# This file is part of the program BLACS, in the labscript suite    #
# (see, and is licensed under the        #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of   #
# the project for the full license.                                 #
#                                                                   #
import queue
import logging
import os
import threading
import time
import datetime
import sys
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict
from tempfile import gettempdir
from binascii import hexlify

from qtutils.qt.QtCore import *
from qtutils.qt.QtGui import *
from qtutils.qt.QtWidgets import *

import zprocess
from labscript_utils.ls_zprocess import ProcessTree
process_tree = ProcessTree.instance()
import labscript_utils.h5_lock, h5py

from qtutils import *

from labscript_utils.qtwidgets.elide_label import elide_label
from labscript_utils.connections import ConnectionTable

import blacs.plugins as plugins

[docs] def tempfilename(prefix='BLACS-temp-', suffix='.h5'): """Return a filepath appropriate for use as a temporary file""" random_hex = hexlify(os.urandom(16)).decode() return os.path.join(gettempdir(), prefix + random_hex + suffix)
[docs] class QueueTreeview(QTreeView):
[docs] def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): QTreeView.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs) self.header().setStretchLastSection(True) self.setAutoScroll(False) self.add_to_queue = None self.delete_selection = None self._logger = logging.getLogger('BLACS.QueueManager')
[docs] def keyPressEvent(self,event): if event.key() == Qt.Key_Delete: event.accept() if self.delete_selection: self.delete_selection() QTreeView.keyPressEvent(self,event)
[docs] def dragEnterEvent(self, event): if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): event.accept() else: event.ignore()
[docs] def dragMoveEvent(self, event): if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): event.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) event.accept() else: event.ignore()
[docs] def dropEvent(self, event): if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): event.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) event.accept() for url in event.mimeData().urls(): path = str(url.toLocalFile()) if path.endswith('.h5') or path.endswith('.hdf5'):'Acceptable file dropped. Path is %s'%path) if self.add_to_queue: self.add_to_queue(str(path)) else:'Dropped file not added to queue because there is no access to the neccessary add_to_queue method') else:'Invalid file dropped. Path was %s'%path) else: event.ignore()
[docs] class QueueManager(object): REPEAT_ALL = 0 REPEAT_LAST = 1 ICON_REPEAT = ':qtutils/fugue/arrow-repeat' ICON_REPEAT_LAST = ':qtutils/fugue/arrow-repeat-once'
[docs] def __init__(self, BLACS, ui): self._ui = ui self.BLACS = BLACS self.last_opened_shots_folder = BLACS.exp_config.get('paths', 'experiment_shot_storage') self._manager_running = True self._manager_paused = False self._manager_repeat = False self._manager_repeat_mode = self.REPEAT_ALL self.master_pseudoclock = self.BLACS.connection_table.master_pseudoclock self._logger = logging.getLogger('BLACS.QueueManager') # Create listview model self._model = QStandardItemModel() self._create_headers() self._ui.treeview.setModel(self._model) self._ui.treeview.add_to_queue = self.process_request self._ui.treeview.delete_selection = self._delete_selected_items # set up buttons self._ui.queue_pause_button.toggled.connect(self._toggle_pause) self._ui.queue_repeat_button.toggled.connect(self._toggle_repeat) self._ui.queue_delete_button.clicked.connect(self._delete_selected_items) self._ui.queue_clear_button.clicked.connect(self._toggle_clear) self._ui.actionAdd_to_queue.triggered.connect(self.on_add_shots_triggered) self._ui.queue_add_button.setDefaultAction(self._ui.actionAdd_to_queue) self._ui.queue_push_up.clicked.connect(self._move_up) self._ui.queue_push_down.clicked.connect(self._move_down) self._ui.queue_push_to_top.clicked.connect(self._move_top) self._ui.queue_push_to_bottom.clicked.connect(self._move_bottom) # Set the elision of the status labels: elide_label(self._ui.queue_status, self._ui.queue_status_verticalLayout, Qt.ElideRight) elide_label(self._ui.running_shot_name, self._ui.queue_status_verticalLayout, Qt.ElideLeft) # Set up repeat mode button menu: self.repeat_mode_menu = QMenu(self._ui) self.action_repeat_all = QAction(QIcon(self.ICON_REPEAT), 'Repeat all', self._ui) self.action_repeat_last = QAction(QIcon(self.ICON_REPEAT_LAST), 'Repeat last', self._ui) self.action_repeat_all.triggered.connect(lambda *args: setattr(self, 'manager_repeat_mode', self.REPEAT_ALL)) self.action_repeat_last.triggered.connect(lambda *args: setattr(self, 'manager_repeat_mode', self.REPEAT_LAST)) self.repeat_mode_menu.addAction(self.action_repeat_all) self.repeat_mode_menu.addAction(self.action_repeat_last) self._ui.repeat_mode_select_button.setMenu(self.repeat_mode_menu) # The button already has an arrow indicating a menu, don't draw another one: self._ui.repeat_mode_select_button.setStyleSheet("QToolButton::menu-indicator{width: 0;}") self.manager = threading.Thread(target = self.manage) self.manager.daemon=True self.manager.start()
def _create_headers(self): self._model.setHorizontalHeaderItem(FILEPATH_COLUMN, QStandardItem('Filepath'))
[docs] def get_save_data(self): # get list of files in the queue file_list = [] for i in range(self._model.rowCount()): file_list.append(self._model.item(i).text()) # get button states return {'manager_paused':self.manager_paused, 'manager_repeat':self.manager_repeat, 'manager_repeat_mode':self.manager_repeat_mode, 'files_queued':file_list, 'last_opened_shots_folder': self.last_opened_shots_folder }
[docs] def restore_save_data(self,data): if 'manager_paused' in data: self.manager_paused = data['manager_paused'] if 'manager_repeat' in data: self.manager_repeat = data['manager_repeat'] if 'manager_repeat_mode' in data: self.manager_repeat_mode = data['manager_repeat_mode'] if 'files_queued' in data: file_list = list(data['files_queued']) self._model.clear() self._create_headers() for file in file_list: self.process_request(str(file)) if 'last_opened_shots_folder' in data: self.last_opened_shots_folder = data['last_opened_shots_folder']
@property @inmain_decorator(True) def manager_running(self): return self._manager_running @manager_running.setter @inmain_decorator(True) def manager_running(self,value): value = bool(value) self._manager_running = value def _toggle_pause(self,checked): self.manager_paused = checked def _toggle_clear(self): self._model.clear() self._create_headers() @property @inmain_decorator(True) def manager_paused(self): return self._manager_paused @manager_paused.setter @inmain_decorator(True) def manager_paused(self,value): value = bool(value) self._manager_paused = value if value != self._ui.queue_pause_button.isChecked(): self._ui.queue_pause_button.setChecked(value) def _toggle_repeat(self,checked): self.manager_repeat = checked @property @inmain_decorator(True) def manager_repeat(self): return self._manager_repeat @manager_repeat.setter @inmain_decorator(True) def manager_repeat(self,value): value = bool(value) self._manager_repeat = value if value != self._ui.queue_repeat_button.isChecked(): self._ui.queue_repeat_button.setChecked(value) @property @inmain_decorator(True) def manager_repeat_mode(self): return self._manager_repeat_mode @manager_repeat_mode.setter @inmain_decorator(True) def manager_repeat_mode(self, value): assert value in [self.REPEAT_LAST, self.REPEAT_ALL] self._manager_repeat_mode = value button = self._ui.queue_repeat_button if value == self.REPEAT_ALL: button.setIcon(QIcon(self.ICON_REPEAT)) elif value == self.REPEAT_LAST: button.setIcon(QIcon(self.ICON_REPEAT_LAST))
[docs] def on_add_shots_triggered(self): shot_files = QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(self._ui, 'Select shot files', self.last_opened_shots_folder, "HDF5 files (*.h5)") if isinstance(shot_files, tuple): shot_files, _ = shot_files if not shot_files: # User cancelled selection return # Convert to standard platform specific path, otherwise Qt likes forward slashes: shot_files = [os.path.abspath(str(shot_file)) for shot_file in shot_files] # Save the containing folder for use next time we open the dialog box: self.last_opened_shots_folder = os.path.dirname(shot_files[0]) # Queue the files to be opened: for filepath in shot_files: if filepath.endswith('.h5'): self.process_request(str(filepath))
def _delete_selected_items(self): index_list = self._ui.treeview.selectedIndexes() while index_list: self._model.takeRow(index_list[0].row()) index_list = self._ui.treeview.selectedIndexes() def _move_up(self): # Get the selection model from the treeview selection_model = self._ui.treeview.selectionModel() # Create a list of select row indices selected_row_list = [index.row() for index in sorted(selection_model.selectedRows())] # For each row selected for i,row in enumerate(selected_row_list): # only move the row if it is not element 0, and the row above it is not selected # (note that while a row above may have been initially selected, it should by now, be one row higher # since we start moving elements of the list upwards starting from the lowest index) if row > 0 and (row-1) not in selected_row_list: # Remove the selected row items = self._model.takeRow(row) # Add the selected row into a position one above self._model.insertRow(row-1,items) # Since it is now a newly inserted row, select it again[0]),QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) # reupdate the list of selected indices to reflect this change selected_row_list[i] -= 1 def _move_down(self): # Get the selection model from the treeview selection_model = self._ui.treeview.selectionModel() # Create a list of select row indices selected_row_list = [index.row() for index in reversed(sorted(selection_model.selectedRows()))] # For each row selected for i,row in enumerate(selected_row_list): # only move the row if it is not the last element, and the row above it is not selected # (note that while a row below may have been initially selected, it should by now, be one row lower # since we start moving elements of the list upwards starting from the highest index) if row < self._model.rowCount()-1 and (row+1) not in selected_row_list: # Remove the selected row items = self._model.takeRow(row) # Add the selected row into a position one above self._model.insertRow(row+1,items) # Since it is now a newly inserted row, select it again[0]),QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) # reupdate the list of selected indices to reflect this change selected_row_list[i] += 1 def _move_top(self): # Get the selection model from the treeview selection_model = self._ui.treeview.selectionModel() # Create a list of select row indices selected_row_list = [index.row() for index in sorted(selection_model.selectedRows())] # For each row selected for i,row in enumerate(selected_row_list): # only move the row while it is not element 0, and the row above it is not selected # (note that while a row above may have been initially selected, it should by now, be one row higher # since we start moving elements of the list upwards starting from the lowest index) while row > 0 and (row-1) not in selected_row_list: # Remove the selected row items = self._model.takeRow(row) # Add the selected row into a position one above self._model.insertRow(row-1,items) # Since it is now a newly inserted row, select it again[0]),QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) # reupdate the list of selected indices to reflect this change selected_row_list[i] -= 1 row -= 1 def _move_bottom(self): selection_model = self._ui.treeview.selectionModel() # Create a list of select row indices selected_row_list = [index.row() for index in reversed(sorted(selection_model.selectedRows()))] # For each row selected for i,row in enumerate(selected_row_list): # only move the row while it is not the last element, and the row above it is not selected # (note that while a row below may have been initially selected, it should by now, be one row lower # since we start moving elements of the list upwards starting from the highest index) while row < self._model.rowCount()-1 and (row+1) not in selected_row_list: # Remove the selected row items = self._model.takeRow(row) # Add the selected row into a position one above self._model.insertRow(row+1,items) # Since it is now a newly inserted row, select it again[0]),QItemSelectionModel.SelectCurrent) # reupdate the list of selected indices to reflect this change selected_row_list[i] += 1 row += 1
[docs] @inmain_decorator(True) def append(self, h5files): for file in h5files: item = QStandardItem(file) item.setToolTip(file) self._model.appendRow(item)
[docs] @inmain_decorator(True) def prepend(self,h5file): if not self.is_in_queue(h5file): self._model.insertRow(0,QStandardItem(h5file))
[docs] def process_request(self,h5_filepath): # check connection table try: new_conn = ConnectionTable(h5_filepath, logging_prefix='BLACS') except Exception: return "H5 file not accessible to Control PC\n" result,error = inmain(self.BLACS.connection_table.compare_to,new_conn) if result: # Has this run file been run already? with h5py.File(h5_filepath, 'r') as h5_file: if 'data' in h5_file['/']: rerun = True else: rerun = False if rerun or self.is_in_queue(h5_filepath): self._logger.debug('Run file has already been run! Creating a fresh copy to rerun') new_h5_filepath, repeat_number = self.new_rep_name(h5_filepath) # Keep counting up until we get a filename that isn't in the filesystem: while os.path.exists(new_h5_filepath): new_h5_filepath, repeat_number = self.new_rep_name(new_h5_filepath) success = self.clean_h5_file(h5_filepath, new_h5_filepath, repeat_number=repeat_number) if not success: return 'Cannot create a re run of this experiment. Is it a valid run file?' self.append([new_h5_filepath]) message = "Experiment added successfully: experiment to be re-run\n" else: self.append([h5_filepath]) message = "Experiment added successfully\n" if self.manager_paused: message += "Warning: Queue is currently paused\n" if not self.manager_running: message = "Error: Queue is not running\n" return message else: # TODO: Parse and display the contents of "error" in a more human readable format for analysis of what is wrong! message = ("Connection table of your file is not a subset of the experimental control apparatus.\n" "You may have:\n" " Submitted your file to the wrong control PC\n" " Added new channels to your h5 file, without rewiring the experiment and updating the control PC\n" " Renamed a channel at the top of your script\n" " Submitted an old file, and the experiment has since been rewired\n" "\n" "Please verify your experiment script matches the current experiment configuration, and try again\n" "The error was %s\n"%error) return message
[docs] def new_rep_name(self, h5_filepath): basename, ext = os.path.splitext(h5_filepath) if '_rep' in basename and ext == '.h5': reps = basename.split('_rep')[-1] try: reps = int(reps) except ValueError: # not a rep pass else: return ''.join(basename.split('_rep')[:-1]) + '_rep%05d.h5' % (reps + 1), reps + 1 return basename + '_rep%05d.h5' % 1, 1
[docs] def clean_h5_file(self, h5file, new_h5_file, repeat_number=0): try: with h5py.File(h5file, 'r') as old_file: with h5py.File(new_h5_file, 'w') as new_file: groups_to_copy = [ 'devices', 'calibrations', 'script', 'globals', 'connection table', 'labscriptlib', 'waits', 'time_markers', 'shot_properties', ] for group in groups_to_copy: if group in old_file: new_file.copy(old_file[group], group) for name in old_file.attrs: new_file.attrs[name] = old_file.attrs[name] new_file.attrs['run repeat'] = repeat_number except Exception: # raise self._logger.exception('Clean H5 File Error.') return False return True
[docs] @inmain_decorator(wait_for_return=True) def is_in_queue(self,path): item = self._model.findItems(path,column=FILEPATH_COLUMN) if item: return True else: return False
[docs] @inmain_decorator(wait_for_return=True) def set_status(self, queue_status, shot_filepath=None): self._ui.queue_status.setText(str(queue_status)) if shot_filepath is not None: self._ui.running_shot_name.setText('<b>%s</b>'% str(os.path.basename(shot_filepath))) else: self._ui.running_shot_name.setText('')
[docs] @inmain_decorator(wait_for_return=True) def get_status(self): return self._ui.queue_status.text()
[docs] @inmain_decorator(wait_for_return=True) def get_next_file(self): return str(self._model.takeRow(0)[0].text())
[docs] @inmain_decorator(wait_for_return=True) def transition_device_to_buffered(self, name, transition_list, h5file, restart_receiver): tab = self.BLACS.tablist[name] if self.get_device_error_state(name,self.BLACS.tablist): return False tab.connect_restart_receiver(restart_receiver) tab.transition_to_buffered(h5file,self.current_queue) transition_list[name] = tab return True
[docs] @inmain_decorator(wait_for_return=True) def get_device_error_state(self,name,device_list): return device_list[name].error_message
[docs] def manage(self): logger = logging.getLogger('BLACS.queue_manager.thread') process_tree.zlock_client.set_thread_name('queue_manager') # While the program is running!'starting') # HDF5 prints lots of errors by default, for things that aren't # actually errors. These are silenced on a per thread basis, # and automatically silenced in the main thread when h5py is # imported. So we'll silence them in this thread too: h5py._errors.silence_errors() # This name stores the queue currently being used to # communicate with tabs, so that abort signals can be put # to it when those tabs never respond and are restarted by # the user. self.current_queue = queue.Queue() #TODO: put in general configuration timeout_limit = 300 #seconds self.set_status("Idle") while self.manager_running: # If the pause button is pushed in, sleep if self.manager_paused: if self.get_status() == "Idle":'Paused') self.set_status("Queue paused") time.sleep(1) continue # Get the top file try: path = self.get_next_file() self.set_status('Preparing shot...', path)'Got a file: %s'%path) except Exception: # If no files, sleep for 1s, self.set_status("Idle") time.sleep(1) continue devices_in_use = {} transition_list = {} self.current_queue = queue.Queue() # Function to be run when abort button is clicked def abort_function(): try: # Set device name to "Queue Manager" which will never be a labscript device name # as it is not a valid python variable name (has a space in it!) self.current_queue.put(['Queue Manager', 'abort']) except Exception: logger.exception('Could not send abort message to the queue manager') def restart_function(device_name): try: self.current_queue.put([device_name, 'restart']) except Exception: logger.exception('Could not send restart message to the queue manager for device %s'%device_name) ########################################################################################################################################## # transition to buffered # ########################################################################################################################################## try: # A Queue for event-based notification when the tabs have # completed transitioning to buffered: timed_out = False error_condition = False abort = False restarted = False self.set_status("Transitioning to buffered...", path) # Enable abort button, and link in current_queue: inmain(self._ui.queue_abort_button.clicked.connect,abort_function) inmain(self._ui.queue_abort_button.setEnabled,True) ########################################################################################################################################## # Plugin callbacks # ########################################################################################################################################## for callback in plugins.get_callbacks('pre_transition_to_buffered'): try: callback(path) except Exception: logger.exception("Plugin callback raised an exception") start_time = time.time() with h5py.File(path, 'r') as hdf5_file: devices_in_use = {} start_order = {} stop_order = {} for name in hdf5_file['devices']: device_properties = hdf5_file, name, 'device_properties' ) devices_in_use[name] = self.BLACS.tablist[name] start_order[name] = device_properties.get('start_order', None) stop_order[name] = device_properties.get('stop_order', None) # Sort the devices into groups based on their start_order and stop_order start_groups = defaultdict(set) stop_groups = defaultdict(set) for name in devices_in_use: start_groups[start_order[name]].add(name) stop_groups[stop_order[name]].add(name) while (transition_list or start_groups) and not error_condition: if not transition_list: # Ready to transition the next group: for name in start_groups.pop(min(start_groups)): try: # Connect restart signal from tabs to current_queue and transition the device to buffered mode success = self.transition_device_to_buffered(name,transition_list,path,restart_function) if not success: logger.error('%s has an error condition, aborting run' % name) error_condition = True break except Exception: logger.exception('Exception while transitioning %s to buffered mode.'%(name)) error_condition = True break if error_condition: break try: # Wait for a device to transtition_to_buffered: logger.debug('Waiting for the following devices to finish transitioning to buffered mode: %s'%str(transition_list)) device_name, result = self.current_queue.get(timeout=2) #Handle abort button signal if device_name == 'Queue Manager' and result == 'abort': # we should abort the run'abort signal received from GUI') abort = True break if result == 'fail':'abort signal received during transition to buffered of %s' % device_name) error_condition = True break elif result == 'restart':'Device %s was restarted, aborting shot.'%device_name) restarted = True break logger.debug('%s finished transitioning to buffered mode' % device_name) # The tab says it's done, but does it have an error condition? if self.get_device_error_state(device_name,transition_list): logger.error('%s has an error condition, aborting run' % device_name) error_condition = True break del transition_list[device_name] except queue.Empty: # It's been 2 seconds without a device finishing # transitioning to buffered. Is there an error? for name in transition_list: if self.get_device_error_state(name,transition_list): error_condition = True break if error_condition: break # Has programming timed out? if time.time() - start_time > timeout_limit: logger.error('Transitioning to buffered mode timed out') timed_out = True break # Handle if we broke out of loop due to timeout or error: if timed_out or error_condition or abort or restarted: # Pause the queue, re add the path to the top of the queue, and set a status message! # only if we aren't responding to an abort click if not abort: self.manager_paused = True self.prepend(path) if timed_out: self.set_status("Programming timed out\nQueue paused") elif abort: self.set_status("Aborted") elif restarted: self.set_status("Device restarted in transition to\nbuffered. Aborted. Queue paused.") else: self.set_status("Device(s) in error state\nQueue Paused") # Abort the run for all devices in use: # need to recreate the queue here because we don't want to hear from devices that are still transitioning to buffered mode self.current_queue = queue.Queue() for tab in devices_in_use.values(): # We call abort buffered here, because if each tab is either in mode=BUFFERED or transition_to_buffered failed in which case # it should have called abort_transition_to_buffered itself and returned to manual mode # Since abort buffered will only run in mode=BUFFERED, and the state is not queued indefinitely (aka it is deleted if we are not in mode=BUFFERED) # this is the correct method call to make for either case tab.abort_buffered(self.current_queue) # We don't need to check the results of this function call because it will either be successful, or raise a visible error in the tab. # disconnect restart signal from tabs inmain(tab.disconnect_restart_receiver,restart_function) # disconnect abort button and disable inmain(self._ui.queue_abort_button.clicked.disconnect,abort_function) inmain(self._ui.queue_abort_button.setEnabled,False) # Start a new iteration continue ########################################################################################################################################## # SCIENCE! # ########################################################################################################################################## # Get front panel data, but don't save it to the h5 file until the experiment ends: states,tab_positions,window_data,plugin_data = self.BLACS.front_panel_settings.get_save_data() self.set_status("Running (program time: %.3fs)..."%(time.time() - start_time), path) # A Queue for event-based notification of when the experiment has finished. experiment_finished_queue = queue.Queue() logger.debug('About to start the master pseudoclock') run_time = ########################################################################################################################################## # Plugin callbacks # ########################################################################################################################################## for callback in plugins.get_callbacks('science_starting'): try: callback(path) except Exception: logger.exception("Plugin callback raised an exception") #TODO: fix potential race condition if BLACS is closing when this line executes? self.BLACS.tablist[self.master_pseudoclock].start_run(experiment_finished_queue) # Wait for notification of the end of run: abort = False restarted = False done = False while not (abort or restarted or done): try: done = experiment_finished_queue.get(timeout=0.5) == 'done' except queue.Empty: pass try: # Poll self.current_queue for abort signal from button or device restart device_name, result = self.current_queue.get_nowait() if (device_name == 'Queue Manager' and result == 'abort'): abort = True if result == 'restart': restarted = True # Check for error states in tabs for device_name, tab in devices_in_use.items(): if self.get_device_error_state(device_name,devices_in_use): restarted = True except queue.Empty: pass if abort or restarted: for devicename, tab in devices_in_use.items(): if tab.mode == MODE_BUFFERED: tab.abort_buffered(self.current_queue) # disconnect restart signal from tabs inmain(tab.disconnect_restart_receiver,restart_function) # Disable abort button inmain(self._ui.queue_abort_button.clicked.disconnect,abort_function) inmain(self._ui.queue_abort_button.setEnabled,False) if restarted: self.manager_paused = True self.prepend(path) self.set_status("Device restarted during run.\nAborted. Queue paused") elif abort: self.set_status("Aborted") if abort or restarted: # after disabling the abort button, we now start a new iteration continue'Run complete') self.set_status("Saving data...", path) # End try/except block here except Exception: logger.exception("Error in queue manager execution. Queue paused.") # Raise the error in a thread for visibility zprocess.raise_exception_in_thread(sys.exc_info()) # clean up the h5 file self.manager_paused = True # is this a repeat? with h5py.File(path, 'r') as h5_file: repeat_number = h5_file.attrs.get('run repeat', 0) # clean the h5 file: temp_path = tempfilename() self.clean_h5_file(path, temp_path, repeat_number=repeat_number) try: shutil.move(temp_path, path) except Exception: msg = ('Couldn\'t delete failed run file %s, ' % path + 'another process may be using it. Using alternate ' 'filename for second attempt.') logger.warning(msg, exc_info=True) shutil.move(temp_path, path.replace('.h5','_retry.h5')) path = path.replace('.h5','_retry.h5') # Put it back at the start of the queue: self.prepend(path) # Need to put devices back in manual mode self.current_queue = queue.Queue() for devicename, tab in devices_in_use.items(): if tab.mode == MODE_BUFFERED or tab.mode == MODE_TRANSITION_TO_BUFFERED: tab.abort_buffered(self.current_queue) # disconnect restart signal from tabs inmain(tab.disconnect_restart_receiver,restart_function) self.set_status("Error in queue manager\nQueue paused") # disconnect and disable abort button inmain(self._ui.queue_abort_button.clicked.disconnect,abort_function) inmain(self._ui.queue_abort_button.setEnabled,False) # Start a new iteration continue ########################################################################################################################################## # SCIENCE OVER! # ########################################################################################################################################## finally: ########################################################################################################################################## # Plugin callbacks # ########################################################################################################################################## for callback in plugins.get_callbacks('science_over'): try: callback(path) except Exception: logger.exception("Plugin callback raised an exception") ########################################################################################################################################## # Transition to manual # ########################################################################################################################################## # start new try/except block here try: with h5py.File(path,'r+') as hdf5_file: self.BLACS.front_panel_settings.store_front_panel_in_h5(hdf5_file,states,tab_positions,window_data,plugin_data,save_conn_table=False, save_queue_data=False) data_group = hdf5_file['/'].create_group('data') # stamp with the run time of the experiment hdf5_file.attrs['run time'] = run_time.strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S.%f') error_condition = False response_list = {} # Keep transitioning tabs to manual mode and waiting on them until they # are all done or have all errored/restarted/failed. If one fails, we # still have to transition the rest to manual mode: while stop_groups: transition_list = {} # Transition the next group to manual mode: for name in stop_groups.pop(min(stop_groups)): tab = devices_in_use[name] try: tab.transition_to_manual(self.current_queue) transition_list[name] = tab except Exception: logger.exception('Exception while transitioning %s to manual mode.'%(name)) error_condition = True # Wait for their responses: while transition_list:'Waiting for the following devices to finish transitioning to manual mode: %s'%str(transition_list)) try: name, result = self.current_queue.get(2) if name == 'Queue Manager' and result == 'abort': # Ignore any abort signals left in the queue, it is too # late to abort in any case: continue except queue.Empty: # 2 seconds without a device transitioning to manual mode. # Is there an error: for name in transition_list.copy(): if self.get_device_error_state(name, transition_list): error_condition = True logger.debug('%s is in an error state' % name) del transition_list[name] continue response_list[name] = result if result == 'fail': error_condition = True logger.debug('%s failed to transition to manual' % name) elif result == 'restart': error_condition = True logger.debug('%s restarted during transition to manual' % name) elif self.get_device_error_state(name, devices_in_use): error_condition = True logger.debug('%s is in an error state' % name) else: logger.debug('%s finished transitioning to manual mode' % name) # Once device has transitioned_to_manual, disconnect restart # signal: tab = devices_in_use[name] inmain(tab.disconnect_restart_receiver, restart_function) del transition_list[name] if error_condition: self.set_status("Error in transtion to manual\nQueue Paused") except Exception: error_condition = True logger.exception("Error in queue manager execution. Queue paused.") self.set_status("Error in queue manager\nQueue paused") # Raise the error in a thread for visibility zprocess.raise_exception_in_thread(sys.exc_info()) if error_condition: # clean up the h5 file self.manager_paused = True # is this a repeat? with h5py.File(path, 'r') as h5_file: repeat_number = h5_file.attrs.get('run repeat', 0) # clean the h5 file: temp_path = tempfilename() self.clean_h5_file(path, temp_path, repeat_number=repeat_number) try: shutil.move(temp_path, path) except Exception: msg = ('Couldn\'t delete failed run file %s, ' % path + 'another process may be using it. Using alternate ' 'filename for second attempt.') logger.warning(msg, exc_info=True) shutil.move(temp_path, path.replace('.h5','_retry.h5')) path = path.replace('.h5','_retry.h5') # Put it back at the start of the queue: self.prepend(path) continue ########################################################################################################################################## # Analysis Submission # ##########################################################################################################################################'All devices are back in static mode.') # check for analysis Filters in Plugins send_to_analysis = True for callback in plugins.get_callbacks('analysis_cancel_send'): try: if callback(path): send_to_analysis = False break except Exception: logger.exception("Plugin callback raised an exception") # Submit to the analysis server if send_to_analysis: self.BLACS.analysis_submission.get_queue().put(['file', path]) ########################################################################################################################################## # Plugin callbacks # ########################################################################################################################################## for callback in plugins.get_callbacks('shot_complete'): try: callback(path) except Exception: logger.exception("Plugin callback raised an exception") ########################################################################################################################################## # Repeat Experiment? # ########################################################################################################################################## # check for repeat Filters in Plugins repeat_shot = self.manager_repeat for callback in plugins.get_callbacks('shot_ignore_repeat'): try: if callback(path): repeat_shot = False break except Exception: logger.exception("Plugin callback raised an exception") if repeat_shot: if ((self.manager_repeat_mode == self.REPEAT_ALL) or (self.manager_repeat_mode == self.REPEAT_LAST and inmain(self._model.rowCount) == 0)): # Resubmit job to the bottom of the queue: try: message = self.process_request(path) except Exception: # TODO: make this error popup for the user self._logger.exception('Failed to copy h5_file (%s) for repeat run'%s) self.set_status("Idle")'Stopping')