Source code for blacs.device_base_class

#                                                                   #
# /                                             #
#                                                                   #
# Copyright 2013, Monash University                                 #
#                                                                   #
# This file is part of the program BLACS, in the labscript suite    #
# (see, and is licensed under the        #
# Simplified BSD License. See the license.txt file in the root of   #
# the project for the full license.                                 #
#                                                                   #
import logging
import sys
import os
import time
from queue import Queue

from qtutils.qt.QtCore import *
from qtutils.qt.QtGui import *
from qtutils.qt.QtWidgets import *

import labscript_utils.excepthook
from qtutils import UiLoader

from blacs import BLACS_DIR
from blacs.tab_base_classes import Tab, Worker, define_state
from blacs.output_classes import AO, DO, DDS, Image
from labscript_utils.qtwidgets.toolpalette import ToolPaletteGroup
from labscript_utils.shared_drive import path_to_agnostic

[docs] class DeviceTab(Tab):
[docs] def __init__(self,notebook,settings,restart=False): Tab.__init__(self,notebook,settings,restart) self.connection_table = settings['connection_table'] # Create the variables we need self._AO = {} self._DO = {} self._DDS = {} self._image = {} self._final_values = {} self._last_programmed_values = {} self._last_remote_values = {} self._primary_worker = None self._secondary_workers = [] self._can_check_remote_values = False self._changed_radio_buttons = {} # Call the initialise GUI function self.initialise_GUI() self.restore_save_data(self.settings['saved_data'] if 'saved_data' in self.settings else {}) self.initialise_workers() self._last_programmed_values = self.get_front_panel_values() if self._can_check_remote_values: self.statemachine_timeout_add(30000,self.check_remote_values) else: # If we can check remote values, then no need to call program manual as # the remote device will either be programmed correctly, or will need an # inconsistency between local and remote values resolved self.program_device()
[docs] def initialise_GUI(self): # Override this function pass
[docs] def initialise_workers(self): # Override this function # set the primary worker at this time pass
@property def primary_worker(self): return self._primary_worker @primary_worker.setter def primary_worker(self,worker): self._primary_worker = worker
[docs] def add_secondary_worker(self,worker): if worker not in self._secondary_workers: self._secondary_workers.append(worker)
[docs] def supports_remote_value_check(self,support): self._can_check_remote_values = bool(support)
############################################################ # What do the properties dictionaries need to look like? # ############################################################ # # digital_properties = {'hardware_channel_reference':{}, 'do0':{}} # # # analog_properties = {'hardware_channel_reference':{'base_unit':'V', # 'min':-10.0, # 'max':10.0, # 'step':0.01, # 'decimals':3 # }, # 'ao1':{'base_unit':'V', # 'min':-10.0, # 'max':10.0, # 'step':0.01, # 'decimals':3 # }, # } # # # dds_properties = {'hardware_channel_reference':{'freq':{'base_unit':'Hz', # 'min':-10.0, # 'max':10.0, # 'step':0.01, # 'decimals':3 # }, # 'amp':{'base_unit':'Vpp', # 'min':0.0, # 'max':1.0, # 'step':0.1, # 'decimals':3 # }, # 'phase':{'base_unit':'Degrees', # 'min':0.0, # 'max':360.0, # 'step':1, # 'decimals':2 # }, # 'gate':{}, # }, # 'dds1':{'freq':{'base_unit':'Hz', # 'min':-10.0, # 'max':10.0, # 'step':0.01, # 'decimals':3 # }, # 'amp':{'base_unit':'Vpp', # 'min':0.0, # 'max':1.0, # 'step':0.1, # 'decimals':3 # }, # 'phase':{'base_unit':'Degrees', # 'min':0.0, # 'max':360.0, # 'step':1, # 'decimals':2 # }, # 'gate':{}, # }, # } #
[docs] def create_digital_outputs(self,digital_properties): for hardware_name,properties in digital_properties.items(): # Save the DO object self._DO[hardware_name] = self._create_DO_object(self.device_name,hardware_name,hardware_name,properties)
def _create_DO_object(self,parent_device,BLACS_hardware_name,labscript_hardware_name,properties): # Find the connection name device = self.get_child_from_connection_table(parent_device,labscript_hardware_name) connection_name = if device else '-' # Instantiate the DO object return DO(BLACS_hardware_name, connection_name, self.device_name, self.program_device, self.settings)
[docs] def create_image_outputs(self,image_properties): for hardware_name,properties in image_properties.items(): # Save the DO object self._image[hardware_name] = self._create_image_object(self.device_name,hardware_name,hardware_name,properties)
def _create_image_object(self,parent_device,BLACS_hardware_name,labscript_hardware_name,properties): # Find the connection name device = self.get_child_from_connection_table(parent_device,labscript_hardware_name) connection_name = if device else '-' # sanitise properties dictionary prop = {} accepted_kwargs = ['width', 'height', 'x', 'y'] for kwarg in accepted_kwargs: if kwarg in properties: prop[kwarg] = properties[kwarg] # Instantiate the DO object return Image(BLACS_hardware_name, connection_name, self.device_name, self.program_device, self.settings, **prop)
[docs] def create_analog_outputs(self,analog_properties): for hardware_name,properties in analog_properties.items(): # Create and save the AO object self._AO[hardware_name] = self._create_AO_object(self.device_name,hardware_name,hardware_name,properties)
def _create_AO_object(self,parent_device,BLACS_hardware_name,labscript_hardware_name,properties): # Find the connection name device = self.get_child_from_connection_table(parent_device,labscript_hardware_name) connection_name = if device else '-' # Get the calibration details calib_class = None calib_params = {} if device: # get the AO from the connection table, find its calibration details calib_class = device.unit_conversion_class if device.unit_conversion_class != "None" else None calib_params = device.unit_conversion_params # Instantiate the AO object return AO(BLACS_hardware_name, connection_name, self.device_name, self.program_device, self.settings, calib_class, calib_params, properties['base_unit'], properties['min'], properties['max'], properties['step'], properties['decimals'])
[docs] def create_dds_outputs(self,dds_properties): for hardware_name,properties in dds_properties.items(): device = self.get_child_from_connection_table(self.device_name,hardware_name) connection_name = if device else '-' subchnl_name_list = ['freq','amp','phase'] sub_chnls = {} for subchnl in subchnl_name_list: if subchnl in properties: # Create the AO object sub_chnls[subchnl] = self._create_AO_object(connection_name,hardware_name+'_'+subchnl,subchnl,properties[subchnl]) if 'gate' in properties: sub_chnls['gate'] = self._create_DO_object(connection_name,hardware_name+'_gate','gate',properties) self._DDS[hardware_name] = DDS(hardware_name,connection_name,sub_chnls)
[docs] def get_child_from_connection_table(self, parent_device_name, port): return self.connection_table.find_child(parent_device_name, port)
[docs] def create_digital_widgets(self,channel_properties): widgets = {} for hardware_name,properties in channel_properties.items(): properties.setdefault('args',[]) properties.setdefault('kwargs',{}) device = self.get_child_from_connection_table(self.device_name,hardware_name) properties['kwargs']['inverted'] = bool('inverted', False) if device else properties['kwargs'].get('inverted', False)) if hardware_name in self._DO: widgets[hardware_name] = self._DO[hardware_name].create_widget(*properties['args'],**properties['kwargs']) return widgets
[docs] def create_image_widgets(self,channel_properties): widgets = {} for hardware_name,properties in channel_properties.items(): properties.setdefault('args',[]) properties.setdefault('kwargs',{}) if hardware_name in self._image: widgets[hardware_name] = self._image[hardware_name].create_widget(*properties['args'],**properties['kwargs']) return widgets
[docs] def create_analog_widgets(self,channel_properties): widgets = {} for hardware_name,properties in channel_properties.items(): properties.setdefault('display_name',None) properties.setdefault('horizontal_alignment',False) properties.setdefault('parent',None) if hardware_name in self._AO: widgets[hardware_name] = self._AO[hardware_name].create_widget(properties['display_name'],properties['horizontal_alignment'],properties['parent']) return widgets
[docs] def create_dds_widgets(self,channel_properties): widgets = {} for hardware_name,properties in channel_properties.items(): properties.setdefault('args',[]) properties.setdefault('kwargs',{}) if hardware_name in self._DDS: widgets[hardware_name] = self._DDS[hardware_name].create_widget(*properties['args'],**properties['kwargs']) return widgets
[docs] def auto_create_widgets(self): dds_properties = {} for channel,output in self._DDS.items(): dds_properties[channel] = {} dds_widgets = self.create_dds_widgets(dds_properties) ao_properties = {} for channel,output in self._AO.items(): ao_properties[channel] = {} ao_widgets = self.create_analog_widgets(ao_properties) do_properties = {} for channel,output in self._DO.items(): do_properties[channel] = {} do_widgets = self.create_digital_widgets(do_properties) image_properties = {} for channel,output in self._image.items(): image_properties[channel] = {} image_widgets = self.create_image_widgets(image_properties) # Hack to maintain backwards compatibility with devices implemented # prior to the introduction of the IMAGE output class if self._image: return dds_widgets, ao_widgets, do_widgets, image_widgets else: return dds_widgets, ao_widgets, do_widgets
[docs] def auto_place_widgets(self,*args): widget = QWidget() toolpalettegroup = ToolPaletteGroup(widget) for arg in args: # A default sort algorithm that just returns the object (this is equivalent to not specifying the sort gorithm) sort_algorithm = lambda x: x if type(arg) == type(()) and len(arg) > 1 and type(arg[1]) == type({}) and len(arg[1].keys()) > 0: # we have a name, use it! name = arg[0] widget_dict = arg[1] if len(arg) > 2: sort_algorithm = arg[2] else: # ignore things that are not dictionaries or empty dictionaries if type(arg) != type({}) or len(arg.keys()) < 1: continue if isinstance(self.get_channel(list(arg.keys())[0]),AO): name = 'Analog Outputs' elif isinstance(self.get_channel(list(arg.keys())[0]),DO): name = 'Digital Outputs' elif isinstance(self.get_channel(list(arg.keys())[0]),Image): name = 'Image Outputs' elif isinstance(self.get_channel(list(arg.keys())[0]),DDS): name = 'DDS Outputs' else: # If it isn't DO, DDS or AO, we should forget about them and move on to the next argument continue widget_dict = arg # Create tool palette if toolpalettegroup.has_palette(name): toolpalette = toolpalettegroup.get_palette(name) else: toolpalette = toolpalettegroup.append_new_palette(name) for channel in sorted(widget_dict.keys(),key=sort_algorithm): toolpalette.addWidget(widget_dict[channel],True) # Add the widget containing the toolpalettegroup to the tab layout self.get_tab_layout().addWidget(widget) self.get_tab_layout().addItem(QSpacerItem(0,0,QSizePolicy.Minimum,QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding))
# This method should be overridden in your device class if you want to save any data not # stored in an AO, DO, Image or DDS object # This method should return a dictionary, and this dictionary will be passed to the restore_save_data() # method when the tab is initialised
[docs] def get_save_data(self): return {}
# This method should be overridden in your device class if you want to restore data # (saved by get_save_data()) when teh tab is initialised. # You will be passed a dictionary of the form specified by your get_save_data() method # # Note: You must handle the case where the data dictionary is empty (or one or more keys are missing) # This case will occur the first time BLACS is started on a PC, or if the BLACS datastore is destroyed
[docs] def restore_save_data(self,data): return
[docs] def update_from_settings(self,settings): Tab.update_from_settings(self, settings) self.restore_save_data(settings['saved_data']) self.settings = settings for output in [self._AO, self._DO, self._image]: for name,channel in output.items(): if not channel._locked: channel._update_from_settings(settings) for name,channel in self._DDS.items(): for subchnl_name in channel._sub_channel_list: if hasattr(channel,subchnl_name): subchnl = getattr(channel,subchnl_name) if not subchnl._locked: subchnl._update_from_settings(settings)
[docs] def get_front_panel_values(self): return {channel:item.value for output in [self._AO,self._DO,self._image,self._DDS] for channel,item in output.items()}
[docs] def get_channel(self,channel): if channel in self._AO: return self._AO[channel] elif channel in self._DO: return self._DO[channel] elif channel in self._image: return self._image[channel] elif channel in self._DDS: return self._DDS[channel] else: return None
# Only allow this to be called when we are in MODE_MANUAL and keep it queued up if we are not # When pulling out the state from the state queue, we check to see if there is an adjacent state that is more recent, and use that one # or whichever is the latest without encountering a different state). # This prevenets 'a million' calls to program_device from executing, potentially slowing down the system @define_state(MODE_MANUAL,True,delete_stale_states=True) def program_device(self): self._last_programmed_values = self.get_front_panel_values() # get rid of any "remote values changed" dialog self._changed_widget.hide() results = yield(self.queue_work(self._primary_worker,'program_manual',self._last_programmed_values)) for worker in self._secondary_workers: if results: returned_results = yield(self.queue_work(worker,'program_manual',self._last_programmed_values)) results.update(returned_results) # If the worker process returns something, we assume it wants us to coerce the front panel values if results: for channel,remote_value in results.items(): if channel not in self._last_programmed_values: raise RuntimeError('The worker function program_manual for device %s is returning data for channel %s but the BLACS tab is not programmed to handle this channel'%(self.device_name,channel)) output = self.get_channel(channel) if output is None: raise RuntimeError('The channel %s on device %s is in the last programmed values, but is not in the AO, DO or DDS output store. Something has gone badly wrong!'%(channel,self.device_name)) else: # TODO: Only do this if the front panel values match what we asked to program (eg, the user hasn't changed the value since) if output.value == self._last_programmed_values[channel]: output.set_value(remote_value,program=False) # Update the last_programmed_values self._last_programmed_values[channel] = remote_value @define_state(MODE_MANUAL,True) def check_remote_values(self): self._last_remote_values = yield(self.queue_work(self._primary_worker,'check_remote_values')) for worker in self._secondary_workers: if self._last_remote_values: returned_results = yield(self.queue_work(worker,'check_remote_values')) self._last_remote_values.update(returned_results) # compare to current front panel values and prompt the user if they don't match # We compare to the last_programmed values so that it doesn't get confused if the user has changed the value on the front panel # and the program_manual command is still queued up # If no results were returned, raise an exception so that we don't keep calling this function over and over again, # filling up the text box with the same error, eventually consuming all CPU/memory of the PC if not self._last_remote_values or type(self._last_remote_values) != type({}): raise Exception('Failed to get remote values from device. Is it still connected?') # A variable to indicate if any of the channels have a changed value overall_changed = False # A place to store radio buttons in self._changed_radio_buttons = {} # Clean up the previously used layout while not self._ui.changed_layout.isEmpty(): item = self._ui.changed_layout.itemAt(0) # This is the only way I could make the widget actually be removed. # using layout.removeItem/removeWidget causes the layout to still draw the old item in its original space, and # then draw new items over the top of the old. Very odd behaviour, could be a windows 8 bug I suppose! item.widget().setParent(None) #TODO: somehow maintain the state of the radio buttons for specific channels between refreshes of this changed dialog. # TODO: Use the proper sort algorithm as defined for placing widgets to order this prompt # We expect a dictionary of channel:value pairs for channel in sorted(self._last_remote_values): remote_value = self._last_remote_values[channel] if channel not in self._last_programmed_values: raise RuntimeError('The worker function check_remote_values for device %s is returning data for channel %s but the BLACS tab is not programmed to handle this channel'%(self.device_name,channel)) # A variable to indicate if this channel has changed changed = False if channel in self._DDS: front_value = self._last_programmed_values[channel] # format the entries for the DDS object correctly, then compare front_values_formatted = {} remote_values_formatted = {} for sub_chnl in front_value: if sub_chnl not in remote_value: raise RuntimeError('The worker function check_remote_values has not returned data for the sub-channel %s in channel %s'%(sub_chnl,channel)) if sub_chnl == 'gate': front_values_formatted[sub_chnl] = str(bool(int(front_value[sub_chnl]))) remote_values_formatted[sub_chnl] = str(bool(int(remote_value[sub_chnl]))) else: decimals = self._DDS[channel].__getattribute__(sub_chnl)._decimals front_values_formatted[sub_chnl] = ("%."+str(decimals)+"f")%front_value[sub_chnl] remote_values_formatted[sub_chnl] = ("%."+str(decimals)+"f")%remote_value[sub_chnl] if front_values_formatted[sub_chnl] != remote_values_formatted[sub_chnl]: changed = True if changed: ui = UiLoader().load(os.path.join(BLACS_DIR, 'tab_value_changed_dds.ui')) ui.channel_label.setText(self._DDS[channel].name) for sub_chnl in front_value: ui.__getattribute__('front_%s_value'%sub_chnl).setText(front_values_formatted[sub_chnl]) ui.__getattribute__('remote_%s_value'%sub_chnl).setText(remote_values_formatted[sub_chnl]) # Hide unused sub_channels of this DDS for sub_chnl in self._DDS[channel].get_unused_subchnl_list(): ui.__getattribute__('front_%s_value'%sub_chnl).setVisible(False) ui.__getattribute__('front_%s_label'%sub_chnl).setVisible(False) ui.__getattribute__('remote_%s_value'%sub_chnl).setVisible(False) ui.__getattribute__('remote_%s_label'%sub_chnl).setVisible(False) elif channel in self._DO: # This is an easy case! front_value = str(bool(int(self._last_programmed_values[channel]))) remote_value = str(bool(int(remote_value))) if front_value != remote_value: changed = True ui = UiLoader().load(os.path.join(BLACS_DIR, 'tab_value_changed.ui')) ui.channel_label.setText(self._DO[channel].name) ui.front_value.setText(front_value) ui.remote_value.setText(remote_value) elif channel in self._AO: # A intermediately complicated case! front_value = ("%."+str(self._AO[channel]._decimals)+"f")%self._last_programmed_values[channel] remote_value = ("%."+str(self._AO[channel]._decimals)+"f")%remote_value if front_value != remote_value: changed = True ui = UiLoader().load(os.path.join(BLACS_DIR, 'tab_value_changed.ui')) ui.channel_label.setText(self._AO[channel].name) ui.front_value.setText(front_value) ui.remote_value.setText(remote_value) else: raise RuntimeError(' is not programmed to handle channel types other than DDS, AO and DO in check_remote_values') if changed: overall_changed = True # Add the changed widget for this channel to a layout! self._ui.changed_layout.addWidget(ui) # save the radio buttons so that we can access their state later! self._changed_radio_buttons[channel] = ui.use_remote_values if overall_changed: # TODO: Disable all widgets for this device, including virtual device do I do that????? # Probably need to add a disable/enable method to analog/digital/DDS widgets that disables the widget and is orthogonal to the lock/unlock system # Should probably set a tooltip on the widgets too explaining why they are disabled! # self._device_widget.setSensitive(False) # show the remote_values_change dialog # Add an "apply" button and link to on_resolve_value_inconsistency buttonWidget = QWidget() buttonlayout = QHBoxLayout(buttonWidget) button = QPushButton(QIcon(':/qtutils/fugue/arrow-turn-000-left'), "Apply") button.clicked.connect(self.on_resolve_value_inconsistency) buttonlayout.addWidget(button) buttonlayout.addStretch() self._ui.changed_layout.addWidget(buttonWidget)
[docs] def on_resolve_value_inconsistency(self): # get the values and update the device/front panel needs_programming = False for channel,radio in self._changed_radio_buttons.items(): if radio.isChecked(): output = self.get_channel(channel) if output is None: raise RuntimeError('on_resolve_value_inconsistency is being asked to handle a channel that is not a DDS, AO or DO (channel: %s, device: %s)'%(channel,self.device_name)) # The device already has this value, so no need to program it! output.set_value(self._last_remote_values[channel],program=False) else: # we only need to program the device if one or more channels is using the front panel value needs_programming = True if needs_programming: self.program_device() else: # Now that the inconsistency is resolved, Let's update the "last programmed values" # to match the remote values self._last_programmed_values = self.get_front_panel_values() self._changed_widget.hide()
@define_state(MODE_BUFFERED,True) def start_run(self,notify_queue): raise NotImplementedError('The device %s has not implemented a start method and so cannot be used to trigger the experiment to begin. Please implement the start method or use a different pseudoclock as the master pseudoclock'%self.device_name) @define_state(MODE_MANUAL,True) def transition_to_buffered(self,h5_file,notify_queue): # Get rid of any "remote values changed" dialog self._changed_widget.hide() self.mode = MODE_TRANSITION_TO_BUFFERED h5_file = path_to_agnostic(h5_file) # transition_to_buffered returns the final values of the run, to update the GUI with at the end of the run: transitioned_called = [self._primary_worker] front_panel_values = self.get_front_panel_values() self._final_values = yield(self.queue_work(self._primary_worker,'_transition_to_buffered',self.device_name,h5_file,front_panel_values,self._force_full_buffered_reprogram)) if self._final_values is not None: for worker in self._secondary_workers: transitioned_called.append(worker) extra_final_values = yield(self.queue_work(worker,'_transition_to_buffered',self.device_name,h5_file,front_panel_values,self.force_full_buffered_reprogram)) if extra_final_values is not None: self._final_values.update(extra_final_values) else: self._final_values = None break # If we get None back, then the worker process did not finish properly if self._final_values is None: notify_queue.put([self.device_name,'fail']) self.abort_transition_to_buffered(transitioned_called) else: if self._supports_smart_programming: self.force_full_buffered_reprogram = False self._ui.button_clear_smart_programming.setEnabled(True) # Tell the queue manager that we're done: self.mode = MODE_BUFFERED notify_queue.put([self.device_name,'success']) @define_state(MODE_TRANSITION_TO_BUFFERED,False) def abort_transition_to_buffered(self,workers=None): if workers is None: workers = [self._primary_worker] workers.extend(self._secondary_workers) success = True for worker in workers: abort_success = yield(self.queue_work(worker,'abort_transition_to_buffered')) if not abort_success: success = False # don't break here, so that as much of the device is returned to normal if success: self.mode = MODE_MANUAL self.program_device() else: raise Exception('Could not abort transition_to_buffered. You must restart this device to continue') @define_state(MODE_BUFFERED,False) def abort_buffered(self,notify_queue): success = yield(self.queue_work(self._primary_worker,'abort_buffered')) for worker in self._secondary_workers: abort_success = yield(self.queue_work(worker,'abort_buffered')) if not abort_success: success = False # don't break here, so that as much of the device is returned to normal if success: notify_queue.put([self.device_name,'success']) self.mode = MODE_MANUAL self.program_device() else: notify_queue.put([self.device_name,'fail']) raise Exception('Could not abort the buffered sequence. You must restart this device to continue') @define_state(MODE_BUFFERED,False) def transition_to_manual(self,notify_queue,program=False): self.mode = MODE_TRANSITION_TO_MANUAL success = yield(self.queue_work(self._primary_worker,'transition_to_manual')) for worker in self._secondary_workers: transition_success = yield(self.queue_work(worker,'transition_to_manual')) if not transition_success: success = False # don't break here, so that as much of the device is returned to normal # Update the GUI with the final values of the run: for channel, value in self._final_values.items(): if channel in self._AO: self._AO[channel].set_value(value,program=False) elif channel in self._DO: self._DO[channel].set_value(value,program=False) elif channel in self._image: self._image[channel].set_value(value,program=False) elif channel in self._DDS: self._DDS[channel].set_value(value,program=False) if success: notify_queue.put([self.device_name,'success']) self.mode = MODE_MANUAL else: notify_queue.put([self.device_name,'fail']) raise Exception('Could not transition to manual. You must restart this device to continue') if program: self.program_device() else: self._last_programmed_values = self.get_front_panel_values()
[docs] class DeviceWorker(Worker):
[docs] def init(self): # You read correctly, this isn't __init__, it's init. It's the # first thing that will be called in the new process. You should # do imports here, define instance variables, that sort of thing. You # shouldn't import the hardware modules at the top of your file, # because then they will be imported in both the parent and # the child processes and wont be cleanly restarted when the subprocess # is restarted. Since we're inside a method call though, you'll # have to use global statements for the module imports, as shown # below. Either that or you can make them instance variables, ie: # import module; self.module = module. Up to you, I prefer # the former. global serial; import serial global time; import time self.fpv = {}
[docs] def initialise(self): pass
[docs] def shutdown(self): pass
[docs] def program_manual(self,front_panel_values): for channel,value in front_panel_values.items(): if type(value) != type(True): front_panel_values[channel] += 0.001 self.fpv = front_panel_values return front_panel_values
[docs] def check_remote_values(self): front_panel_values = {} for channel,value in self.fpv.items(): if type(value) != type(True): front_panel_values[channel] = value + 1.1 else: front_panel_values[channel] = not value if not front_panel_values: front_panel_values['ao0'] = 0 return front_panel_values
[docs] def transition_to_buffered(self,device_name,h5file,front_panel_values,refresh): time.sleep(3) for channel,value in front_panel_values.items(): if type(value) != type(True): front_panel_values[channel] += 0.003 return front_panel_values
[docs] def abort_transition_to_buffered(self): pass
[docs] def abort_buffered(self): pass
[docs] def transition_to_manual(self): return True
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys import logging.handlers # Setup logging: logger = logging.getLogger('BLACS') handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(os.path.join(BLACS_DIR, 'BLACS.log'), maxBytes=1024**2, backupCount=0) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(handler) if sys.stdout is not None and sys.stdout.isatty(): terminalhandler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) terminalhandler.setFormatter(formatter) terminalhandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(terminalhandler) else: sys.stdout = sys.stderr = open(os.devnull) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) #labscript_utils.excepthook.set_logger(logger)'\n\n===============starting===============\n') if __name__ == '__main__': # Test case! from connections import ConnectionTable from labscript_utils.qtwidgets.dragdroptab import DragDropTabWidget class MyTab(DeviceTab): def initialise_GUI(self): # Create Digital Output Objects do_prop = {} for i in range(32): do_prop['port0/line%d'%i] = {} self.create_digital_outputs(do_prop) # Create Analog Output objects ao_prop = {} for i in range(4): ao_prop['ao%d'%i] = {'base_unit':'V', 'min':-10.0, 'max':10.0, 'step':0.01, 'decimals':3 } self.create_analog_outputs(ao_prop) # Create widgets for output objects dds_widgets,ao_widgets,do_widgets = self.auto_create_widgets() # This function allows you do sort the order of widgets by hardware name. # it is pass to the Python 'sorted' function as key=sort when passed in as # the 3rd item of a tuple p(the tuple being an argument of self.auto_place_widgets() # # This function takes the channel name (hardware name) and returns a string (or whatever) # that when sorted alphabetically, returns the correct order def sort(channel): port,line = channel.replace('port','').replace('line','').split('/') port,line = int(port),int(line) return '%02d/%02d'%(port,line) # and auto place them in the UI self.auto_place_widgets(("DDS Outputs",dds_widgets),("Analog Outputs",ao_widgets),("Digital Outputs - Port 0",do_widgets,sort)) # Set the primary worker self.create_worker("my_worker_name",DeviceWorker,{}) self.primary_worker = "my_worker_name" self.create_worker("my_secondary_worker_name",DeviceWorker,{}) self.add_secondary_worker("my_secondary_worker_name") self.supports_remote_value_check(True) # Create buttons to test things! button1 = QPushButton("Transition to Buffered") button1.clicked.connect(lambda: self.transition_to_buffered('',Queue())) self.get_tab_layout().addWidget(button1) button2 = QPushButton("Transition to Manual") button2.clicked.connect(lambda: self.transition_to_manual(Queue())) self.get_tab_layout().addWidget(button2) connection_table = ConnectionTable(r'example_connection_table.h5') class MyWindow(QWidget): def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): QWidget.__init__(self,*args,**kwargs) self.are_we_closed = False def closeEvent(self,event): if not self.are_we_closed: event.ignore() self.my_tab.shutdown() self.are_we_closed = True QTimer.singleShot(1000,self.close) else: if not self.my_tab.shutdown_complete: QTimer.singleShot(1000,self.close) else: event.accept() def add_my_tab(self,tab): self.my_tab = tab app = QApplication(sys.argv) window = MyWindow() layout = QVBoxLayout(window) notebook = DragDropTabWidget() layout.addWidget(notebook) tab1 = MyTab(notebook,settings = {'device_name': 'ni_pcie_6363_0', 'connection_table':connection_table}) window.add_my_tab(tab1) def run(): app.exec_() sys.exit(run())